The 🤼 プロレス thread! Learning Japanese through pro wrestling

Finished translating the August 23 TPC semifinals. Very glad that they took this past weekend off, because I really needed the time to catch up…

This show was pretty fun, though! I liked both tournament matches. The first one was Zara Zakher vs Yuki Aino, and I was rooting for Aino so that we could get my ideal Aino vs Aniki final, but Zara put up a good fight! I really do hope she comes back to TJPW again. I saw a (Japanese) interview she did where she mentioned liking WWE, and I’m really hoping she doesn’t end up there, wherever she goes whenever she does inevitably get offered a contract by some promotion… She also mentioned that she has a background in dance and gymnastics, which I think really explains why her wrestling style is so dynamic and electrifying even with not many years of experience.

Zara’s comments were in English:

Zara: “I got a lot of feelings. I’m frustrated, I’m upset, I wanted it so bad. I wanted to be in the finals, I wanted to main event, but, y’know, tonight wasn’t my night. But, but I’m thankful, though. I’m thankful to be here, I’m thankful that I got this far in the tournament. I pushed, I struggled, but I made it this far, I made it to the semifinals of this tournament, which no one thought I was gonna be a part of. So I’m thankful for that, and I’m glad I did it.”

(Aino’s comments were after the other tournament match.)

The main event was Aniki vs Yuki Arai, which I think might be my favorite Arai match yet, purely on a match-quality level (I have some others that I like more sentimentality-wise). I was of course rooting for her downfall, though :joy_cat:. But boy, there were a few moments in this match where I got scared… But Aniki did manage to get the win, and we got the Aino vs Aniki final that I was wanting!

Here’s the post-match:

This isn’t super important, but I had weirdly a hard time translating the second sentence in shupro’s description here: “水波が「もう1回やろうぜ!」と声を掛け、荒井はセコンドに肩を借りて退場。8・25後楽園の決勝戦のカードが水波と愛野に決定、ここで愛野がリングに上がってマイクを持つ.”

Mizunami calls out, “Let’s do it again!”, and Arai makes her exit leaning on the shoulder of one of the seconds. The match for the tournament final on August 25 at Korakuen Hall is set: it will be Mizunami and Aino. At this point, Aino steps into the ring holding a microphone.

Aino: “Aniki! Ever since that day at Korakuen that we met, I have been dying to fight you one on one. It’ll be this Sunday, Korakuen, the tournament final! The greatest stage… I am looking forward to it!”

Mizunami: “Yuki!”

This was a bit tricky: “もうつべこべ言わねえわ.”

“No more talk. The day after tomorrow, Korakuen, in the TJPW ring, we will go head to head!”

They stare each other down at close range, and then Aino leaves.

Mizunami: “It’s Friday night, so to all of you who came out to Shinjuku FACE, and to everyone watching live on Wrestle Universe, thank you for watching until the end! The day after tomorrow, Sunday, this year’s Princess Cup will come to an end. Well, I’m sure that everyone who came here will also be coming to Korakuen the day after tomorrow, so now I’m going to say something that is very, very important! Please go home with this in mind today. Alright? The show isn’t over until you get home! One more time, because it’s important. The show isn’t over until you get home! Now, let’s all get super fired up together at Korakuen Hall the day after tomorrow on Sunday, too. Thank you so much for today!”

Aniki’s comments:

This was a bit tricky: “さぁ準決勝、ベスト4になって、なんかグッと緊張感とか色んなものが高まった感じがしました。そして荒井優希! なんだ、荒井優希ってなんなんだ! やればやるほどダメージが…いけばいくほど荒井優希がなんか強くなってるように見えた.”

Mizunami: “Well, the semifinals, and getting into the top four, I felt a sudden nervousness, and there were a lot of heightened feelings. And Yuki Arai! What a wrestler she is! The more damage she takes… the more I did to her, the stronger Yuki Arai seemed to get. Her eyes seemed to be shining brighter and brighter, and her gaze burned with determination. Amazing. She lost today. She was crying. She was frustrated. I hope she never forgets how frustrated she felt today. We’ll do it again, Yuki Arai!”

“And now the final, Yuki Aino! The time for us to have a singles match has finally come…”

This was a bit tricky: “私はこのトーナメント出場が決まって、まだ組み合わせもカード発表もどんなものが出るか分からない時から愛野ユキとどっかでシングル、必ず当たりたいと思ってたんだ.”

“Ever since it was decided that I’d be participating in this tournament, even before we knew what the matchups or the card announcements were going to be, I wanted to face Yuki Aino in a singles match at some point. And it’ll be the final, the day after tomorrow!”

This was also a bit tricky: “愛野ユキ、いま感じてる思いの丈、全部ぶつけてこい! そして勝ちにこい、水波に! そんな熱い気持ち全部跳ね返して、そして飲み込んで、私が第11回プリンセスカップ優勝してやる.”

“Yuki Aino, hit me with your whole heart, with everything that you’re feeling right now! And come to beat me! I am going to counter all of those passionate feelings and take them all in, and I will win the 11th Princess Cup. And then I’ll become Princess Aniki. And! I will make this the summer of Aniki! That’s all!”

Arai’s comments:

Arai: “Ahhh… I couldn’t make it to the final…”

This was a bit tricky: “水波さんと決まった時は、やっぱり勝てるって言ってくれる人が少なくて。自分はそれにも悔しくて。そんな声も裏切って勝ちたいと思ってたし、これは東京女子プロレスのトーナメントだから勝たなきゃって思ってたので。でもホントに悔しいですけど…こんだけ、どう見ても差がある水波さんだったけど、自分が悔しいって思えてることが自分でもビックリではあるので.”

“When the match with Mizunami-san was set, there weren’t many people saying that I could win. I found that frustrating, too. I wanted to defy their expectations and win, and since this was a TJPW tournament, I felt that I had to win. But I’m so frustrated… Mizunami-san is so far ahead of me to this extent no matter how you look at it, but even I was surprised that I could feel so frustrated. Mizunami-san also said it, but I want to do it again, I want there to be a next time. I don’t know when it’ll be, so I want to be ready for her so that I can win at any time. I think this was the best summer for me. Thank you very much.”

(If there is a next time, putting that belt, for instance, on the line…)

“This? I can’t do that.” (laughs) “This is mine. I won’t give it to her.”

Aino’s comments:

Aino: “In today’s match, I won and advanced to the final! I’m so happy.”

This was really tricky to translate: “言葉、言語勝って難しいですよね.”

“It’s difficult to win with words and language, huh? First of all, Zara. Zara came from over the ocean to wrestle in TJPW, and she stayed for about a month to participate in the tournament, so I felt that she has a very passionate heart for pro wrestling.”

This was tricky: “ホントに一発一発の破壊力もすごいし、初めての対戦なのもあって…けっこう、ああああ!ってなったんですけど…。でもやっぱり、このトーナメントに懸ける思いみたいなものがちょっとだけ勝ったんじゃないかんと思います.”

“The destructive force she packs into each blow is also really something, and this was our first time facing each other… I was pretty much like, ‘AHHH!’ But something like the thought of what’s at stake in the tournament won out just by a little bit. So I think that’s why I was able to win today.”

