Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 3 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete]

The weekend’s almost here, which means some more time spent with Takagi-san, and time to wrap up Volume 3! Thanks again, everyone, for participating! While we’re a smaller group, I love the discussion we all have, and look forward to continuing the series in Volume 4, two weeks from now!

For all my American friends here, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving, and get to eat plenty of delicious food, and spend some time with your families! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Are you planning on reading with us this week?
  • I will be reading along!
  • I will catch up later!
  • I won’t be reading (anymore)

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thanks!!! what about the rest of the world haha…might live in socal…but I’m tempted to pick up KFC today


The rest of us can just have a wonderful day and some yummy food without the Thanksgiving bit. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here in Canada, we had our Thanksgiving a month or so ago, so I’ve had my turkey fill already, until the next big holiday rolls around (and even then, I’m looking forward to the prime rib and ham more than anything). :stuck_out_tongue:

And hey, nothing wrong with some good ol’ KFC! Though, I have to admit… I enjoy it more up here than I ever did back in the States… They have some pretty decent poutine here. :stuck_out_tongue:


I really need to do some catching up, but coursework is taking a lot of my time right now

Kind of wish I could get uni done with already because now it’s getting in the way of other things I want to learn haha


I sometimes wonder, does anyone living outside of California even know what “socal” is? (For anyone who doesn’t, it’s Southern California.)

Just let me know if you need me to send a professional-sounding letter to your instructors kindly asking them to reduce your workload, so you have more time to read comic books =D


I can say I’ve never lived there and knew that, but Idaho (where I grew up) is also close enough to Cali to be acutely aware of its existence and all its slang. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best of luck! I remember those days all too well!


I’m a bit early this weekend, but I had the time today, so I sat down to read Chapter 9 and the bonus chapter! Chapter 9 was a pretty smooth read, but honestly, I feel like I’m not totally grasping the bonus chapter… It feels like we got dropped into the middle of a situation that we have no prior knowledge of. To that end, I want to make sure I’ve interpreted a few things correctly:


On Pg. 151 (the second page of the bonus chapter), there is the panel where the dark-haired girl (have we seen her before? She seems familiar, but I can’t place her. I recognize the delinquent kid and his sister from the “Test of Courage” chapter, for sure, but not sure why she seems familiar) says the following:


This sentence is the one that I am really struggling with, for some reason. It’s a case of knowing all the words in the sentence, but not…really feeling like I can connect the dots.

勇気だして = I think is a form of 勇気を出す, with the を particle dropped, so means “to summon courage; to be brave”, in conjunctive て-form to connect to the next verb:

告白した = to confess (from context, specifically confessing feelings)

方の身 = ??? I know both the words, but I can’t for the life of me find a way to make this make sense in my head.

にも = essentially just a combination of the に and も particles… It’s modifying the 方の身, but since I can’t parse what that combo is trying to say, knowing it modifies that doesn’t help me much here.

なってよ = なる in て-form. Can’t really decide what the best definition is here since it has several, but I think maybe it’s the “to come to do” answer, and she wants him to come to an answer, since she was asking him in the previous panel had he done

I am picking up general vibes of, “For the [whatever that 方の身 noun is] that worked up the courage to confess, come to an answer.”

Edit: 2nd possible interpretation after looking at it some more: “Become the one who also worked up the courage to confess.”

So she is telling him to confess? But then what’s the “answer” bit about? I dunno. Just floating more possibilities…

Edit 2: I added an also to the second possibility, which utilizes the も particle properly, and allows me to sorta feel like maybe that’s the correct answer. Guessing from context, a girl (not the one speaking to him right now) confessed to the kid, and he hasn’t yet given an answer, so she is telling him to be brave enough to give an answer/confess to the third party…maybe?

I guess where I’m confused, is that I’ve only seen 身 to refer to “oneself,” and from the rest of the chapter, it seems pretty clear she is not talking about herself here; there is a third party that she thinks he needs to be speaking to, but maybe I’m misinterpreting the meaning of her:

だからさ… その好意はあの子に向けてあげてよ

I read that as being along the lines of:

“I already said, direct that affection towards that girl.”

But maybe I’m misreading that entirely, and that’s the source of my confusion.

Either way, I would appreciate some help! I feel like this chapter dropped us into some drama that we don’t have any real context for, and I’m a little lost, but intrigued, now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Story Comments, Standout Panels

Given the odd coloration, I suspect this is one of those panels that @ChristopherFritz mentioned early on where the digital version decided to be in black-and-white while the printed version would be in color? Or is it just a sudden shift in shading for no apparent reason?

Gotta love how excited (and oblivious) Mina is… On a side note, if somebody offered me a baked sweet potato flavored ice cream, I would call the cops for that crime against flavor and good taste… Blegh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Comments here are two-fold: First, Sanae-chan has a much better understanding of how Takagi-san and Nishikata interact with each other than does Yukari, clearly. :stuck_out_tongue:
Second, regarding the ice cream: Pictures taken moments before disaster.

Nothing gets past Takagi-san. Nothing.

Gotta love how easily he gets flustered. Also, something about the way the background was drawn in this panel really stood out to me. I like it a lot.


I’m reading two different manga series centered around Yukari, Mina, and Sanae, so I had to question whether I picked up the right one to read.

To be more precise, I believe the original monthly “phone book” manga release had color, but the compiled volume was in black and white. And the digital copy gets the same treatment as the printed volume (although I think they should be in color for digital, because it’s not like the need to keep costs down for it).

Have you seen all the flavors Japan has for ice cream and everything else?

I don’t know about her, but the little sister has appeared as a background character in the manga 「ふだつきのキョーコちゃん」.

I know that ()になる is kind of like the English expression “put yourself in my shoes”, meaning for one person to see it from another person’s perspective.

I’m not certain specifically the meaning, but I get the sense she’s saying (leaning more into English than precise translation here), "Consider also the perspective of the girl who mustered up the courage and confessed to you. To me, your “edit 2” reasoning sounds about right. He was confessed to by another girl, but he likes this girl here, and he hasn’t bothered to let the other girl know yet.

I think mangaka likes to come up with all kinds of youthful love situations (based on their various manga). This feels to me like a random idea that the mangaka wanted to use, but couldn’t write a whole chapter on it, so it was kind of thrown into an omake.


Ahaha, that would cause a bit of confusion, eh? It’s not often we get a different perspective in the main manga itself. This may even be the first time outside of the bonus chapters, but I could be remembering wrong.

And that’s exactly what I needed for the sentence to make sense. Thank you! In retrospect, I’ve seen this phrase before, but the も caused me to blank it out as a possibility entirely. Should’ve known better!

That’s a fair point… this one just seems especially affronting. :stuck_out_tongue: but then, I don’t much care for baked/roasted sweet potatoes to begin with, so I can’t imagine the ice cream tasting any better. Haha.

That makes sense! It also likely means we will never see it mentioned again, eh? :stuck_out_tongue: shame, as it definitely seemed like a neat little side bit; though, it would be difficult to expand on, in fairness.


Oh, I thought the girl in the bonus was the girl we’ve seen before who is dating that other boy. The one who was depressed along with Nishikata when all the seats changed. I figured that boy liked her but she wasn’t interested because she was already dating someone, and it was a love square (is that a phrase? A love triangle with four people?). But the kids here also seem younger than the usual gang, so maybe not.


When I first saw her, I also thought it was Mano, but when I looked back through the previous chapters to compare, there are some differences between the two


I took an image from the bonus chapter that featured Mano in Volume 2 since it shows a better angle for her, but the most obvious differences are: like you say, age. This girl seems to be younger than Mano and the rest of the usual characters.

The hairstyle, while similar, is different. The unknown girl seems to have a bit longer hair, pulled into a ponytail as opposed to the pigtails that we’ve consistently seen Mano in. I know hairstyles can change, but they usually don’t in manga without some kind of catalyst (the most common trope being: long-haired girl gets heart broken, so cuts her hair).

Though they do have very similar eyes and faces, so I do wonder if they aren’t related somehow; and maybe that feeling of familiarity is just the similarities to Mano.

As for the love square, I don’t know if it’s an “official” term, but I have definitely seen it used, though usually a bit tongue-in-cheek, with some of the larger ones being described as love-pentagons/hexagons, etc. Gets the point across, either way. :stuck_out_tongue:

Slightly different bangs/fringe, as well.

i-0150x i-0063x


Thanks for the side-by-side, that makes it much clearer that they are different people. Also, they definitely are younger, but given that the usual crew are middle school kids, I wonder how much younger they could be. This seems like a pretty dramatic romantic situation for elementary school kids to be going through :stuck_out_tongue:


This greatly confused me early into volume 1, as I was thinking the main characters were upper elementary school…


Just in case anybody is watching here and not the home thread, I wanted to post and let everybody know that the Volume 4 Discussion Thread is up and ready to go for when we start this weekend!


Got to Volume 3 :ghost:


do you already have the whole set…you’re catching up fast haha


Volumes 6-8 getting delivered this Wednesday :man_dancing:t2:


This sentence continues from the previous line, where Nishikata says “By the way… during holidays we casually met several times, but…”

In this one, I only have one doubt.
“…のって” is simply the の nominalizing the previous verb and the って topic marker, right?

“…as for having met at a prearranged place and time (まちあわせたのって) is the first time (初めてだ)


Not sure what is that じゃあ after これ. Could it be a contracted では? Or it’s simply a ‘well then’ weirdly positioned?
Anyway I translate this line as

“ We can’t go on the bike together in this conditions “ (because the loot was flooded)


What is で at the end here? Is it the connective だ form as simply trailing off a bit? And how is exactly translated パス?

Have no clue what this sentence means…
First question, what is という doing at the beginning? I checked every possible purpose and the only one that looks legit here is the emphasizing one. Possibly it’s just emphasizing the 車 word and reflecting it into エモノ (pray) so that vehicles are prays
Second, i don’t really know how to link the elements of this sentence…
車というエモノが→cars that are preys (?)
いなくなる→ to disappear
血に飢える→ to be bloodthirsty

So, after thinking about it, I’d say that 車というエモノが makes the action of いなくなって (disappear) and the て form simply links (without any causality) the second part of the sentence, that is on it’s own and is unfinished (maybe there is an implicit ある after the ellipsis?), which is 幽霊 being modified by the verb 血に植えた (why past tho). This all takes the が because it’s probably followed by the verb ‘to exist’ (ある, there is)

“ The vehicles, that are preys, disappear, and (there is, implicit ある) a bloodthirsty ghost “


I have a question on one use of the の particle that is not clear yet
To explain my doubt I’ll use the speech bubble


In such sentence there is a weird use of the の particle that I’m struggling to conceptualize, for example:
帰るの面倒だし I’d translate this as “since it’s a problem to return home” but I’m only used to the の that nominalizes, and the possessive の so this feels a bit weird
I mean, should I think of this の as simply nominalizing 帰る, so → the returning home 帰るの is a problem 面倒だ
Is this simply using a possessive as I thought → 帰るの面倒 (the problem of going back home hone) and then stating it with the verb だ ‘ is ‘
(So - “ the problem of returning home, is/exists)?