[Userscript] Self-Study Quiz

How would that work? What kind of answer would you enter? (Example?)

Multi-line input box, showing the answer after answering, plus self rating (like Anki), is the only idea I have.

The other idea would be no input box at all.

For audio sentence comprehension, just showing the real Japanese sentence after answering should be enough.

In my case, the small English sentenceā€™s text is intentional. I donā€™t want to focus on it.

@rfindley Would it be possible to add self study for an entire set of 10 levels? Assuming you load the API data for all 10 levels when the page is loaded, it should be reasonable to do, right?

Iā€™ll ponder if thereā€™s a relatively quick way of implementing this. Thanks for the idea :slight_smile:

The trick is integrating a new fetcher. Since this script massively expanded from its original design (which was simply to shuffle and hide the items on the item page), the design isnā€™t very clean. I think itā€™s probably my worst script, to be honest (from a programming perspective). It really needs a rewite to become a general-purpose quizzer, with a modular fetcher and an API for accepting items from other scripts like the Marker script.

As-is, the code is somewhat like an etch-a-sketch that has been modified to be a 3d printer. :slight_smile:

I see what you meanā€¦ I just got around to digging through the code to see if I could implement dynamic filters based on the API data (SRS level, etc.). I noticed that the filters currently only use your CSS and data embedded in the HTML, so it doesnā€™t seem like a simple change.

Next Iā€™ll look at putting inputs in the settings UI and just not having the items filter visually. They would just impact the quiz. Honestly, Iā€™m just getting tired of tweaking the script every time I want to modify my SRS level filter. Iā€™ll probably also take a peek at the 10 level quiz in the next week or two. If I get anything satisfactory, Iā€™ll be sure to send you the code so you can decide whether or not to add any variation of it to your official script.

For whatever itā€™s worth, I have a script on my server that will return a list of level numbers, given a list of radicals, kanji, and vocab. I wrote it as a starting point in solving some of the limitations of data-gathering with the Quiz script.





so helpful!!! Thanks a lot! ćŠć¤ć‹ć‚Œć•ć¾ć§ć”ć–ć„ć¾ć™ļ¼ļ¼

I have a request. (Havenā€™t made one before, because this has been perfect and other suggestions have been amazing.) On the ā€˜home pageā€™ there is a list of ā€˜critical conditionā€™ items. Any chance we could get an update, at some point, that allows us to self quiz that page? Not sure what programming feats of magic youā€™ll have to perform, but if itā€™s possible that is my request. What do you think, @rfindley? Possible. Not possible? :wink: frankiebluej

More than any other, this script really needs an overhaulā€¦ mostly because it ended up being a very different thing from what it started out to be. It was originally just for hiding info on the Level pages. And although it looks nice on the surface, itā€™s a total mess in the code.

I donā€™t know if/when Iā€™ll be able to get to it, but if/when I do, Iā€™ll make the quiz interface modular, so it can appear anywhere (including the forums!!), and youā€™ll just need to choose what you want to quiz (or feed it a list from another source), and it will do the rest. Then, youā€™ll be able to quiz burned items, critical items, items you got wrong on recent reviews, random selections from all of your unlocked items, items by level or SRS level, etc. And it will be easy for other scripts ā€“ like the item marker script ā€“ to interface with it.

But please donā€™t get your hopes up too highā€¦ Iā€™m essentially unemployed until I get my new business off the ground, so I canā€™t allow myself much spare coding time. But hopefully, assuming all goes well, youā€™ll find that what Iā€™m working on will be infinitely more useful than the quiz script :wink:


I think itā€™s quite useful already! I wasnā€™t implying anything else. I promise.

Wow. Those possible future improvements and additions sound great.

Good luck with your business.

Thanks for listening to my suggestion. Have a great day! ~frankiebluej

Oooh, this is really awesome! I wonder if the upcoming changes to the API (even as Alpha) will make that easier for youā€¦ It looked like it had more points of data you could grab, or at least, new and different ways you could access that data. ^^

Yes, it will make this script soooo much easier! Definitely looking forward to updating it.

Iā€™m glad itā€™ll make things easier for you.

@rfindley I have a request/suggestion for when you redo the script. I just made manual modifications to the script so that items show up in the quiz only if they are more than some period of time away from review, with different times for each SRS level. For example, I only allow for studying Guru 1 items if there is 5 days or more left in the 7 day interval, but for Master items, there has to be 25 days or more left in the 30 day interval.

The problem is, this still has very limited use since I can only study one level at a time. I know itā€™s a big if regarding whether youā€™ll overhaul this script. But if you do, Iā€™d like for one of the review options to be something like what I just described above.

A good feature would be if it could quiz you on leeches.


Iā€™ll keep this in mind as a filter for the selection criteria page. Thanks!

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Thinking about thisā€¦ What criteria (such as a formula) would you suggest using to define a leech, using the info that the API makes available?

(the API includes total correct, total incorrect, current correct streak, longest correct streak)

https://wanikanitools.curiousattemptbunny.com uses

total incorrect / (current correct streak ^ 1.5)

I think. Maybe that?
If the score is higher as X than its a leech

@hitechbunny please explain us your magic :slight_smile:

I would also appreciate it, if I could use the quiz function on the review result page

Does the API include ā€œlapsesā€ i.e. wrong answers?

Even something as simple as ranking your items in order of total number of incorrect answers and then allowing you to study those would be immensely useful.

Categorizing separately for meaning lapses, reading lapses, and then for combined lapses would also help identify problem items.

The leech identifier script seems to do this:

Edit: sorry I didnā€™t see @zdennis 's post right above this

@zdennis, @chrispthompson

Thanks for the feedback. Leeches are definitely on the list for consideration, so Iā€™ve been thinking of ways to add and remove items to such a list, and your suggestions help.

Thinking ahead: If items are added to the list based on (e.g.) number of incorrect answers, it may take quite a while ā€“ maybe even forever ā€“ for those items to fall off the list. It may need a way of ā€˜retiringā€™ items from the leech list. If so, Iā€™d probably lean toward using the quiz scriptā€™s planned plugin interface, so an external leech selection/deselection script could pass an item list to the quiz engine.

Iā€™ll ponder it.