““And now the final! Aniki! Oh man, it’s a bit too much. I’m already way too excited. I can’t stop. Ahhh…”

This was a bit tricky: “でももうね、どんだけ早くやりたくても、ちょっと待ってほしくても、明後日なので。さっきも言ったけど、アニキと出会った1年ちょっと前の後楽園の日からずっとずっと、しかもタッグベルトを一緒に巻いてからもっともっとアニキとシングルで闘いたい気持ちが強くなってたので.”

“But no matter how soon I want to do it, no matter how much I want to be like ‘wait a minute’, It’s the day after tomorrow. I said it earlier, but ever since I met Aniki a little over a year ago at Korakuen, the whole time—even more after we won the tag belts together—my desire to fight Aniki in a singles match has been getting stronger and stronger. Being able to fight her in the tournament final, it’s just too perfect. I want to fight her here, and hit her with everything I have, and… I will become the champion of summer.”

And that’s it for that one.

Next up is the short backstage comments from the EVE show (I asked for one of my followers to transcribe the in-ring stuff for me (which according to the DDT recap was in English) since I didn’t buy that show and don’t have access to it, but so far no one has taken me up on it, so it might have to be an incomplete recap for that one…), and then the TPC final.

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I assume from the context that she’s probably talking about how she’s at a loss for words, since she has trouble getting going here and earlier needed prompting on the topic to start with from the reporters.
In the video how she says it sounds to me like:
As in she starts to say something with 言葉 and then interjects with a quiet aside about something about 言語 and then doesn’t really come back to whatever she was going to say and starts with Zara.
And so I guess I think the 勝 in 勝って is probably a transcript typo, and the aside is I guess, “言語かって難しいですよね” as in she’s just second-guessing whether she should have used the word 言語 instead of 言葉? They have similar enough definitions that their dictionary entries refer to each other.

In any case it seems like a false start of some kind? The 言語 parts are 100% an aside, and the 言葉 beginning doesn’t lead into anything, so I think she’s just having trouble talking, and manages to pick things up better starting with Zara.
I would probably either leave it out or go with something like “Words - or maybe I mean ‘language’… Well, Zara, first of all”

It doesn’t really particularly change the translation enough to matter, but interestingly the verb she uses for 勝った here is まさる rather than かった (only mentioning since it seems probably not clear from just the transcript).
Could be tweaked therefore to something a little smoother like “I think my feelings about what’s at stake in this tournament were just a little bit stronger”

Those are my only comments this time!

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Finished translating the one post-match comments video from the EVE x TJPW show on August 24. I didn’t watch this show because it was at a terrible time for me and I had a lot of more important other stuff going on, and then couldn’t really justify the purchase when I did have time, but I wanted to get the post-match comments done anyway for completion’s sake.

Someone sent me a clip of the closing promo, so I did get that transcribed, though no one did it for me. Maybe all of my followers were too intimidated to try? :sweat_smile:. I guess there was a tiny bit of Japanese in there, and maybe that scared them…

In any case, here’s what was said, I’m pretty sure:

Yamashita: (in English) “Tokyo Joshi members, c’mon.” (Raku, HIMAWARI, and Mahiro Kiryu enter the ring) “Sorry, I can’t speak English, but, a little bit, I will speak. TJPW!” (crowd cheers) “Thank you! Thank you. We will come back here, the EVE ring. Today’s show, EVE Wrestling and TJPW wrestling collaboration show, I am very happy!” (in Japanese) “We love EVE, huh?”

HIMAWARI: (in Japanese) “I love it!”

Yamashita: (in Japanese) “Do you love it?”

Raku: (in Japanese) “I love it!”

Yamashita: (in English) “Yeah! We love EVE Wrestling and TJPW wrestling!” (sound briefly cuts out on the stream here)

The four wrestlers turn and face each side of the ring, and then the other wrestlers enter the ring along with EVE staff, who close out the show. It is announced that this show was Miyu Yamashita’s idea and her dream and goal.

Here’s the post-match comments:

Yamashita: “It’s over!"

Had a bit of trouble with this: “今回アジャさんとマックスもいたので、東京女子チームですごい力をいただいたので、成功したんじゃないかなと思います.”

"Aja-san and Max were also here this time, so I think this was a success because the TJPW team received so much strength.”

Mahiro: “It was fun."

Had a bit of trouble coming up with the best translation for the first part of this: “お客さんがすごい知ってくれてて、試合している最中に「謝罪しろ」みたいな.”

"The crowd was really familiar with us, and in the middle of the match, they were like, ‘Apologize!’”

Yamashita: “They demanded it.”

Mahiro: “They demanded it strongly. When I heard that, I thought, ‘Oh, they know me!’. I felt very grateful.”

HIMAWARI: “It was my first time going overseas, but the fans were so warm, and I had a lot of fun and got really excited. It was fun even though I lost.”

This was a bit tricky: “マルティナさんとの試合はアメリカぶりだったんですけど、運命の人みたいな感じで思ってます.”

Raku: “I had a match with Martina-san after facing her in the U.S., and I feel like she’s someone I’m connected to by fate.”

Yamashita: “Will the next one be in Japan?”

Raku: “(Martina) said that she wanted to come to Japan, so I would really like to invite her!”

Yamashita: “I was going for the singles championship, but I didn’t win it."

This was a bit tricky: “ニナに負けてしまったんですけど、結構いけてたと思うので、またイギリスのEVEに乗り込んで、ベルトを獲りたいなと思います。EVEにずっとお世話になっていたので、今回コラボしてショーができたことはすごく嬉しいし、“We’ll come back”ということで、もう一回ショーをやりたいと思います.”

"I lost to Nina, but I think I did pretty well, so I want to go to EVE in England again and win that belt. EVE has been taking good care of us for a long time, so I’m really happy that we were able to do this collab show, and since we said, ‘We’ll come back’, I would like to do another show. It was fun. Thank you very much!”

Pretty high questions-to-text ratio for this one, for such a short promo… Oh well.

It made me pleased that the wrestlers were happy that the fans knew their characters. That’s almost certainly at least partially thanks to our work.

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I think it would be a little more direct as “I hadn’t had a match with Martina-san since facing her in the U.S., but I feel like she’s someone I’m connected to by fate.”

A couple really minor nitpicks:
I would probably say “EVE has been taking good care of me for a long time” since she was talking about herself just before, and I feel like she’s the one who usually goes over there. (I think in the video she maybe says something slightly different, but along those lines anyhow)
And I don’t think I love “and since we said, ‘We’ll come back’” for the difficult nonsensical grammar blend of English and Japanese in 「“We’ll come back”ということで」 as it feels like it might be over-literalizing the という part when the ということで is more like a grammar transition like just “so.” Lit. maybe something like “given that (the preceding stuff).” And here it’s just bridging the English into the Japanese.
I think I’d probably personally go with a period before ”We’ll come back” and then “so” or “that is to say” for the transition.

Otherwise no comments!

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Got about halfway through translating the August 25 TPC final, and I thought I’d post what I have so far. Going to try to work hard to catch up on the translations before the next show.

This show opened with the announcement that Yoppy will be joining the roster! It didn’t really come as a surprise because she was clearly expressing interest in her comments, but it’s cool to have her! I’m always happy when it’s an older woman wrestler, too, because I wish more women wrestlers would keep going into their 40s and beyond like male wrestlers do…

In any case, here’s what she said:

Hasegawa: “My name is Yoshiko Hasegawa, and I’ll be a TJPW regular starting in September. I look forward to working with you!”

This sentence was a bit tricky: “このプロレスの世界で、あといくつ自分のやりたいことが実現できるかなって思った時に、一番強く思ったのが東京女子プロレスの選手全員と闘いたいという思いでした.”

“When I thought about the things that I still wanted to do, that I could make happen in the world of pro wrestling, the strongest desire I had was to fight all of the TJPW wrestlers. So I look forward to wrestling here from September onward!”

After that, the first match with comments was Mizuki & Haru vs Mei Suruga & Uta. This one was pretty fun, haha. I’m really enjoying the Mei/Uta team, and Mizuki and Haru played off of them in an entertaining way. Though alas for poor Uta, she’s still the pin-eater in these types of situations.

The twitter post-match comments video for Mizuki and Haru had the wrong video uploaded, so I went looking on youtube, and sure enough, they had the comments there, too:

Mizuki: “We did it! Our opponents were great, but it was fun getting to do a cute dance with Haru-chan.”

This was a bit tricky: “やっぱ、サマーサンで出た2人のシングル、私もとても魅了されたというか。その2人が初めて今回組む相手になっていただいてすごく嬉しいし.”

Kazashiro: “I was really entranced by the singles match between the two of them at Summer Sun. Or rather, I’m really happy to have them as my opponents this first time that we’ve teamed up. I’m really happy to get to fight Mei Suruga-san for the first time, too.”

And this was just a bit tricky to translate:


Mizuki: “She was a lot to handle, wasn’t she? Just ridiculous!”


Kazashiro: “Yes, ridiculous. Like several hundredfolds more than you see.”


Mizuki: “Just insane.”

Kazashiro: “If I get another chance, I’d like to do more. I’ll do my best.”

Mei and Uta’s comments:

Suruga: “Uta-chan, what’s wrong?”

Takami: “I’m sorry.”

Suruga: “Why are you apologizing? There’s nothing to apologize for. It’s okay.”

This was a bit tricky: “今日、メイたちはじめての姉妹で試合したじゃん。負けちゃったけどそれがどうしたって言うの?”

“Today was the first time we had a match together as sisters. We lost, but what’s the big deal? There’s no need for tears. Uta-chan, you came up with our tag team name, didn’t you? Go ahead and tell them.”

Takami: “Apples… and Ice Cream…”

Suruga: “Huh?”

Takami: “Apples and Ice Cream.”

Suruga: “Apples and Ice Cream?”

Takami: “Apple Ice Cream.”

Suruga: “Apple Ice Cream! Is that good?”

Takami: “No, it’s not. I’ll think of something else.”

Suruga: “So this means that our team is still going to continue, right? That’s what it means. Alright, well, next time, Uta-chan will officially announce our tag team name, so everyone please look forward to it.”

Takami: “When I’ve gotten stronger and we can team up again, the two of us will definitely win as sisters, so I will do my best to make that happen.”

Suruga: “Let’s do our best! Uta-chan will do her best, so I will also do my best at Gatoh Move’s Korakuen show.”

Takami: “Yes!”

Then Shoko faced Yoppy! I don’t remember a whole lot about this match now, but it was a fine midcard singles match.

Shoko’s comments were a bit tricky: “今日はトーナメントの決勝戦ということで、8月も終わりかけですけど…やっぱ会場が気温的な意味でも、あとお客さんの熱気的な意味でも、どっちの意味でもすごく暑かったなって、そんな印象ですね。長谷川美子が東京女子にこれから毎回上がるということなので、この暑さはすごく熱かったから。彼女はもっともっと熱い場所を経験していくと思うし、今日はスタートダッシュなんでね、ちょっとボコボコにしてやりました(笑)”

Nakajima: “Today is the tournament final, so it’s also the end of August… And, well, it was very hot in the venue, both in terms of temperature and in terms of the crowd’s excitement, that’s the impression I had. It’s because Yoshiko Hasegawa is going to be coming to TJPW every show now, that’s why it was so hot. I think she’ll experience more and more passionately hot places, and today was the opening sprint, so I beat her up a bit.” (laughs) “I want her to do her best from here.”

(You have a singles match with Sakura at Makuhari)

The second chunk was… also tricky :sweat_smile:: “さくらさんはけっこうデビュー当時から遠くない距離にいてくださった方で。私がデビューした当時っていうのは東京女子で興行とかがそもそもなかったので、とにかく人の試合を見に行ったり。そういう時期に我闘雲舞さんにいっていいですかって、市ヶ谷にお邪魔してた時から何かあれば見てくださってて。色々声を掛けてくださるっていう、そういう遠くない先輩ってかんじだったので。今回、普通に選手対選手で試合できるのがめちゃくちゃ嬉しいです.”

“Sakura-san is someone who has never been too far from me ever since my debut. When I debuted, there weren’t any TJPW shows and such at the start, so I’d go see other people’s matches. During that time, I’d ask if I could go to Gatoh Move, and when I’d set foot in Ichigaya, she’d keep an eye on me if anything happened. She was a senpai who wasn’t far from me, who’d reach out in various ways. I’m really happy to be able to do a normal wrestler vs wrestler match this time.”

Yoppy’s comments:

Had a bit of trouble getting some of the wording in this to sound good in English: “9月から東京女子プロレスにレギュラー参戦ということで、その前に東京女子のトップともいえる中島翔子さんとのシングルマッチだったんですけど…東京女子の壁が厚すぎます。体感しました。でも厚い壁ほど私は燃えるタイプなので、このリングに上がると決めたからには必ずトップを目指します.”

Hasegawa: “I’ll be a TJPW regular starting in September, so before that, I had a singles match with Shoko Nakajima-san, who you can say is at the top of TJPW… But TJPW’s walls are too hard to overcome. I really felt that. But the tougher the wall, the more passionate I get, so now that I’ve decided to step into this ring, I am definitely going to aim for the top.”

(You said that you want to fight everyone in TJPW, but is there a wrestler in particular that you want to fight?)

“Truly, having a singles match with Shoko Nakajima-san, we fought in a tag team when I was in my previous promotion, so it was a dream of mine. Next I want to aim for a belt, so I want to steadily challenge the wrestlers who have belts.”

After that Zara and Moka teamed up against Rika and Kaya, which was fun! It was a nice sendoff for Zara at the end of her TJPW tour.

Zara’s and Moka’s comments were a mixture of Japanese and English:

Miyamoto: “We won!” (in English) “We win, thank you!”

Zakher: (holding her hands up in a “W” shape) “W!”

Miyamoto: “It was my first time with Zara, our first time doing a match together. It was so much fun teaming up with her, and I also want to face her, so come to Japan again, okay?” (in English) “Come to Japan?”

