[Userscript]: Double-Check (Version 2.x)

Great Script!
I wonder if it would be possible the “display previous item information” functionality that was once found in WaniKani Improve 2.2.2 — faster and smarter reviews?
This would be really helpful when you get a item right but weren’t sure on it and want to review the information.

Ran into an issue today where everything was breaking (wouldn’t go to next word, text field grayed out).
Errors here:

Error: invalid form state
at HTMLButtonElement. (form.js:121)
at HTMLButtonElement.new_submit_handler (userscript.html?name=Wanikani%20Double-Check.user.js&id=6c39be8b-9782-4f0b-9bb2-c45d534af575:699)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:26)
at HTMLButtonElement.g.handle (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:25)
at Object.trigger (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:26)
at HTMLButtonElement. (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:26)
at Function.each (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:14)
at pe.fn.init.each (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:14)
at pe.fn.init.trigger (application-fcfa8e614d53542baf1fc02697e12216e8167a19fc88d79ecb4e0f70a3671bc9.js:26)
at HTMLDocument. (hotkeys.js:37) {context: {…}}


I ran into the same issue, some more details:

  • It happens when you complete a full review (Japanese writing + English Meaning).
  • When completing a vocab, you have to it Enter several times before getting the next review, the UI is kinda bugged and it’s like it’s validating it several times.
  • Same thing with kanjis, except the next item has the input box greyed out and you are forced to refresh the page to be able to write again.

This is probably related to the WK changes pushed out today. Unfortunately, I can’t spare the time to work on it today, so (assuming you haven’t already) turn on Script Compatibility Mode in the Wanikani settings [here]. I’ll post here again when I’ve had a chance to look into it, but it’s probably going to be the weekend at the earliest.


I have the problem too. I noticed that when you turn on any of these three scripts the problems occur on every review.

  • Fast-Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answer
  • Random Voice Actor
  • Burn Bell

By themselves these three scripts have no issue. It is when combined with Double-Check that they cause the problem to be more severe.

Pehaps @DaisukeJigen and @Kumirei may want to look at it.

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Does it have to be all three, or will lesser combinations (as long as it includes Double-Check) cause problems?

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Double check only is an issue too, I assume it’s the id change or something

k, thanks.
For now, you’ll have to turn on Script Compatibility mode.

[edit:] Double-Check doesn’t use “reviewQueue”, so it’s not directly the ID change. It only uses “currentItem”, which supposedly hasn’t changed, and some other things like questionCount, completedCount, etc. I’m guessing it’s those latter variables that are different now.


Any of the three combined with double check causes the problem.

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I don’t have any of these three and I’m getting the same error

These scripts make the problem worse.

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Keep us updated :slight_smile: I love your script, and looking forward to a fix.

I do have some good news though, script compatibility mode fixes this for the time being!


@rfindley There is probably a better way to fix this, but this should solve the problem for now:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Wanikani Double-Check
// @namespace   wkdoublecheck
// @description Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
// @include     /^https://(www|preview).wanikani.com/review/session/
// @version     2.2.37
// @author      Robin Findley
// @copyright   2017+, Robin Findley
// @license     MIT; http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
// @run-at      document-end
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

// CREDITS: This is a replacement for an original script by Wanikani user @Ethan.
// Ethan's script stopped working due to some Wanikani changes.  The code below is
// 100% my own, but it closely replicates the functionality of Ethan's original script.

//   "+"      - Marks answer as 'correct'.
//   "-"      - Marks answer as 'incorrect'.
//   "Escape" or "Backspace" - Resets question, allowing you to retype.


window.doublecheck = {};

(function(gobj) {

    /* global $, wkof, additionalContent, lastItems, Srs, wanakana, WaniKani */

    var settings;


