To the creators of KW *bugreport* (Django sidebar)

I’m pretty sure we end users aren’t supposed to be able to see the Django sidebar on KW? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, was for one minute to check something.
Had the feeling someone might snatch it :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to delete this thread - It’s already switched off again.

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Also, contact message is always more effective than a new forum thread on WK ~

P.S. your Django version is out of date :wink:

OK, I’ll make sure to use the contact form in future, cheers!

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yeah it was intentionally enabled while i did some live debugging. Yes I know the version of Django i’m on is not the most up to date. There are things that were broken in bumped versions that have yet to be fixed which KW relies on.

Speak for your own D

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