[Userscript] Script that notices your 0 lessons and reviews

I actually posted it all quite recently. Well, except for my edit to this script, but I can provide that now.

See this post: Wanikani screenshots 📸 - #2298 by Kumirei

Oh, and for the minor edit to the SRS Grid script, see this post: [UserScript] SRS Grid Details - #71 by Kumirei

My version of this script, the OwO script, looks like this:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        WaniKani Zero Zero what's this
// @namespace   FelixNemis.scripts
// @author      FelixNemis
// @description Notices when you have 0 lessons and reviews and adds a little visual flair
// @match       http://www.wanikani.com/
// @match       http://www.wanikani.com/dashboard*
// @match       https://www.wanikani.com/
// @match       https://www.wanikani.com/dashboard*
// @version     0.1
// @grant       none
// @run-at      document-end
// ==/UserScript==

function main() {
    if ($('.lessons span')[0].innerText === '0' && $('.reviews span')[0].innerText === '0') {
		$('head').append('<style id="owostyle">' +
						 '    .owo {' +
						 '        position: absolute;' +
						 '        left: 3.7em;' +
						 '        top: 2em;' +
						 '        font-size: 2em;' +
						 '        font-family: Kristen ITC;' +
						 '        color: #e161e7 !important;' +
						 '    }' +
						 '    .lessons {position: relative;}' +
						 '    li.lessons a[href="/lesson"], li.reviews a[href="/review"] {color: transparent !important;}' +
						 '    .nav li[class*="wanikani-tour"] a span:first-child {border: 2px solid purple !important; color: gold !important;}' +
        $('.lessons').append('<span class="owo">w</span>');
window.addEventListener('load', main, false);