Zakher: (in English) “Yeah!” (in Japanese) “Yes, yes!”

Miyamoto: (in Japanese) “Thank you so much!”

Zakher: (in English) “It was so fun! Today, and all the days that I’ve been here, I’m so thankful to TJPW for having me and letting me be here for so long, providing for me, and treating me like a home. It was amazing. I’m so glad that I got to be here, and I hope I can come again and see everyone, because I miss you guys already.”

Then the class of '98 (Arisu, Suzume, Arai, Miu) teamed up against Kamiyu and three rookies. Kamiyuたち had basically no chance whatsoever because the class of '98 are also all the current title-holders in the company. The most interesting development to come out of this one was Arisu getting the win for their team and then challenging Yuki Arai immediately afterward.

Here’s the post-match:

Endo: “Wait, Arai! Come here.”

This was a bit tricky, but I’m assuming she’s referring to being the person who got the pin in the match? “私が最後取ったよ.”

“I got the pin at the end. I won it while holding the belt. I’m feeling a bit greedy. On September 14, we’re having the Aizu show in my hometown. I want to bring my belt and that belt of yours back home. So that’s why I want to challenge for your belt in Nagoya before that!”

Arai: “Of course, I have always wanted to have a title match for a singles championship with Arisu-chan.”

This was a bit tricky: “今日もやっぱり有栖ちゃんがどんどん前に出る姿見て悔しかったので、名古屋、9月8日ありますが、そこではもう、絶対負けないからね!”

“Today, too, watching you coming out in front more and more has been frustrating, so we’ll have Nagoya on September 8, and I absolutely won’t lose to you there!”

Endo: “I won’t lose, either! I’m definitely gonna win. Alright, it’s decided. With this, I’ll bring Yuki Arai’s defense road to a halt. Please give me your support.”

Arai’s comments:

Arai: “Next, I have a title match with Arisu-chan set for the Nagoya show. Arisu-chan was one of my opponents in my debut match, and from then on, since we’re close in terms of age and career length, I’ve always been very conscious of her.”

This was a bit tricky: “練習でももちろん一番一緒に練習してきた仲間でもあり、プライベートでも東京女子プロレスで初めてできた親友といっても過言ではないような、何十年も一緒にいたみたいなぐらい、私の中ですごい影響を持ってる選手なので。シングルマッチがまたできることも嬉しいし、タイトルマッチなのも嬉しいですけど、やっぱり今日見てて有栖ちゃんの力が強かったし、私が出ようとした時も先に出られてしまったので.”

“In training, too, she’s the person I train with the most, and it’s no exaggeration to say that in my personal life, she was the first close friend I made in TJPW, to the extent that it feels like we’ve been together for decades, and she’s someone who has a big influence on me. I’m happy to be able to do another singles match, and I’m happy that it’ll be a title match, but Arisu-chan was really strong watching her today, and when I tried to go out there, she went out first. I definitely won’t lose the next one. I lost in our recent tag title match, so I refuse to give up this belt, and Nagoya is also my second hometown. So I want them to see someone who grew up there looking cool! I absolutely won’t lose!”

(Was her title challenge unexpected?)

This was tricky: “えー、なんか予想外というか。今日の試合の途中とかで、いつもど違う雰囲気というか。それがこのタイトルマッチにつながってるとは、その時は思ってなかったけど。すごいこの4人の中で自分が自分がっていうのを今日めちゃめちゃ感じたので、そういうことだったんだとは思いました.”

“Huh? Well, it was a bit unexpected. Or rather, during today’s match, there was a different atmosphere from usual. Or what I want to say is that I didn’t think at the time that it would lead to a title match. I really felt today that as an amazing team of four, it was each to her own, so when it happened, I was like, ‘so that’s how it is.’ But she’s someone who I talk to a lot about all sorts of things, so we’ve talked about wanting to do another title match or a singles match and such. I’m really happy about it.”

Arisu’s comments:

Endo: “I really get what Suzume-san means when she said, ‘Yuki Arai really is amazing’.”

This was a bit tricky: “トーナメントもどんどん勝ち抜いて、正直悔しい.”

“She also keeps winning round after round in tournaments, and to be honest, it’s frustrating. Also, I have never ever gotten a win from Yuki Arai, not even once. I’ve really only lost to her, and it’s really frustrating. But I’m gonna be greedy this time. So I got the win at the end, and I decided to challenge Yuki Arai.”

This was a bit tricky: “なんなら、大阪で鈴芽さんとトーナメントやってた時に、それを強く思った.”

“In fact, I felt that desire very strongly when she was doing the tournament match with Suzume-san in Osaka. And the other day, she had her tournament match with Mizunami-san, and seeing that, I decided that I was definitely going to challenge. So that’s why I asked this time. I am definitely going to get a win over Yuki Arai in Nagoya, and bring the belt that she has back home to Aizu!”

(Nagoya is also Arai’s home)

“Even though it’s her home, that doesn’t matter. Well, if I were to beat Yuki Arai in a singles match in her home, that’d be very compelling. So I’m going to beat Arai in Nagoya!”

(This is your first time challenging for a singles championship)

“Yes, it’s my first time. I guess I was a step away from challenging last time. When I realized that I wanted that belt, Yuki-san also said she wanted it, so Yuki-san and I had a number one contender’s match, and I lost. So this will be my first time challenging for a singles belt.”

The other half of the comments are all for the main event, so I’ll save that one for the next post. Gonna have to maybe pull some longer hours if I want to get it done in time…

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One substantive change I would make:
In the second part I believe she’s saying “I’m very happy to get to face them this time, when they’re teaming for the first time.”
An interesting transcript difference may have made this more difficult to pick up on, or even changed the meaning entirely: she says えらんでいただいて not なっていただいて. So I can see where you were coming from based the latter (since it does seem to be the difference between like, “was gracious enough to choose (me)” and “was gracious enough to (themselves) become”), but she was saying she’s happy to have been chosen to be their opponent on their first tag match together.

The non-substative change is I would drop the “Or rather,”
In the video the というか (if it is that) is more of a という that trails off, and so I would say if it is indeed a というか it’s more of a small casual assertiveness-softener thrown in there than a full “Or rather,” and in any case the connection between the two sentences is more cause and effect - being taken with their previous match is why she was happy to be their opponent in this one.

I think I would change “It’s because (Yoshiko)… that’s why (it was so hot),” to “Because (Yoshiko)… , because (it was so hot),”
After that first なので in the video she trails off and looks off camera for a bit and throws in a そうですね

So that’s why there’s a なので followed by a から - those two pieces don’t connect up, rather she just trailed off and started again. So they’re both giving reasons for a following predicate.

I think I would tweak the part about Ichigaya to something like “and after I visited Ichigaya, she’d take a look if I had something to ask her about.” Since I think 市ヶ谷にお邪魔してた時から would mean after when she visited Ichigaya, rather than while she was there.

I think I would also tweak “I’m really happy to be able to do a normal wrestler vs wrestler match this time” to something like “I’m really happy to be able to face her this time simply as wrestler vs. wrestler.” Just to bring out the sense a little better I think – she’s happy that they’re wrestling as equals rather than as senpai/kohai, not that it’ll be a normal singles match rather than a gimmick match.

yep, she’s being competitive with Arai by pointing out that she was the one to get the pin, not her.

Really minor nitpick here but I would probably tweak this from “someone” to “a wrestler” just to match the sense of 選手 and distinguish it from the previous part about personal friendship.

Definitely tricky, but I think the 自分が自分がっていうの part is like, a drive to stand out / competitiveness / self-centeredness (as opposed to being fully a team effort), so I think it should be something more along the lines of like, “Today I really strongly felt among us four a sense of each of us wanting to stand out the most from the others, so when it happened I was like ‘ah, that’s what I was sensing.’”

I would say here, with the どんどん and seeing as how Arai has lost this tournament by this point but has placed highly in at least a couple, that I would tweak this to “She keeps placing highly in tournaments” or something.

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Incidental, but this gag in Dragon Ball reminded me of translations past!

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Finished translating the last half of the TPC final just in time!

This was just the main event: Yuki Aino vs Aniki! I really liked this match a lot (I actually watched it twice lol because my friend put it on again during Ospreay vs MJF when we were watching AEW All In the next morning)! Yuki was super fired up for it, and Aniki as always does just incredible in this position. I honestly was pretty torn going into it because I like both wrestlers and think either would make a great challenger for Miu. I was rooting for Yuki a little more than Aniki just because it felt like Yuki’s character arc would benefit from a win over Aniki here, but I don’t think I will ever complain about Aniki getting a big win, so I was super happy for her to win the tournament. This means we got PRINCESS ANIKI!!

Here’s the post-match:

Mizunami: “Yuki, hey! Why are you looking down? You can still do it. Hey, maybe the goal was just to do the singles match today, huh?”

This was a bit tricky: “私が知ってるユキ、もっとすごかったぞ。でもその顔が悔しい、歯がゆい、その顔がもっと強く何かを持ってるよ、ユキにね!”

“The Yuki that I know was even more amazing. But that look of disappointment and frustration, that expression on your face has something that’s even stronger than that, Yuki! It won’t end like this, it isn’t over yet, Yuki!”

Yuki: “Hey, we’ll do it again. Definitely fight me again, okay?”

Mizunami: “You’ve already opened the door to the next level some time ago. And it’s up to you whether you walk through it or not. But don’t forget the look on your face just now. You will take that step again, and if I’m there, I’ll fight you over and over and over again. You can do it. You can be stronger! Yuki, get stronger!”

Aino bows to all four sides and then leaves.

Mizunami: “So, the winner of the 11th Princess Cup is Ryo Mizunami, and Princess Aniki has sprung into being just now! And as I pick up this trophy, there’s someone to whom I have something to say. Miu Watanabe!”

Watanabe appears.

Mizunami: “Miu Watanabe, I called you in here on this occasion. You know what I’m about to say next, don’t you? Let me say it formally. Miu Watanabe, let me challenge for that white belt that you have!”

Watanabe: “I never thought the day would come when I would get challenged by Mizunami-san. But this is TJPW’s precious belt, and I can’t let you have it. Let’s fight on September 22 at Makuhari with this belt on the line. I absolutely won’t lose.”

Mizunami: “September 22, Makuhari! It’s set! Alright, let’s go! Miu Watanabe, put that belt on the line!”

Watanabe exits.

This was a bit tricky (and I also wanted to make sure I got it right so that it doesn’t spread weird rumors): “今日ひとつ、水波綾シングルで一人でひとつプリンセスカップ優勝っていう結果、一個残せました。実は、5年前に自分は引退しようとしてて。でも、そこでちょうどあったのがAEWで。そのつながりでこうやって今東京女子プロレス、上がって闘うことが出来てます.”

Mizunami: “Today, I was able to leave behind one result, winning the Princess Cup by competing on my own in singles matches. Actually, five years ago, I was going to retire. But then I went to AEW. Through that connection, I was able to come to TJPW and step into the ring here. And then at the end of the year, Yuki and I won the tag belts, and now this summer, I was able to win the Princess Cup. This is the 17th year of my career. But you never know what life has in store for you. TJPW is full of young wrestlers. But it’s no exaggeration to say that each and every one of those young wrestlers has built up the Mizunami that you see here today, standing in this ring! That’s how great the TJPW wrestlers are. And that’s why I wanted to participate in this tournament. And if I won, I was definitely going to challenge Miu Watanabe for the belt!” (the crowd chants “Aniki!”) “Everyone’s ‘Aniki’ chants are truly so precious to me. Thank you, thank you, always! Alright, next up is Makuhari Messe on September 22. I have no doubt that everyone here will come to that. Now I would like to say something important so that we’ll be able to meet in good health for that day! A lot has happened, but please let this be your takeaway from today. The show isn’t over until you get home. One more time: the show isn’t over until you get home! So let’s all meet again on September 22 at Makuhari Messe in good health and high spirits! Thank you very much for today!”

This is a digression, but Aniki’s first match in AEW (at the very first Double or Nothing on May 25, 2019) was my first time watching a joshi match (and second women’s wrestling match overall), in the very first wrestling show I watched live (as opposed to years old isolated DDT matches), in a hotel room in Montana. Aniki teamed up with Shida and Riho vs Yuka, Emi Sakura, and Aja Kong. I was taken with all of those wrestlers immediately.

I actually remember learning shortly after that show that Aniki had been planning on retiring, but that match in AEW sort of revitalized her. I’ll always be grateful to AEW for that. In 2021, Aniki came back to AEW for their women’s tournament that was held half in Japan and half in the US (due to pandemic travel restrictions).

That tournament was actually what got me to really fall in love with her character, because even in an empty arena show filmed in the Ice Ribbon dojo, her charisma was so apparent, and she was just so much fun to watch. By the end of it, I was desperately rooting for her to beat Yuka, and I cheered wildly when she did and managed to win the whole thing.

So this is actually my second time watching Aniki come into a women’s wrestling tournament as sort of an outsider and manage to beat all of the signed roster members and come out the victor in the end :joy_cat:.

It’s kind of neat to me, too, that AEW was sort of the thread for me as well, as that’s what ended up leading me to TJPW in the first place. So Aniki and I share that in common.

It always feels like a bit of a miracle to me when any freelancer wins anything like this, since companies always seem so loathe to dole out super big victories to someone who isn’t a signed roster member. I remember how much trouble Kota had getting NJPW to give him big wins when he was just a freelancer (and I’m sure that contributed to him deciding to sign there in 2019).

So I will always, always root for freelancers getting big opportunities, and I think Aniki did awesome this tournament (as well as every time she has selflessly showed up in TJPW to do whatever they needed her to do as a last-minute replacement for someone), and she’s gonna knock that Wrestle Princess main event with Miu out of the park. She truly does feel like an honorary TJPW roster member, and I always enjoy seeing her. I’d be rooting for them to sign her if I thought she’d be interested, haha, but I think she’s basically been a lifelong freelancer.

Getting a bit more back on topic, here are Aniki’s comments:

Mizunami: “Thank you very much. Yuki!”

This was a bit tricky: “今日決勝で闘って、私は逆に完結しなくて、まだまだこうやって…次はああいうユキが見れて、私は逆に伸びしろだと思うよ.”

“Fighting in the final today, it actually didn’t decide anything, and we’ll still, in this way… The next time I see Yuki when she’s in that state, I will be seen as the one who needs to grow, not her. I’m sure she’s incredibly frustrated. But I want to go up to new heights myself. Though, Yuki, I think for me, too, getting to fight you in the finals was a turning point for me. There is nothing scarier than a person who has room to grow, and that will make you grow more than anything. Being able to face a person like that in the final, today I felt that I, too, had more room to grow. It’s frustrating, isn’t it? I get it, I know what that frustration feels like. But put it to good use in the next one, Yuki! Get stronger, Yuki! That’s all I have to say for Yuki.”

“Well, I won the 11th Princess Cup. And I declared my intent to challenge for Miu Watanabe’s belt. When I declare something, I feel like it should be logically justified, and so I came to the match today thinking that I would say it if I won the Princess Cup. Two years ago, Miu Watanabe. When I first stepped into the TJPW ring, she was my opponent. It was a singles match. And now two years later, we’ll have a singles match with her as the current champion and me as the challenger. In two years, TJPW has gotten bigger and bigger. I felt it happen. That’s why I am challenging while Miu Watanabe is the champion, and I am definitely going to win that belt! Alright, since I’ve become Princess Aniki, I am definitely going to do it!”

(How do you see Miu as the champion?)

“Ever since we had our last singles match, she has really surprised me. That power, first of all, that’s what has surprised me the most. And when we faced each other in the ring today, I often watch footage of her matches, but that amazing gaze of hers, she’s very confident, and I felt that I was looking at the face of someone who had become a strong champion. So I actually felt a strong feeling well up inside of me that I was definitely going to win the belt.”

(Today’s final had an “away game” atmosphere)

“I think the audience definitely wanted Yuki to win the final. I think they wanted a TJPW wrestler to win. But I was aiming for it, too, and I didn’t want to cut any corners. I gave it my all, and snatched up the trophy today.”

This was a bit tricky: “アウェイとかそういうのも関係なくて、闘ってしまえば.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s an away game or what, if I’m fighting. And in spite of that, the crowd chanted ‘Aniki’ at the end, and I really, really felt once again just how warm the TJPW audience is.”

Yuki’s comments:

Aino: (sitting down, looking down for a bit) “Mizunami completely defeated me…”

This was a bit tricky: “愛と炎のフルネルソンも決めきれなかったし、UBVも上げれなかった。きっとお客さんは惜しかったねとか、いけると思ったよとか、頑張ってたとか。絶対温かい言葉をたくさんくれるんですよ.”

“I couldn’t hit the Full Nelson of Love and Fire, and I also couldn’t execute the UBV, either. I’m sure the audience would say things like that’s unfortunate, or they thought I could do it, or I tried my best. They give me so many warm words. And the people at the venue cheered for me so much.” (cries) “…But this is not the end. It’s not over. Having a singles match with Aniki, and losing like this… this isn’t my end goal. I’m still going to fight. Thank you to everyone who supported me so much, and thank you, Aniki.”

Miu’s comments:

Miu: “The tournament ended, and Mizunami-san came forward to challenge me on September 22. To be honest, before this tournament started, I never imagined that I’d be fighting Mizunami-san with the belt on the line.”

This was a bit tricky: “ただやっぱこのトーナメント、水波さんの闘いを見ている上で、水波さんとのこのベルトを懸けて闘える日が来ると思ったら、私も心がひしひしと熱くなっていたので。ただホントにこうしてトーナメント決勝見て、くるとなると、正直熱さとかもろもろ…ちょっと怖いなって思う瞬間もあるんですけど.”

“But after watching Mizunami-san’s matches in the tournament, the thought of getting to fight her for this belt really got my own spirit fired up. Just watching the tournament final, when it comes down to it, her passion and everything… there were moments where I was honestly a bit scared. But I’m the champion, so I can’t say things like that. I will definitely defend my championship on September 22 and protect this precious belt.”

(She’s a bit of a different challenger compared to the wrestlers who have challenged in the past)


This was a bit tricky: “たぶん水波さんのタイプの方がこのベルトに挑戦すること自体、珍しいことだし。トーナメント優勝したことですら初のことだと思うので.”

“A wrestler like Mizunami-san challenging for this belt is itself unusual. And her winning the tournament, I think even that’s a first. But the first time Mizumai-san came to TJPW was our big show three years ago. An overseas wrestler was scheduled to come as my opponent, but she suddenly couldn’t make it… Mizunami-san somehow managed to come and fill in for her on short notice. From that moment on, I wondered if it was fate.”

This was a bit tricky. I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant by 色々チャレンジマッチ in this, and the rest had a few other tricky points: “そこから3年間を考えると、水波さんは何度も何度も東京女子のピンチを救ってくれたり、色々チャレンジマッチも東京女子の中でやってくれていたことなので。水波さんもたぶん女子プロレス、色々見てる中で東京女子を好いてくれてると思うし、もしかしたら特別な思いとか芽生えてるかもしれないから。その辺はフリーだからっていうのはあまり気にせず、東京女子、これまで3年間くらい水波さん出てきてくれてるって認識で、特に気にせず頑張りたいです.”

“In the three years since then, she has been a pinch hitter for TJPW again and again, and she has done various challenge matches in TJPW. In the process of wrestling here and seeing a bunch of matches, I think Mizunami-san has also come to like TJPW, and maybe she has developed a special affection for it. I’m not too concerned with the fact that she’s a freelancer, and I recognize that Mizunami-san has been participating in TJPW for the past three years, so I’m just going to do my best without worrying about that.”

That’s it for that one.

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Yeah I think it seems fine!

Her wording feels a bit jumbled here… I think a small tweak I would make is I would change “The next time I see Yuki when she’s in that state” to “Next time, seeing Yuki in that state, I think”
I think based on googling around for examples of 見れて, and how they all seem to be “X見れて[how I thought about X]” and it making a little more sense this way, that the 次は ended up just a little early as her thought was forming, というか, the ああいうユキが見れて just maybe connects more naturally with the 思う.

Minor nitpick, but I’d maybe tweak it to “if it’s a fight” just so it sounds a little less like a boast (if I’m the one fighting).

This should be e.g. “I couldn’t clinch it with the Full Nelson of Love and Fire”
as that move is a hold which she did get Aniki into but was not able to fully decide the match with (決めきれなかった).
what a good move name

Here (this part is all one sentence in the video - I would ignore the period) I would say this is a case where the non-past form should be translated as future tense, as she’s making a prediction: I’m sure the audience will give me lots of kind encouragement.

Minor nitpick, but I would say this is a case where the ただ is a “but” and not a “just”
Just one of those ones where it’s instinctively one and not the other with how it fits in. If I were to try to put into words it would be because it’s a conjunctive lead-in to a clause and not connected directly to what it would be the “just” sense for, as in “ただのX” etc.