    // setup() - Set up the menu link and default settings.
    function setup() {

        var defaults = {
            allow_retyping: true,
            allow_change_correct: false,
            show_corrected_answer: false,
            allow_change_incorrect: false,
            typo_action: 'ignore',
            wrong_answer_type_action: 'warn',
            wrong_number_n_action: 'warn',
            small_kana_action: 'warn',
            kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: 'warn',
            delay_wrong: true,
            delay_multi_meaning: false,
            delay_slightly_off: false,
            delay_period: 1.5,
            warn_burn: 'never',
            burn_delay_period: 1.5,
            show_lightning_button: true,
            lightning_enabled: false,
            srs_msg_period: 1.2,
            autoinfo_correct: false,
            autoinfo_incorrect: false,
            autoinfo_multi_meaning: false,
            autoinfo_slightly_off: false
        return wkof.Settings.load('doublecheck', defaults)
            .then(init_ui.bind(null, true /* first_time */));

    // open_settings() - Open the Settings dialog.
    function open_settings() {
        var dialog = new wkof.Settings({
            script_id: 'doublecheck',
            title: 'Double-Check Settings',
            on_save: init_ui,
            pre_open: settings_preopen,
            content: {
                tabAnswers: {type:'page',label:'Answers',content:{
                    grpChangeAnswers: {type:'group',label:'Change Answer',content:{
                        allow_retyping: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow retyping answer',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can retype your answer by pressing Escape or Backspace.'},
                        allow_change_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "incorrect"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "incorrect" by pressing the "-" key.'},
                        allow_change_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'Allow changing to "correct"',default:true,hover_tip:'When enabled, you can change your answer\nto "correct" by pressing the "+" key.'},
                        show_corrected_answer: {type:'checkbox',label:'Show corrected answer',default:false,hover_tip:'When enabled, pressing \'+\' to correct your answer puts the\ncorrected answer in the input field. Pressing \'+\' multiple\ntimes cycles through all acceptable answers.'},
                    grpCarelessMistakes: {type:'group',label:'Careless Mistakes',content:{
                        typo_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Typos in meaning',default:'ignore',content:{ignore:'Ignore',warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when meaning contains typos.'},
                        wrong_answer_type_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong answer type',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when reading was entered instead of meaning, or vice versa.'},
                        wrong_number_n_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Wrong number of n\'s',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type the wrong number of n\'s in certain reading questions.'},
                        small_kana_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Big kana instead of small',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when you type a big kana instead of small (e.g. ゆ instead of ゅ).'},
                        kanji_reading_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji reading instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the reading of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab reading.'},
                        kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action: {type:'dropdown',label:'Kanji meaning instead of vocab',default:'warn',content:{warn:'Warn/shake',wrong:'Mark wrong'},hover_tip:'Choose an action to take when the meaning of a kanji is entered for a single character vocab word instead of the correct vocab meaning.'},
                tabMistakeDelay: {type:'page',label:'Mistake Delay',content:{
                    grpDelay: {type:'group',label:'Delay Next Question',content:{
                        delay_wrong: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when wrong',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'If your answer is wrong, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'If the item has multiple meanings, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'Delay when answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'If your answer contains typos, you cannot advance\nto the next question for at least N seconds.'},
                        delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay period (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question.'},
                tabBurnReviews: {type:'page',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                    grpBurnReviews: {type:'group',label:'Burn Reviews',content:{
                        warn_burn: {type:'dropdown',label:'Warn before burning',default:'never',content:{never:'Never',cheated:'If you changed answer',always:'Always'},hover_tip:'Choose when to warn before burning an item.'},
                        burn_delay_period: {type:'number',label:'Delay after warning (in seconds)',default:1.5,hover_tip:'Number of seconds to delay before allowing\nyou to advance to the next question after seeing a burn warning.'},
                tabLightning: {type:'page',label:'Lightning',content:{
                    grpLightning: {type:'group',label:'Lightning Mode',content:{
                        show_lightning_button: {type:'checkbox',label:'Show "Lightning Mode" button',default:true,hover_tip:'Show the "Lightning Mode" toggle\nbutton on the review screen.'},
                        lightning_enabled: {type:'checkbox',label:'Enable "Lightning Mode"',default:true,refresh_on_change:true,hover_tip:'Enable "Lightning Mode", which automatically advances to\nthe next question if you answer correctly.'},
                        srs_msg_period: {type:'number',label:'SRS popup time (in seconds)',default:1.2,min:0,hover_tip:'How long to show SRS up/down popup when in lightning mode.  (0 = don\'t show)'},
                tabAutoInfo: {type:'page',label:'Item Info',content:{
                    grpAutoInfo: {type:'group',label:'Show Item Info',content:{
                        autoinfo_correct: {type:'checkbox',label:'After correct answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after correct answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_incorrect: {type:'checkbox',label:'After incorrect answer',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info after incorrect answers.', validate:validate_autoinfo_incorrect},
                        autoinfo_multi_meaning: {type:'checkbox',label:'When multiple meanings',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when an item has multiple meanings.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},
                        autoinfo_slightly_off: {type:'checkbox',label:'When answer has typos',default:false,hover_tip:'Automatically show the Item Info when your answer has typos.', validate:validate_autoinfo_correct},

    // validate_autoinfo_correct() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_correct(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode"!';

    // validate_autoinfo_incorrect() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled, and wrong_delay disabled.
    function validate_autoinfo_incorrect(enabled) {
        if (enabled && settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) {
            return 'Disable "Lightning Mode", or<br>enable "Delay when wrong"!';

    // settings_preopen() - Notify user if iteminfo and lightning are both enabled.
    function settings_preopen(dialog) {

    // init_ui() - Initialize the user interface.
    var first_time = true;
    function init_ui() {
        settings = wkof.settings.doublecheck;

        if (first_time) {
            first_time = false;

        // Migrate 'lightning' setting from localStorage.
        var lightning = localStorage.getItem('lightning');
        if (lightning === 'false' || lightning === 'true') {
            settings.lightning_enabled = lightning;

        // Initialize the Lightning Mode button.
        if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
        } else {
        $('#lightning-mode').prop('hidden', !settings.show_lightning_button);

        setClass('#option-double-check', 'hidden', !(settings.allow_change_correct || settings.allow_change_incorrect));
        setClass('#option-retype', 'hidden', !settings.allow_retyping);

        if (state === 'second_submit') {
            setClass('#option-double-check', 'disabled', !(
                (new_answer.passed && (settings.allow_change_incorrect || !first_answer.passed)) ||
                (!new_answer.passed && (settings.allow_change_correct || first_answer.passed))
            setClass('#option-retype', 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);
        } else {
            setClass('#option-double-check', 'disabled', true);

    var old_submit_handler, old_answer_checker, ignore_submit = false, state = 'first_submit', show_srs, srs_load, delay_timer;
    var item, itype, item_id, item_status, qtype, valid_answers, wrong_cnt, question_cnt, completed_cnt, answer, new_answer, active_queue;
    var last_item_id, last_qtype, first_answer, submitButtonEnabledCallback;

    // lightning_clicked() - Lightning button handler.
    function lightning_clicked() {
        settings.lightning_enabled = !settings.lightning_enabled;
        $('#lightning-mode').toggleClass('doublecheck-active', settings.lightning_enabled);
        return false;

    // get_correct_answers() - Returns an array of acceptable answers.
    function get_correct_answers() {
        if (qtype === 'reading') {
            if (itype === 'k') {
                switch (item.emph) {
                    case "onyomi": return item.on;
                    case "kunyomi": return item.kun;
                    case "nanori": return item.nanori;
            } else {
                return item.kana;
        } else {
            return [].concat(item.syn,item.en);

    // get_next_correct_answer() - Returns the next acceptable answer from the
    //    array returned by get_correct_answers().
    function get_next_correct_answer() {
        var result = first_answer.correct_answers[first_answer.correct_answer_index];
        first_answer.correct_answer_index = (first_answer.correct_answer_index + 1) % first_answer.correct_answers.length;
        return result;

