[STATS] Statistics site

Hit block for sure.
Chrome on Android, so no plugins, and hard to see what’s going on behind the scenes.
Chrome on wife’s laptop doesn’t seem to ask for location. Maybe something screwy with my phone.

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Fixed it for you.
That’s why @rfindley says he didn’t do it, it was コウイチ先生

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Sometimes mobile/cell phone operators inject additional code when accessing through their mobile data network. Could be that, if it is then it shouldn’t happen over Wi-Fi (assuming that’s not mobile broadband too). If that is the case, maybe something like Cloudflare app with WARP would help depending on how the code is getting injected.

@rfindley I am currently having an issue with the new WKStats: When I go to the Charts → JLPT page, it doesn’t show anything, and the console says this:


Would you be able to look into this at some point? Thx!

I’m not able to replicate this error. Could you try opening the Javascript console, type this command and press enter (while on the wkstats page):


Then refresh the page. My thinking is, maybe one of the javascript files got corrupted in your browser cache.

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Clearing the cache fixed the issue, thank you!

Screen Shot 2020-01-15 at 9.12.06 PM

I’m not sure what I did, but I don’t have these stats on wkstats anymore. Could anyone help? Thank you in advance!

Looks like the WaniKani API v2 is returning an empty data response. I would try again later and see if it comes back :slight_smile:

I just tried it with your APIv2 key. Looks like a bug.

Unfortunately, I don’t have time to dig deeper at the moment, but it will most likely correct itself after your current level.

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I get this console error, maybe it’s related. I’ll check back when I level up and see if I still get the same error.

Thank you! I’ll see what happens on sunday (level up tentative) :grin:

Mine’s doing this too. They recently made an update to API V2 like a day ago so I’d bet it’s related.

@crumpet @Marrex @Voi

This is fixed now.

You were right, @Voi. I had already updated the Open Framework to support the APIv2 changes, but I apparently got side-tracked before uploading the changes to wkstats’ version of Open Framework.


Could I make a small suggestion for the user interface on the Progress tab, under Progress and Projections?

It currently says “alt+scroll: Move the slider or highlighter bar.” However, I’m on a laptop currently with no mouse, and the ‘scroll’ feature on the touchpad isn’t that great, so it would be nice if we could accomplish the same/similar scrolling up and down by using the keyboard Alt+UpArrow and Alt+DownArrow.

Don’t think they are usually mapped to anything significant in most browsers by default, but then I’ve only been using Firefox for a while now, so could be wrong about that.

(The Level Duration graph can be scrolled with Alt+LeftArrow and Alt+RightArrow, to avoid having to make special code to handle keyboard focus or something like that.)

That’s a good idea. I’ll keep it in mind for the (still under construction) Projections page on version 2 (wkstats.com/v2).


It’s going to become part of the WaniKani Lore Collection otherwise: the fabled v2 projections page

Yup, it definitely feels that way!

And, in all honesty, my justification for supporting my Japanese-related stuff is slowly dwindling, which is kind of sad. But who knows… if the timing ever works out, maybe I could join the Tofugu team and be able to spend all my time making cool stuff for my favorite online community! :smile:


Playing around with the 10001 site, it struck me that it would be fun/interesting to be able to see ‘recent progress’ or perhaps ‘recent changes’, such as showing me what items have recently changed/progressed, for example on any of the Items pages. E.g. if I’ve recently advanced some items from Apprentice to Guru, it would be meaningful (and perhaps motivational) to be able to see them highlighted, sorted, grouped, or otherwise just listed.

This could even be summarized on the Progress - Dashboard page, with a line under “Items Learned (Guru+)” that shows ‘recent items learned’ with a count/delta showing number of items advanced to Guru+ within some specified time period.

The time period could be fixed (maybe a week? no idea, really), could be selected from a fixed set of time periods (including perhaps ‘since last level-up’), or could be configurable to any arbitrary number of days/hours. The UI of it is unknown to me, but being able to see what I’ve accomplished ‘in the past few days’ seems like a decent-if-vague starting point. :blush:

Perhaps this functionality is already available in some other way. If so, I’m unaware of it. I’m pretty sure it’s not possible with the WK site as-is, and pretty sure WKStats site doesn’t already provide this. If there’s an existing way to do this, feel free to let me know.

Oh, also, the ability to sort items by ‘next review date’ might be useful, but I’m just mentioning it as a nice-to-have if it’s easy to do. I don’t actually find myself wanting/needing to do this except purely out of curiosity, so far at least.

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Indeed, as I like your great work very much!

Have you thought about open-sourcing the wkstats site so that others can maybe help you out by sending you pull requests?