[Userscript] WaniKani Open Framework Additional Filters (Recent Lessons, Leech Training, Related Items, and more)

Thanks for the kind words @skymaiden. :slight_smile:

@JJ_Katzwinkel, this script is an addition to the Self Study script. You have to open up Self Study through the script menu and then you should see these options available. If anything is still unclear, you might want to look at the Self Study scriptā€™s forum page since there should be more instructions there. Let me know if you need more help.

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thank you @seanblue and @skymaiden! I got it work :slight_smile:
much appreciated


Thanks for the additional filters! After each lesson session, I do a quick audio self-study of ā€œrecent lessonsā€. Super helpful - makes it much easier to recall vocab later.

Not sure if youā€™re still taking filter requests, but a similar ā€œrecent reviewsā€ would be really helpful, for doing a quick audio self-study after each review session.

I do have failed last review, though I know itā€™s not quite the same.

What value should I set for leech training in the self study menu?

I would recommend either 1 or 1.01. The key difference is that 1 will include items you just got wrong once (and havenā€™t reviewed again yet) whereas 1.01 would not include those. I would start with one of those values and then adjust the number higher if it includes too many items.

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Great! Thank you!

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Thank you! I was having a bad time with some vocabulary and I needed to filter them properly.

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Hi seanblue! Sorry to bother. I have a problem with the filters when using Self Study. Iā€™m not sure if it is a bug. When I select Failed Last Review (24 hours), only a few items appear, not all the ones I failed in the review. For example, I get two items after a long review today, while I know I failed around ten.

I know Iā€™m not giving too much information, but Iā€™m not sure what to attach. May be thereā€™s a conflict with another script? These are the ones Iā€™ve installed.

Edit: Iā€™ve noticed that the failed items were from level 1 and 2. Only the ones from lvl2 appear. I have the level filter dissabled.

Something like that happened to me. There is a time limit with the filter on how long ago a failed items should be. Items failed too long ago didnā€™t show up. Could that be it?

For the missing items, did you have reviews for them again and pass them the second time?

No, only the second round that the system gives you within the same review session. They are supposed to be reviewed again tomorrow.

Uhmā€¦ I donā€™t think so, I failed them only an hour before.

Can you post a screenshot of your Self Study settings?

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Sorry, I donā€™t see any reason this should be happening. I donā€™t see anything wrong with your settings, and I just spent some time reviewing the code, and I also donā€™t see any bugs. Granted, itā€™s been a while since I wrote this and I donā€™t remember exactly how the API data is returned, so I might be missing something. Iā€™d ask you to send me an API token for debugging, but thatā€™s not going to help either since by the time Iā€™d be able to look into it youā€™d have done your next round of reviews. Sorry I couldnā€™t be more helpful.

Thank you very much for your time, really! For this case I can still filter the items with a combination of level and srs level filters, so not a big problem for me! I wish I could also help with the code.

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Probably not related to your issue, butā€¦
You should sort your scripts (in TamperMonkey) by the ā€œ#ā€ column, then move Open Framework to the #1 spot.

Oh, thank you! I didnā€™t know thatā€¦ Should I move Open Framework Additional Filters to #2?

Yes, that would be best.