[Userscript] Self-Study Quiz

Thanks I will check this when I get the time.

There is no link in the ā€˜Computedā€™ tab.


The css rule for #ss_quiz .question is below.


If I uncheck the checkbox for font-weight the display revert to the normal font.

Interestingā€¦ something is specifically setting "#ss_quiz .question" to bold, but itā€™s not Self-Study Quiz itself. Iā€™ve checked the CSS rules that SSQ is using, and itā€™s not in there.

If you click on "<style>" next to the "font-weight" in the Computed tab, it should take you to the corresponding CSS rule in the Elements tab. That may or may not tell you anything, depending on the other contents of the <style> tag, or tagā€™s id attribute (if any).

Do you have any other scripts that do site-wide styling? e.g. I think HeatMap used to have some styling built in, but I could be mis-remembering.


I did have some styling for the settings dialogue, (because Breeze Dark made a mess of it and I thought I would just go ahead and fix it), but I believe I removed that already.

However, I do have a large number of scripts installed (though inactive) and can easily search the source code of all of them in Tampermonkey. It seems like itā€™s the Leech Trainer script that is adding this CSS rule


Found it. It is the Leech Trainer script that interferes. I turn off this script and the formattiing goes back to normal.

So if I get one of the burned questions wrong, is it possible that it can be readded to my main reviews? Sorry if this question was already answered.

If you go to the bottom of that itemā€™s page on Wanikani (e.g. via the search box on Wanikani), you can resurrect it, and it will return to Apprentice level. You can retire it back to Burned status at any time.

Self-Study Quiz doesnā€™t have a feature to do that for you.


life saver of an extension

I didnā€™t know that you could do that. But that will be really useful in the future.

The icons are dark and nearly illegible. They used to be white. This is likely a result of the recent icon changes in WK.


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That fixed it for me. Thanks.

Just want to say thank you for this scriptā€¦it is fantastic!!! It is helping my studies alot.

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Hello and thank you for the script!

Is there a way for the script to remember progress in one category? Some kind of savestate? I want to do a 2nd pass on my burned items (like 90% of the people using this, I guess) but right now itā€™s serving me random burned items. I guess I could make new templates where its burned but also by-level and separate it into chunks myself. huh. Is there another more automatic way?


There isnā€™t currently a way, though thatā€™s a good idea. Next time Iā€™m working on this script, Iā€™ll look into what it would take to add your suggestion.


Is there a way to have a direct WaniKani link to the current item from the Self-Study Quiz modal? Like a new icon next to the question mark?

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Something like that is on my to-do list. But itā€™s not going to happen soon, unfortunately.

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Is there a way to export the self study quiz with all its configurations to a another computer? What about doing the same with other scripts?
Iā€™ve tried doing it using the tampermonkey export/import utility but it didnā€™t work.

I dont remember if I asked here before:

is it possible to show the items in vertical mode? Also, a way to link to jitai randomizer in order to have nice fonts installed in my pc?


Open the Javascript console (press F12 and click on the Console tab) while on the Wanikani desktop, and paste the following mini-scripts for managing settings:

function list_settings() {
      .filter(name => name.match(/^wkof\.settings\./))
      .map(name => name.slice(14))

function get_settings(script_name) {
         console.log('{name: "'+script_name+'", data: "'+btoa(JSON.stringify(wkof.settings[script_name]))+'"}');

function save_settings(settings) {
      wkof.settings[settings.name] = JSON.parse(atob(settings.data));

Now, you can list all of the script names with stored settings:


Example result:

Get the settings for a particular script as a string, which you can store somewhere or email to yourself:


Example result:

Copy the output, including the { } braces and everything between, and save is somewhere or email it to yourself.

On the destination computer, paste the Javascript functions from above again, then run this command:


But replace the xxxxxxx with the settings that you saved/emailed.

Example results: