[Unmaintained] Active Japanization Classroom (AJC)

Hi @Sakkyoku, thank you for showing interest in entering the Active Japanization Classroom! I’d be happy to welcome you as soon as possible, but the rules require you to have “level greater than 3” which is – in my understanding – the same as “level greater than or equal to 4”. So, I can only add you once you’ve reached level 4 and of course you will need to have a paid subscription with WaniKani to do that, too.

This should answer both of your questions. I hope you can understand that I’m not adding you yet. But feel free to get back at me again once you’re level 4, shouldn’t take very long anyways. :wink:

And yet another week comes to its end, leaving me with the script and the question:
Will we make it this time without any losses of members of the Active Japanization Classroom?

And here are the results of this weeks update … unfortunately two people were expelled due to inactivity:
@ribben2 and @katinka21

Ah, very sad, after seeing the numbers drop to only one last week. Looks like we still have some less active people from the old Japanisation Classroom. I’m looking forward to the times when we can actually count the subsequent weeks we haven’t lost any member at all!

To everyone else: Good work this week again, keep your daily studies going!

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Hello @Dschee! First of all thank you for taking care of such a useful tool ~ I would definitely need some motivation and accountability to progress with Japanese, especially now that I’ve just reached level 10 and I feel the pressure is mounting. I’d like to join the AJC if possible… is this message enough? I started on August 1st 2017. See you online!

@Andilisy Yes, the post is enough, I’ve added you to the spreadshet – welcome to the AJC!

I hope it’ll help you stay motivated. Looks like your “unlocks per day” could improve a little to get nearer to the average. If you update your progress every day yourself and compare the “unlocks per day” before and after, you will see how the speed of your progress changes over time. Good luck with the painful levels!

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@Dschee thank you so much for adding me and for your advice… actually, I’ve done the first three levels for free in a little longer than one month and then I stopped until mid-January, when I bought the lifetime membership. I think my unlocks-per-day average count is skewed for this reason! Anyway, upwards and onwards! See you online :smile:


could i possibly be added ? looks good.

@Andilisy Oh, thanks for explaining that. Since the spreadsheet is here to reflect your real progress to motivate you, it is common practice to correct the start date by subtracting the time you were inactive. Since you said you started mid January again and it took you a little over a month to finish the first three levels, I’ve set your start date to December 1st. That looks much better – keep the pace up! :wink:

@Ddjross For sure, I’ve just added you to the spreadsheet. Welcome to the AJC!

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Thank-you !

I want to join, but I’ve had a lot of big breaks from WK and am not entirely sure how far to move my start date… I also reset back two levels recently vnv;;

@Coyoteclaw11 How long did it take for you to level up for the last two levels? Did you even level up since the resetting back two levels? Or maybe you wanna take a screenshot from https://www.wkstats.com/ and I’ll guess the start date from there.

For now, I’ve added you with a start date that gives you a quite average unlocks per day.
In any case: ようこそ!

Thank you ^^ I was on level 7 for 9 days, and so far, it’s been 6 days since I started level 8~

Hi there! I’d like to be added as well please!
I took too long on level 1 because I had no idea how WK worked and forgot about it, would that affect anything? Maybe since my level 2 was so short, things just balance out?

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@Dschee – thank you for changing that. Yes! It’s does look better now. For some reason I’m not finding level 10 extremely difficult, so I hope to slightly improve my average :slight_smile: But even if that shouldn’t happen, I’m still very much enjoying the process of learning Kanji with WK, so let’s see where it leads! And good luck to you too, as I’ve just noticed that we’re more or less at the same level!

@Momoiro I’ve added you to the spreadsheet, welcome to the AJC! Regarding the start date, it’s your choice in the end what it should be, it should just reflect the reality as good as possible. For now, I’ve added your official start date and it looks good already. I’d suggest to keep it like that to have more room for improvement. :wink:

@Andilisy Sure, consistent progress is the main goal here, not the actual pace. That’s why you will get expelled if you don’t do your reviews for too many subsequent days but you won’t be expelled ever just because you’ve gotten slower. :slight_smile:

@Coyoteclaw11 Thanks for the screenshot. I’d say the start date I’ve set already is about right. It depends on level four though, if you had a little break there too, it should be fine. Otherwise I’ve calculated November 13th as start date using the average from levels 1-5 and scaling those up to level 8 with 7 days in. Tell me, if I should change your start date, otherwise I’ll just keep it as is.

Sounds good! Thanks for adding me!

Ok I’ve reached level 4. Time to get Serious.

Is this based on the time we reached level 4 or when we started Wanikani? I started Wanikani January 10th, 2018. Also how do I get added?

Just as every week I just ran the script to check and update the spreadsheet. And here are the results:

We made it! It’s the first time we all made progress without anybody to be expelled. We’re all amazing! :tada:
And I also just added @Sakkyoku and @Mikael01 to the list – welcome to the classroom!

@Mikael01 It’s based on the time of starting WaniKani.



I’d like to join!

Starting date: November 27th 2017
Level: 9
Apprentice: 179
Guru: 501
Master: 443
Enlightened: 188
Burned: 0
Language/Nationality: English (UK)

Levels 2 + 3 were slow for me, in case that changes anything: