(The increasingly less) Daily senryu thread

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Previous senryu

  1. 「犬撫でているのが唯一打開策」
    Petting the dog — / the only way to / break the impasse


  • no :confetti_ball: and I’m still unsure if there is an underlying meaning beyond the direct translation.

  • I will verify the translation when my wife returns from the store. Note that ALL prior translations are still open to discussion/ correction. I’d appreciate people periodically reviewing the spreadsheet with me.

  • Note the reading of 唯一(ゆいつ) rather than 唯一(ゆいいつ) for 17(おん). Both are valid (and both taught on WK!).

Current senryu challenge

Volume: Intense

  1. 俺の留守便座上がっている疑惑

Hah! This one seems pretty funny to me.

I’m unsure, however, if it has something to do with the auto-open/auto-close function of a Toto Washlet, or if it’s just unease at returning to a raised toilet toilet seat (perhaps a woman living alone). Either way, it strikes me as funny.

Remember to please use the spoiler tag with your translation attempts! Also, please include the reading in kana with your submission.

Everyone is encouraged to participate, no matter your level!

Online tools like dictionaries, sentence databases, and even AI translation engines are fair game and can be extremely helpful. Yomichan is particularly handy if you use the Chrome or Firefox browser. The 語源(ごげん)由来(ゆらい)辞典(じてん) is also an excellent resource for researching the etymology of various words and expressions.

Here are the links to the 356 Japanese originals (spoiler free) and to the the spreadsheet with all the upcoming senryu as well as the translations to date.