    // toggle_result() - Toggle an answer from right->wrong or wrong->right.
    function toggle_result(new_state) {
        if (new_state === 'toggle') new_state = (new_answer.passed ? 'incorrect' : 'correct');
        if (state !== 'second_submit') return false;

        var input = $('#answer-form fieldset input');
        var current_response = input.val();
        switch (new_state) {
            case 'correct':
                if (!(settings.allow_change_correct || first_answer.passed)) return false;
                if (first_answer.passed) {
                } else {
                new_answer = {passed:true, accurate:true, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
                if (!settings.show_corrected_answer) input.val(current_response);
            case 'incorrect':
                if (!(new_answer.passed && (settings.allow_change_incorrect || !first_answer.passed))) return false;
                if (first_answer.passed) {
                } else {
                new_answer = {passed:false, accurate:false, multipleAnswers:false, exception:false};
                set_answer_state(new_answer, false /* show_msgs */);
                if (!settings.show_corrected_answer) input.val(current_response);
            case 'retype':
                if (!settings.allow_retyping) return false;
                set_answer_state({reset:true, due_to_retype:true});

    // do_delay() - Disable the submit button briefly to prevent clicking past wrong answers.
    function do_delay(period) {
        if (period === undefined) period = settings.delay_period;
        ignore_submit = true;
        delay_timer = setTimeout(function() {
            delay_timer = -1;
            ignore_submit = false;
        }, period*1000);

    // clear_delay() - Clear the delay timer.
    function clear_delay() {
        if (delay_timer) {
            ignore_submit = false;
            delay_timer = undefined;

    // return_new_answer() - Alternate answer checker that overrides our results.
    function return_new_answer() {
        return new_answer;

    // set_answer_state() - Update the screen to show results of answer-check.
    function set_answer_state(answer, show_msgs) {
        // If user requested to retype answer, reset the question.
        if (answer.reset) {
            if (state === 'second_submit') {
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('activeQueue', active_queue);
            state = 'first_submit';

            // If we are resetting due to the user clicking 'retype', then we need to trigger
            // a refresh the input field and stats by updating 'currentItem' in jStorage.
            if (answer.due_to_retype) {
                $.jStorage.set('currentItem', $.jStorage.get('currentItem'));

            $('#option-double-check').addClass('disabled').find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','fa fa-thumbs-up');

        // If answer is invalid for some reason, do the shake thing.
        var dblchk = $('#option-double-check');
        var input = $('#user-response');
        if (answer.exception) {
            if (answer.confirming_burn) {
                // NOTE: We can only reach this branch if the current answer is correct, otherwise we wouldn't be burning it.
                dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Wrong').find('i').attr('class','fa fa-thumbs-down');
                setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !(settings.allow_change_incorrect || !first_answer.passed));
                $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('correct').addClass('confburn');
                $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+answer.exception+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
            if (!$("#answer-form form").is(":animated")) {
                $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
                $("#answer-form form").effect("shake", {}, 300, function() {
                    $("#reviews").css("overflow-x", "visible");
                    if (!answer.accurate && input.val() !== '') {
                        if (typeof answer.exception === "string") {
                            $("#answer-form form").append($('<div id="answer-exception" class="answer-exception-form"><span>' + answer.exception + '</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

        // Draw 'correct' or 'incorrect' results, enable Double-Check button, and calculate updated statistics.
        var new_status = Object.assign({},item_status);
        var retype = $('#option-retype');
        setClass(retype, 'disabled', !settings.allow_retyping);
        if (answer.passed) {
            $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('incorrect').removeClass('confburn').addClass('correct');
            dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Wrong').find('i').attr('class','fa fa-thumbs-down');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !(settings.allow_change_incorrect || !first_answer.passed));
            if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                new_status.mc = (new_status.mc || 0) + 1;
            } else {
                new_status.rc = (new_status.rc || 0) + 1;
                if (input.val().slice(-1) === 'n') input.val(input.val().slice(0,-1)+'ん');
        } else {
            $("#answer-form fieldset").removeClass('correct').removeClass('confburn').addClass('incorrect');
            dblchk.find('span').attr('title','Mark Right').find('i').attr('class','fa fa-thumbs-up');
            setClass(dblchk, 'disabled', !(settings.allow_change_correct || first_answer.passed));
            $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt + 1);
        $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt + 1);

        if (((itype === 'r') || ((new_status.rc || 0) >= 1)) && ((new_status.mc || 0) >= 1)) {
            if (show_srs) {
                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {
                    if (settings.srs_msg_period > 0) {
                        var status = Object.assign({},new_status);
                        var srs = item.srs;
                        setTimeout(Srs.load.bind(Srs, status, srs), 100);
                        setTimeout(Srs.remove, settings.srs_msg_period * 1000);
                } else {
            $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt + 1);
            $.jStorage.set('activeQueue', active_queue.slice(1));

