Top 5 best things you read in Japanese in 2022?

  1. 容疑者Xの献身 - this was my first big-boy novel in Japanese and it was a great read. And my slow reading speed really helped amp up the tension towards the end :slight_smile:.

  2. 陰陽師 - I talked about this in the Extensive Reading thread.

  3. Triangle Strategy for the Nintendo Switch - a little wordy, but I liked it ¯\(ツ)

  4. My fiance’s Zojirushi water bottle - the label on the bottom only has like 15-20 words, and won’t be winning the Akutagawa prize anytime soon - but it stands out as possibly the first complete thing I’ve read where I understood absolutely 100% of the Japanese. Meanings, readings, grammar, everything.

  5. Everything else