Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 1, chapter 7

This is why I often recommend the book clubs to others. It often gives people their first real experience at consuming native materials purely in Japanese (no English subtitles, for example), and may very well be their first step toward a more immersive approach to acquiring the language.

You nicely wrote up everyone I would have written on んち and the use of か in that sentence. Looks good!

Off-topic rambling

It’s always interesting to see the drop off in polls from thread to thread.

For some people, they just won’t be interested in the material. In this case, dropping out might be for the best, because it can be difficult to learn from something boring.

For others, I imagine they can’t keep up, and might not like the feeling of falling behind schedule. Even though they don’t need to keep at club pace, doing so makes for a clear schedule. Considering the number of times in the past that I tried to read a manga for the first time, only to give up by (or before) page three, I always hope people in this category don’t give up completely.

Aside on Ayumu pick for ABBC

The nice thing about Ayumu as the next ABBC, along with Takagi continuing as a spin-off, is that they’re from the same mangaka. I imagine sticking with reading one writing style is probably helpful in the very beginning of learning/reading, because there’s likely a higher chance of being exposed to the same words and way of saying things. (It also gives a lovely false sense of security that gets dashed the moment you try to read something written in a different style =D )


Well, I definitely have had that dashed a long while ago. I have tried to read a few different things on my own, and realised I was diving headfirst into something that I would never be able to understand at my level. (this was videogames, as opposed to manga, but same theory applies.)

As an aside, I also find that the better I feel at reading, the more I realise my listening really needs work. I have tried a few episodes of Oregairu because it’s one anime I have watched a lot and never get tired of, but I’m finding without Japanese subtitles, it goes over my head quite often, and I only know what’s happening because of my familiarity with the show, so yeah. I need to find time for that too. It’s just a bit difficult to juggle work, life, and learning, at times, so my listening practice has definitely been backburner in comparison to reading.

Listening recommendations

Going to recommend Shirokuma Cafe since that’s one that’s been working for me pretty well so far and I’ve really enjoyed the episodes I’ve watched. Another thing I’m going to recommend is re-watching episodes, perhaps going with and without subs. I do want to try some other stuff - I mean there’s always Teasing Master Takagi-san if you want to stick with this haha. I want to try out Flying Witch too since I’ve been reading that and feel like it might not be too hard with me now being familiar with it

Another possible recommendation for listening practice that you can slot into spare bits of time is podcasts like Nihongo Con Teppei for Beginners and Sakura Tips - both have short episodes (about 4 minutes) and are made for learners (with slow speaking/some words being defined) so they’re definitely worth trying if you find yourself with some spare time where you could be listening like on a walk or something. Downside is a lack of visuals, but at the same time it very specifically forces you to be listening rather than relying on visuals to get you through. Sakura Tips also has a transcript on the website, so it can be useful to read that for picking up new words or checking your understanding (since there’s also an english translation to check against - though it’s not super literal so it’s more for checking overall understanding). Nihongo Con Teppei for Beginners on the other hand I find to have more basic language overall and the host doesn’t talk as deliberately slowly while still being quite understandable I find. Plus he’s quite fun haha, and having fun helps even when you don’t get it all


I have seen Shirokuma Cafe recommended quite a bit. Do you know where it’s available? Is it on Netflix or anything similar?

Thank you for the recommendations, I really do appreciate it! I’ll try and incorporate them into my studying!