        $("#user-response").prop("disabled", true);


        // Open item info, depending on settings.
        var showing_info = false;
        if (answer.passed && !settings.lightning_enabled &&
            (settings.autoinfo_correct ||
             (settings.autoinfo_slightly_off && !answer.accurate) ||
             (settings.autoinfo_multi_meaning && answer.multipleAnswers)
            )) {
            showing_info = true;
        } else if (!answer.passed && !(settings.lightning_enabled && !settings.delay_wrong) && settings.autoinfo_incorrect) {
            showing_info = true;

        // When user is submitting an answer, display the on-screen message that Wanikani normally shows.
        if (show_msgs) {
            var msg;
            if (answer.passed) {
                if (!answer.accurate) {
                    msg = 'Your answer was a bit off. Check the '+qtype+' to make sure you are correct';
                } else if (answer.multipleAnswers) {
                    msg = 'Did you know this item has multiple possible '+qtype+'s?';
            } else if (answer.custom_msg) {
                msg = answer.custom_msg;
            } else {
                msg = 'Need help? View the correct '+qtype+' and mnemonic';
            if (msg) {
                if (showing_info) {
                    $("#information").prepend($('<div id="answer-exception" style="top:0;"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));
                } else {
                    $("#additional-content").append($('<div id="answer-exception"><span>'+msg+'</span></div>').addClass("animated fadeInUp"));

    // setClass() - Add or remove a class based on the 'enabled' state.
    function setClass(elem, classname, enabled) {
        if (typeof elem === 'string') elem = $(elem);
        if (enabled) {
        } else {

    // new_submit_handler() - Intercept handler for 'submit' button.  Overrides default behavior as needed.
    function new_submit_handler(e) {
        // Don't process 'submit' if we are ignoring temporarily (to prevent double-tapping past important info)

        if (ignore_submit) {
            // If the user presses <enter> during delay period,
            // WK enables the user input field, which makes Item Info not work.
            // Let's make sure the input field is disabled.
            return false;

        var submitted_immediately = false;
        switch(state) {
            case 'first_submit':
                // We intercept the first 'submit' click, and simulate normal Wanikani screen behavior.
                state = 'second_submit';

                // Capture the state of the system before submitting the answer.
                item = $.jStorage.get('currentItem');
                itype = (item.rad ? 'r' : (item.kan ? 'k' : 'v'));
                item_id = itype + item.id;
                item_status = $.jStorage.get(item_id) || {};
                qtype = $.jStorage.get('questionType');
                wrong_cnt = $.jStorage.get('wrongCount') || 0;
                question_cnt = $.jStorage.get('questionCount') || 0;
                completed_cnt = $.jStorage.get('completedCount') || 0;
                active_queue = $.jStorage.get('activeQueue') || [];
                show_srs = $.jStorage.get('r/srsIndicator');

                // Ask Wanikani if the answer is right (but we don't actually submit the answer).
                answer = old_answer_checker(qtype, $("#user-response").val());

                // Update the screen to reflect the results of our checked answer.
                $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, 200);

                // Check if [meaning has kana] or [reading has latin]
                var text = $('#user-response').val();
                if ((qtype === 'reading' && window.answerChecker.isNonKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (qtype === 'meaning' && window.answerChecker.isKanaPresent(text)) ||
                    (text === '')) {
                    answer.exception = answer.exception || true;

                // Non-exact answer (i.e. "Close but no cigar" script)
                if (answer.passed && !answer.accurate) {
                    switch (settings.typo_action) {
                        case 'warn': answer.exception = 'Your answer was close, but not exact'; break;
                        case 'wrong': answer.passed = false; answer.custom_msg = 'Your answer was not exact, as required by your settings.'; break;

