Maybe have a poll with the different options? Also you can start the thread now and we discuss the schedule over there
Out of our enormous precedent of three whole books?
Reminder that in Japan it’s extremely disrespectful to split chapters in book clubs. It’s called 話切り糞 and it’s banned in schools and public institutions.
That was only in the good old days when all chapters had the same government approved length. Nowadays with all those fancy double-length first chapters (二倍長い第一章) like DunMeshi it’s completely fine to split the first chapter at least!
history is history!
ping @Jintor , remember to create a home thread for ダンジョン飯 1 so discussion about schedule and buying the book can start happening!
I’ll try and get around to it today or tomorrow!
okay up here i hope
This is the next beginner book club pick, might be interesting to some IMC readers.
In case you’ve missed it, Dungeon Meshi has started!
The offshoot for Fullmetal Alchemist also starts today
Natively: L26
From the creator of Nichijou , this surreal-slapstick series revolves around a penniless college student, Midori Nagumo, who lives in an ordinary city filled with not-quite-ordinary people. And as this reckless girl runs about, she sets the city in motion.
Midori is in a bit of a bind. She is in debt, and her landlady is trying to shake her down for unpaid rent. Her best friend refuses to loan her cash since she’s wised up to her tricks. Maybe some bullying would help. Or a bit of petty theft? Neither is sustainable. Maybe getting a job would settle things… But working means less time for fun adventures in the big city…
Phsyical: Amazon JP
Digital: Kindle ・ Kobo ・ BookWalker
Personal Opinion
This has been on my wishlist for a while, because I really enjoyed Nichijou and I read that this manga by the same author scratches a similar itch. Just now, I saw the news that it is getting an anime adaptation in 2025, which made me think ‘why not nominate it?’
Pros and Cons
- Funny
- No furigana (practise those kanji!)
- Finished series, with a moderate number of volumes for a potential offshoot club
- Absurd humour can sometimes be tricky in a foreign language
- No furigana (practise those kanji!)
Perfect timing, I was just about to make a call for nominations! There is one spot left after this nomination
Do you already know when you want to run the next poll? Just so that I know when I want to schedule my next physical book order…
Yep, in one week, see the main post for the list of dates:
Perfect, thanks!
My favorite pastime, i. e. watching poll results, haven’t started yet?
Oops, thanks for speaking up, had totally forgotten! I’ll get it ready now
Vote for the next book - now!
The poll will close automatically in 7 days.
The IMC will start is reading ダンジョン飯 1 until Nov 2nd, then 1 week break, so the new book that we are voting for now will start on November 16th.
Can I vote?
If you are interested in joining the next book club we run, you can - and should - vote!
Difficulty Scores
Difficulty scores come from Natively (if available). Natively is a large community of language learners where users rate the difficult of books they’ve read against others they’ve read and uses an ELO system to determine the relative difficulty. Because of the rating system the ratings without ?? should be reasonably accurate, but the levels with ?? are just an initial guess that must be taken with a pinch of salt.
How does the vote work?
The poll will close automatically in 7 days, on Saturday, October 5th.
You can vote for up to 5 options.
You can change your vote at any time by clicking ‘Show vote’ at the bottom.
The book with the most votes will be our next pick.
Have a look at the nominations:
- The nomination post for each manga is linked in the poll (the number link [1.]) and is also in the first post of this thread
- The Natively link is also in the poll, the “LXX” link
- There is also a Natively list of the current nominations
Time to vote for the 5th pick of the IMC
- クプルムの花嫁 (1. — L??)
- NANA―ナナ― (2. — L29)
- 3月のライオン (3. — L31)
- ミステリと言う勿れ (4. — L31)
- かぐや様は告らせたい〜天才たちの恋愛頭脳戦~ (5. — L31)
- ご注文はうさぎですか? (6. — L24)
- 幸せのマチ (7. — L26?)
- 蟲師 (8. — L29)
- ふしぎの国のバード (9. — L29)
- 棺担ぎのクロ。~懐中旅話~ (10. — L25)
- ふたつのスピカ (11. — L24?)
- ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! (12. — L28)
- ちびまる子ちゃん (13. — L27)
- 日本の歴史 1 日本のはじまり 旧石器~縄文・弥生~古墳時代 (14. — L26)
- 銀の匙 (15. — L30)
- 海月姫 (16. — L26)
- ハクメイとミコチ (17. — L28)
- 理系が恋に落ちたので証明してみた (18. — L24?)
- CITY 1 (19. — L26)