Scaling the 4724 review wall - 塵も積もれば山となる

Sat Jan 01 2022:
Time spent: 5m
Reviews completed: 29
Reviews remaining: 4138
Reviews in next week: 4505 (+367)
Reviews in next month: 4906 (+401)
Accuracy: 82.76% (24/29)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 89.47% (17/19)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 70.00% (7/10)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2534
Guru: 1542
Master: 542
Enlightened: 654
Burned 1811

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In case you couldn’t tell, a little over a week ago, I gave Anki another try, and I’ve only been putting a token effort into Wanikani, since most of my time is devoted to Anki instead. Hopefully once I get through the Anki deck, I can start seriously whittling down my WK review mountain again.

Sun Jan 02 2022:
Time spent: 15m
Reviews completed: 70
Reviews remaining: 4207
Reviews in next week: 4501 (+294)
Reviews in next month: 4903 (+402)
Accuracy: 80.00% (56/70)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 94.12% (32/34)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 66.67% (24/36)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2529
Guru: 1537
Master: 551
Enlightened: 651
Burned 1815


Mon Jan 03 2022:
Time spent: 9m
Reviews completed: 47
Reviews remaining: 4230
Reviews in next week: 4517 (+287)
Reviews in next month: 4901 (+384)
Accuracy: 76.60% (36/47)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 77.78% (21/27)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 75.00% (15/20)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2521
Guru: 1543
Master: 552
Enlightened: 651
Burned 1816

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Today, Anki actively harmed me on Wanikani, rather than just computing for scarce time. 克服 came up for burn review on WK today, and it is also in the Anki deck I’ve been studying recently. In the Anki deck, 克服 is listed as “overcoming”, so that’s what I put, but WK expects “conquest”. Of course I added a synonym on WK, and I’ll probably remember that it means both next time, but it’s still annoying that I missed burning it due to that and that I’ll have to wait for it to go Guru 2 → Master → Enlightened → Burned all over again.

延びる also came up on WK, which I missed due to putting “to grow longer”, but it turns out that that is 伸びる. I’ve had a lot of trouble remembering those words on WK in the past, but it certainly doesn’t help that I didn’t realize there were actually two separate words with the same reading and different meanings. At least now I know that I’ll have to pay attention to the kanji to guess the meaning.

On the bright side, my +30 Day Review count still dipped below 4900 for the first time today.

Tue Jan 04 2022:
Time spent: 10m
Reviews completed: 44
Reviews remaining: 4264
Reviews in next week: 4550 (+286)
Reviews in next month: 4898 (+348)
Accuracy: 75.00% (33/44)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 92.59% (25/27)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 47.06% (8/17)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2517
Guru: 1549
Master: 547
Enlightened: 652
Burned 1818


This morning was a disappointment, but I did really well on WK this evening, in both speed and accuracy. In fact, I did a rare second session this evening and did equally great on both, so i wasn’t just entirely luck either.

Of course, the downside of getting through reviews really fast is that it also means I get mentally tired and have to quit really fast as well - this evening, I had to stop after only 6 and 9 minutes, having down 35 and 50 reviews respectively. But it’s a lot better than the alternative!

Also, another Anki-induced synonym fail on WK this evening, when I put “recovery” for 回復 rather than the “restoration” that WK expects. Previously, I had studied on 回復 and got tripped up, guessing “restoration” when the card said “recovery”.

Wed Jan 05 2022:
Time spent: 25m
Reviews completed: 127
Reviews remaining: 4195
Reviews in next week: 4524 (+329)
Reviews in next month: 4882 (+358)
Accuracy: 81.10% (103/127)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 92.96% (66/71)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 66.07% (37/56)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2509
Guru: 1547
Master: 544
Enlightened: 662
Burned 1821

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Thu Jan 06 2022:
Time spent: 5m
Reviews completed: 25
Reviews remaining: 4247
Reviews in next week: 4537 (+290)
Reviews in next month: 4881 (+344)
Accuracy: 80.00% (20/25)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 92.86% (13/14)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 63.64% (7/11)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2509
Guru: 1545
Master: 545
Enlightened: 662
Burned 1822

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Fri Jan 07 2022:
Time spent: 9m
Reviews completed: 46
Reviews remaining: 4264
Reviews in next week: 4534 (+270)
Reviews in next month: 4880 (+346)
Accuracy: 82.61% (38/46)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 96.55% (28/29)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 58.82% (10/17)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2506
Guru: 1544
Master: 548
Enlightened: 662
Burned 1823

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Leech Review XIX

Another rough week for leech reviews. This time, I had to take frequent breaks, and it took me 47 minutes to get through, not including breaks.