Just more minor nitpicks, but I think I would throw in a “probably” for the たぶん and go with something like “after all I think it’s the first time one has won the tournament.” to try to keep the subject the type of wrestler rather than just Aniki as an individual (since I assume Miu’s mainly referring here to it being the first time a freelancer won it) and cram in more of the sense of theので.

I would assume for チャレンジマッチ she probably means like, the kind of match Aniki normally has in TJPW, i.e. a match that’s interesting not because of a title or tournament or what-have-you but because it’s a wrestler going up against Aniki and seeing how they fare. Like a match special for its irregularity (and difference in status of the participants) rather than its stakes.
Probably fine to leave it as-is (“challenge match” suddenly makes me think I’ve probably come across the phrase in video games of Japanese origin as a kid but who knows) or else I would maybe change it to “exhibition match.”

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Wanted to have this done a few days ago, but I couldn’t even look at Japanese on Tuesday due to stress, so this got pushed back a bit. At least the most recent show is a VOD-only show so I’ll have more time before I have to get to that one. But in any case, I finished the translation for the September 9 Nagoya show, which had the very cursed timeslot of overlapping with the end of AEW All Out and like a billion other shows that day.

I technically watched part of the triple threat match between Mahiro, Raku, and Himawari (the match of all the wrestlers who went to the UK), though I was mostly paying attention to AEW at the time and had TJPW muted for it. Apparently there was a joke in that which referenced the audience reaction Mahiro got at the EVE show, haha. I think Raku got the fans to chant “say you’re sorry” in English to Mahiro to make her apologize? Something like that happened, at least.

(There aren’t any comments to translate for that, I just thought it was funny, lol)

The main event of this show was Arisu vs Yuki Arai for the International belt. This match looked really good! Unfortunately my energy for wrestling was pretty much already exhausted by that point, so I had a really hard time focusing… The biggest takeaway for me was how loud of a crowd reaction Arisu got, as I was pretty much expecting the crowd to be fully biased toward Arai, but they were way more sympathetic to Arisu than I thought they’d be. In any case, やっぱり Arisu lost.

Here’s the post-match:

Arai: “Arisu-chan, you’re too strong. First of all, thank you for fighting me.”

This was a bit hard to get into English: “有栖ちゃんは私はデビュー戦の相手で、一番入った時期も近くて。同い年で一番仲良くしてくれて。プロレス楽しいって思わせてくれたのは有栖ちゃんがいたからだと思います.”

“Arisu-chan was one of my debut opponents, and she joined the promotion the closest to me. Among all of us who are the same age, we get along the best. I think what made me think that pro wrestling was fun was because Arisu-chan was there. No matter what time I went to practice, she’d be there. So that’s what would get me on the Shinkansen to Tokyo. Thank you, truly. I think both of us have always wanted to get to a point where we could have a title match together, and we’ve talked about it with each other. So I’m so, so happy that we were able to have a title match here today! This is not the end. Let’s fight with an even greater prize at stake in an even bigger place next time. Thank you!”

Endo exits.

Arai: “I defended my title! I’m really happy that so many people came, and this victory was only possible because you all cheered me on. Since I defended my belt, I’ll be defending it in many more places, and of course facing foreign wrestlers, and TJPW wrestlers, too. I’ll fight anyone. I’m going to rack up more and more defenses, so please keep supporting me!”

Miyamoto: “Please let me challenge next.”

Had a bit of trouble translating ベルトへの熱い思い in this: “今の試合を見てベルトへの熱い思い、すごく伝わりました.”

“Watching your match just now, I could really feel your passionate attachment to that belt. So I want to surpass Arai-san. I want to wear that belt.”

Arai: “Well, Moka-san is someone I’ve always felt that I really wanted to fight when I got a belt, so how about we do it on September 22 at Makuhari Messe, Yuki Arai vs Moka Miyamoto!”

This was a bit tricky: “もかさんとだから出てくる気持ちとか出来ることがたくさんあると思うから.”

“I think there’s a lot I’ll be able to do with all the feelings that’ll emerge because it’ll be with Moka-san. So I’m looking forward to standing on the opposite corner from you.”

Miyamoto: “Likewise.”

This was a bit tricky: “早速、今月、幕張メッセ大会のカードが決まったということでいいですかね.”

Arai: “It’s good that the card for the Makuhari Messe show this month is being determined without delay. Getting to fight wrestlers who are said to be of my same generation, competing with each other to improve ourselves, I think that’s what has allowed me to grow as much as I have so far, so I’ll fight Moka-san in the next one, and I’m going to win again. Everyone, please also give me your support at the Makuhari Messe show! Thank you so much for all of your support today!”

Arai’s comments:

Arai: “I defended my belt!”

This was a bit tricky to get the precise nuance right: “4度目ですかね.”

“Was this my fourth defense? Compared to the other wrestlers, I’ve had fewer opportunities to wrestle in shows, and I’ve felt some frustration. But being able to successfully defend my belt four times like this gives me confidence, and above all, I really felt the strength of Arisu Endo, whom I’ve been watching from up close this whole time, and I knew how strong she was, so I’m so happy to get a win from such a strong wrestler, and it brought me confidence. It might not be that widely known to everyone, but she’s the wrestler who has been by my side the most, and she has given me a lot of inspiration. Ever since our first singles match last year, we’ve talked a lot about wanting to fight, and talked about how it would be nice to get to do a title match someday, so I’m really happy that we got to have a title match a year later, with the belt that I have on the line. I want to do another singles match or a title match, and show that I’ve grown even more in the next one.”

And for my next defense, after the match, Moka-san came forward. I don’t know if it’s because of the belt that I hold, but to think that she wanted to challenge me, that made me really happy, first of all."

This was a bit tricky: “それがより身近にいた選手なのもとても嬉しい気持ちです。ずっとタッグを組んだり闘ったり、1年目の荒井を作ってくれたのももかさんなので.”

“It also made me happy that it was a wrestler who is even more familiar to me. We’ve been teaming up and fighting, and Moka-san was the one who made me into who I was in my first year. We fought for the tag belts recently, but I’m really happy to get to fight again, and I’m so happy that I’ll get to take her on at a big venue like Makuhari Messe, but I want to continue racking up defenses, and I want to face a lot more people. So I won’t lose, and I want to show Moka-san how much stronger I’ve become since the last time we fought. I’m going to do my best.”

This question was really difficult to translate: “親友ならではの意地があった?”

(Was there a sense of determination that only comes when you’re facing a close friend?)

“Yes. Even in training, the two of us are often paired together. Because we often take each other’s (moves in practice), I think I don’t want to lose to her the most. We talk a lot about wrestling outside of our matches, she’s someone I do a lot with. I really feel like I don’t want to lose to her. I felt very strongly that I didn’t want to be outpaced by Arisu-chan’s growth.”

(This was the first show in Nayoya this year)

“Today, almost all of the (SKE48) members were at an event in Tokyo, except for me.” (laughs) “We couldn’t do a live show like we usually do, and we couldn’t do anything like a collab… but despite that, so many people came. I wonder… I had gotten incredible support from all of the members yesterday, and I think the strength they gave me was what allowed me to win today in Nagoya. More and more in Nagoya… There are so many people who want to see us, so I want to do it again.”

