I’ve got an issue that started happening 2 days ago. The bar of progress on top of my review seem to be appearing and dissapearing.
This glitch the page a little making it so the page sometime gets a big white section and clicking anywhere on the page restore it. On firefox mobile and Ive been for months.
Anyone got the same issue?
Seems fine here (iPhone/Safari). Are you using any mobile scripts?
im using no mobile script and havent changed my extention. Here a visual of the white bar that sometime appear.
Would you send us an email at hello@wanikani.com so we can have a go at debugging this? We’d need your phone’s OS and browser (with specific versions) so we can try and replicate the issue.
Thank you! I just did. Ive got an update pending on my phone I’ll have to check if that resolve the issue.
Hey FlawlessRuby!
I’m just checking in to see if your issue has been resolved!
Nick at WK