[Userscript] Wanikani Heatmap

I think clearing browser cache would also clear indexeddb. Alternatively you can delete it manually in the devtools


that fixed both heatmap and timeline for me. thank you so much!! (i cleared it directly through storage if anyone else finds this)


Deleting it manually worked for me, clearing the cache did not. Here is an example of how to do that in Chrome after right click inspect on the main page. This also fixed my Wanikani history addon page as well. Thanks for the fix! PS nice hibike background just started it last week

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Thanks! I think whether clearing cache clears indexedDB might depend on what browser you are using shrug

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I really like this display, thanks for your hard work!

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Edit: deleting the WKOF cache fixed it. Please ignore this bug report.

The heatmap has stopped working for me after a Chrome upgrade. The review progress bar goes up and then suddenly stopped going any further.


Here are some errors at the console. I canā€™t tell which one is relevant.

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I just wanted to mention that this has occurred quite often ā€“ is there a way to clear the cache without deleting all the heatmap settings?

Have you tried reloading the reviews from the settings?

Can you access the settings when the script hasnā€™t loaded though?

You can also access the settings from the menu

How does the estimated time for reviews work exactly? Does it also include the time I do reviews with Flaming Durtles for example? My reviewtime is 172 hours and lessons 40 hoursā€¦ it just feels like I spent way more time on WK. Every day and almost every hour when Iā€™m awake to do the reviews as soon as they appearā€¦

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It includes all reviews, yes. It looks at the timestamp of every review and accumulates the difference between consecutive reviews, unless itā€™s larger than a given threshold. The default threshold is 10 minutes in the Heatmap (meaning if you go longer than 10 minutes between reviews the time is not counted), but you can change this in the settings (I believe itā€™s called session timeout).

Lessons could very well be too low, as the lesson is not timestamped until you complete the quiz, so it just counts the time between quiz items, which entirely misses the time spend reading the lesson info

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Ah that explains it. Most of the time I spend on the lessons is indeed before the quiz, memorizing everything. Since I use anki mode that quiz then goes very quickly.

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I seem to be having issues with this script in the past few weeks. It doesnā€™t load for me most of the times. Sometimes turning the script off, refreshing the page, turning it on and refreshing again helps, but sometimes it just refuses to load regardless of how many times I turn it off and on. I checked for updates and there are non availableā€¦
Anyone has a guess why this is happening and how to fix this?


Same for me

It hasnā€™t been working for me either for many weeks. Here is the console output from Chrome:

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@Adi-M @_Mashira @Akashelia Do any scripts work?

Yes, I am using reorder omega, confusion guesses, and double check, and all are working as they should. Heatmap isnā€™t loading most of the time.

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Yes. I also use Item Inspector and Level Overview Plus and they work.

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@Adi-M @Akashelia Does it get stuck loading reviews or are you not seeing anything at all?