2021-12-04: 62.50% (115/184)
2021-12-11: 70.56% (127/180)
2021-12-18: 76.68% (148/193)
2022-01-01: 71.14% (175/246)
2022-01-08: 72.22% (156/216)
vocab	眺める To Stare At ながめる
vocab	執筆 Writing しっぴつ
vocab	総合 Overall そうごう
vocab	交代 Change こうたい
vocab	包み紙 Wrapping Paper つつみがみ
vocab	及ぼす To Exert およぼす
vocab	転がす To Roll Something ころがす
vocab	懇親 Friendship こんしん
vocab	葬る To Bury ほうむる
kanji	嘩 Rowdy か
vocab	装い Attire よそおい
vocab	尊い Revered とうとい
vocab	大幅 Big おおはば
vocab	降りる To Get Off おりる
vocab	償う To Compensate For つぐなう
vocab	訪ねる To Visit たずねる
vocab	大臣 Minister だいじん
vocab	捉える To Catch とらえる
vocab	居候 Freeloader いそうろう
vocab	冷たい Cold つめたい
vocab	転がる To Roll ころがる
vocab	痛める To Injure Something いためる
vocab	推測 Conjecture すいそく
vocab	焼ける To Be Cooked やける
vocab	早速 At Once さっそく
vocab	決裂 Breakdown けつれつ
vocab	親孝行 Filial Piety おやこうこう
vocab	飲酒運転 Drunk Driving いんしゅうんてん
vocab	延びる To Be Extended のびる
vocab	肌触り The Touch Of はだざわり
vocab	一例 Instance いちれい
kanji	朗 Bright ろう
vocab	見詰める To Stare At みつめる
vocab	衝撃 Shock しょうげき
vocab	大失敗 Total Failure だいしっぱい
vocab	全損 Total Loss ぜんそん
vocab	変人 An Eccentric へんじん
vocab	割れる To Be Divided われる
vocab	装う To Feign よそおう
vocab	油田 Oil Field ゆでん
vocab	数 Number かず
vocab	切符 Ticket きっぷ
vocab	非難 Criticism ひなん
vocab	教授 Teaching きょうじゅ
vocab	際 Side きわ
vocab	移る To Be Shifted うつる
vocab	親分 Boss おやぶん
kanji	贈 Presents ぞう
vocab	迫る To Urge せまる
vocab	悪人 Bad Person あくにん
vocab	指摘 Pointing Out してき
vocab	専攻 Major せんこう
vocab	火災 Fire Disaster かさい
vocab	感染 Infection かんせん
vocab	巡査 Police じゅんさ
vocab	執着 Attachment To しゅうちゃく
vocab	金庫 A Safe きんこ
vocab	壊滅 Destruction かいめつ
vocab	並 Ordinary なみ
vocab	公用 Government Business こうよう

Sat Jan 08 2022:
Time spent: 5m
Reviews completed: 22
Reviews remaining: 4292
Reviews in next week: 4547 (+255)
Reviews in next month: 4879 (+332)
Accuracy: 86.36% (19/22)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 82.35% (14/17)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 100.00% (5/5)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2502
Guru: 1548
Master: 547
Enlightened: 661
Burned 1825


New Milestone Get!

My apprentice count is finally under 2500 for the first time! I’ve been wondering when I would reach that for months.

Sun Jan 09 2022:
Time spent: 18m
Reviews completed: 80
Reviews remaining: 4273
Reviews in next week: 4539 (+266)
Reviews in next month: 4876 (+337)
Accuracy: 81.25% (65/80)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 88.64% (39/44)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 72.22% (26/36)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2495
Guru: 1554
Master: 542
Enlightened: 665
Burned 1827


In honor of it being six months since I reset to level 46, here is a new progress chart!

As you can see, there is a clear downward trend over time. My review count has been creeping back up lately because I’ve only been making a token effort at Wanikani for the last two and a half weeks due to being busy with other stuff. However, once I expect to start doing WK again in earnest in two weeks or so, and crush my review pile again, just like every previous time I came back after a hiatus.

Furthermore, my +30 day review count has continued to go down during this period, slowly, but steadily, and I think it makes for a better measure of long term progress, so even though it doesn’t look like it, I am making a small amount of progress every day.


Mon Jan 10 2022:
Time spent: 6m
Reviews completed: 23
Reviews remaining: 4316
Reviews in next week: 4580 (+264)
Reviews in next month: 4876 (+296)
Accuracy: 69.57% (16/23)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 81.82% (9/11)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 58.33% (7/12)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2491
Guru: 1554
Master: 545
Enlightened: 665
Burned 1828

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Did terrible this evening, presumably due to a minor headache.

Tue Jan 11 2022:
Time spent: 6m
Reviews completed: 20
Reviews remaining: 4378
Reviews in next week: 4626 (+248)
Reviews in next month: 4876 (+250)
Accuracy: 65.00% (13/20)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 88.89% (8/9)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 45.45% (5/11)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2489
Guru: 1557
Master: 544
Enlightened: 664
Burned 1829

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Wed Jan 12 2022:
Time spent: 12m
Reviews completed: 70
Reviews remaining: 4356
Reviews in next week: 4625 (+269)
Reviews in next month: 4873 (+248)
Accuracy: 84.29% (59/70)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 95.12% (39/41)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 68.97% (20/29)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2484
Guru: 1555
Master: 546
Enlightened: 668
Burned 1830


First day in a while that my +30 review count didn’t go down. Oh well, you can’t win 'em all. There was one burn review I almost got - I could remember that 栄える was either saka or hii, but guessed the later (confusing it with 秀でる).