More listening

You can probably get it without subs on Crunchyroll (I know it’s available for me on there), and you can find Japanese subs elsewhere with a bit of searching probably

Another recommendation to throw in: Comprehensible Japanese - does videos with basic grammar and language and with images and gestures to help make it as easy to comprehend as possible

Pages 1-8 translation

傘 Umbrella
Gee, precisely when it’s time to go home, it started to rain.
I did not hear anything about rain!
But I did not bring a raincoat!
ドジ。// Ask about word ドジ, seems it’s not バカ - not a person, but rather act
What a mistake!
Well, let’s take a bus (to return home)?
But I have no money for bus! // no change for bus (bus fare)!
Terrible mistake.
I will lend you money… Enough for the bus fair.
Sh*t… Today again I was teased terribly.
Takagi-san, are you not going home?
No… I forgot to bring an umbrella or raincoat.
Ha-ha-ha! Such clumsiness, Takagi-san!
You did not know it would rain today? So clumsy!
NIshikata, if I remember correctly, you said that your umbrella is rather big, isn’t it?
So that’s is called sharing an umbrella. Why is this happening?
Takagi-san, but what about your bicycle?
Tomorrow, I’ll walk to school.
Grr… Somehow, now I feel super embarrassed…
Hard…hard to breeze
Need to do something for distraction…
How about that! I heard that girls don’t like frogs.
Excellent surprise, Takagi-san!
Hmm, how cute.
Damn, as expected from Takagi-san…But to this degree…
Waa! Hahaha
Big surprise, hahaha!

Sort of question. There is a word ドジ used 4 times on pages 2 and 4, which was new to me. While on page 2, I was sure that さなえ just calls the other girl バカ but uses somewhat different word. But then Nishikata uses it toward Takagi-san, and he cannot ever call her an idiot. But it sure sounds condescending. Other than this story, I don’t remember hearing ドジ in anime. How common it is, what do you think? What kind of feel this word has, casual or pretentious?


I don’t have much experience with anime, but in this manga we came across ドジ in the very first chapter, when Takagi claims she forgot her eraser, and Nishikata comments ははん!消しゴムを忘れるなんてドジだねえ。I know jisho says it means “blunder; bungle; clumsiness”, but to me it feels more like “how silly of you” in tone, not too accusatory but still somewhat condescending, in a friendly sort of way.


Guess who’s going to start noticing ドジ in anime :wink: (Congrats!) Also, expect ドジっ子 to come up from time to time.

Aside from what @omk3 mentioned, I’d add that it’s used toward someone who’s acted carelessly.

For example, in this scene from the manga Saint Tail, the main character lost the baseball tickets she had to buy for the classmate helping her study for an upcoming test. Her friend says ドジ to her:


Likewise for Takagi, she was careless regarding her umbrella (and likewise her eraser).


I think I had the same question others had on page 16, but that has been answered already. Aside from that, I think I got the rest of the chapter with little to no issues (except vocabulary). Reading these chapters is much easier when they stick to the more simple sentence structures :slightly_smiling_face:


I just want to say. Based on your profile pic you have an excellent taste of gaming and waifu!!


Little behind on posting, but I made it. And I read my chapter early to make sure, but I was at climate protests so I figured I’d rock up really late!!


I’m finding myself doing 3 passes for each chapter. Once without looking anything up, once looking up vocab, and finally once doing a deep dive on the grammar. I feel like I have a pretty much full understanding after the second pass, but the third one always seems to expose spots where I understand what’s being said but not the actual grammar. Such as:

pg. 5

(side note, not sure how the triple dots should look horizontally)
What is では doing here? I understand the whole phrase as something like:
“This is that ‘sharing an umbrella’ thing…how did this happen/why am I in this situation?!”
But I’m not sure what では is actually adding. I looked up various grammar points for ては and では but none of them seem to fit.

pg. 9

“It’s fine if it’s a little wet”
I have no idea what だしいい is doing here.

My understanding of page 9:

I think the sentence can be broken down like this:
ちょっと だ し いい よ.
I believe し here is the し used for listing reasons.
So, ちょっとだ - it’s a little
ちょっと だし= because it’s a little
いいよ=it’s fine.
Put together: It’s only a little, so it’s fine.

Edit to add:

Not sure about page 5, but here are my thoughts:

これは相合傘というやつ = the thing called umbrella sharing
This is an incomplete sentence, and needs a copula. I think it gets it in the form of で (て form of だ), then the whole thing takes the は particle to make it a topic.
“As for this thing called umbrella sharing…”


I also finished this chapter few days ago.

Pages 9-16

By the way, Nishikata, isn’t your shoulder wet?
Get under the umbrella properly!
No, it’s ok. // What is だし
No it’s not! You will catch a cold again!
Get closer in order to get under the umbrella properly.

My heart beats like crazy (My heart’s sound is terrible).
Calm down!
If Takagi-san finds out that I’m so stressed out, more teasing will be done for sure!
At least try chatting about something! // “Let’s chat” doesn’t work well for inner monologue

Isn’t it unusual for Takagi-san to forget something? // Grammar quastion - no verb
No, you always do everything perfectly, so I could not believe it.// Very loose translation
もしかして高木さんって案外ドジなのかいっ!? //高木さんって what is って
Perhaps Takagi-san is unexpectedly clumsy?

I know. Certainly, I might be a little bit forgetful.
Takagi-san herself admitted that she is forgetful!?
What is… this feeling…
This feeling of amazing victory!

Even right now, there is a word that I’ve forgotten for a moment.
Eh, what word did you forget?
Just now, two people are using one umbrella, what is this situation called, remind me.
It just slipped my mind.

あ。。。あ えっと。。。あいあいがさ。
umm Love-umbrella
Eh? What?
I did not hear.
A! I remembered, it is “sharing an umbrella”=”love umbrella” // word pun
You definitely have not forgotten!

Also, that ーhow is it called, tell me.
When a couple puts their lips together to express love?.
A kiss
Don’t pretend you did not hear, Takagi san!

Rain has stopped.
Thank god! I was afraid it would continue till Takagi-san’s home.
Well, Takagi-san, I’m going this way. Good-bye.
I’ve kinda forgotten the way home.
もうカンベンしてよぉお! // Ask question about this
Give me a break!

I see some of my questions already answered - thank you very much!

Here are two from page 11:

  1. 珍しいよね、高木さんが忘れ物なんてさ。

Isn’t it unusual for Takagi-san to forget something?

I cannot find the “main verb” here?

  1. もしかして高木さんって案外ドジなのかいっ!?

Perhaps Takagi-san is unexpectedly clumsy?

What is “って” doing in “高木さんって”

Thanks and see you all tomorrow at Chapter 8!


って in that instance is essentially equivalent to は. I think って is a little more nuanced than は. は is fairly direct, って is more… I’m lacking the English to explain. Not vague, but slightly less direct? “Oh, hey, speaking of this” vibes, as opposed to, “I am talking about this.”

Somebody else would be better served to break down the nuances between the two, but the thing to pull from my poor explanation is that it is a casual topic marker that is replacing は.

As for the other sentence, I think the "main verb"would be attached to 珍しいよね . I think it’s a case of it being dropped in casual speech, and this is (maybe?) a case of saying something, then clarifying the topic of the sentence after. I would interpret the sentence as, “This is rare, Takagi-san forgetting something.”

As always, somebody more knowledgeable than me may correct me. If they do, always take their word over mine. I’m veryyyyy new to grammar and reading. :sweat_smile:


Does not feel like it :slight_smile: How do you study grammar, if you don’t mind answering.

Myself, I got stuck on Genki I lesson 8 couple months ago. With addition of little tidbits accumulated on forums from previous books and some CureDolly videos, I have about 70 N5 grammar points on bunpro.

Thanks for your answers!

I'm hiding this in a collapsible tab because, oh my gosh, I'm sleep-deprived and rambling. I'm so sorry. >///<

I have tried a few times to get through Genki and just… can’t. I have both Genki I and II, but I struggle with the textbook format outside of a classroom, especially since a lot of the exercises require a partner. My grammar studying is honestly pretty hodge-podge. The only thing that I have any consistency with is I watch Japanese Ammo with Misa regularly, and take notes.

Otherwise, this book club is my main exposure to new grammar, though I also do some NHK Easy News as well, and that introduces me to some points quite often also. Anytime I come across a new grammar point, I google it and write notes. Handwriting cements things for me better, personally. I would never remember anything if I couldn’t write it down. Haha. I usually start with Maggie-sensei, and branch out from there. Sometimes I find useful stuff, other times, I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of too much information, and other times I find nothing at all. In the latter two cases, I make sure to revisit what notes I could take on it, and try to keep it in mind as I read, hoping to come across it enough times in enough contexts that it starts to sink in how it is being used.

って is a good example, actually. Googling the grammar point on its own when I first saw it brought it up as being related to という (because of course it would be… という and I are not friends, but I’m getting the sense I’m going to become very well acquainted with it as I read), but didn’t really bring up it’s use replacing は. That knowledge actually came from some of the earlier chapters in this book club. I would have to go back, but I’m pretty sure we see it briefly even in the first chapter. Somebody mentioned it was being used to replace は, so back then, I googled “って as は”, and found a number of examples that I wrote down, and have made an effort to keep it in mind because it seems like it’s fairly common. Editing to add the link to って I found most useful when I was able to get past the initial sensory/information overload It’s use to replace は and というものは is a quite a bit down the page, but it’s there, however briefly.


All this is to say, outside of Misa’s videos, I don’t have a strict grammar study. I sort of just try to learn the concepts as I come across them. It’s really not very efficient. I have been actively trying to learn Japanese since April of last year, and feel like I haven’t made as much progress as I could if I were to focus my efforts a little better. It’s just difficult to balance work (I usually work 11 hour days, anymore), life, and my studies. Haha. Truly, though, this past month or so reading with all of y’all has been a MASSIVE boost to my learning. It’s given me something more solid to base my studies in, and the immersion is just incredibly helpful. I truly can’t express how much this has helped.

I’m always glad to answer what I can, also, because honestly, it helps me out a bunch too. It shows me what points I am actually pretty comfortable with, and which ones I’m sorta relying on intuition for, and I need to study a bit more. I wish I could give you a better roadmap for grammar, but I honestly don’t have one. Haha. Once I finish WaniKani (I’m averaging about 10-11 days per level, so I have a long ways yet), I plan on getting into BunPro and really buckling down on studying grammar more intensively, though.

Also editing to add that I have watched a couple of Cure Dolly videos, and while they are definitely informative, I have to pick and choose when I watch them. I have a difficult time with the modulated voice (subtitles solve most of the problem with understanding, but I also just find it grating if I listen for too long), but I also find the bagging on textbooks (which, fair criticism, but…) to be on the incessant side, for lack of a kinder way to put it. I fully agree that textbooks tend to oversimplify, and by studying purely with them and nothing else, you are going to have some troubles, but yeah. The bagging on them in pretty much every video starts to feel even less helpful, and hits my nerves for some silly reason. Heh.


The main verb is 珍しい. Adjectives can stand alone in Japanese, they don’t take a verb or the copula, and they’re conjugated themselves. Ending a sentence with an adjective is perfectly grammatical (theです we often see after them, especially in textbooks, is not necessary, it just adds a more polite nuance). Admittedly this sentence is a little topsy-turvy. The adjective is not at the end as it should be. But that’s because it’s spoken, not written, and Nishikata adds the topic at the end as an afterthought so to speak.


finished the vocab for the next chapter … was previously populating everything for true absolute beginners …since I’m not an absolute beginner … …vocab that’s not in the chap 8 list is probably already in the past ch lists (maybe) :wink:

(thought I’d have some fun… )

  • 怠け者になった
  • 悪い人
  • 第二章、いつ?

0 voters

hmm…we’re almost done with this one…when we do start the spin off :partying_face:


Thanks for the detailed responce.

I have similar plans. Right now WK takes most of my time, and since it has the exact finish line, I do not want to break what works and slow down. But once done with WK, I expect to free some time for grammar and more reading.