                // Check for reading/meaning mixups
                if (!answer.passed) {
                    if (qtype === 'meaning') {
                        var accepted_readings = [].concat(item.kana, item.on, item.kun, item.nanori);
                        var answer_as_kana = to_kana($('#user-response').val());
                        if (accepted_readings.indexOf(answer_as_kana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the meaning, not the reading.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;
                    } else {
                        // Although Wanikani now checks for readings entered as meanings, it only
                        // checks the 'preferred' reading.  Here, we check all readings.
                        var accepted_meanings = item.en;
                        try {
                            accepted_meanings = accepted_meanings.concat(item.syn, item.auxiliary_meanings
                                                                         .filter((meaning) => meaning.type === 'whitelist')
                                                                         .map((meaning) => meaning.meaning));
                        } catch(e) {}
                        var meanings_as_hiragana = accepted_meanings.map(m => to_kana(m.toLowerCase()).replace(/\s/g,''));
                        var answer_as_hiragana = Array.from($('#user-response').val().toLowerCase()).map(c => wanakana.toHiragana(c)).join('');
                        if (meanings_as_hiragana.indexOf(answer_as_hiragana) >= 0) {
                            if (settings.wrong_answer_type_action === 'warn') {
                                answer.exception = 'Oops, we want the reading, not the meaning.';
                            } else {
                                answer.exception = false;

                // Check for Wanikani warnings that should be changed to 'wrong', based on settings.
                if (typeof answer.exception === 'string') {
                    if (((settings.kanji_meaning_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary meaning, not the kanji meaning')) ||
                        ((settings.kanji_reading_for_vocab_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('want the vocabulary reading, not the kanji reading')) ||
                        ((settings.wrong_number_n_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('forget that ん')) ||
                        ((settings.small_kana_action === 'wrong') && answer.exception.toLowerCase().includes('watch out for the small')))
                        answer.exception = false;
                        answer.passed = false;

                // Copy the modified answer to new_answer, which is what will be submitted to Wanikani.
                new_answer = Object.assign({}, answer);

                // Check for exceptions that are preventing the answer from being submitted.
                if (answer.exception) {
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    state = 'first_submit';
                    return false;

                // At this point, the answer is ready for submission (i.e. no exceptions).
                // If this is the user's first attempt at this question, remember the result so
                // we can determine whether they altered their answer later.
                if (!((item_id === last_item_id) && (qtype === last_qtype))) {
                    first_answer = Object.assign({
                        correct_answer_index: 0,
                    }, answer);
                last_item_id = item_id;
                last_qtype = qtype;

                // Optionally (according to settings), temporarily ignore any additional clicks on the
                // 'submit' button to prevent the user from clicking past important info about the answer.
                if ((!answer.passed && settings.delay_wrong) ||
                    (answer.passed &&
                     ((!answer.accurate && settings.delay_slightly_off) ||
                      (answer.multipleAnswers && settings.delay_multi_meaning))
                    set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                    return false;

                set_answer_state(answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                if (settings.lightning_enabled) {

                return false;

            case 'second_submit':

                // If the user changed their answer to 'correct', mark the item
                // in storage, so we can warn the user if it comes up for burn.
                // The mark is kept for 10 days in case the user doesn't complete
                // the item (reading and meaning) within one session.
                if (!first_answer.passed && new_answer.passed) {
                    $.jStorage.set('confburn/' + item.id, true, {TTL:1000*3600*24*10});

                // Before accepting a final submit, notify the user if item will burn (depending on settings).
                new_answer.exception = false;
                if (!new_answer.confirming_burn) {
                    // Check if we need to warn the user that this is a 'burn' review.
                    // NOTE: "item_status.ni" seems to be used by other scripts.
                    var will_burn = (item.srs === 8) && new_answer.passed &&
                        !(item_status.mi || item_status.ri || item_status.ni) &&
                        ((itype === 'r') ||
                         (((item_status.rc || 0) + (qtype === 'reading' ? 1 : 0) > 0) &&
                          ((item_status.mc || 0) + (qtype === 'meaning' ? 1 : 0) > 0)));
                    var cheated = $.jStorage.get('confburn/' + item.id) ? true : false;
                    if (will_burn && (settings.warn_burn !== 'never')) {
                        // Prompt before burning, and suppress proceeding for a moment.
                        if (cheated) {
                            new_answer.exception = 'You modified an answer on this item. It will be burned if you continue.';
                        } else if (settings.warn_burn === 'always') {
                            new_answer.exception = 'This item will be burned if you continue.'
                        if (new_answer.exception) {
                            new_answer.confirming_burn = true;
                            set_answer_state(new_answer, true /* show_msgs */);
                            // Not sure what's causing the input field to be re-enabled, but we have to disable it:
                            setTimeout(function () {
                            }, 1);
                            if (settings.burn_delay_period > 0) {
                            return false;
                } else {
                    // We are burning the item now, so we can remove the marker.
                    $.jStorage.deleteKey('confburn/' + item.id);
                    delete new_answer.confirming_burn;

                // We intercepted the first submit, allowing the user to optionally modify their answer.
                // Now, either the user has clicked submit again, or lightning is enabled and we are automatically clicking submit again.
                // Since Wanikani didn't see the first submit (because we intercepted it), now we need to simulate two submits for Wanikani:
                //   1. One for Wanikani to check the (possibly corrected) result, and
                //   2. One for Wanikani to move on to the next question.

                // Reset the screen to pre-submitted state, so Wanikani won't get confused when it tries to process the answer.
                // Wanikani code will then update the screen according to our forced answer-check result.
                $('#option-double-check').addClass('disabled').find('span').attr('title','Double-Check').find('i').attr('class','fa fa-thumbs-up');
                $('#user-response').prop('disabled', false);
                $.jStorage.set('wrongCount', wrong_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('questionCount', question_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('completedCount', completed_cnt);
                $.jStorage.set('activeQueue', active_queue);

                // Prevent WK from posting a second SRS notice.
                srs_load = Srs.load;
                Srs.load = function(){};

                // This is the first submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                // It will check our (possibly corrected) answer.
                var old_audioAutoplay = window.audioAutoplay;
                window.audioAutoplay = false;
                old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);

                submitButtonEnabledCallback = () => {

                    // This is hidden third click from above, which Wanikani thinks is the second click.
                    // Wanikani will move to the next question.
                    state = 'first_submit';

                    // We need to disable the input field, so Wanikani will see this as the second click.
                    $('#user-response').prop('disabled', true);

                    // Restore the SRS message function, which we disabled in second_submit above.
                    Srs.load = srs_load;

                    // This is the second submit actually forwarded to Wanikani.
                    // It will move on to the next question.
                    var result = old_submit_handler.apply(this, arguments);
                    window.audioAutoplay = old_audioAutoplay;
                    submitButtonEnabledCallback = () => {};
                    return result;
                if (WaniKani.wanikani_compatibility_mode) {
                    return submitButtonEnabledCallback();
                return false;

                return false;

        return false;

    // Simulate input character by character and convert with WanaKana to kana
    //  -- Contributed by user @Sinyaven
    function to_kana(text) {
        return Array.from(text).reduce((total, c) => wanakana.toKana(total + c, {IMEMode: true}), "").replace(/n$/, String.fromCharCode(12435));

    // Resize the buttons according to how many are visible.
    function resize_buttons() {
        var buttons = $('#additional-content ul>li');
        var btn_count = buttons.length - buttons.filter('.hidden,[hidden]').length;
        $('#additional-content ul > li').css('width',Math.floor(9900/btn_count)/100 + '%');

    // External hook for @polv's script, "WaniKani Disable Default Answers"
    gobj.set_state = function(_state) {
        state = _state;

    // startup() - Install our intercept handlers, and add our Double-Check button and hotkey
    function startup() {
        // Intercept the submit button handler.
        try {
            var intercepted = false;
            try {
                old_submit_handler = $._data( $('#answer-form form')[0], 'events').submit[0].handler;
                $._data( $('#answer-form form')[0], 'events').submit[0].handler = new_submit_handler;
                intercepted = true;
            } catch(err) {}
            if (!intercepted) {
                try {
                    old_submit_handler = $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler;
                    $._data( $('#answer-form button')[0], 'events').click[0].handler = new_submit_handler;
                    intercepted = true;
                } catch(err) {}
            if (intercepted) {
                old_answer_checker = window.enhanceAnswerChecker({evaluate:window.answerChecker.evaluate}).evaluate;
        } catch(err) {}
        if (typeof old_submit_handler !== 'function' || typeof old_answer_checker !== 'function') {
            alert('Wanikani Double-Check script is not working.');

