理系が恋に落ちたので証明してみた。// Science Fell in Love so I Tried to Prove it
Natively: 理系が恋に落ちたので証明してみた。 1 | L24?? (not actually L24, my best guess is 28/29)
(It’s not as spicy as the cover might imply, sorry @pocketcat)
「……私、貴方のこと好きみたい」「よし! この恋、証明するぞ!」研究に情熱をそそぐ、理系女子と理系男子がもし恋に落ちたら? 個性的な理系達が集う大学の研究室を舞台に、山本アリフレッドが描く、笑いありキュンキュンありの『恋の定義から始まる』実験理系ラブコメディ登場!! 『理系女子』×『理系男子』=理ア充!?
(from DeepL)
…I think I like you." “Okay, I’m going to prove this love! I’m going to prove it!” What if a science girl and a science guy, both passionate about research, fell in love? Set in a university laboratory where unique science majors gather, this experimental science love comedy by Arifredo Yamamoto is full of laughter and a touch of excitement! Science girls" x “Science guys” = “Ria-support”?
Amazon Kindle JP
Amazon JP
Amazon US
Kinokuniya JP
eBook Japan
CD Japan
Personal Opinion
I watched the first few episodes of the anime for this and got the first volume of the manga for pretty cheap on bookwalker. It’s a cute romcom, but in an adult setting and with a confession in the literal first pages of the manga.
Also behold! the rare ponytail wag
Pros and Cons
- Short, evenly divided chapters ~20 pages would be easy to schedule, and short length overall, only 150 pages according to the natively stats means we’re done with it quickly if it ends up not being fun
- Pretty unusual setting for the nominations here on the forums - it’s not a high school romance, it’s not a fantasy world, it’s Adult romances between grad/late undergrad students at a university.
- If we like it, there’s quite a bit of it to run an offshoot with (I think 16 volumes and ongoing)
- Lots of exposure to unusual but still useful vocab (especially if you read a lot of wikipedia like me)
- It’s really really really really cute
- it actually has furigana (but don’t expect that to make it much easier )
- Actually pretty dense for a romcom, lots of fun science terminology. It includes some concept explainer pages between chapters that are similar to the shogi columns in march comes in like a lion
- I haven’t actually read it to be sure how the quality is or what the long term prospects of the series are
- It is tagged ecchi on anilist, but flipping through the first volume I did not see anything particularly ecchi
- It started as a webcomic, and you can sorta tell sometimes - definitely not the most visually stunning manga, like a lot of our other nominations.