魔女の宅急便・Kiki's Delivery Service 🧧 Repeat Club

I have the Studio Ghibli version… a gift from my former exchange student.
I’m guessing this is significantly different from the version you’ll be reading since this one follows the movie.



That’s the one I should be reading; it’s aimed so young as to even have furigana on the katakana, but doesn’t shy away from including some basic kanji (with furigana, of course).


I had no idea that the Ghibli movie came after the book, I just assumed that the book was an adaptation of the movie, and now I’m 10x more excited to read this! I also didn’t know it was a series, so I’ll likely end up ordering the box set after we finish this one.

The balloon cover version was on Amazon (used, but from a very highly rated seller and rated “extremely good condition”) for ¥1. ONE YEN. (Plus ¥250 in shipping, but I mean that’s still cheaper than my breakfast.) So I ordered it, should come in next week and once it does I’ll go back and vote in the poll for which version I have. Just wanna make sure it doesn’t have any major issues, though I’m not expecting any.

Everything else looks great, @Radish8! Thanks again for setting this up for all of us, really looking forward to it :smile:


For the reading pace I was thinking, as there are (of now) very few people who‘d prefer a slower pace than the 21-week schedule the majority voted for: What if you give yourself a little head start (organized in a group or individually)? Especially for the first weeks, the existing discussions should be extensive, and the vocab sheet is already filled. Usually I think reading in the group is an important part of the „club“ idea, but if somebody feels it would help them take off with the book, then by all means :wink:


I was going to read this book next, but I will be patient and find other reading material until June :slight_smile:

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I hear there are some manga reading groups coming up?! :eyes:

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Jellyyyyyyyy :sob:

No problem! It will be an interesting experiment seeing how a re-read club works out.

That’s a really good idea!

Especially for those who just want the slightly slower start to build into it, we could have a soft start of 13th of June. It would only be a two-week offset, and we’d be back in sync by Chapter 3. I think to reduce confusion the discussion would need to stick to the one schedule though.

Possible schedule:

Week Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
-2 June 13th 1・お話のはじまり 7 - 13 7
-1 June 20th 2・キキ、ひとり立ちの時をむかえる 14 - 20 6
1 June 27th 2・キキ、ひとり立ちの時をむかえる 20 - 26 6
2 July 4th 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ 27 - 35 8
3 July 11th 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ 35 - 42 8
4 July 18th 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ 43 - 51 8
5 July 25th 3・キキ、大きな町におり立つ 51 - 61 11

We’d be reading the same pages on week 5. Chapter 3 does not divide nicely into four :sweat:

Maybe the start is exactly the point where you don’t want to be out of sync though? Well, anyway, I think it’s up to individuals to choose what they want to do there.


Request for aid!

It looks like nearly everybody has either V1 or V2 of the book, so I would like to provide weekly page numbers for both these editions.

I only have V2, so need the assistance of somebody who has the edition with the red border.

Could somebody please find the page numbers for the start and end of each week’s reading for me?

I need the start and end page numbers for chapters 1 and 2, and for the other chapters I also need the pages where the following sentences occur:


Chapter 3 - ぶつかる風は強くなり、ほうきの房が川の流れのような音をたてはじめました。(nb)
Chapter 3 - キキはだまってちょっと肩をすくめました。(nb)
Chapter 4 - ジジはときどき風でもちあがるレースのカーテンごしに、かごの中をにらんでいます。
Chapter 5 - 女の人はそういいながら、首をのばしてあたりを見まわすと、いきなり高い叫び声をあげました。
Chapter 6 - そして、つっかけていたかたっぽのスリッパを、思いきり部屋のすみに足で飛ばしました。(nb)
Chapter 7 - 「散歩でもしたら?おともだちのねこじゃらしが、ほら、土手にいっぱいあるわよ」
Chapter 8 - キキはまだうたがっていましたが、でもにっこり笑っていいました。
Chapter 9 - 「えーあー、あっ、そうです。あります、あります。いま町で評判になってる。。。」(nb)
Chapter 10 - それにしても、そうとうな量です。
Chapter 11 - いっそにすこしうしろに遠ざかっていくのを感じていました。(nb)

I’ve indicated (nb) where this sentence precedes a natural break in the reading. Otherwise I guess you’ll just have to aim for the middle of the chapter and have not very much fun hunting?

If the sentence is the very last one on the page, or runs onto the next page, please let me know. Otherwise I’ll assume each chapter split occurs in the middle of a page.


How are you going to handle weekly discussions? The original Kiki threads were one thread per chapter, even when the chapter was read over multiple weeks. Are you going to stick to that approach so that you can share the threads like you originally wanted? We haven’t followed that way of splitting discussion threads since Kiki, so I wanted to bring it up.

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I was thinking I would post a big “Repeat Club Discussion (Week X ) Starts Here” notice at the start of each week, and link to that from here… (and where the discussion OP is a Wiki, perhaps include a link).

I think most people agree it’s nice to have a weekly structure to keep discussion moving, but it just seems a bit silly to make new threads… What do you think?


I just wanted to make sure you thought of that specific aspect, but your suggested approach seems reasonable to me.

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I’ve already started Kiki following the beginner club but this year and I didn’t finished this so I will be reading along with you :blush:

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Chapter Start End Sentence
1 9 17
2 18 31
3 32 70 44
3 59
4 71 98 84 (second to last line)
5 99 123 110
6 124 150 137-138
7 151 177 163
8 178 200 189
9 201 221 210 (last line)
10 222 240 231
11 241 265 253

Sentence 11 reads キキは、こうして飛びながら、もやもやとしていた気持が、風といっしょにすこしうしろに遠ざかっていくのを感じていました。


You’re a hero, thank you.

:see_no_evil: that can’t have made it easy, sorry.

Was no fun at all. 0/10 would do it again

Luckily I looked for the end of the sentence on the second pass




As someone who’s read a lot of manga in Japanese, but has done very little book reading (I will get back to you one day, 霧!), I expect to encounter many words I’ve never seen before (especially nouns). Most of these words will appear only one or a few times in the whole book.

Apart from that, there are words that appear anywhere from 40 times to over 600 times in the book. I figure the more of these common words (and associated grammar) I know, the easier it’ll be to maintain a flow of reading and basic understanding between word look-ups.

The following are lists of frequently used words from the first Kiki book. Each list is sorted by frequency, with the most frequent word appearing at the top. All words listed here appear at least 40 times in the book.

Verbs (hiragana)
  • する
  • いる (as in 〜ている)
  • いう (as in 〜という)
  • なる
  • くる (often as 〜てきて or 〜てきた)
  • いく (as in 〜ていく)
  • てる (shortened form of 〜ている)
  • あげる
  • ある
  • しまう (I need to improve on this one.)
  • ちゃう (I really need to improve on this one.)
  • くれる
  • できる
  • わかる
  • ふる
  • きく
  • はじめる
  • やる
  • かける
  • みる (as in 〜てみる)
Verbs (kanji)

(The shortness of this list surprises me.)

  • 見る
  • 飛ぶ
  • 思う
  • 見える
  • 行く
  • 笑う
  • よう
  • こと
  • あたし
  • ほうき
  • そう
  • 魔女
  • とき
  • みたい
  • 自分
  • かあさん
  • 女の子
  • ところ
  • あなた
  • 時計
  • 腹まき
  • ほう
  • みんな
  • ちょっと
  • もう
  • まあ
  • どう
  • すこし
  • 大きい
  • 小さい

Words like the それ, その, and そんな groups are also common.


That’s an abbreviation of ~てしまう


I don’t remember which version of this book I have, but once I check at home this afternoon, I’ll answer the poll.

I’m super looking forward to this as I bought a ton of novels one day and just threw them on my shelf for the future (never looking at them again haha)

Thanks a lot for restarting and I’ll definitely spend some time looking at the vocab first before we start! <3

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I thought I was reading the Yuru Camp thread, so I was quite surprised for a moment. :sweat_smile: