The 🤼 プロレス thread! Learning Japanese through pro wrestling

Finished the September 3 TJPW show!

I didn’t notice when I was watching originally, but Mahiro and Kamiyu debuted a new tag team move in this show! It’s a shame the VOD came out after the title match the next day :sweat_smile:.

After their match, Mahiro and Kamiyu have this exchange:

Kiryu: “I won!”

Kamifuku: “Mahiro-chan is in Full Power Mahiro Mode these days, aren’t you?”

Kiryu: “I am in Full Power Mahiro Mode. We have a title match tomorrow, so there was absolutely no way we could lose today. I gave it my all.”

Kamifuku: “Good for you!”

Kiryu: “We also have a new move…”

Kamifuku: “That move we won with at the end, what did you name it?”

Then Mahiro says, “技の名前ですか? いいんですか、それで?” I think I understood the meaning, but I guess my question here was more concerning tone, haha. Does this work?

Kiryu: “The move name? You’re cool with it?”

Kamifuku: “Yes, I’ve adopted it.”

Kiryu: “Well, okay then.” (after Kamifuku’s drum roll) “Enryo!”

Kamifuku: “Yeah! The name of the tag move we did at the end is Enryo!”

Kiryu: “It’s named ‘Enryo’ after Enryo Inoue, who is the man who founded Toyo University. It’s written in katakana.”

Then Kamiyu said a line that made me laugh and then immediately go to wikipedia to look something up: “井上円了はバケモノ学に特化した人なので、あの技でバケモノ狩りをするってイメージで.” I think I understand what she’s saying here, especially considering Inoue’s background, but I wasn’t quite sure how to translate バケモノ学. DeepL’s suggestion was “monsterology”, which maybe works? It’s certainly snappy. Here’s what I went with:

Kamifuku: “Enryo Inoue was a man who specialized in monsterology*, so I have an image in my head of us hunting monsters with that move.”

Then Mahiro says, “そういうことです。それを携えて、明日もこの勢いで勝ってベルトを取って。うわぁーって、やりたいですね.” I wasn’t quite sure what she’s saying in her last sentence? This was just my best guess:

Kiryu: “Yes, exactly. We’re going into tomorrow with that in hand, and we’re going to ride this momentum and win the belts. We want to wow them, right?”

Then Kamiyu says, “そうです。明日頑張るので、井上円了に恥じぬ試合をして、ベルトを2人で取ったら大学に行って、卒業後の進路を迷ってるやつらに全員アドバイスしてやる。待っとけ.” I think I got the meaning, but couldn’t quite figure out a great way to translate 待っとけ :sweat_smile:. Here’s what I had:

Kamifuku: “Right. We’re going to do our best tomorrow, and we’re gonna have a match that will not embarrass Enryo Inoue, and when we win the belts, I will go to the university and give advice to everyone who’s struggling to figure out what to do after graduation. Be ready for it.”

Finally, Mahiro says, “全員プロレスラーにしてやる.” I wasn’t quite sure if Mahiro was being included in all of this, or if she was just talking about Kamiyu? Here was my guess:

Kiryu: “You’re going to make them all become wrestlers.”

The show also featured a special singles match between Misao and Nao, which Misao decided to spice up by adding a rule where you had to drink a shot of lemon juice after every one count or rope break. It ended with Nao basically dumping shot after shot of lemon juice in Misao’s mouth hahaha.

After the match, Nao said, “ミサヲさんとのシングルマッチ、まぁ酸いも甘いも経験してきた同期の我々なので。やられたらやり返すって精神でいるので、ミサヲさんにはやられたことを倍にして返したいなと思ってるんですけど。特に何の因縁もないので、これからも同期として、時に今後頭のおかしい絡み合いをして、切磋琢磨して。同期として息長くやっていければいいなと思います。以上です.”

The second and third sentences in particular threw me off a little. Here was my attempt:

Kakuta: “This singles match with Misao-san, well, we’re from the same generation and have both experienced sweet and sour. There’s a spirit of ‘when you suffer damage, pay it back in kind’, so I want to repay double what Misao-san did to me. We don’t have any particular connection, so from now on, as wrestlers from the same generation, we’re going to occasionally get mixed up in crazy matches and have a friendly rivalry. I hope we can keep doing this for a long time as classmates. That’s all.”

I think I got all of Misao’s comment, more or less?

Misao: “Unthinkable… It was my own sweet and sour citric acid rule, but that was hell. Hey, Pokka-lemon-san, I’m fully awake now, but there’s a terrible sour taste in my mouth…” (holding up the plastic water bottle) “It’s gone. I’m disappointed that I lost, but let’s roll this one back under the same rules again so that I can get another chance for revenge. Thank you very much.”

The main event had the small but noteworthy plot development of Raku’s first main event win! She teamed with Itoh and Miyu.

A fun Raku fact is that her first ever win in wrestling happened when she was teaming with Itoh, in pre-pandemic 2020. She was a wrestler for two and a half years before she managed to pin someone. It was a neat little story, and it led to Itoh and Raku challenging for Miu and Rika’s tag titles (since Raku had pinned Miu, who was tag champion at the time). Alas, Raku has still yet to win a title in wrestling. Maybe someday…

Her win here is a good start, at least! She won with the Doctor Yellow, which is named after a rarely seen tester train that is said to bring good luck to anyone who sees it.

After the match, here’s what everyone said (to the best of my understanding!):

Raku: “I won…” (to MagiRabbi, who are on their way out) “Scary!”

Itoh: “I’m not scared. We’re pro wrestlers; we’re going to win!”

Raku: “We’re going to win! I was with two really strong people in the main event today… and they pulled my weight? I was able to win in the main event for the first time today. I always think of the two wrestlers in 121000000 as a limited express train, whereas I’m always a local train, leisurely stopping at each station. But today I feel like I could temporarily become a limited express train. I’m going to try my best to win more matches, and I’m not just going to trail after these two people whom I like very much. I’d like to close with a salute pose from everyone, so please give me your best wishes!”

Everyone: “Oyasumi Express!”

Still two shows behind, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to slowly make up ground, haha.