@CapitalB @alseca1927, The newest version of Chrome requires that you enable Developer Mode to run scripts. Have you enabled that yet?
oops, no I hadn’t, thanks for that! @alseca1927 i’ll save you some googling - if you go to chrome’s extensions page, toggle “developer mode” on in the top right. when i went back to wanikani it told me to update Double Check and I was able to do that and it works now
Sometimes, I see extra buttons for Double Check. I see that @Inserio tried making a fix for it, but I have no idea where to put in the code. Can somebody clarify?
If you’re talking about my reply on Oct 20, I would recommend you ignore that entirely, since it was in reference to WaniKani Open Framework, not Double Check.
I’ve revisited this finally.
I actually had something in there to prevent the double pageload initially, but it broke when I had to add the delayed pageload. I’ve fixed it now, and it’s much cleaner.
I think the script broke after the maintenance that was tonight, I get this error in the console and no color if the answer was correct or not.
Error invoking action "click->quiz-input#submitAnswer"
TypeError: subject.auxiliary_meanings is undefined
get_correct_answers moz-extension://92f15bf8-47f5-49b8-90ac-8331d054871f/userscripts/Wanikani-Double-Check.user.js?id=e10f0aae-54c3-41cf-93d0-39cb4fd3700c:309
new_submit_handler moz-extension://92f15bf8-47f5-49b8-90ac-8331d054871f/userscripts/Wanikani-Double-Check.user.js?id=e10f0aae-54c3-41cf-93d0-39cb4fd3700c:696
invokeWithEvent https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
handleEvent https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
handleEvent https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
object https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
handleKeyDown https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/controllers/quiz_input_controller-95e4987e.js:73
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
connect https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/controllers/quiz_input_controller-95e4987e.js:31
connect https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
connectContextForScope https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
connectModule https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
connectModule https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
loadDefinition https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
load https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
load https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
register https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
registerController https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:81
registerControllerFromPath https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:25
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
promise callback*De/i.prototype.then https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
registerControllerFromPath https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:25
eagerLoadControllersFrom https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:9
eagerLoadControllersFrom https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:9
<anonymous> https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/controllers/index-13c32ee6.js:7
Object { identifier: "quiz-input", controller: {…}, element: div.quiz-input, index: 0, event: click }
controller: Object { context: {…}, answerChecker: {}, currentQuestionType: "meaning", … }
element: <div class="quiz-input" data-controller="quiz-input" data-quiz-input-quiz-queue-outlet="#quiz-queue" data-quiz-input-quiz-user-synonyms-outlet="#quiz-user-synonyms" data-quiz-input-scrollable-outlet=".quiz" data-hotkey-registered="true">
event: click { target: button.quiz-input__submit-button, buttons: 0, clientX: 0, … }
identifier: "quiz-input"
index: 0
<prototype>: Object { … }
__defineGetter__: function __defineGetter__()
__defineSetter__: function __defineSetter__()
__lookupGetter__: function __lookupGetter__()
__lookupSetter__: function __lookupSetter__()
constructor: function Object()
hasOwnProperty: function hasOwnProperty()
isPrototypeOf: function isPrototypeOf()
propertyIsEnumerable: function propertyIsEnumerable()
toLocaleString: function toLocaleString()
toString: function toString()
valueOf: function valueOf()
<get __proto__()>: function __proto__()
<set __proto__()>: function __proto__()
handleError https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
handleError https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
invokeWithEvent https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
handleEvent https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
handleEvent https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
object https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
handleKeyDown https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/controllers/quiz_input_controller-95e4987e.js:73
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
(Async: EventListener.handleEvent)
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
connect https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/controllers/quiz_input_controller-95e4987e.js:31
connect https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
connectContextForScope https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
connectModule https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
connectModule https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
loadDefinition https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
load https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
load https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
register https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus.min-b085ebf5.js:4
registerController https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:81
registerControllerFromPath https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:25
nrWrapper https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
(Async: promise callback)
then https://www.wanikani.com/subjects/review:7
registerControllerFromPath https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:25
eagerLoadControllersFrom https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:9
eagerLoadControllersFrom https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/stimulus-loading-e67229e5.js:9
<anonymous> https://assets.wanikani.com/assets/controllers/index-13c32ee6.js:7
Thanks for the amazing work, your plugin feels necessary to use Wanikani effectively especially if you have experience already studied the language and know a lot of synonyms that Wanikani won’t accept as a correct answer.
As a quickfix I replaced subject.auxiliary_meanings
with (subject.auxiliary_meanings ?? [])
and did the same for readings.
But so far I haven’t encountered a subject in my reviews where the field was defined.
Took a quick look at the object and noticed that it seems both subject.auxiliary_meanings
and subject.auxiliary_readings
have been removed from the currentSubject
object. I don’t know the structure of the object from before but my guess is that they have all been moved to the meanings
and readings
arrays. Therefore I edited the script removing the filters on the missing attribute and seems to be working now.
For those that wanna copy remove lines: 299, 306, 639, 656
and it should work again
I got the same issue right now. Can you guys please explain step by step what to do to fix it?
Thanks in advance
Go into Tampermonkey and find the Double Check script, press the edit button and in the editor that opens remove or comment out the lines of code that I detailed in my comment. After they have been removed press file and save and reload wanikani. Remember that if you remove a line the line number below changes so might be easier to comment the lines out by putting //
in front of the line numbers 299, 306, 639, 656
Here’s a temporary version if anyone doesn’t want to bother editing the code. Full rights to @rfindley though, will delete once he updates.
Link deleted since update was released.
Thank you so much !
I’ve updated the script. Should be working now.
Huge thanks to @reconman and @aggidaggi for your investigative efforts! That makes it so much easier for me to be able to maintain the scripts.
Also tagging @badpanda61 @MonoTranlucido
Thanks! You are a lifesaver!
Updated Double-Check…did not work
Ooops, signed out and back in…
Now it WORKS!!! Thanks again and to @aggidaggi and @reconman as well!
In fact, although I only use this and Self-Study Quick, thanks TO ALL the programmers out there who so generously give of their time and efforts to help ALL of us make the most of our study efforts using WK!
Jiminy. No good deed goes unpunished! Your responsiveness makes the rest of us look bad.
So glad to see others helping out with such a popular script!
Hah… my “responsiveness” is extremely selective. I try to keep Double-Check working because I remember how much of a difference it made for me. Almost all of my other scripts are growing weeds, and I’m increasingly unlikely to do anything about it. My home project list is too big.
Thanks for the recent fix. It was drving me bonkers for a little bit until I figured out the specific script that was making it auto skip to the flash card. Appreciate all the hard work.
Thanks a lot for the blazing fast updates!
Thanks for making this and keeping this updated.
I always make typos so this script has been a lifesaver!