Short Grammar Questions (Part 2)

What they said.

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Anybody know what this げんまー is in 指切りげんまー嘘ついたら腹切って死ーねー?


Going through Renshuu, and the point for なんて is really confusing (to express surprise or emphasis).

I don’t know where it goes in the sentence because sometimes it comes before a word, or after and I don’t know why or when to use it where! x___x


Finger cut-off, ten thousand fist-punches, whoever lies has to swallow a thousand needles, words said when making a pinky swear

pinky swear, pinky promise, linking little fingers to confirm a promise


I don’t know if you have an account, but its this point and number 7.

That’s the one, thanks!

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You’re confused because the explanation when you hover on it is wrong. The example sentences are not using it with the “surprised” meaning, but with the “things like/something like” meaning

You don’t need an account, but 1 is after the words they’re talking about, which is the ones in the list, and 7’s なんて is 何と言うと, no?

In this 篠塚組のヤツら手打ちの条件割りに合わないって周囲に言ってるそうです, is the translation correct? My interpretation was that the Shinozuka group were saying the condition wasn’t worth paying, but in the translation it’s the other way around.


I got this sentence on Clozemaster today:


The game was put off because of rain.

It seemed suspect to me. Why? Because, according to and other dictionaries, 延期 is a transitive verb. I would translate this as 試合が雨で延期された。

Still at, I checked the example sentences for 延期 and found the two sentences above, both sourced from the tatoeba corpus. It still seems wrong to me. I would think that with a transitive verb, some agent has to be performing the action expressed by the verb on an object. And the 試合 is not performing the action, but rather is the object of the action.

Ex. 私が試合が雨で延期した。

Someone please tell me how brilliant I am, and that tatoeba is wrong.

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Looking at the Goo entry and example sentences for 延期, it seems it should be 試合(を・は)雨で延期した or 試合(が・は)雨で延期された


Starting to think this is a really shit translation.

What specifically? It seems fine to me other than the 取り立てんなら上手くやれや part.

Well it’s only the 3rd chapter and there have been multiple similar instances of random mistakes or weird translation choices. Like in my previous comment where they got the complete opposite meaning.

Though I originally thought they got the お前ら追い込み過ぎたんだろ part wrong too, but on a re-read I think I was the one who misunderstood

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I don’t see major issues in this one. There are some small things, but I wouldn’t go so far as “shit.”


Hello! I’m back with a new question :smiling_face_with_tear:
I wonder why the author used 横目 here but not


I looked up the word and it means sideway glance, and no other meaning that suggests side. Yet if we fit side way glance into that sentence it just doesn’t make sense, cause the particle seems to suggest a position there :thinking:

…を横目に… means to try to avoid interacting with / ignore something.



Took a little more searching on the internet until i finally understood. Even so, it kinda not seems like a normal verb does it? I didn’t see it used as a single verb in a sentence.

Anyway, it makes sense to me now, thank you!! :grin:

It’s not literally a verb. Within a larger structure it means “to do whatever you were doing in a way so as to avoid / ignore something”.

Where the を横目に part is just “in a way so as to avoid / ignore”


Yeah i kinda feel that too :grin: