The 🤼 プロレス thread! Learning Japanese through pro wrestling

I translated some things a little out of order this week because I decided to prioritize the press conference that TJPW had on June 13 before finishing the CyberFight Fest translations. So I will start with that! I’m not sure I’ll be able to finish the CyberFight Fest translations before the Korakuen show tomorrow, but I’m getting a little faster at this, so I’ll try.

First of all, here’s the recap for the tag team championship part of the conference. Here’s the video of it.

I’m excited for this one because I really like both teams, and I honestly can’t decide who I think needs to win it more :sweat_smile:. Shoko and Misao have never held the tag team titles (with each other). If Shoko wins, she’ll become the first double champion in TJPW history. So, on the one hand, I really want them to win, and I think it would be very deserved after everything they’ve been through as a tag team, especially recently, but… well, I also really love MagiRabbi and don’t want their reign to end so soon! So I’m torn.

During the press conference, Misao said that she saw Yuka and Shoko’s match at CyberFight Fest, and she was happy to see Shoko defend her belt. She felt proud of their match, and was very inspired by it, and she wants the tag title match to make the other TJPW wrestlers feel proud in that same way. She thinks it can be said that as far as TJPW is concerned, MagiRabbi really stand out. She feels like they can be called a 看板 (I struggled with how to translate this, but ultimately settled on “draw”, despite the slightly insider-y language) for TJPW, which is why she wants to beat them.

I think I figured it out, but her last sentences here confused me a bit. She said: “すごく価値のある状態になったマジラビに勝ったら、“東京女子に享楽共鳴がいるぞ”って言えるような存在になれると思ってます。享楽共鳴の価値を上げるためにも、絶対にこの試合は勝ちたいと思ってます.”

Here was my attempt at a translation:

MagiRabbi are in a very valuable state, and if we can beat them, I think we’ll be able to say ‘For TJPW, it’s Kyoraku Kyomei’ in that same way. For the sake of raising Kyoraku Kyomei’s value, we have to win this match.”

Shoko said that until her match with Yuka, that was the only thing that she was thinking about, so she’s only just now getting excited about the tag title match. She wants to have a friendly competition with their best rivals as a team, “引っ張ったり引っ張られたり”, pulling each other and being pulled. She’s looking forward to seeing what kind of match they’ll have next.

She said: “ハイパーミサヲと力を合わせて、私たちらしい戦い方で勝ちにいこうと思っています.” I was a little confused, but translated it as: “I’m going to join forces with Misao, and we’re going to fight in our own typical style and win!”

Mizuki said that she couldn’t win the fourway match and felt really frustrated, and then when she watched Yuka and Shoko’s match and Yuka lost, she felt Yuka’s frustration as if it were her own. She said: “ユカっちが私を選んでパートナーとしてやってくれてるので、私も東京女子を大きくしたいと思う.” The first part of this sentence really confused me, haha. This was my translation: “Since Yuka-chi chose me, as her partner, I also want to make TJPW bigger.”

Mizuki went on to say that she wants to defend the belts together with Yuka, and spread the message all throughout Japan, throughout the world, throughout the universe, that “MagiRabbi are the tag champions of TJPW.”

Yuka said that her match with Shoko was about the pride of TJPW, and carrying her pride in a match, but the tag belts are a different thing entirely. She says they’re belts that expand the diversity, fun, and possibility of TJPW (I think I would agree with this!). I got a little bit tripped up on her last sentence here, partially because it was long. She said: “対戦相手が享楽共鳴ってことは、もっと可能性が広がった、どんな試合になるのか分からないような試合になると思いますので、また違った楽しみ方があるのかなと思います.”

Here was my attempted translation:

I think that as our opponents, Kyoraku Kyomei will expand the possibilities even more, and because we don’t know what kind of match it will be, I think it’ll offer a different kind of fun.

Concerning what to watch out for from the other team, Misao said that they’ve defended the belts many times, so she’s very wary of the strength of their tag team power. She said: “しかも油断させつつの感じなんです。見た目かわいい感じで、ハピハピな感じだけど、やることがえげつない.” Both of these sentences confused me, haha. Here was my attempt: “They always catch you off guard. They put up a cute appearance and say ‘HAPPY HAPPY’, but the things they do are despicable.”

Shoko said that she thinks 享楽共鳴’s strength is that they’re able to have matches that feel like upturning a toy box. MagiRabbi are a tag team that breaks toys with smiles on their faces. That’s what scares her.

Mizuki answered: “パミさん(ミサヲ)のふざけてるというか、ずる賢い部分に翔子さんが乗っかっちゃうというか.” Another tricky one for me. My translation was: “Pami-san’s (Misao’s) pranks, or maybe I should say that Shoko-san takes advantage of her devious side.”

She said that they have excellent synergy, so even though Misao is the number one concern, surprisingly Shoko is also someone to watch out for. It feels like the two of them are sharing their brains.

Yuka said: “タッグには色が違う面があるので。スピードだったり、悪さ、ずるさ、2チームともあると思いますので、だまし合いをしていきたいと思ってます.” This one caused me some trouble both in understanding the Japanese, and in figuring out how to word it in English, haha. Here was my (very not confident) attempt: “They wear a different face as a tag team. I think both teams have speed, mean mischief, and cunning, so I want to outsmart them when we meet.”

Shoko talked about how feelings were a big part of her match with Yuka, who is a wrestler who is very special and who she thinks is incredibly strong. She said that that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have big feelings toward the tag title match. Then pretty much the whole rest of her comment here confused me: “ただ、2人いるんで、気持ちが半分になってるような気がしてるんです。そんな気負わずとも思いっきり羽を伸ばして試合をすれば、もし私がつまずいても、ミサヲがなんとかしてくれるっていう気持ちあるので。その分、1対1より、思い切りバクチができる気はします.”

Here was my best shot at it:

But there are two people, so it feels like my emotions are halved. Even if I don’t get worked up and have as much fun as I possibly can, if I falter during the match, I feel like Misao will somehow save me. Because of that, I feel like I’m able to take more risks than I could in a one-on-one match.

And finally, Yuka said that since Mizuki is here, she doesn’t have anything to worry about. She says: “私以上に私のことを分かってくれてる子なので。そこは安心して、完全に乗っかって、おんぶにだっこ.” My attempt was: “She knows me better than I know myself. So I can rest assured there, and climb on and completely rely on her.”

Then Yuka asks Mizuki to “お姫さまだっこしてもらって・・・”, to carry her like a princess, ahaha. I was very disappointed that they did not show the actual princess carrying in the video. But there are photos of it, and I feel like I have to share this one specifically because it’s such a great representation of both of these teams:

The other half of the press conference was devoted to Shoko’s upcoming title defense against Rika Tatsumi. Here’s a transcript of that one.

Rika said: “4WAYなんだから、もっと場外で潜んでたり、休んだりとか作戦を練ってやれたらよかったとか思ったんですけど・・・。ぶつかって当たっていくしかできなくて、結果的にそれでよかったのかなとも思っていて.” Various bits and pieces of this were confusing to me, but I think I got the general idea at least? Here was my translation:

Since it was a fourway, I thought it would have been better if I’d planned more tactics like lurking outside the ring and taking a rest… I had no choice except to hit and hit, but it got results, so I think it was the right thing to do.

She said that her opponents were all really cool wrestlers, so the fact that she was able to survive them gave her a lot of confidence. She said: “自信とかすぐになくしちゃうタイプで、もともと自信ってあってないようなもの.” This one had a little too much going on for me to be able to figure it out unassisted, so my heavily DeepL-influenced translation was: “I’m the type of person who loses confidence easily, and I never had that much confidence to begin with.” Rika says that she was able to regain it, so with her chest held high, she wants to challenge Shoko at 大田区 on July 9.

Rika also said that concerning Shoko vs Yuka, she’s happy no matter who wins, but she also really doesn’t want to see either of them win. But she also thought “no matter who wins, we’ll be able to do something great”. She says that she was on the edge of her seat, and was cheering so hard her hands hurt.

She said that Shoko is unbeatable. She’s invincible, and she doesn’t have any blind spots. But that kind of state can’t continue for long, so how is Rika going to disrupt it? Rika said that at Ota Ward, she’s going to bloom again a second time as the champion. This next part of her comment was a little tricky, but I think I managed to figure it out? She said: “私はクレイジーな人間が好きなんですけど。好きでい続けたら自分もそう言っていただくことが増えて。だから私はチャンピオンに“狂い咲きたい”と思ってます。辰巳リカは狂い咲くのほうが似合うと思うので.”

Here was my translation, with my attempt at sort of keeping her pun, haha:

I like crazy people. If I continue liking them, more and more people will say that about me, too. So that’s why I want to ‘bloom out of season’ and become champion. I think ‘crazy blooming’ is more suitable for Rika Tatsumi.

狂い apparently means “insanity” or “deviation”, and 咲く means “to bloom”. 狂い咲く means “to bloom out of season”, but the phrase literally translates to “crazy blooming”.

They ask her about fighting in the main event at a big show, and she said: “ビッグマッチでメインに立つのは初めてなんで、いろんなものがのしかかるなって思うんですけど。自分で勝ち取ったものなので、胸を張って、思い切りやるしかない.” The beginning of the last sentence there was particularly confusing to me. I felt like I understood the literal meaning of the words, but what she meant by saying it was unclear to me.

Here was my attempt at that whole chunk:

But this is my first time being in the main event at a big show, so it’s a lot of responsibility. I won by myself, so I have no choice except to hold my chest high and give it my all.

Rika says that she has been away from the singles front, but she seized her chance. She thinks the time for a “チャンピオンに狂い咲き” is now. She wants to become champ again and make TJPW even bigger, and stir things up even more.

And finally, I have one last question, haha. Rika talks a little bit about her upcoming preview match at the Korakuen show (she’s teaming with Suzume against Maki Itoh and Hikari Noa). She says that she has no choice except to win all of her matches until the title match, then says: “相手の伊藤ちゃんも、(インターナショナル・プリンセスの)チャンピオンではあるんですけど、鈴芽と協力して勝ちにいきたい。勢いつけます.”

I translated the first sentence as: “My opponent, Itoh-chan, is also a (International Princess) champion, but I want to cooperate with Suzume to win.” But that very last sentence completely lost me. I couldn’t figure out つけます at all :sweat_smile:.

That’s all from me for now!

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