Typos that Wanikani should've accepted but didn't

Once, I typed gdo instead god, and it was marked wrong. oof


I believe that for 3 letter words, typing one of them differently always leads to answers being marked wrong.


My theory is that when a percentage of a word is wrong it is counted as incorrect. The percentage is high enough that if there are only three words, one typo is enough to count the word as incorrect.

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I could be mistaken, but as far as I was aware the algorithm flat-out just doesn’t accept errors on short words like that.

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From searching around the forums, I think they use this:


Yep. I prefer the Jaro-Winkler algorithm, though it’s still far from perfect.

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You’re not fooling anyone. Clearly you mistook the kanji for the popular Japanese website Golf Digest Online!
You cannot lie to the great Crabigator.


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