[UserScript] WaniKani Lightning Mode

Hmmm, don’t really think so… The issue, just like Sarahpczhou said, is that the script does not „press enter“ any more to move to the next page. But the button element is still found in the script, and the keypress is still triggered afaict, so I could not find the underlying issue. But during that time I could operate WK manually just fine, no slowness or anything :woman_shrugging:


I have the same issue. Last night it was fine, this afternoon (2pm PDT) it’s not functional.

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I was able to get this fixed by changing the jQuery event used to press the advance button on line 125 over to use the .click() function instead, which is the same method employed by Wani Kani Double Click:

diff --git main.js main.js
index a4901df..a8f97f5 100644
--- main.js
+++ main.js
@@ -121,10 +121,7 @@ wklightning = {};
                         // Auto-advance.
                         if (advance) {
                             var srs_notice = $('#question-type .srs').detach();
-                            // Simulate an <enter> on the submit button.
-                            var event = $.Event('keydown');
-                            event.keyCode = 13; event.which = 13; event.key = 'Enter';
-                            $('#answer-form button').trigger(event);
+                            $('#answer-form button').click();

I’m not a JS person so I’m not sure why this broke exactly, but my guess is something in Chrome or Tamper Monkey changed.

@rfindley Any chance you’re around to potentially cut a new release for this? After finding Lightning Mode, I can no longer use WK without it and don’t really want to switch to another script :wink:


It stopped working for me as well very recently. Like others, using Wanikani without this has become more of a chore.

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I never realised how much time I save on reviews until this plugin stopped working. Like it took me twice as long to do my daily reviews. Kinda crazy to think about.

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Thanks for the fix, also works in Safari. I believe they changed something on the WaniKani side though, because I haven’t updated Tampermonkey (or Safari)


It stopped working for me too just today; it was instantly noticeable and just makes doing reviews feel so ‘wrong’ without it! Thanks for the Double-Check link in the meantime, though I hope the original gets fixed as there are a few quirks to Double-Check that I’m not a fan of.

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NP! And interesting to hear that it broke in Safari too. In that case — yep, more likely a WK-initiated breakage, although I have no idea what.

This broke on firefox (which idk how no one mentioned? It is clearly 100% superior to all the other browsers listed :sunglasses:)



The thing is yapping at me. Problem detected? :face_with_monocle:

(it has a little red X on the line you mentioned)

Big thanks to the author for not maintaining the script properly, I have now discovered the infinitely superior double-check script

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The same person made both scripts :slight_smile:


Absolute legend.

He/She should definitely link double-check in the original post!

And add this to this one: condemned XD

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Done! Thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:


Also, sorry for the slow response, folks. For the last week, I’ve been in a secure facility without access to phone or email.

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No worries! Just grateful these scripts even exist! Still, would love for it to be fixed as the Double-Check just doesn’t seem as fluid or consistent to me. For instance, after incorrect info pops up, I sometimes have to hit enter twice, but only sometimes, and occassionally, incorrect info doesn’t even pop-up automatically. Oh, and I’ve been hitting the tilde key to undo mistakes for years now, so getting used to the backspace is gonna take some time!

These are small things of course, but they do interrupt that ‘zen flow’ state Lightning Mode provided. Maybe whatever broke Lightning Mode may have effected Double-Check as well? Or maybe my settings are off?

You mean, like, prison? :eyes:


No, a lab on a military base, working on power systems for combat submersibles.


it has been four days lightning mode stopped working.

I have tried chrome, firefox and now opera and all of them I have to hit enter to go to next item.

any idea how to fix this?


This sounds like you have Mistake Delay enabled in Double-Check


Thank you for the fix, I thought I was going to go insane without it.