Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 3 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete]

You already said it was expected difficulty, so if you expect AoT to be difficult… :eyes:


Well, then……:dotted_line_face::dotted_line_face::dotted_line_face:


Finally got to the end of volume 3, this one went a bit slower in the end because I’m splitting the time between it and attack on titan that I’m enjoying a lot too!

Question on the おまけ chapter


Not sure but from the picture there are these two new characters walking together and one has one of those nets to catch bugs. They’re walking together and the girl says that, so I guess it means “no bugs caught huh?”
とれなかった should be とれる past negative which between the other things also means ‘to be caught’ or ‘to be harvested’
Is my guess correct?

Edit: 虫取り→ Insect catching. Amen.

Don’t really get what this means, what is おもり?
Edit: after checking again おもり on jisho, here it was: assisting, taking care of.

Fuck me sideways


Not sure, 返事 is answer or reply (probably this girl meant to tell his brother who didn’t even say hi, “hold on, don’t you answer?”
But what is まだ here?


勇気出して→ Be brave (だして is the progressive form of 出す right?)
告白した→confessed/declared (告白+する)
方の身→ oneself/one’s position ~ (don’t know how to translate it better)
なって→ i believe this is て form of なる, but not sure why it’s in て form. Maybe just …

Don’t really know how to translate it, maybe
“Be brave (put out courage literally) and transform (not literally, don’t know how to say in eng) also into the person who confessed (said hi?)
Lots of doubts on this…


Close, haha. 虫取り is bug catching, but you can’t conjugate a noun. (at least like that) :stuck_out_tongue:

取れる is potential of 取る.

I’m not sure they’re brothers. This is what you say to someone you confessed to. Unless you really meant “his” brother and not “her” brother. I just figured it was a typo. :yum:

まだ is (not) yet

This is a tough one, mostly because I had to figure out how to parse it since I didn’t know 身になる, and since you seem to have confused it for something else I also don’t know.

勇気だして be brave
告白した方 person who confessed
の of
身になって put yourself in someone else’s shoes

勇気だして is continuative and 身になって is a request, making them both requests.


It’s just “an answer, not yet?” with the verb dropped. And like @Kazzeon the most straightforward interpretation would be “You don’t have an answer (for me) yet?”, and the cliche would be that she did a 告白 (like in a letter or something) and she is waiting for his answer. But kind in mind the ambiguity, we don’t truly know who is waiting for whose answer.

Just want to point out a nice coincidence, it’s the same structure as the sentence from AOT yesterday personの気が知れない and personの身になる

I think it make more sense for 勇気だして to be a normal て-form linking to 告白した. Put you in the shoes of that were brave and confess (to you). So it sound very straightforward, she did a 告白 to him, but he doesn’t answer, so she is pleading to him like “come on, put you in my shoes, it was so hard to confess, at least answer”. But @mariodesu keep in mind that we don’t truly know the subject of 出す and 告白した… :grin:


I don’t know, man… You’re making that pretty hard to believe. :eyes:

Ah, I see what you mean now.


Also, what do you mean by “normal” て form? :sweat_smile:

I didn’t really know if continuative was the right word, but that’s what it said in the dictionary I’m using, so I went with that to make the distinction that the first one is not exactly a request, but making what is apparently a subordinate clause that makes it so you can continue (hence continuative) the sentence and finish it properly, in this case with an implied ください.

It appears to be one of maybe many accepted terminologies for this function of both て form and other grammar points.


I’m not one to use linguistic terms or whatever, but it was right there, and it helped to explain myself better.


Ah sorry, I meant the て-form for linking clause not any special grammar like request て(くれ•ください), or てくる, てくれる, てほしい etc.

About nuance of this て form, I always struggle with it so I’m not sure… Is it more like a sequence of events (step 1: Summon courage! Step 2: confess!) or is 勇気出して describing the manner of how the 告白した was done, like confessing “bravely”? Luckily it doesn’t matter here.


Right, I had seen both on jisho actually but didn’t have this realization. Maybe because I see nouns like this simply as verbs in their い-stem (masu-stem for non CD fans)

Your intuition was right, another realization I had after a second read that I forgot to edit is that (there were 3 people) the interlocutor is the girl he confessed to, and not her sister. The other girl is her sister, the one with whom he was doing insect-catching

The “put yourself in someone else’s shoes is exactly what I was disperately trying to convey with my limited english :ok_man: the rest perfectly answer my questions!


Wait… isn’t the guy who confessed? :exploding_head:
If you check the following 2 pages he says “how many times have I told you that” , next page, in bold letters “私はお前が好きなんだよ。” (basing on memory, could be slightly different)
So in light of this consideration I don’t really know how to consider what the girl says

Oh I see, in the end it both make very similar things


Yeah, it’s usually sequence, but there are some cases where the actions are performed at the same time. The manner of how the 告白 was した would be worded differently, imo. Not that it changes anything, not what you said about it not mattering here, but in that most 告白 are done 勇気だして in the first place.

Something else would probably be specified, like 冷静に告白した.


I actually thought that every time two or more verbs are conjuncted by the て form, they are either simultaneous or in sequence🤯
Edit: maybe I read bad and it’s the same thing you said, sorry, I literally just woke up :sweat_smile:

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Hey, I know how godan works. :eyes:

This makes it seem like she’s asking for his reply to the confession, but he’s saying, I already told you, I like you.


sorry :grimacing:I told you that because I remember one of our discussions a couple weeks ago where Mr. Generic used the term い-stem (the only one I knew at the time) and (for what I remember) you mentioned only knowing ます stem not having studied from CD but maybe I remember bad, maybe you were sarcastic.
Actually I still don’t know what is reality and what is the Cure Dolly’s grammar world :joy:

Not sure this holds well into the context @Arzar33 I might be confusing but isn’t this the girlfriend of that guy 中井?


Haha, this comment was a joke. But no, I don’t remember what you mention. :thinking: I want to think I’d understand i-stem if I saw it.

It was probably a joke, in that case, but idk.

Ah, then this is what Arzar was alluding to, they’re exchanging messages but the person asking is not the one who confessed. It’s common in manga that a friend either gives someone the confession you wrote, or hassles them for a reply since it would be awkward to do it themselves.


This makes sense but there’s something I don’t get, I mean if the boy confessed, why is the girl that says this message?
I mean, he is not the one that need courage but the rest of this sentence is valid… how would you translate this freely to get the sense?

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Honestly, just give me the pages, lol. I don’t know who’s involved, or who said what.


It’s still, put yourself in the shoes of the person who was brave and confessed, but she’s not talking about herself, she’s talking about whoever confessed. Though I don’t know what’s going on with him already having given his reply, at this point you just have to keep reading.


It’s the おまけ chapter of the volume 3, i don’t know if you’re able to find it because it’s far out of the preview page limit

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That’s the point, him (her interlocutor) and the person who confessed, are the same person in my understanding :rofl: keep in mind that all this chatting happens between just these two guys, a boy who confessed and a girl that says that exact line of putting in someone else’s shoes

I’m afraid it ends like this :rofl:

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You seem to not entertain the possibility that a friend of hers confessed to him and she’s there in her behalf. Irrelevant of whatever he says.

It just doesn’t make sense for him to be the one who confessed and for this conversation to be happening, so it’s either a complete misunderstanding, or it’s impossible based on the information we seem to know. Considering she seems to go with the flow of what he’s saying, I’m going with there’s someone else involved.


Fuck, that’s possible…
I’m gonna share the screenshots of the page because the doubt is killing me :sweat_smile:
Gonna delete it in a couple hours

Now that I think of it, you could be right, that last speech bubble on the last page how would you interpret it?