Translation of 彼は気をシャンと取りなおし、家に入っていった。

So, I’m continuing to learn grammar by going over different grammar points of a large sentence sample.

So far so good, but I encountered this sentence and I’m not entirely sure how to interpret it.

It is given as such:
JP: 彼は気をシャンと取りなおし、家に入っていった。
EN: Trying to pull himself together, he let himself into the house.

So, my specific questions are:

  1. What is シャン or シャンと… is that supposed to be シャント (shunt) ??? If that’s the case why is it written with both kata-hira-gana and what the hell does it do in that sentence?
  2. What is 気 there for?

I would really appreciate if someone can help me parse that sentence and figure out nuances of its construction.

Sometimes onomatopoeia/mimetic words are written in a variety of ways.

気をしゃんとする means “to pull yourself together”.

As a level 60 on WK, I’m sure you know 気 has many meanings.

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So THAT’S what it was… and I did search the jisho before posting obviously, but it didn’t show me this entry for some reason… I guess because I was typing it in katakana.

Thank you for sharing. Now it makes sense. I just have to learn this specific phrase as a fixed expression then.

Just to be even more clear grammatically. しゃんと is only an adverb here. It’s modyfing 気を取り直す, which is the part that means “To put oneself together”.


Ah, yeah, しゃんと can take する but it’s not here, woops.

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