Scaling the 4724 review wall - 塵も積もれば山となる

Wed Dec 15 2021:
Time spent: 7m
Reviews completed: 27
Reviews remaining: 4490
Reviews in next week: 4763 (+273)
Reviews in next month: 5049 (+286)
Accuracy: 74.07% (20/27)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 86.67% (13/15)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 58.33% (7/12)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2735
Guru: 1425
Master: 528
Enlightened: 674
Burned 1715

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Thu Dec 16 2021:
Time spent: 22m
Reviews completed: 72
Reviews remaining: 4467
Reviews in next week: 4750 (+283)
Reviews in next month: 5041 (+291)
Accuracy: 69.44% (50/72)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 90.00% (27/30)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 54.76% (23/42)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2734
Guru: 1422
Master: 529
Enlightened: 672
Burned 1720

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Fri Dec 17 2021:
Time spent: 18m
Reviews completed: 72
Reviews remaining: 4456
Reviews in next week: 4740 (+284)
Reviews in next month: 5035 (+295)
Accuracy: 77.78% (56/72)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 85.71% (36/42)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 66.67% (20/30)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2728
Guru: 1426
Master: 528
Enlightened: 671
Burned 1724

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Leech Review XVII

I’m finally starting to vaguely remember the items I keep missing week after week well enough that I was able to guess a lot of them during this week’s leech review, so accuracy is way up. Now I just have to wait for the next set of dumb coin flips and impossible-to-remember words that I’ll miss week after week going forward!

2021-11-13: 71.90% (151/210)
2021-11-20: 75.12% (160/213)
2021-12-04: 62.50% (115/184)
2021-12-11: 70.56% (127/180)
2021-12-18: 76.68% (148/193)
vocab	焦げる To Be Burned こげる
vocab	眺める To Stare At ながめる
vocab	責める To Blame せめる
vocab	著しい Remarkable いちじるしい
vocab	変人 An Eccentric へんじん
kanji	貸 Lend たい
vocab	執筆 Writing しっぴつ
vocab	指示 Instructions しじ
vocab	貨物 Freight かもつ
vocab	荒波 Stormy Seas あらなみ
vocab	載る To Be Published のる
vocab	総合 Overall そうごう
vocab	居間 Living Room いま
vocab	検索 Lookup けんさく
vocab	条約 Treaty じょうやく
vocab	捉える To Catch とらえる
vocab	点く To Be Lit つく
vocab	常勤 Full Time Employment じょうきん
vocab	及第 Passing An Exam きゅうだい
vocab	包み紙 Wrapping Paper つつみがみ
vocab	失望 Disappointment しつぼう
vocab	大略 Summary たいりゃく
vocab	転がす To Roll Something ころがす
vocab	領土 Territory りょうど
kanji	紹 Introduce しょう
vocab	紛れる To Be Diverted まぎれる
vocab	衝突 Collision しょうとつ
vocab	地域 Region ちいき
vocab	欠乏 Lack けつぼう
vocab	六つ Six Things むっつ
vocab	貴い Valuable とうとい
vocab	降りる To Get Off おりる
vocab	近々 Before Long ちかぢか
vocab	先頃 Recently さきごろ
vocab	頭痛 Headache ずつう
vocab	際 Side きわ
vocab	丼 Rice Bowl どんぶり
vocab	朗らか Bright ほがらか
vocab	逃亡 Escape とうぼう
vocab	大臣 Minister だいじん
vocab	指摘 Pointing Out してき
vocab	起こす To Wake Someone Up おこす
vocab	交ぜる To Mix Something まぜる
vocab	特徴 Characteristic とくちょう
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For some reason, the three review sessions I did in the morning all went well and the three in the afternoon all went terribly. It’s funny how that works sometimes.

Sat Dec 18 2021:
Time spent: 50m
Reviews completed: 207
Reviews remaining: 4353
Reviews in next week: 4691 (+338)
Reviews in next month: 5035 (+344)
Accuracy: 77.78% (161/207)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 90.76% (108/119)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 60.23% (53/88)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2707
Guru: 1441
Master: 533
Enlightened: 663
Burned 1733

What does the scanner say about his review count? It’s under four thooooouuuusaaaand!!!

After an unusual good start today, I decided to go for broke and see if I could get my review count under 4k for the first time and hit 500 reviews in one day for the first time, and while it did take a lot of hard work, I managed to do both.

My review count hit a new record low of 3974, smashing the previous record of 4284 set on November 21st. I also did 545 reviews in one day today, smashing the previous record of 456 set on September 19th.

But wait, there’s more! I also hit one other notable milestone today. On December 3rd, my +30 day review count (aka “reviews in the next month”) peaked at 5114 before I began the current effort to get it below 5000. It took a long time because the +30 day review count can only be lowered by passing Enlightened and Burn reviews, and it also sometimes goes up. But over the last couple weeks, I burned 100 items and enlightened 105 items, thus finally bringing my +30 review count below 5000 for the first time today!

Sun Dec 19 2021:
Time spent: 125m
Reviews completed: 545
Reviews remaining: 3974
Reviews in next week: 4558 (+584)
Reviews in next month: 4986 (+428)
Accuracy: 77.06% (420/545)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 89.00% (267/300)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 62.45% (153/245)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2668
Guru: 1460
Master: 531
Enlightened: 658
Burned 1760


Mon Dec 20 2021:
Time spent: 28m
Reviews completed: 135
Reviews remaining: 4041
Reviews in next week: 4541 (+500)
Reviews in next month: 4984 (+443)
Accuracy: 80.00% (108/135)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 91.78% (67/73)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 66.13% (41/62)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2661
Guru: 1466
Master: 534
Enlightened: 657
Burned 1765

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I tried to press on and keep doing more and more reviews despite terrible accuracy because I wanted to get under 4100 today, but I was eventually forced to give up just short of that goal.

Tue Dec 21 2021:
Time spent: 32m
Reviews completed: 129
Reviews remaining: 4112
Reviews in next week: 4534 (+422)
Reviews in next month: 4977 (+443)
Accuracy: 71.32% (92/129)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 82.67% (62/75)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 55.56% (30/54)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2647
Guru: 1476
Master: 534
Enlightened: 657
Burned 1769

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Wed Dec 22 2021:
Time spent: 23m
Reviews completed: 99
Reviews remaining: 4103
Reviews in next week: 4516 (+413)
Reviews in next month: 4970 (+454)
Accuracy: 78.79% (78/99)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 88.46% (46/52)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 68.09% (32/47)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2630
Guru: 1488
Master: 534
Enlightened: 656
Burned 1775

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Thu Dec 23 2021:
Time spent: 42m
Reviews completed: 172
Reviews remaining: 4031
Reviews in next week: 4483 (+452)
Reviews in next month: 4949 (+466)
Accuracy: 75.58% (130/172)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 83.72% (72/86)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 67.44% (58/86)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2615
Guru: 1498
Master: 528
Enlightened: 658
Burned 1784

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Fri Dec 24 2021:
Time spent: 14m
Reviews completed: 68
Reviews remaining: 4050
Reviews in next week: 4470 (+420)
Reviews in next month: 4943 (+473)
Accuracy: 77.94% (53/68)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 86.11% (31/36)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 68.75% (22/32)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2609
Guru: 1501
Master: 526
Enlightened: 661
Burned 1786

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I was planning to do a manual Leech Review session this morning like usual every week, but for some reason, the WK api was returning errors to my script, so I had to skip it this week.

Sat Dec 25 2021:
Time spent: 19m
Reviews completed: 90
Reviews remaining: 4069
Reviews in next week: 4473 (+404)
Reviews in next month: 4937 (+464)
Accuracy: 81.11% (73/90)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 93.33% (42/45)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 68.89% (31/45)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2594
Guru: 1513
Master: 527
Enlightened: 659
Burned 1790

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I did some digging into the WK API error problem today, and the API appears to be broken when a updated_after query results in multiple pages of results. For those not familiar with the API, it has pagination, which means that if a query results in 1000 or fewer results, it just returns them normally. However, if there are more than 1000 results, the API just returns the first 1000, plus a link to the next “page” of results to get more.

I only use the custom leech review script I wrote once a week (every Saturday morning), and it of course it has to update its local review database each time by doing an updated_after query for reviews since the previous week. However, I did a lot more reviews than usual last week and must have hit 1000 reviews in one week for the first time, causing multiple pages of results to be returned, which broke the API.

If this is correct, than the API was probably always broken, and it’s just that last week was the first time I actually did enough reviews to run into this bug. Imagine doing so many reviews you break Wanikani!

There have been some times I was forced to skip a week or two of leech reviews due to vacation, but in those cases, I was also doing negligible reviews for the same reason, so I probably never hit 1000 even after a two or three week gap in those cases.

Sun Dec 26 2021:
Time spent: 29m
Reviews completed: 143
Reviews remaining: 4097
Reviews in next week: 4515 (+418)
Reviews in next month: 4926 (+411)
Accuracy: 76.22% (109/143)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 88.51% (77/87)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 57.14% (32/56)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2574
Guru: 1528
Master: 531
Enlightened: 653
Burned 1797


Mon Dec 27 2021:
Time spent: 21m
Reviews completed: 92
Reviews remaining: 4099
Reviews in next week: 4520 (+421)
Reviews in next month: 4916 (+396)
Accuracy: 76.09% (70/92)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 87.76% (43/49)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 62.79% (27/43)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2569
Guru: 1532
Master: 530
Enlightened: 651
Burned 1801

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Tue Dec 28 2021:
Time spent: 23m
Reviews completed: 108
Reviews remaining: 4081
Reviews in next week: 4513 (+432)
Reviews in next month: 4912 (+399)
Accuracy: 78.70% (85/108)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 89.06% (57/64)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 63.64% (28/44)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2554
Guru: 1540
Master: 535
Enlightened: 651
Burned 1803

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Wed Dec 29 2021:
Time spent: 16m
Reviews completed: 80
Reviews remaining: 4099
Reviews in next week: 4506 (+407)
Reviews in next month: 4908 (+402)
Accuracy: 71.25% (57/80)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 82.93% (34/41)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 58.97% (23/39)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2547
Guru: 1543
Master: 536
Enlightened: 653
Burned 1804

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As someone who just reset because he had ~1000 reviews stacked up, you’re completely nuts man, good luck lmao


Thanks. I often wonder whether I’m nuts for doing this myself.