Thu Jan 13 2022:
Time spent: 10m
Reviews completed: 52
Reviews remaining: 4358
Reviews in next week: 4622 (+264)
Reviews in next month: 4874 (+252)
Accuracy: 82.69% (43/52)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 100.00% (31/31)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 57.14% (12/21)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2475
Guru: 1561
Master: 545
Enlightened: 672
Burned 1830


Just had an amazing session in which I burned more items than the last week put together! Although I was a bit embarrassed to miss 成程 and 食欲.

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It’s funny how I still get disappointed, even when I’m consistently hitting 80+% accuracy at high speed, like my abortive attempt to do WK this evening where I quit after only two minutes (and 11 reviews). In that case I was disappointed because I missed a couple of Burn/Enlighten reviews that I should have known.

Still, it’s a testament to the progress I’ve made. In the past, I would have killed to be getting 80+% accuracy and 5 reviews a minute.

Fri Jan 14 2022:
Time spent: 20m
Reviews completed: 100
Reviews remaining: 4297
Reviews in next week: 4603 (+306)
Reviews in next month: 4865 (+262)
Accuracy: 85.00% (85/100)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 96.15% (50/52)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 72.92% (35/48)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2458
Guru: 1570
Master: 551
Enlightened: 668
Burned 1836


Leech Review XX

This week’s leech review went a lot better, presumably because I haven’t been doing much WK lately so there are fewer leeches to worry about, and I cleared a lot of them out last week. This time, it only took me 31 minutes to get through them.

2021-11-13: 71.90% (151/210)
2021-11-20: 75.12% (160/213)
2021-12-04: 62.50% (115/184)
2021-12-11: 70.56% (127/180)
2021-12-18: 76.68% (148/193)
2022-01-01: 71.14% (175/246)
2022-01-08: 72.22% (156/216)
2022-01-15: 78.85% (123/156)

Overall, I had a lot fewer to do and had a lot higher accuracy than previous weeks.

vocab	総合 Overall そうごう
vocab	転がす To Roll Something ころがす
vocab	交代 Change こうたい
vocab	及ぼす To Exert およぼす
vocab	葬る To Bury ほうむる
vocab	償う To Compensate For つぐなう
vocab	懇親 Friendship こんしん
vocab	捉える To Catch とらえる
vocab	決裂 Breakdown けつれつ
vocab	変人 An Eccentric へんじん
vocab	指示 Instructions しじ
vocab	先頃 Recently さきごろ
vocab	大幅 Big おおはば
vocab	鑑みる To Be In Light Of Something かんがみる
vocab	非難 Criticism ひなん
vocab	障る To Irritate さわる
vocab	並行 Parallel へいこう
vocab	迫る To Urge せまる
vocab	象徴 Symbol しょうちょう
vocab	切符 Ticket きっぷ
vocab	逃亡 Escape とうぼう
vocab	貴い Valuable とうとい
vocab	乱す To Put In Disorder みだす
vocab	爪切り Nail Clipper つめきり
vocab	携わる To Engage In たずさわる
vocab	語る To Talk かたる
vocab	埋もれる To Get Buried うもれる
vocab	逃がす To Let Go にがす
vocab	〜殿 Mr. どの
vocab	祖父 Grandfather そふ
vocab	繁殖 Breeding はんしょく
vocab	稲田 Rice Field いなだ
vocab	感謝 Thanks かんしゃ
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Did 6 lessons today, so there’s a +6 bump in the pending review counts from the new items. If you adjust for that, my Apprentice count effectively fell by 14 today.

Sat Jan 15 2022:
Time spent: 18m
Reviews completed: 82
Reviews remaining: 4280
Reviews in next week: 4601 (+321)
Reviews in next month: 4866 (+265)
Accuracy: 81.71% (67/82)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 89.80% (44/49)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 69.70% (23/33)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2450
Guru: 1576
Master: 556
Enlightened: 669
Burned 1838

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Lately, I’ve been consistently getting 80+% accuracy, so I was pretty shocked when both times I tried to do WK today, I got only 55% accuracy and was forced to give up after just a couple minutes.

Sun Jan 16 2022:
Time spent: 8m
Reviews completed: 33
Reviews remaining: 4311
Reviews in next week: 4613 (+302)
Reviews in next month: 4865 (+252)
Accuracy: 57.58% (19/33)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 66.67% (12/18)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 46.67% (7/15)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2451
Guru: 1572
Master: 558
Enlightened: 669
Burned 1839

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