The left radical of 飴

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I’ve seen both of these for 飴, one on WaniKani and the other on my phone. Why are they different?

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They’re the same radical, it’s basically just different fonts, from my understanding. It’s like how ‘a’ and ‘ɑ’ can both be used to represent the same letter in English.


The left image is indicative of how you should hand-write the kanji.

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They are essentially the same thing, but I believe that 飠 is a slightly simplified version of𩙿 (although still qualifying as a Traditional Chinese character), and the one you will more commonly find in Japanese.

You can see an illustration of the development on this page. From the text:


飠 is the simplified form of 𩙿.


𩙿 is a (previously used) old form of 飠.


This gives a new aspect of difficulty to kanji.



Darn these youngsters and their newfangled simplifications! Back in my day we used the oracle bone script and we were happy with it!


Try adding Japanese as a second language on your phone. Might resolve the issue


I’ve already done so on iOS.
Both still seem to be correct though, so I guess it’s not really an issue.



It changes though. The first one is when Japanese is set as a primary language, and the second one is when it isn’t set as a language (neither primary nor secondary).
The second kanji is another one I noticed changed a little

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Oh yeah, my eyes got really wide and all I could think is how many of these variations will I have to try to remember as I go along on my journey deeper into the thicket of Japanese…

but hey, what doesn’t kill us just adds to our kanji insanity!

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