Thu Dec 30 2021:
Time spent: 21m
Reviews completed: 92
Reviews remaining: 4094
Reviews in next week: 4494 (+400)
Reviews in next month: 4907 (+413)
Accuracy: 77.17% (71/92)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 88.24% (45/51)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 63.41% (26/41)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2539
Guru: 1544
Master: 540
Enlightened: 654
Burned 1806

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Fri Dec 31 2021:
Time spent: 18m
Reviews completed: 79
Reviews remaining: 4080
Reviews in next week: 4494 (+414)
Reviews in next month: 4905 (+411)
Accuracy: 73.42% (58/79)
Accuracy on resurrected items: 77.14% (27/35)
Accuracy on non-resurrected items: 70.45% (31/44)

Current item counts:
Apprentice: 2536
Guru: 1541
Master: 543
Enlightened: 652
Burned 1811

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Leech Review XVIII

This week’s leech review was a miserable slog. It took me 55 minutes to get through them all, and I missed a ton. I was sorely tempted to just give up halfway through.

This is probably because I had to skip last week due to the WK API being broken, so there was a two week gap, which meant that a) there were more leeches to review and b) I’d forgotten more of the items from last time. It doesn’t help that I haven’t been doing well at WK lately.

2021-11-20: 75.12% (160/213)
2021-12-04: 62.50% (115/184)
2021-12-11: 70.56% (127/180)
2021-12-18: 76.68% (148/193)
2022-01-01: 71.14% (175/246)
vocab	眺める To Stare At ながめる
vocab	責める To Blame せめる
vocab	検索 Lookup けんさく
vocab	執筆 Writing しっぴつ
vocab	指示 Instructions しじ
vocab	総合 Overall そうごう
vocab	居間 Living Room いま
vocab	先頃 Recently さきごろ
vocab	交代 Change こうたい
vocab	反省 Reconsideration はんせい
vocab	荒波 Stormy Seas あらなみ
vocab	及第 Passing An Exam きゅうだい
vocab	包み紙 Wrapping Paper つつみがみ
vocab	及ぼす To Exert およぼす
vocab	転がす To Roll Something ころがす
vocab	象徴 Symbol しょうちょう
vocab	加わる To Be Added To くわわる
vocab	携わる To Engage In たずさわる
vocab	葬る To Bury ほうむる
kanji	嘩 Rowdy か
vocab	装い Attire よそおい
vocab	尊い Revered とうとい
kanji	頼 Trust らい
vocab	大幅 Big おおはば
vocab	貴い Valuable とうとい
vocab	降りる To Get Off おりる
vocab	群がる To Flock むらがる
vocab	弾 Bullet たま
vocab	乱す To Put In Disorder みだす
vocab	代える To Replace Something かえる
vocab	済む To Come To An End すむ
vocab	殿様 Feudal Lord とのさま
vocab	略図 Rough Sketch りゃくず
vocab	償う To Compensate For つぐなう
vocab	爪切り Nail Clipper つめきり
kanji	熟 Ripen じゅく
vocab	戒める To Warn いましめる
vocab	損害 Damage そんがい
vocab	訪ねる To Visit たずねる
kanji	刷 Printing さつ
vocab	懇親 Friendship こんしん
vocab	大臣 Minister だいじん
vocab	荷札 Tag にふだ
vocab	点く To Be Lit つく
vocab	無くす To Get Rid Of Something なくす
kanji	滅 Destroy めつ
vocab	居候 Freeloader いそうろう
vocab	冷たい Cold つめたい
kanji	界 World かい
vocab	転がる To Roll ころがる
vocab	変換 Conversion へんかん
vocab	絶叫 Exclamation ぜっきょう
vocab	逃亡 Escape とうぼう
vocab	痛める To Injure Something いためる
vocab	推測 Conjecture すいそく
vocab	焼ける To Be Cooked やける
vocab	見詰める To Stare At みつめる
vocab	聖書 Bible せいしょ
vocab	握り Grip にぎり
vocab	衝撃 Shock しょうげき
vocab	大失敗 Total Failure だいしっぱい
vocab	全損 Total Loss ぜんそん
vocab	排水溝 Drainage はいすいこう
vocab	早々 As Soon As そうそう
vocab	掛ける To Hang かける
vocab	義理 Sense Of Duty ぎり
vocab	席 Seat せき
kanji	枢 Hinge すう
vocab	稲田 Rice Field いなだ
vocab	朗らか Bright ほがらか
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