The "news reading" challenge 🗞

The design seems to be changing trunky_rolling



They changed the website design, that radio part R1, any way I can listen it online?

I am hoping it could be the same level of written easy news maybe.

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Speaking of which, today there are 5 news instead of 4 – and while the previous 4 were in the previous style and I had no issues with them, in the 5th one (about 石破茂さん getting to the top of the Liberal Democratic Party) the popups for underlined words don’t seem to work for me…

Anyone else having this problem?
  • Yes, they don’t seem to work for me either… :thinking:
  • No, works find for me :sweat_smile:
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Probably not without a VPN – I think NHK’s radio station web output is generally region restricted.


Very strange – there haven’t been any NHK Easy News for today yet…
And yet I checked with 国民の祝日について - 内閣府 – today doesn’t seem to be a holiday in Japan…
Maybe, it has something to do with their planned rebranding for today (i. e. they are so busy with rebranding that they haven’t had time to put any actual news yet)? :thinking:

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They’ve published them now :wink:


They did indeed! :tada:

I must say, though, I can’t say I am too thrilled about how they solved the issue of non-working popups for the underlined words – by getting rid of underlined words altogether… I mean, it did solve the problem, but… :sweat_smile:

They also seem to have removed the colour coding… Which, I guess, is a good thing, because we should learn to be able to read without colour coding… But still, I liked how in the past we had the choice to have it on or off…

However, any changes always create criticism; the impurrtant thing is that NHK Easy News continue to purrovide us with reading purractice! :newspaper:


I quite liked the colour coding because it meant I needn’t go in panic mode whenever proper names popped up :blush:

Have to admit I’ve slacked off NHK since I started Satori :pensive:
I ought do get back to it, though… it’s a different kettle of fish!


Yeah, I kept it on as well, even though I knew I should probably turn it off :sweat_smile:

It is indeed! :sweat_smile:
On one hand, the language they use is often simpler than in many of Satori Reader articles. However, the absense of any English gives that feeling of being in the wild (even if it’s a fenced off and protected wild). I will never forget how scared I was the first time I opened NHK Easy News and saw that everything was in Japanese trunky_rolling


I haven’t read much NHK News Web Easy in a long time. I’m sad to admit that I always get exhausted after just “reading” a few News articles… And I think I don’t understand it well.

I’ve been reading Satori Reader a lot lately when I have time to read…
But I am choosing articles/stories that are FAR from News vocabulary and style!

This thread always inspired me to keep trying… Especially you these days, Trunklayerさん, since you are blasting through every article! I want to be like you!


However, guess what?
The news are now voiced by acutal people, not by artificial voice! trunky_rolling


Thank you!
May the Great Cat of Purrseverance help you! love2

Yeah, news always have a specific style that makes them generally more formal and less interesting… But reading them can be fun nevertheless!
Especially as the NHK Easy News usually avoid sensitive subjects and when they talk about them, they do their best to do so in a neutral, non-triggering way…

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Thanks for pointing that out! I completely overlooked the introduction of the newsreader cast on the updated site (上田早苗さん and 畠山智之さん). 上田早苗さん speaks slowly and clearly – it makes for a good listening comprehension challenge to hear a news article narrated before reading it. So much better than listening to that robotic voice.


oooh! The TTS voicing was so grating that I never played the audio.
Now this is all the more reason to get back into it, thanks for the info!


I can certainly see the appeal in that (and understand their reasoning) but some times I want to get the “real” take on a subject and… the news isn’t readily available in the press outside of Japan so I click on the NHK link to the full article. And theeen… I see the wall of kanji, cry a little inside, and close the browser tab :rofl: :man_facepalming:

So you read these articles without Yomitan or the likes?!? Wow! Very cool :+1:


Thank you! love2

I think they’ve made a typo in furigana. It should be ついたち、not いちにち。The narrator read it as 明日(あす) anyway trunky_rolling


Interesting here:

First time I see によりますと, all this time I always saw によると in articles in general.


Same here trunky_rolling

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