Stray aru in an example sentence

I need help with the following sentence, taken from the dictionary of intermediate japanese grammar (p262):

この びる は ある ゆうめいな けんちくか の せっけい に もとずいて たてられた

The question is, what is ある doing there? What meaning does it add, and what is its grammatical function?


ある + a noun can be used to refer to a specific instance of something, without actually naming that instance. For example, ある日 (one day). Here, あるゆうめいなけんちくか sounds like “some famous architect” or “a famous architect.”


It’s the second one on that page, 或る meaning “a certain”, not 有る meaning “exist”. Basically what SleepyOne said.

Same thing confused me at one point.

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