[UserScript] SRS Grid Details

@DaisukeJigen I like your script, but I’m annoyed by a link to “App Store”. If I clicked that link it went to this page which has unsupported title. Well AFAIK @hitechbunny has been inactive. I’m not sure of what this link does. So I commented this code

// try { $('.app-store-menu-item').remove(); $('<li class="app-store-menu-item"><a href="https://community.wanikani.com/t/there-are-so-many-user-scripts-now-that-discovering-them-is-hard/20709">App Store</a></li>').insertBefore($('.navbar .dropdown-menu .nav-header:contains("Account")')); window.appStoreRegistry = window.appStoreRegistry || {}; window.appStoreRegistry[GM_info.script.uuid] = GM_info; localStorage.appStoreRegistry = JSON.stringify(appStoreRegistry); } catch (e) {}

And that link had disappeared.

Other than this, thanks for making this user script!