Strategies for a huge backlog?

Less than four weeks later …



Congrats, keep going ! Also the perfect 1000 burned is neat

This hasn’t happened to me. Ever. Oh well, maybe on level 1 or so …

What do I do now? :open_mouth:

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I second using vacation mode. Struggled for almost a year trying to get a 1500 review pile to zero, and made no progress until I started using vacation mode surgically.

Turn it on before reviews, and off immediately after you stop…

It’s not ideal, but neither is having so many reviews!~

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Yo! I was in the same boat not long ago. Don’t stress about it, just break this down into mini sets. If I have a huge backlog, I find trying to do them in one go stresses your mnemonic recollection. When you have time, start your reviews, and break them into manageable chunks (ie 50 at a time). It doesn’t seem like much, however your memory wont get tired. Between sets take a 5/10 minute break. Do something mindless, go make a tea, get a snack, watch a couple of facebook videos etc. Let your mind recharge, then smash the next 50.
This was the most effective method I found for maintaining recollection and getting through reviews, good luck!

I’m returning after a year off and 2000+ reviews (all my items have gone to review because I didn’t set vacation mode) and I’m planning to reorder and go through level by level in about 10 days.

Has anyone tried to do new lessons simultaneously with this approach, or is it not worth it?

It’s not worth. Barring the outside chance that you’re a prodigy, it’s extremely difficult to learn new information while trying to reinforce the recall of old information. This is especially true after such a long break since all your reviews are probably going to be new information if you don’t remember the majority of them.

Thanks. I’ve decided to be patient, even though it’s tempting to unlock the next level.

I’m going through level by level with a reorder script and studying beforehand. I know it means there’ll be a few kanji that I don’t learn properly but honestly I’m ok with that.

I’m actually surprised how much I can remember, and how much vocabulary I’ve learnt by other means.

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Yup, I know the feeling. I had to crawl my way back from only a 2 month break with a 1400+ backlog. It took me 3 days to clear them all. :slight_smile: 頑張れ

Now, I’m back to focus on sentences’ reading as well.

I have 500+ backlogs.


I am now Lv3. But I need UserScript recomm. I might fix what I have created as well.


Yeah I’m finally feeling ready to do my 1500 back log. I feel like some I burned before I might have forgotten now (just from random reading things online and knowing I should know what X says but it won’t come to mind, for example). Is there a way to go through them? And maybe add them back in if so? I already had this happen once and just reset the whole thing back to level 3 from I think 12 but I really don’t want to do that again even though I’m “only” up to lvl 16.

However I really don’t want to have a bunch of words I don’t know either because I took so long off (5 months completely off, but probably was struggling to keep up for 5-6 months before that. It’s been a struggle).

Anyways. advice? Forgotten burns? Vacation mode? Reset? …?


I usually say reset for anything longer than 2-4 months, but it’s up to you. Personally I came back from 1400 reviews after a 2 month break.

Don’t worry too much about the burns at that level. Those are usually common enough items that you can pick them up easily again just by reading stuff.

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Thanks. Do you mean reset all the way to 0?

Yup. You’ll be able to breeze through most of the items that you remember and work on the rest. And you’ll be able to better integrate WK into your lifestyle from scratch with an eye towards long term.

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Speaking of backlogs, I’d like your advice on here too please. I’m halfway through level 10 with 389 vocab lessons piled from the three past levels. I know I’ve messed up. I’ve managed to catch up with my reviews in the past week, and I was wondering if I should attempt at burning through all the current vocabulary lessons before moving on with the new level or doing them in parallel. What would you do? Thanks.

Took me all day to finally hit “ok” on the Reset confirmation email but it is done… Here we go again!

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I am super stoked for you, bud. :slight_smile: Can’t wait to see your progress in a couple of months.

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Are you using a reorder script? Those usually do more harm than good if you’re not careful with them.

In either case, work through your backlog steadily before you do new lessons. Remember that whatever lesson you do today will come back around a few times for the next week so you don’t want to snowball.

10 or 20 lessons a day until you clear out the vocab lessons should be ok. Aim to keep your Apprentice items under 100 and start up on new level lessons in about a month once you’ve got a handle on those items.

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