        // Clear warning popups if question changes due to reasons outside of this script
        $.jStorage.listenKeyChange("currentItem", function(key, action){

        // Install the Lightning Mode button.
        $('head').append('<style>#lightning-mode.doublecheck-active {color:#ff0; opacity:1.0;}</style>');
        $('#summary-button').append('<a id="lightning-mode" href="#" hidden ><i class="fa fa-bolt" title="Lightning Mode - When enabled, auto-\nadvance after answering correctly."></i></a>');
        $('#lightning-mode').on('click', lightning_clicked);

        // Install the Double-Check features.
        $('#additional-content ul').css('text-align','center').append(
            '<li id="option-double-check" class="disabled"><span title="Double Check"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-up"></i></span></li>'+
            '<li id="option-retype" class="disabled"><span title="Retype"><i class="fa fa-undo"></i></span></li></ul>'
        $('#option-double-check').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'toggle'));
        $('#option-retype').on('click', toggle_result.bind(null,'retype'));
        $('body').on('keypress', function(event){
            if (event.which === 43) toggle_result('correct');
            if (event.which === 45) toggle_result('incorrect');
            return true;
        $('body').on('keydown', function(event){
            if ((event.which === 27 || event.which === 8) &&
                (state !== 'first_submit') &&
                (event.target.nodeName === 'BODY') &&
                return false;
            } else if (event.ctrlKey && event.key === 'l') {
                return false;
            return true;
            '#additional-content>ul>li.hidden {display:none;}'+
            '#answer-form fieldset.confburn button, #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text], #answer-form fieldset.confburn input[type=text]:disabled {'+
            '  background-color: #000 !important;'+
            '  color: #fff;'+
            '  text-shadow: 2px 2px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.2);'+
            '  transition: background-color 0.1s ease-in;'+
            '  opacity: 1 !important;'+

        // Override the answer checker.
        window.answerChecker.evaluate = return_new_answer;
        window.enhanceAnswerChecker = function(answerChecker) {return answerChecker;};

        // To prevent Wanikani from cutting the audio off in lightning mode,
        // We instruct any currently playing audio to unload when it's done,
        // rather than unloading it immediately.
        window.Howler.unload = function(){
            for (var i = window.Howler._howls.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                var howl = window.Howler._howls[i];
                if (howl.playing() || howl._queue.length > 0) {
                    howl.on('end', howl.unload.bind(howl));
                } else {

        if (!WaniKani.wanikani_compatibility_mode) {
            new MutationObserver(submitButtonDisabledListener).observe(document.querySelector('#answer-form button'), {attributeFilter: ['disabled']});

    function submitButtonDisabledListener(m) {
        if (m.pop().target.disabled) return;


The problem was that processCompleted() in reviews.js is now an async function that only finishes once the detailed data of a new item from the reviewQueue has been fetched (I think). Only once this is done, the submit button is re-enabled. But the Double-Check script directly calls the submit button click function, even if the submit button is actually disabled – and WK recently changed the form logic to track its state internally and notices the invalid state (still submitting, but already trying to proceed to next question). My workaround is to wait with the second submit button click until the button is re-enabled.


Same issue as reported with no other user scripts.

Tried it, it’s working for me, thank you!

Works for me too, thanks!

Thanks, @Sinyaven, for finding the problem.
I’ve posted a fix.

:point_right: [v2.2.38] - Fixed ‘submit’ issue after Wanikani update.

@prouleau @Gorbit99 @mosquitobird11 @Cawotte @CarsonHua7645 @tedledbetter


Exactly the time when I came here to figure out what happened. Thanks a lot for your dedication!

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Thank you for the swift update!