Usage of "judge" kanji? (裁,審, 判)

Hey all– this is a question for upper level WK users and such, but I’m now learning three different kanji that all mean judge (裁,審, 判), as well as several vocab terms that also all mean judgment (basically, combos of these kanji, plus or minus 評, 義, and 論), and I was wondering, is there some way of remembering or sorting out which “judge” words are used in what situations? My reading level is such that I’m not really encountering these things ‘in the wild’ yet, so I don’t even know at this point which ones are more academic or literary or classical or legal and which are useful for everyday conversation (ie: “don’t judge homie– I know you cried while watching The Flash” vs. “the judge denied his motion to admit cel phone evidentiary exhibit B”), but this sort of knowledge would both help me as a japanese speaker and help me better remember these guys and their distinct readings since right now it’s all turning into legalistic porridge in my head.

Thanks in advance!

Your best bet, since this kind of thing is going to happen over and over again (for example, words that mean “organization” or words that mean “demand”), is to start using monolingual dictionaries.

At my level of ability, I find that Goo 和英 and 類語 helps. I look up almost every words in those dictionaries.

I still rarely use monolingual one.

I am not sure about ALC. Maybe you should try it too.

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