Hi folks! This is the club for my new study regimen, the “777 Challenge”. Under this regimen, one must do 777 items (reviews and lessons) a week - no more, no less (or, if you can’t make 777 items because you won’t get so many within the week, end the week with 0 lessons and reviews) and only doing lessons if the current review count is 0. I don’t know if this is a good regimen - for all I know, 777 a week is rookie numbers - but I know that it makes for a memorable requirement and it seems a little challenging, while also not horribly difficult. Plus, we have this guy for a mascot:
I’d guess about 12-15 lessons a day. Not speedrunner, but substantial pace. edit: it’s probably closer to 10-12 (10 ~ 550-700, 11 ~ 650-800, 12 ~ 750-900) but that’s assuming consistent lessons and consistent accuracy over a full queue, which is not that realistic.
Honestly I think this works best as a detox for people who’ve been neglecting WK for a while and have a huge pile of reviews built up, it might make more sense to go to “10-15 lessons a day” after one doesn’t have hundreds of reviews every day already…
Well, I’ve completed my second week. It took a few relatively intense review sessions on the last two days, but it worked! This seems like a great regimen so far, 昨日に I had under 百 reviews for the first time in a while.
Finished my third week. Maybe I can make a 1月 streak, who knows. Gotta spread it out more instead of doing hundreds at once, though. Today I learned すみません in the かな vocab lessons, which, given that I first learned about トフグ from this article about すみません, was a touching moment of dramatic resonance.
This week I find myself in a predicament: doing all my forecasted reviews plus the lessons won’t get me to 777… Or that would be true if lessons didn’t enter the review stack. Fortunately, items recur more than once, so I’ll be fine. Still stretching the reviews surprisingly thin, though.
EDIT: despite having done 十五 or so lessons, my Apprentice count is still lower than it was at the beginning of the day. That’s pretty great!
My reviews are starting to show up in multiples of 7. Just now I got 49 (seven into seven) reviews, and next hour I’m getting 7. My current review count for tomorrow is 177. Wonder if this was a mathematical certainty, or just a coincidence. Either way, it’s kinda spooky. Fit material for 百物語怪談会, if it goes on much longer.
49 left this week. I’m planning to ditch the “no more, no less” rule and finish the rest of my 77 lessons soon, so I can get working on my goal of getting to レベル31 before 10月 ends my second year of durtledom. Wish me luck!