(It’ll be your first singles match with Miyamoto in about three years)

This was a bit tricky: “ホントですか? 私の初勝利ぶりってことですか?(おそらくそうです)えー! やばーい!”

“Really? Was that like my first victory?”


“Huh? Wow! But even though we haven’t had singles matches, and we face each other a lot less now compared to at the start, I think I’ve always been conscious of her. Or rather, it’s baked into my DNA that my matches with Moka-san will be really heated,” (laughs) “so I got really excited. I’m really looking forward to it.”

Arisu’s comments:

Arisu: “I couldn’t get it… I didn’t win.”

The 駆けつけて in this sentence was difficult for me: “前回の後楽園で挑戦表明してから、ファンの人たちが名古屋はアウェーだからと言って、みんな応援に駆けつけてくれたのに、みんなにベルト2つ持って最後にリング立つからと言ったのに、また約束を破っちゃった…”

“Ever since I announced my challenge at the last Korakuen show, the fans were saying that Nagoya would be like an away game, and everyone rushed to cheer for me, but even though I said that I’d be standing in the ring holding two belts at the end, I broke my promise again… But I do want to say this: Thank you for fighting alongside me. Because of everyone’s cheers, I was determined not to give up to the bitter end. I lost, but I have a strong desire to do it again. It was the fans who made me feel that way, so thank you so much. I’ll just have the (tag) belt in Aizu, but last year I said I’d come back home to Aizu after winning a belt, so I’ll be able to bring this home.” (cries) “Please wait for me. And Yuki Arai, I was super fired up for our match, and she’s the person I don’t want to lose to the most right now, and since she got a singles belt before me, I feel even more frustrated. But last year, we had a singles match in the tournament, and this year we fought with a belt on the line. I think that also shows our growth. But if there’s a next time, I won’t lose. I’m definitely going to win. Even if we have a singles match when Arai doesn’t have a belt, I’ll be the one standing in the ring at the end. Let’s do another singles match sometime, please. Thank you, everyone.”

(Today was your first time challenging for a singles belt)

“Yes, it was my first time. I’m really glad that my first time challenging for a singles belt was with Yuki Arai. It made me feel determined to do my best again. I’m glad that my first challenge was with Yuki Arai.”

(There were quite a few voices cheering for you after the match started, and even though it was in Nagoya, it didn’t feel like an away game)

This was a bit tricky: “みんなが駆け付けてくれて、「チーム有栖」のみんながいっぱいいっぱい名前を呼んでくれたから私は頑張れた.”

“Everyone who came running over, and everyone on ‘Team Arisu’ who filled the venue with chants of my name, that’s what allowed me to do my best. Thank you.”

This question was a bit hard to translate: “今日は獲れなかったが、来週の会津大会には良い流れに?”

(You didn’t win the belt today, but do you feel positively going into next week’s show in Aizu?)

“Yes. It feels like a positive development. Even though I lost after announcing to everyone that I’d be bringing two belts back home, this singles match made me stronger. I’ll be returning to Aizu with confidence. I’ve got this (tag belt) with me, after all.”

Moka’s comments:

Miyamoto: “I decided to challenge Arai-san for her belt.”

This was a bit tricky for me, but maybe I got it? “同世代がベルトを持っていて、なおかつ2つベルトを持とうと果敢に挑戦してる姿を見て、とても刺激をもらっています。私自身もそれを眺めているだけじゃなくて、黙って見てるだけじゃなくて、果敢に挑戦したいなと思って.”

“Seeing someone from my generation holding a belt, and seeing someone boldly challenging with the intent of holding two belts, that’s really inspiring to me. I also want to boldly challenge for a belt and not just look on from the sidelines and silently watch. I want to beat Arai-san, who is my friend and rival, so today I conveyed my intent. I want to surpass Arai-san and wear that belt.”

(What part of the match stirred up that desire for you?)

“I could feel just how passionate both of their feelings were toward that belt. I also wanted to fight with that same passionate zeal.”

(Do you feel jealous about the fact that the wrestlers in your generation have belts?)

“I don’t feel jealous, but… I feel a stronger desire than anyone to wear a belt.”

(Makuhari is a big stage)

“I’m very happy to get to have a singles match with Arai-san on such a big stage. It’s been three years since our last singles match, so we’ve both grown a lot. I’m really happy that we’ll be able to fight each other on a big stage.”

That’s it for that one. There’s also a small presser out now for their upcoming title match, so I’ll try to get that done before the VOD for Arisu’s hometown show goes up on the site.

I also have a strong reason now to want to do another fundraiser, so I’m going to try to work really hard to finally get Kana’s manifesto translated, though it might be tough if a longer presser comes out before Wrestle Princess.

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I only mention just in case the typo would make its way to the final blog version, but I noticed when looking for the show it was September 8, not 9.

Something exactly like that happened, yep! :slight_smile:

Incidentally, I appreciate Ref Matsui appreciatively listening to the resulting apology, suggesting Mahiro’s apologies have not insignificant bearing in officials’ decision on whether to punish the infraction in question.

This translation isn’t exactly wrong necessarily but it feels like you may have not parsed part of it quite right so I’m mentioning it - more literally it would be that like, roughy “I think that there will be a lot of emotions that come out, and a lot of things we’ll be able to do, because it’s with Moka”
The part that it feels like it might have been misinterpreted is the 出てくる気持ち and the 出来ること are different examples of things that will be present because of the specific opponent, not explicitly related.

I believe this should be e.g. “So it looks like all of a sudden the card is set for the Makuhari Messe show this month huh!”
ということでいいですか appears from searching around to be a phrase meaning like - “do I have this right?” She’s remarking to the audience that it looks like the match is now set.

The “Was that like my first victory?” part gets the base meaning right but I would say that it changes the sense.
In the original, it sounds like she has an extremely clear memory of Moka being her first victory, and so it’s her immediate touchstone when told it’s been 3 years.
In the translation here, her memory of it comes across as a lot more vague.
I would tweak it therefore to something like “So we haven’t had one since I got my first win?”

Here I would say that だからと言って is one of those grammar phrases that makes the clauses here difficult to interpret if you aren’t keyed in to register that phrase as a specific kind of meaning.
I believe this part:
should be interpreted as (and is said in such a way in the video) like:
ファンの人たちが… (名古屋はアウェーだからと言って) …みんな応援に駆けつけてくれたのに
Which I would say means roughly, “The fans, just because Nagoya is (like) an away game (for me), they all came rushing to cheer for me.” As in she’s explaining the 駆けつけて aspect of the support for herself as being because she was an underdog because of the location.

Usually I would expect a negative predicate to follow だからと言って so it may also be possible that expectation is strong enough to make it “even though Nagoya is like an away game for me” even though she didn’t end up following it up with a negative. This is potentially supported by the reporter’s question later on. Either way I do think that she’s using it as the phrase, rather than “they said because (such and such)”

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Uh, a little bit of a content warning for sexual abuse in this one (related to the Johnny’s talent agency scandal)

週刊プロレス No.2279 (from December 2023)