The 🤼 プロレス thread! Learning Japanese through pro wrestling

Got pretty derailed by the wildest/most stressful three days in AEW’s existence, but I finally finished the translation for TJPW’s August 28 show! (If anyone hasn’t, uh, heard about what happened at AEW this weekend, I can try to sum up the situation as clearly as possible. It’s a mess! :grimacing:)

Gotta say, it’s kind of nice to get back to TJPW after all of that :sweat_smile:.

The main event for the women-only Korakuen show was billed as basically their best six wrestlers, and it certainly delivered! Everyone got their spots in, and it was a really fun match.

After the match, Shoko… said a long sentence that confused me a bit, haha. I think I figured it out, but I’m still not completely sure with these :sweat_smile:.

Here was what she said, and what I had:


Nakajima: “This was a women-only show at Korakuen Hall, and there were people watching pro wrestling for the first time, and people watching TJPW for the first time, and people who have always supported us, and the fact that everyone was cheering for us dispelled my anxiety and fear and made me feel full of energy. Thank you so much! My two tag partners are also really reassuring. Since all of these people have gone through the trouble to see us, I want to hear a bit from each of you.”

I was a bit confused by Rika’s first sentence here: “今日はこんなにたくさんの一面の女の子、ありがとうございます! 画面のむこうのみんなも見えてるよ~”

I ended up filling it in with a little context from that second sentence, assuming I was right. Here was her whole statement:

Tatsumi: “To see the faces of so many girls today, thank you very much! I can see everyone on the other side of the screen, too! I want to keep doing so many more. Wasn’t today a huge success?”

Then Miu said, “すごい女性の方の声が新鮮で嬉しかったんですけど、今日でまたドップリ沼に浸かって、また会いにきてくれたら嬉しいなって思いました。ありがとうございました.”

That second part of her first sentence had some vocab that Yomichan/ struggled a bit to parse, but my fandom vocab book was more helpful, haha. Here was what I had for her lines and then the next few from the others:

Miu: “Hearing so many women’s voices was something new and it made me happy, but if you become totally obsessed after today and come to see us again, I would be overjoyed. Thank you so much.”

Nakajima: “Since the three of you are here, how about you also give a few words."

Sakazaki: “Actually, I did want to talk a little.”

Miyu started off with: “私から。ありがとー! 今日ね、勝てなかったのは悔しいですけど、こうして月日が経って、後楽園で女性限定ってことができてすごく嬉しいし.” The part that confused me was “こうして月日が経って”, but I think I was able to figure out the rest. Here’s what I had:

Yamashita: “From me: Thank you! I’m disappointed that I didn’t win today, but after so much time has passed, I’m so happy that we were able to have a women-only event at Korakuen. I’m also so happy that I could have a match with these members. TJPW will continue to push forward from here, so please give us your support. Thank you so much for today.”

Then Yuka said: “ちょっと女性限定だからカッコつけてんじゃないの? 浮かれんな。でも、いつもと違う風景でいつもと違うかんじに見えて、来てくださってるみなさんが東京女子プロレスになってくれたらすごい団体になるので。みなさん是非、東京女子の練習生になってください(笑)”

The longest sentence was confusing because I couldn’t make sense of what she was trying to say with 違う風景 :sweat_smile:. Here’s what I had:

Sakazaki: “Are you showing off a little because it’s only women? Don’t get carried away. But, if we can show different scenery and a different impression from usual, everyone who comes will become part of TJPW, and it’ll become an amazing organization. I want everyone to become a TJPW trainee (laughs).”

Mizuki said, “今日はいっぱい女の子がいるから、勝ってかっこいいねって言ってもらいたかったんですけど…リカさんのせいで、あんまうまいこといかんくて。でもやっぱり東京女子のチャンピオンは強いなってあらためて思ったし、私は翔子さんはもちろん、ユカッチももちろん。ここの誰よりも強くなるので。これからも東京女子、たくさんたくさん見てもらって、満員の中で試合ができるように一緒に頑張っていきたいので。これからもまた遊びに来てください!”

Lots of things tripped me up here, but the most confusing part was “私は翔子さんはもちろん、ユカッチももちろん”. Then I couldn’t quite figure out the subject of the next sentence, haha. Here was my attempt:

Mizuki: “There are lots of girls here today, so I wanted to win so that they’d say I was cool, but thanks to Rika-san, things didn’t go so well. But in any case, I was reminded that TJPW has a strong champion—Shoko-san of course, but also Yuka-chi. They’re becoming stronger than anyone else here. I hope lots and lots of you keep watching TJPW, and we’re all going to work hard so that we can have a match with a sold-out crowd. Please keep coming back again and again and have fun with us!

Shoko’s last comments in-ring were the only ones I felt decently confident about. She said:

Nakajima: “We all enter the ring with various feelings, but we want TJPW to be the kind of company where people can watch us work hard and do the best that we can and feel energized by it. So I’m going to keep doing my best so that people will want to go watch our matches when they want to feel invigorated again! Whether you’re here for the first time or a long-time supporter, I hope you keep watching TJPW. Thank you so much for coming today!”

Backstage, Shoko said, “まさか女性限定っていままでそんなに大きいところでやったことがなかったので、後楽園ホールでやることにちょっとだけ怖さがあったんですけど。そんなことは忘れるくらいにみなさんの目線と声援がホントに温かくて…こんな言い方をするとアレなんですけど、かわいい!”

That last line was really tricky! Here was my best attempt at that comment and then the next few:

Nakajima: “We hadn’t had a women-only show in such a large venue before, so I was a bit intimidated at the thought of doing it at Korakuen Hall. But everyone’s gaze and voices were so warm, I almost forgot about that… I don’t know how to say it, but they were cute!”

Tatsumi: “Yes they were (laughs). They brought such a cozy feeling, and I’m happy. They cheered so loudly for us.”

Nakajima: “I said it in the ring, but what makes me the happiest is when the people who watch me wrestle say that it energizes them. I want to keep doing my best so that when people want energy, they can come watch my matches.”

Tatsumi: “Yeah! When you watch TJPW, it activates your brain cells. It produces so many happy hormones. I hope people come and see us again and again!”

Then the interviewer talked about this also being a preview match for Shoko vs Yuka. Shoko said, “今日はそこだけじゃないと思って。うーん…私とユカッチは前哨戦当たれて、この続きが見て欲しいなって思ったし。ユカッチはどんな状況でも強いから、私は少し身構えるんです。そんな風に固くならないように、余裕を持っていけるように頑張ります.”

I was confused by most of this, but especially the first and the last sentences :sweat_smile:. Here’s what I had:

Nakajima: “That wasn’t the only point today. Well… Yuka-chi and I faced off in a preview match, and I was hoping people would want to see a continuation of that. Yuka-chi is strong no matter the situation, so that puts me on guard a little bit. I’ll try my best to be flexible so that I don’t get too rigid.”

For the other side’s comments, Yuka started out with:

Sakazaki: “Ah, the venue smelled so nice.”

Then Miyu said, “たしかにね。でもホントに勝てなかったのは悔しいし…でもやっぱり、入場してみんな女の子で。後楽園でこの景色が見られたっていうのは、東京女子の成長をすごく感じました。新しいロゴも発表されて、これからまた東京女子がどう進んでいくかって気になってくれたかなって、今日来れなかった男性のお客さんもね。今日楽しかったよね?”

I think I managed to puzzle out the sentences that confused me here, but not confidently haha. Here’s what I had:

Yamashita: “It did. But it was really frustrating that we lost… Even so, entering and seeing all of those girls there, being able to see that view at Korakuen, I really felt how much TJPW has grown. The new logo was unveiled, and I think it made people wonder about how TJPW is going to move forward from here, even the male fans who couldn’t come today. Today was fun, wasn’t it?”

Then Yuka said, “今日来れない男の方たちは最初から来てるもいて、でもこの場にいれないっていうのはちょっと置いてけぼりみたいなかんじで思われがちですが。でも違うんだよって、みんなに届けてるんだよっていうのが伝わってたらいいなって。拗ねてたら次甘やかしますんで.”

Once again, I was confused by the point she was making with 違う, and a bit confused by that long first sentence again. Here’s what I had:

Sakazaki: “Some of the guys who couldn’t come today have been coming to shows since the beginning, and not being able to come today probably makes them feel a little left out. But I hope that they understand that this is something different, and it’s being delivered to everyone. If they are sulking, I will spoil them next time.”

Every line of Mizuki’s comment confused me, but ironically by the end of it I felt like it clicked and I understood the point she was making, and felt more confident that maybe I had managed to translate it after all? :sweat_smile:


Mizuki: “I think we’re only able to do this daunting Korakuen show because of everyone who faithfully comes to our shows. It’s truly thanks to everyone who’s always here that more women are seeing us. If the venue fills up with both girls and boys, that would be a blessing.”

For Yuka’s final comment, I think I understood the first part of her response, but was a bit confused by everything that followed after the question from the interviewer:


Sakazaki: “I would be so happy if everyone follows TJPW as it’s brilliantly transforming like this.”

(It was also a preview match)

“I’m still aware of Shoko Nakajima. But enjoying the women-only audience was the most important thing for me today. But even though I’m not as focused on her, Shoko Nakajima being present gives me a sense of excitement, as always. We’re not there yet. From this point, I want to keep kicking things into a higher gear.”

And that’s it for that show!

Looks like things are winding down for a bit from here. The two shows from last weekend combined have substantially less to translate than this one did, haha, and the next big show is in October. Phew!

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