Title: Study Log for Skywarp21
Mission objective: Log all of the study (or some of it, at least). Keep track of progress in WK and perhaps other media.
Background Notes: This is effectively “New Game+”.
As Commander Worf has surely said on occasion, “Today is a good day to d…elete all Wanikani progress so far, up to and including L60 and start the whole thing again!”
After joining the ways of the Crabigator back in 2016, I proceeded to plough through everything in the space of a year or so without too much trouble. However, fast forward six years and I’m noticing that I have forgotten much of the content, especially words and kanji that I don’t see pop up too much in my current reading materials. Once in a while I’ll try doing the “practice burned words” thingy, and most of the session is basically…
So, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that there may be great value to be found in relearning everything from scratch. The Great Reset is now done and I’m back in the wonderful world of Level 1. (Yea ok, I could probably have skipped a bunch of levels but hey, if I’m going to reset, I might as well do it properly!).
Also, there have been so many feature and content updates since my last set of lessons, and this will give me a chance to check them out! This time, I’m actually going to read the context sentences! (and I should actually be able to this time, fingers crossed). And on my first run, I didn’t even realize audio existed until I had already reached into the L50s…haaaa…oops.
L60 in 2 years.
This is a bit slower than before, but that’s ok, I don’t want to take too much time away from other pursuits this time. Besides, it’s possible the fact that I went through the material quickly in my original run could be a contributing factor in items not being settled properly in the first place. Remembering items was pretty easy after 6mo when then came up for burning, but after a 5 year interval not so much…
a) Aim for 100 items per week, which should be an ok pace if planning for a 2yr horizon. That’s about 15 items per day, but if it’s too much I can always adjust down as I go.
b) Remember - context sentences and audio! (if I don’t jot this down, I know I’ll forget. Maybe I need an SRS system for my study plan mumble mumble)
Continue Reading.
Got me a book(shelf) or three that’s waiting for my attention. So this can be broken into two subitems:
a) read more in general and
b) increase reading speed
Also continue with daily Satori Reader articles.
Various. No fixed plan for this.
Ok! Time to start!
Day 1: First set of 25 lessons (all radicals) done.
Note: I like this guy. His presence on my dashboard is at once both comforting and encouraging.
End of week 1 after Reset (aka Weekend #1, aka Day #4)
- Finished L1, onto L2!
- All reviews up to date, and today’s quota of 15 lessons done and dusted.
- Finished Easy and Hard flavours of 聞き耳ラジオ on Satori Reader.
Current status:
I’m finding the audio a bit tricky to play during Lessons. It works fine for the first lesson, but then for subsequent lessons I always have to reload the page in order to get the audio to play. Thankfully doing this doesn’t mess with the session. Could be something caused by my browser extensions maybe…
This graphic is a new addition for me - super cool! :
And I’m capturing a screenshot of this now for posterity, before I wreck it which I’ll probably do any day now. (I already wrecked the radicals on day 1 when I fat-fingered “Toe” and put “Tow”, arggh!)
End of Week 2! post Reset
- Progressed from L2 → L3!
- I’ve upped the daily lessons to 20/day for now, as 15 seemed a little on the slow side, especially in this current phase where not many items are unlocked.
- I came across the first item that I had truly forgotten since my first run through, which was the name for the ”repeater" kanji - 々→のま
- Read 11 Satori Reader articles in my lunch breaks since last week.
- Alas, little time spent on actual reading - really gotta work on that next week!
- I’ve also started getting my Satori studylist back under control. Apparently I still have 2205 reviews to do (was 2400 last week).
Current Status:
This week’s targets, in order of priority:
- Aim for reading: 2+ pages/day of タイム・リープ or 4+ pages/day of よつばと!
- Usual WK lessons/reviews
- Knock out those SR reviews, 100/day
End of Week 3! post Reset
- Still on L3. All reviews and lessons up-to-date. Now that the review timings are a bit longer, it’s taking more time to unlock items, throttling my lessons. I only had 4 this morning! Anyway, should be levelling up in 2 days time, at which point there should be enough lessons unlocked to last a good while.
- Apart from WK, life and work stuff got in the way this week, so I missed my planned reading targets. Ah well, I can only do better next week!
- Only a few Satori Reader articles read, SR reviews are slightly down to 2165.
Current Status:
PS. I just realized I haven’t made a mistake since week 1. (No scripts, either!) Well, that’s something anyway. Or it just shows I was already familiar with L1-3 items from my first run-through.
This week’s targets, in order of priority - actually, I think I’m just going to restate last week’s targets and hope they stick this time. Otherwise I’ll need to re-evaluate my routines… :
- Aim for reading: 2+ pages/day of タイム・リープ or 4+ pages/day of よつばと!
- Usual WK lessons/reviews
- Knock out those SR reviews, 100/day
End of the Fourth Week post Reset
- Upgraded to Level 4.0. All reviews and lessons up-to-date. Also had my first set of turtles progress to Master level! They grow up so fast! sob . It seems my expected leveling up time, with daily lessons set to a max of 20/day, is around 10 days. I did have a few typos/incorrect reviews this week along the way (one was where I put ぎょう instead of ぎゅう for the cow kanji 牛, silly me) so I no longer have the 100% stats, but that’s ok.
- Reading was an improvement on last week, as in I actually did some! A few pages of タイム・リープ, better than nothing.
- : More Satori articles done - finished a series: コナの大冒険. But SR reviews are only slightly down to 2132.
Current Status:
This week’s targets, in order of priority :
- Aim for reading: 1+ pages/day of タイム・リープ or 2+ pages/day of よつばと!(Knocking this down a little from last week, to make it more attainable.)
- Usual WK lessons/reviews, keep up to date.
- More SR articles, aim for 6+. Knock out those SR reviews. (I’ll forgo the daily review target, I’ll just aim to reduce it week by week - so next week needs to be less than 2132!)
- Add in some media, as I should have a bit more time this week. Either some Netflix and/or try and finish Another Code: Recollection on Switch.