
いくら(how much/many)

来週 (らいしゅう) next week



I keep ending with ん… Don’t know where my head’s at. Sorry, guys.

入り口 ( いりぐち) - entrance

父 (ちち) father


羅甸語 (らてんご) Latin (language)

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ゴンドラ (Gondola)

Especially useful if you visit mountain areas like Hakone.


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北 (きた) North

断ち切り たちきり something torn apart (#僕の心)

陸(りく)shore, land

口コミ くちこみ word of mouth; internet comment

湖→みずうみ Lake

I know I’ve done this before but I don’t know much vocabulary

頭痛 【ずつう】headache

煩い【うるさい】 - loud, noisy

打ち合わせ(うちあわせ)meeting, conference

Edit: Ahh, I replied to Nath a bit later than Gabriele

So to rectify that, 痛み止め (いたみどめ)painkiller

面食らう めんくらう to be confused or taken aback