Sumo Appreciation Thread (Learn to read kanji the 大相撲 way!)

He’s out because he did something to his upper arm in the final match of the March tournament.

Sad to see poor old 魁聖 going 休場 with an injured arm though. :frowning_face: Source (in Japanese)


Not to de-thread such a cool thread (damn no PM) but I checked out Kwook! and I really liked it. You may enjoy my friend’s page when you have a chance which is modular synth stuff but quite different

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I was so happy that 栃ノ心 won! I really like 逸ノ城, but 栃ノ心 is my favorite that I root for. I was worried about 栃ノ心 beating 逸ノ城 however, because 逸ノ城 is a wild loose cannon. You can never predict what happens when 230k slams into you! Plus, 逸ノ城 is capable of fighting really well some time. A very dangerous man, not to be dismissed!

I missed that entirely, but I went to work right after the bouts today. Very sad. I like 魁聖 a lot. Seems like a decent fellow.

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Thanks! This is fun stuff! :slight_smile:

Time for some 決まり - winning techniques!

These are all the winning techniques from the Kimarite Wikipedia page. The names of the winning techniques are all hyperlinked to their source words. Where possible I’ve linked to vocabulary in WK, but I’ve linked to Jisho if WK doesn’t cover the kanji or specific vocab. ^ indicates that one or more of the elements of the word link to Jisho.

Quick grammar point: kimarite are all nouns, so almost all of the verbs are in their nominal 連用形 (れんようけい) form - so we’re doing a 倒し (たおし) instead of 倒すing (たおす). I have heard sumo commentators turn them back into verbs sometimes, e.g. “寄り切りました!”

I’ve included kana transcriptions with a dot separating one word from another but put them behind a spoiler tag. See how much of the reading you can guess!

基本 き.ほん.わざ - fundamental techniques

投げ なげ.て - throwing techniques

掛け かけ.て - tripping techniques

捻り ひねり.て - twisting techniques

[32]( Japanese Dictionary) そりて - backwards body drop techniques

とくしゅわざ - special techniques (especially special techniques!)

ひわざ - non-techniques/forfeits

  1. 浴せ ↩︎

  2. ↩︎

  3. ↩︎

  4. 掬い ↩︎

  5. つかみ ↩︎

  6. ↩︎

  7. ↩︎

  8. ↩︎

  9. ↩︎

  10. ↩︎

  11. ↩︎

  12. ↩︎

  13. ↩︎

  14. ↩︎

  15. ↩︎

  16. ↩︎

  17. ↩︎

  18. ↩︎

  19. 合掌 ↩︎

  20. ↩︎

  21. ↩︎

  22. ↩︎

  23. ↩︎

  24. ↩︎

  25. ↩︎

  26. ↩︎

  27. ↩︎

  28. ↩︎

  29. 徳利 ↩︎

  30. ↩︎

  31. ↩︎

  32. 反り ↩︎

  33. ↩︎

  34. 掛け ↩︎

  35. 撞木 ↩︎

  36. ↩︎

  37. たすき ↩︎

  38. 伝え ↩︎

  39. 叩き ↩︎

  40. 送り ↩︎

  41. 送り ↩︎

  42. 吊り ↩︎

  43. 吊り ↩︎

  44. 後ろ ↩︎

  45. ↩︎

  46. 突き ↩︎


Thank you for these! I have been intending to do this, but been overwhelmed with other projects.

This 場所 is turning out to be very interesting. I was happy to 逸ノ城 return today, and win. But disappointed to see 栃ノ心 lose again. Yesterday, 阿炎 was brilliant against 栃ノ心, I have to admit.

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No worries!

The last few days of any sumo tournament are really emotionally exhausting! This time it’s not only waiting for 大関脇 栃ノ心 to get his ten to get back to 大関, but also mentally screaming「お勝ち越しなさい!」every day I see another 黒星 appear for 炎鵬 on the sumo app. Really don’t want to see him bounce back into 十両 again, that would be too sad!

I suspect 横塚 鶴竜 has this 場所 sewn up though. He’s not unassailable but he’s 元気 enough!

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炎鵬 is pretty exciting to watch. I swear that sometimes people have a smile on their face when they lose to him. They don’t know what just happened! Kind of like being attacked by a small, smart, rabid animal! I hope that he manages to stay in the upper division.

In other news Donald Trump will watch the tournament in the Kokugikan on Sunday. And not from that small terrace where the emperor may sit but somewhere in “a box in front” as NHK puts it. I can’t even image what kind of security they will roll for this, probably the lower area will be full with people in black suits and sunglasses.


I have been following this.
I am so happy that they are not letting him use the emperor’s seat or entrance. I don’t think that there was ever much risk of that, but I can just imagine how it would go to his head.


I’m very interested how it will turn out, it means that PM Abe is also there, so the Prime Minister’s Cup will be presented by Abe, then there is that 30 minute ceremony where foreign dignitaries present ugly oversized dust catchers to the winner, so Trump can step in for the USA.

Maybe the imperial couple will be there as well, if new emperor goes “full public” he can also sit downstairs and present the Emperor’s Cup himself for a change.


It was hard to watch that judgement against 大関脇 栃ノ心 today. I don’t think that his heel went out.

Two more days to win! Please 炎鵬, get your eighth win too!

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Yeah that was a very weird decision. A super long 物言い then that? The crowd definitely didn’t think his heel went out either.

Hope he picks up his 10 tomorrow or on 千秋楽.

Saddest moment for me today though was seeing 炎鵬 injured and being denied a 取り直し for what clearly seemed like a 同体… and not getting his 8 for a 勝ち越し either. Sincerely hope that injury was much less severe than it looked. :frowning:

Edit: 炎鵬 isn’t 休場 as of the morning, yay! He faces 志摩ノ海 who already has his 勝ち越し.



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Abema was so preoccupied with showing crappy illustrations of the Presidential entourage that they didn’t show Ichinojo’s match as it happened.

Oh well, at least we got to see the new giant teacup prize as well as a golden macaroon.

Sad for 炎鵬 but he really tried his guts out for that last match. Some amazing sumo there.

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Speaking of kanji though… there’s a surprise on level 22 for sumo fans - an actual rikishi name, even! It’s none other than singer and Hakuho impersonator!

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If you wanna get a bunch of vocab in one go, you can search for “#words #sumo” on Jisho. Jisho has sumo terms tagged :wink:



Indeedy! And Wikipedia’s sumo glossary is pretty good too!

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Thank you @jprspereira 先輩. As much as I use Jisho, I have virtually never used advanced search features on it.
Have a wonderful day!

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Has anyone else seen the 七月 rankings? Everyone is in. 10 力士 in the 三役. I am so excited. Let us hope that everyone is healthy.