Short Grammar Questions (Part 2)

Based on this hinative q&a, I think there’s a joke based on wordplay between トイレ and 行っといで, but that the guy in the manga has botched the joke completely (possibly by mixing it up with a バーテンダー pun, which there seem to be a couple of). The young dude didn’t get the joke either :slight_smile:


Oh, I see, that has to be it. Thanks!

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Your question seems to have been overlooked due to the sarcasm thing, so here we go.

I’m pretty sure this will be understood and you will get the answer you need.

That being said, the most glaring mistake here are your commas in the first “sentence”.
As a fellow Latin language speaker I can see where this is coming from, but commas in Japanese don’t work like this.

If you have independent full-fledged sentences (namely: 「おはようございます」、「よろしくお願いします」、「マリオです」) that are not syntactically connected, you cannot connect them with commas like this. Commas in Japanese assume there is still one big syntactical unit going on, to whom every clause belongs, so the reader will be “what’s going on here???”
As a rule of thumb, the chances you are ever going to use a comma after a です or ます are very very slim. (Not saying it’s impossible, though)

A common way of writing it would be just changing them to periods. I also took the liberty to reorder it and change the です to 申します because です feels a bit like you know each other already, in this case.


Finally, if you want your sentence to sound native, 「チェックインとチェックアウトの時間を教えていただけますか?」would be the best choice, but that’s really nitpicking. Your sentence is perfectly fine as it is.


Thanks for not having overlooked it as well!
Very interesting, I would’ve never expected neither of your corrections because punctuation is always neglected in grammar guides (at least, the online ones).
So, independent sentences take periods 99% of the time. I’m curious, could you provide an explanation of when it’s legit to use commas instead?
So, マリオと申します suits the situation better than です because the latter feels like I already know the other person. Could you explain why? I had no clue. Also, I guess the と申します is only okay if the conversation is not in person?
Last question - why is it used いただける and not いただく?

In the point of view of a native, would there be any difference if the punctuation was completely removed? Like, what if I wrote:

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If you use です it’s like saying, “It’s me, Mario!”, which you could naturally say to someone who already knows you. The other one is more “I am Mario / my name is Mario”.


Would the same effect be perceived in person? And could I use と申します in person?

と申します is just quite stiff, but there’s no particular reason being in person is a factor in using it.

と言います is the same idea but less intense keigo-wise.

です is also totally fine for most self-intros that aren’t particularly important.


No, this is gibberish. You must separate the sentences.

Japanese is already confusing enough with the lack of spaces and sentences being used as adjective clauses without special markers. Let’s not make it worse.

Actually what I meant with “chances are very very slim” is more that “you can use a ます and not be finishing a sentence” than “there are sentence that don’t take periods”.
I tried to search something more concrete to give you, but pretty much all 「ます、」 or 「です、」results at BCCWJ seem to be very “spoken language written down” instead of “proper written language” entries, what itself is very telling.


That’s very true. Since commas in Japanese don’t follow strict rules like they do in most Indo-European languages (where you must use commas in specific patterns) and you can have some stylistic freedom with them, the most common approach is just letting it go, I think.
But that’s for commas. Periods definitely have to be used when they are needed. In the end the correction was more about “you need periods here” than “your commas are wrong”.

For the same reason in English you say “Can you tell me the time?” instead of “Do you tell me the time?:wink:.


Fuck, I didn’t see it :joy:


I cannot parse this sentence for the life of me.

Ash sees Gary confronting mew.


I know all the vocab, but the sentence doesn’t make sense to me. “Evening friends/companions? Damn!”

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Is there more context to it? Not sure if 夕方のあいつら refers to Pokemon like Mew and 仲間 to Gary, but that would be my initial hunch.

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“It’s the friends of those guys from last night!”. (Google’s version of this line ends かな rather than just な, incidentally.)


I’m on my work pc now so I’ll to reply with romaji (!! I know).

Ash literally looked up and say Gary stood in front of mew (he dropped a pokeball in the panel previous and stooped down to pick it up).

The only other dialogue in the panel is just “dare ka iru”, “someone’s here”. and picture is Ash hiding in a bush seeing Gary staring down mew.


Oooh, that makes sense.

The companion of the guys from last night.

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Is there a mistake on the website or am I misunderstanding something?

I say that the answer is 電車のほうがバスより速いです
It says that the answer is バスのほうが電車より速いです
as I’ve learned AのほうがBより速いです is A is more 速い than B

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The picture shows three modes of transportation. Does it label them? Perhaps it’s making the distinction between a 新幹線 (top) and a slow 電車 (bottom), in which case B would be correct. But I’m just speculating since I don’t see labels in the picture…


Could it also be that the question is which one is the earliest and not the fastest?
The bus leaves at 7, but the train leaves only at 9?


I agree with @seanblue, I think the question is asking about 新幹線, バス, and 電車. 電車 being the one at the bottom of the comparison picture. They really should come with labels though because if you don’t know what 新幹線 looks like, you might assume they are both 電車.

Also 速い is mostly used for fast/quick, while 早い is used for early.


Not sure, because in this lesson of Genki, you are taught specifically how to compare two items, and in a later part how to compare 3 or more items. Now I continued the questions and it always compares only 2 items, bullet train VS bus, bus VS train, train VS bullet train, etc
But thanks for the input, makes sense too with 早い VS 速い
And right after that they do the same with 遅い, and again not sure if I’m supposed to answer which one is the slowest or the latest :joy:
But if I got ほうが / より right, good enough for me!


Me again with more Pokemadness!



On the same page, Red talks about not seeing something before. I’m probably massively overthinking this but as you can see one uses が while the other doesn’t. Is this just Red missing out particles because it’s casual/excited talk?