Finished translating the August 23 TPC semifinals. Very glad that they took this past weekend off, because I really needed the time to catch up…
This show was pretty fun, though! I liked both tournament matches. The first one was Zara Zakher vs Yuki Aino, and I was rooting for Aino so that we could get my ideal Aino vs Aniki final, but Zara put up a good fight! I really do hope she comes back to TJPW again. I saw a (Japanese) interview she did where she mentioned liking WWE, and I’m really hoping she doesn’t end up there, wherever she goes whenever she does inevitably get offered a contract by some promotion… She also mentioned that she has a background in dance and gymnastics, which I think really explains why her wrestling style is so dynamic and electrifying even with not many years of experience.
Zara’s comments were in English:
Zara: “I got a lot of feelings. I’m frustrated, I’m upset, I wanted it so bad. I wanted to be in the finals, I wanted to main event, but, y’know, tonight wasn’t my night. But, but I’m thankful, though. I’m thankful to be here, I’m thankful that I got this far in the tournament. I pushed, I struggled, but I made it this far, I made it to the semifinals of this tournament, which no one thought I was gonna be a part of. So I’m thankful for that, and I’m glad I did it.”
(Aino’s comments were after the other tournament match.)
The main event was Aniki vs Yuki Arai, which I think might be my favorite Arai match yet, purely on a match-quality level (I have some others that I like more sentimentality-wise). I was of course rooting for her downfall, though . But boy, there were a few moments in this match where I got scared… But Aniki did manage to get the win, and we got the Aino vs Aniki final that I was wanting!
Here’s the post-match:
This isn’t super important, but I had weirdly a hard time translating the second sentence in shupro’s description here: “水波が「もう1回やろうぜ!」と声を掛け、荒井はセコンドに肩を借りて退場。8・25後楽園の決勝戦のカードが水波と愛野に決定、ここで愛野がリングに上がってマイクを持つ.”
Mizunami calls out, “Let’s do it again!”, and Arai makes her exit leaning on the shoulder of one of the seconds. The match for the tournament final on August 25 at Korakuen Hall is set: it will be Mizunami and Aino. At this point, Aino steps into the ring holding a microphone.
Aino: “Aniki! Ever since that day at Korakuen that we met, I have been dying to fight you one on one. It’ll be this Sunday, Korakuen, the tournament final! The greatest stage… I am looking forward to it!”
Mizunami: “Yuki!”
This was a bit tricky: “もうつべこべ言わねえわ.”
“No more talk. The day after tomorrow, Korakuen, in the TJPW ring, we will go head to head!”
They stare each other down at close range, and then Aino leaves.
Mizunami: “It’s Friday night, so to all of you who came out to Shinjuku FACE, and to everyone watching live on Wrestle Universe, thank you for watching until the end! The day after tomorrow, Sunday, this year’s Princess Cup will come to an end. Well, I’m sure that everyone who came here will also be coming to Korakuen the day after tomorrow, so now I’m going to say something that is very, very important! Please go home with this in mind today. Alright? The show isn’t over until you get home! One more time, because it’s important. The show isn’t over until you get home! Now, let’s all get super fired up together at Korakuen Hall the day after tomorrow on Sunday, too. Thank you so much for today!”
This was a bit tricky: “さぁ準決勝、ベスト4になって、なんかグッと緊張感とか色んなものが高まった感じがしました。そして荒井優希! なんだ、荒井優希ってなんなんだ! やればやるほどダメージが…いけばいくほど荒井優希がなんか強くなってるように見えた.”
Mizunami: “Well, the semifinals, and getting into the top four, I felt a sudden nervousness, and there were a lot of heightened feelings. And Yuki Arai! What a wrestler she is! The more damage she takes… the more I did to her, the stronger Yuki Arai seemed to get. Her eyes seemed to be shining brighter and brighter, and her gaze burned with determination. Amazing. She lost today. She was crying. She was frustrated. I hope she never forgets how frustrated she felt today. We’ll do it again, Yuki Arai!”
“And now the final, Yuki Aino! The time for us to have a singles match has finally come…”
This was a bit tricky: “私はこのトーナメント出場が決まって、まだ組み合わせもカード発表もどんなものが出るか分からない時から愛野ユキとどっかでシングル、必ず当たりたいと思ってたんだ.”
“Ever since it was decided that I’d be participating in this tournament, even before we knew what the matchups or the card announcements were going to be, I wanted to face Yuki Aino in a singles match at some point. And it’ll be the final, the day after tomorrow!”
This was also a bit tricky: “愛野ユキ、いま感じてる思いの丈、全部ぶつけてこい! そして勝ちにこい、水波に! そんな熱い気持ち全部跳ね返して、そして飲み込んで、私が第11回プリンセスカップ優勝してやる.”
“Yuki Aino, hit me with your whole heart, with everything that you’re feeling right now! And come to beat me! I am going to counter all of those passionate feelings and take them all in, and I will win the 11th Princess Cup. And then I’ll become Princess Aniki. And! I will make this the summer of Aniki! That’s all!”
Arai: “Ahhh… I couldn’t make it to the final…”
This was a bit tricky: “水波さんと決まった時は、やっぱり勝てるって言ってくれる人が少なくて。自分はそれにも悔しくて。そんな声も裏切って勝ちたいと思ってたし、これは東京女子プロレスのトーナメントだから勝たなきゃって思ってたので。でもホントに悔しいですけど…こんだけ、どう見ても差がある水波さんだったけど、自分が悔しいって思えてることが自分でもビックリではあるので.”
“When the match with Mizunami-san was set, there weren’t many people saying that I could win. I found that frustrating, too. I wanted to defy their expectations and win, and since this was a TJPW tournament, I felt that I had to win. But I’m so frustrated… Mizunami-san is so far ahead of me to this extent no matter how you look at it, but even I was surprised that I could feel so frustrated. Mizunami-san also said it, but I want to do it again, I want there to be a next time. I don’t know when it’ll be, so I want to be ready for her so that I can win at any time. I think this was the best summer for me. Thank you very much.”
(If there is a next time, putting that belt, for instance, on the line…)
“This? I can’t do that.” (laughs) “This is mine. I won’t give it to her.”
Aino: “In today’s match, I won and advanced to the final! I’m so happy.”
This was really tricky to translate: “言葉、言語勝って難しいですよね.”
“It’s difficult to win with words and language, huh? First of all, Zara. Zara came from over the ocean to wrestle in TJPW, and she stayed for about a month to participate in the tournament, so I felt that she has a very passionate heart for pro wrestling.”
This was tricky: “ホントに一発一発の破壊力もすごいし、初めての対戦なのもあって…けっこう、ああああ!ってなったんですけど…。でもやっぱり、このトーナメントに懸ける思いみたいなものがちょっとだけ勝ったんじゃないかんと思います.”
“The destructive force she packs into each blow is also really something, and this was our first time facing each other… I was pretty much like, ‘AHHH!’ But something like the thought of what’s at stake in the tournament won out just by a little bit. So I think that’s why I was able to win today.”
““And now the final! Aniki! Oh man, it’s a bit too much. I’m already way too excited. I can’t stop. Ahhh…”
This was a bit tricky: “でももうね、どんだけ早くやりたくても、ちょっと待ってほしくても、明後日なので。さっきも言ったけど、アニキと出会った1年ちょっと前の後楽園の日からずっとずっと、しかもタッグベルトを一緒に巻いてからもっともっとアニキとシングルで闘いたい気持ちが強くなってたので.”
“But no matter how soon I want to do it, no matter how much I want to be like ‘wait a minute’, It’s the day after tomorrow. I said it earlier, but ever since I met Aniki a little over a year ago at Korakuen, the whole time—even more after we won the tag belts together—my desire to fight Aniki in a singles match has been getting stronger and stronger. Being able to fight her in the tournament final, it’s just too perfect. I want to fight her here, and hit her with everything I have, and… I will become the champion of summer.”
And that’s it for that one.
Next up is the short backstage comments from the EVE show (I asked for one of my followers to transcribe the in-ring stuff for me (which according to the DDT recap was in English) since I didn’t buy that show and don’t have access to it, but so far no one has taken me up on it, so it might have to be an incomplete recap for that one…), and then the TPC final.