Silver's refreshment journey (Sort of a study log but not)

For basically the entirety of this year, and September - October last year, I got out of my Wanikani routine that I had been very strict about for the first 20-30 something levels, and it really broke my ability to do Wanikani. Just getting into the routine, to begin with was a pain because of my procrastination issues, and having to get into it again is even harder now because I barely know what any of the items in Wanikani are now. I only remember a bit above half of them during every review. So, Iā€™ve been trying to put this ā€œrefreshment planā€ of mine into action. Something that Iā€™ve also been procrastinating on for about this entire year now, but, Iā€™ve finally started doing it.

The plan is basically just me utilizing the self-study script to go over every single item that Iā€™ve learned up until now, filtering out the items that I clearly remember, and the ones that I donā€™t. The ones that I donā€™t will be given a new mnemonic so I can memorize them again. As of me writing this post, I have already finished refreshing myself on all of the radicals except for a few.

While I am doing this, I wonā€™t be learning new items. I will only continue my reviews.

Thatā€™s the basics of it. Here, I will be giving updates on how this is going.

Update 1 (13/09-2022, 14:26)
I have finished refreshing myself on all of the radicals. I will now go on to refreshing myself on the kanji I know, level by level. The goal is at least 5 kanji per day. Yes, I know that is small, but gotta start small if I gotta get back to the big stuff. I am hoping that by going small, I will be able to take on bigger loads later on down the line. It has worked so far with radicals. Finished all of them in about 4 days time.

Update 2 (17/09-2022, 12:02)
A huge change to my plan early on. Instead of going through all levels, I will only go through the 10 latest levels Iā€™ve gone through (Level 34 - 43). Iā€™m doing this because I believe that my other plan wouldā€™ve simply taken too much of my time.
To compensate for the number of items Iā€™ll now be skipping, Iā€™ve now added a new thing to my refreshment plan as well. I will go through every single item I fail during my reviews, and create new mnemonics for them. All of them. No matter what. This way Iā€™ll end up going through all items no matter what, just not burned ones.

This was actually my original plan before the one I presented at the beginning of this post. I just didnā€™t go along with it, because with this, I didnā€™t have control over how much I would have to refresh myself on, and because of that, if the load got too big, I simply wouldnā€™t do it. However, thanks to changes Iā€™ve made that make each review session shorter, it now makes it so that no matter how many items I fail, I simply wonā€™t be having that many items to refresh myself on. Because of this, Iā€™m now going back to my original plan.


A new update!

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