Torii - SRS learning application for vocabulary

Very late; I know. Not sure if this was a recent feature added or something. But you can use these buttons down the bottom to search words up.

Are you guys able to use the android app?
The keyboard input doesnā€™t work properly. I cannot see what Iā€™m typing.

is there anki mode in the app?

In the beta web version there is. Youā€™ll have to request access to the beta. I think I got access a few days after requesting it.

If someone is reading this, did Rakantor step down or something? Will the Torii app keep on being developed? I sent him an email almost a month ago but he didnā€™t reply or provide me with beta access. Iā€™m also concerned that there isnā€™t a forum or at least a Discord server for Torii users.

I also didnā€™t get a reply back from him a while ago when I asked about whether the servers will remain running for the old version (I donā€™t have beta access).

Just sent him a reminder of the email along with a question that I will also paraphrase to fellow Torii users on this forum:
I have the feeling like there are too many Sensei cards that should be showing up by now or just more regularly, but they arenā€™t, and I am forgetting a lot of them, which is undermining my trust in this program, and in the spaced repetition intervals it should ideally have. I just want to know whether anyone else shares this feeling, and I would also be happy to know if you disagree with this feeling, in case you have good experiences with your flash cards in the very long run.

I donā€™t have cards that reached out to the Sensei level at the moment so I canā€™t confirm that. However, I remember the cards better as they are of lower level. I donā€™t know how the frequency of a card showing up is determined by its level but your hunch could be true lol.

Iā€™m just curious to know if Rakantor is still around here or if he has kept his hands off Torii, because it has great potential as it continues to be developed. You could have gotten an answer for the thoughts that are scratching your mind for example.

I wanted to share the following response I got from the developer today. It answers your question:


Thanks for sharing, itā€™s good to know heā€™s still active on Torii. I already sent an email to Rakantor to grant me access to the web beta but he hasnā€™t replied yet. I donā€™t want to fill his inbox with spam mails lol, so if someone has access to the web beta seeing this, could you please invite me? You can reach me on discord my nickname is ā€œembesilā€.

Good working fellow Torii users!

Has anyone with an M1/Apple Silicon Mac gotten this app working? Iā€™ve tried installing Java through Homebrew and the official website and have had no luck, even after restarting my computer. Happens with both Macs I have.

This is what I see whenever I start the app:


Sadly, I have the same problem with my Apple Silicon Mac. Iā€™m guessing the app would need an update to work for us, and it doesnā€™t seem like it will happen anytime soon. Iā€™m using the android app instead.

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Iā€™m getting the same. Has anyone ever fixed this?

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wow thats the same for me, really lame!

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@Rakantor not sure if youā€™ve seen this

EDIT: just read further up and noticed that heā€™s not really too active here anymore, but he seems to answer emails if you want to send him one

The funny part is that itā€™s probably a very easy fix lol. Itā€™s running on Java so that means that itā€™s cross platform already out of the box.

I doubt itā€™s as easy as you think actually - thereā€™s a good chance itā€™s on your end or macOSā€™s end, because Torii itself has nothing to do with loading the JRE. Itā€™s the other way around - the JRE runs Torii.

Googling the error suggests there are quite a few Java apps having this issue on macOS, but no concrete solutions I could quickly find other than ā€œmake sure you have Java installedā€, but that doesnā€™t always seem to fix it either.

Still worth checking if you actually have Java installed though. Seems like Apple stopped bundling it with macOS at some point.

Rakantor, you should pin this post or something or update your original post to direct people to the webapp. Seeing as all issues should be directed through your emails ( or now.

People getting the ā€œUnable to load Java Runtime Environmentā€ error on M series macs: As weird as it may seems, itā€™s because you (rightfully) installed the ARM version of the JRE. If you uninstall the JRE and install the Intel version instead (I know, I know, you donā€™t have an Intel mac, just do it anyway), then the app works just fine.

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Out of curiosity, do most people here prefer using the 10K mode (which Iā€™m currently using) to learn the most common words, or do you use WaniKani mode to supplement your WK studies, or do you use an entirely different study mode in ToriiSRS? I find it difficult to retain words when I donā€™t recognize the kanji, especially as they pile up, since many words sound similar

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I used 10K mode, I figured if Iā€™m gonna learn vocab I might as well learn it in order of usefulness instead of going by WKā€™s order, which is more or less arbitrary and based almost entirely on the order it teaches kanji in.

Of course whatā€™s most useful starts depending more and more on what youā€™re consuming the further you go along, but I only used Torii for the first 2000 words or so. Beyond that Iā€™d probably say learning from what you read/listen to is more useful than anything else.

What I did to deal with kanji I donā€™t know is just enable furigana, but with a placeholder (I think thatā€™s what it was called) so I only see the furigana when I click on them. That helps with learning new vocab kanji and all, without getting stuck on not knowing a particular kanji.

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