Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 1

It shouldn’t be like that should be 90ish for 1 and 50ish for 2 like in the spreadsheet I even used chapter and page numbers. I never uploaded a deck tho so not sure if something got jumbled up.
And furthermore I don’t know what happens when I update the deck with more vocab if you get the changes or if I have to re-upload it.

Was this read before or what do you mean? If that’s the case I could make a complete deck if I could get my hands in that table.

Germany and you?

Is anyone else having trouble purchasing he digital version off the JP Amazon store? Mine says ‘Not Currently Available’. This is my first time trying to buy something off JP Amazon so I’m probably doing something wrong lol


Are you in Japan? Are you using a VNP? Do you already have an Amazon JP account? I just entered Amazon JP and it seems available. I’m outside Japan and I’m not using a VPN but in the past I created an Amazon JP account using a random Japanese address.

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Like @sergiop mentioned you will need to have a Japanese address in your Amazon Japan account to be able to purchase kindle books. There are services you can sign up for that will give you an address to use (tenso is mentioned higher up in the thread) or if you are okay with downloading another e-reader app you can use Bookwalker’s Japanese site and purchase it there. Theres a link to purchase from there at the very top of the thread.

Just got it and looking forward to reading along with you all!
I was very pleasantly surprised with the ease I could purchase a Japanese ebook from BookWalker. No hoops to jump through (other than making sense of the Japanese website), no pretending to live in Japan, nothing. I love having it as an ebook because of the instant delivery and the ability to zoom in. Seriously, I may be getting old, but some complicated kanji and all furigana on printed manga look just like a blurry smudge to me.


I’m Romanian, living in Manchester UK :japanese_ogre:

Yes, I thought this was a repeat book club, so I went hunting for a spreadsheet that was already finished by earlier people… Did not find. Forgive my confusion, I am doing too many books at once right now…(Harry Potter and コンビニ人間 and Kiki’s)

What file formats do I get if I purchase from Amazon vs Bookwalker? It sounds like it’s easier to purchase from Bookwalker, but I don’t want some weird encrypted DRM file I have to download an app to read. I just want something I can convert to normal PDF.


Honestly, I’d probably use the dictionary tool on Kitsun to create the flashcards. The dictionary tool will have Jisho’s definitions and part of speech (maybe even generated audio as well). The spreadsheet might not have the best meanings and learning only the meanings used in the manga is missing an opportunity to learn the vocab at their fullest. But if you’re more comfortable doing it through the spreadsheet, then for sure go ahead :smiley:

I’d suggest adding Chapters and Weeks as tags as well. For example, “Chapter 1” and “Week 1”. This way, people could see which words they’ll need to study for the next week or chapter.


Then I’m afraid Bookwalker is not for you. They are the very definition of weird encrypted DRM + proprietary format you can only read on their app (hence why I don’t buy from them). Not sure about Amazon, but Kobo gives you a kepub file that combined with Calibre, you’d probably be able to convert to a PDF. I imagine Amazon is similar.


Can confirm, I deDRM my Kindle files and then convert them to a PDF with Calibre. I did have to mess about a bit with getting the right version of the Kindle app for PC and stuff, but once it’s set up it’s like butter!


Hi! is there a group chat or something to chat about the book? or are we only using the thread?

I’d love to do this but haven’t started Genki 1 yet, blegh! Maybe next time :wink:

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Starting May 1st, weekly threads will be posted. They’ll be linked to here, so be sure to put this thread on notification!

While you’ll definitely want to have completed Genki 1 (or equivalent) to do well reading along, if you’re interested in the manga we’ll be reading, you can still follow along with the discussion. Chapters in this series are fairly short (and I assume self-contained), so there’s not a lot of understanding necessary to be able to follow along throughout the whole volume.

That said, different people learn differently, so following along with grammar-related discussion at a pre-Genki stage won’t work for everyone.


I’ve watched the anime, and it builds on itself, albeit VERY LITTLE. But otherwise yeah, it’s fairly easy to just jump in.


Having seen the anime is even better, should you decide to try following along with the discussion for the trove of grammar information it will produce.


I actually got a little impatient after I finished the deck @AmeKuno made, so I went ahead and published a version that includes Japanese -> Reading layout cards, and I’ll be adding vocab for all the chapters here.

Here’s the link
Here’s the link

I wish I’d seen this before, this is a really smart way to do it. I also like that they can come with audio. I may go back update the cards already there, but since there’s no way to update an existing card from a definition, this will probably be pretty time consuming. I can do it the easy way for the next chapter though


Finally purchased a copy! Way harder than it should have been. Kobo didn’t like my card number, no matter what I tried. I gave up and bought from Amazon.

I found that I do not need a VPN for Amazon JP. I entered some random address in Tokyo on my account. For anyone else trying this, I had to set that address as the “default address” before it showed the book as available. Even though it was the only address, Amazon assumed (correctly) I was in the US until I changed the default address.

Thanks to everyone who had tips and info about purchasing!