Teasing Master Takagi-san 😝 ・ Volume 3 Discussion Thread [Volume Complete]

DeepL mad :rofl:


Yes. し is used to list things, basically. も is also. n_n “I get the feeling/I feel” vs “I also get the feeling/I also feel”. You pretty much got it, imo. Basically, not only feeling X, but maybe something else as well, or using it as to not so strongly express your opinion.

Because it’s これでは? :thinking:

それでは does seem to show up in the dictionary.

:grin: そう form

point, aspect, side, facet or thing, matter

ところ is not only place physically or literally, but also conceptually and metaphorically.

Like, that’s a tough spot, huh?

Lmao, Nishikata wrote this.

This is also very funny ironically. :yum:


Yes, I mean :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Oh so これでは is like “well then, in this situation…”?

I had a feeling it was the そう form and I also read something once but now I can’t remember and explain, why does it add さ? I mean why it’s なさそう and not なそう?
I know it’s about to do with いる being ichidan and not godan, but I can’t find a written explanation

Oh so in this case ところ wasn’t being specific at all… I know it can do a lot of things, and also appear after plain and past tense verbs and to mean weird things, I still haven’t well understood it

Not sure I got it :joy: Edit: now I get it :laughing:

So I can translate that hell as
“ If I convey too much, I have the feeling that, between other things, I may sort the opposite effect. Well then, in this case she doesn’t seem like being understanding “


Other than “that’s just the way it is”, it seems to stem from the fact that both ない and いい only have one stem mora, and as such なそう and よそう sound weird, so さ is added to pad the word a little. Also, I don’t think it’s about いる being ichidan, but about ない being treated as an い adjective most of the time. I couldn’t find anything else in a short time.

Yes, I would just alter the translation to sound more natural, mainly “she doesn’t seem to get it”.

I remember studying なさそう for the N4 and asking my teacher a bunch of hypothetical questions on the trip, only for it to be irrelevant. :joy: Though to be fair, worrying about those details shows more about your commitment to studying (and anxiety) than most things. I was also the only one in my class to pass the test. :sunglasses:
Not that it was hard.
Except listening, fuck listening.


Interesting point of view this, also, I actually believed it was an い-adjective but I’m seeing everywhere it’s not like this (I mean why it “conjugates” as an adjective?)

That’s it! My version was feeling weird to me too, I just couldn’t find the right english words…

:rofl: you said it :rofl:
I believe that caring about these details is not indispensable, but at the same time can be very helpful and also shows your interest, for sure

Talking about JLPT, you and the other guys in this group know my jap level pretty well by now I think. What level could I be on? i’d like to take the test on december, I guess I’m N5 but could I hazard N4?


Beats me, honestly.

I don’t know the difference between ない and 無い, or if there’s any, but the second one shows up as an い adjective in the dictionary. I’d look it up, but I’m not in the headspace for that at the moment.

You shouldn’t have a problem with N5, but you’d do well studying the grammar specifically for that level. By December you shouldn’t have a problem with N4, if you keep it up. Same caveat applies, though. You still have some issues with basic stuff, sometimes, understandably so.


I hope not, because I thought for this whole time they were literally the same thing…

About the issues with basic stuff, I would ask if you notice it to let me know so I can study that subject more accurately
For experience with english I can say that if not taken care of, these small problems can last in the long run…


What is せっかく here? And also, can’t find out what のに does here.
Previous sentence was “ ユカリちゃん何してんのー。


Really hard to translate. Something like “taking the trouble” / “with pain/effort” maybe? Cure Dolly has a nice video about it, trying to explain the root meaning, but it’s quite abstract.

Well personally, I think that all the のに hanging at the end of a sentence are basically the same, the conjunction although/despite/and yet, with nuances of surprise, doubt, dissatisfaction, criticism or regret from the speaker, with a second part vaguely implied.

We took the trouble to take a shortcut and yet… (you are not moving, what are you doing?!)


I’m going for it, since I always found good with her explanations

Oh so it’s the same of “Despite we took the trouble to take a shortcut…”
All good!


Wtf is しかけてきといて?
I analyzed it on the ichi.moe website and it says that it’s しかける + くる + とく is this correct?
自分から→willingly, voluntarily
しかける→ to start or to challenge?
しかけてくる→come to start/challenge
とく→to do something in readiness for
しかけてきといて→ readily came to start? What?

“ willingly, readily came to start “ w t f
I swear that the most confusing sentences ever I’m seeing in takagi-san, AoT is a joke compared :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:

Confused by this sentence, what is ものはない? What is もの doing here
This is the contjnuation of the previous speech bubble “ あの二人を見て、”

I’m freaking out on this 9th chapter, it’s the hardest thing to translate I found til the beginning of reading…
歩いた方が→by walking (not literally)
一緒にいられる→can be together
時間は→ as for the time
でも歩いた方が一緒にいられる時間は→ but, as for the time spent together by walking (instead of 二人乗り)
だし→ excuse, pretext
To me わけ and だし looks like an useless repetition. Of course I’m wrong, so what am I missing? Don’t know how to translate it
I could think that 長い means - time spent by walking = longer than time spent by 二人乗り.
わけ is being modified by 長い? How? And what about だし? If it’s just だ+し I can fit it somehow otherwise don’t know
The weirdest part is the sequent
難しいところ→ difficult thing. Wtffff what is difficult?:smiling_face_with_tear:

What even is this? Literally have no clue what I’m watching. What is this double 勝負って? And what 何よ means here? Also how is だいたい translated?


Seeing those two, don’t you feel anything?

感じるもの thing you feel
はない? Don’t you have?

You pretty much got it.

Ah, but since if we walked, the time spent together would be longer, it’s a tough spot to be in/tough choice to make/etc.

だし is だ し, し is for giving reasons.

Seems like you’re panicking. :rofl:

だいたい in the first place
勝負って = 勝負は or when you say 勝負
何よ what is
勝負って repeating for emphasis

だいたい is usually “generally” like だいたい分かる, but here seems to be that.


Seeing this again, it looks pretty simple, yesterday I had just burned out I think :sweat_smile:

Also this helps, even tho I don’t know what is 難しい referring to… Couldn’t figure it out from the context but at least now grammar is nailed

I was indeed…

So can we translate it as “In the first place, when you say 勝負, what (do you think it is/ something among these lines), a 勝負?
Repetition for emphasis, it’s the first time I see it used this way actually
Thanks for the help, I was really freaking out on these lines hesterday!


難しいところ same as in a previous page. :slight_smile:

Yes, but whoever is asking, probably Nishikata, doesn’t mean to ask the other person directly to see what they think, I see it more as a rhetorical(?) question.

“In the first place, what even is a match?”

I don’t know how to translate the repetition naturally. :sweat_smile:

I guess something like this…

“In the first place, when it comes to matches, what even are they? A match…”


I still don’t get it… do you mean the “何か感じるものはない?” line that was in the previous page?

Indeed I also think it was rhetorical, but it was said by some girls that are stalking Nishikata and Takagi to see what they do


The line of interest is the last speech bubble on the left

Anyway, I don’t get why I did 2, even 3 chapters (2+bonus) in one day last week and yesterday I couldn’t manage thru half of this one… :flushed:


What. xD

This one.

Ah, then they just want to know what they mean when they say 勝負.

That’s life. It’s good to take breaks from time to time. Rather miss a day than burn out.


It’s all clear except - what I meant earlier, I don’t get what is being ‘difficult thing’ (難しいところ) but I guess you need context to be able to answer so don’t mind. I couldn’t figure it out by my reading

Exactly this, I mean I couldn’t figure out what she meant that is difficult

About burning out, yeah I should probably stop for a small while like taking a day off sometime but it also feels terrible when I don’t read for a whole day, I just like it too much :joy:
The frustrating thing also is not difficulty, it’s unexpected difficulty. I tried to translate that chapter yesterday evening and was expecting easy work, then all those wtf flew :frowning:


Sorry, maybe it’s already cleared up, but basically the group of girls are wondering why those two are not riding the same bike (because that’s a super romantic thing to do). But then she argues that on the other hand walking is slower so they can spend more time with each other. So it’s a tough decision/spot. Romantic double biking or slow longer walk?

I think you had something similar with a previous all-girls chapter, no? Maybe the shift in speech pattern is hard to deal with.
By the way about だいたい勝負って何よ, in standard speech it’s だいたい勝負って何だよ (so maybe easier to see the structure) but dropping the だ before だね or だよ is typical of feminine speech. (And it’s also 難しいところだね in standard speech)




:exploding_head: finally I get it, the rest was kinda clear but this part was missing!

Indeed yes, but I didn’t find it so difficult and frustrating as the yesterday’s one. The change of speech pattern that happens when adding new characters played its role definitely, those three girls can be terrible, but weird enough with AoT everything’s going smoothly!

Definitely helpful and definitely need to remember this, I was just about to ask how do you know there was だ there :laughing: