Rewards for learning

to me you come off as someone who just shitposts. I’m not gonna say anything else cause I don’t want to get in trouble for a personal attack or something

How about talking about important things again like the presents I will expect for reaching level 60?


I did too, but it was kind of entertaining.

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how do you upload gifs

Nah, it’s cool.

And I usually don’t. I usually try to be helpful.

Sorry I’m just bored tonight. *shrugs again*

I will have to accept that you will have to warm up to me or might never understand me. That’s okay.

I keep trying to fix it but it wont let me!

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Think it will be a gold T-shirt? To match your level here?

Let’s keep it this way. It’s fun.

I would also settle for a bitcoin.


Just put a direct link to gif in comment box.

I want a body pillow with the crabigator on it personally. Hopefully koichi can make this happen

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To somewhere else, and then put the website URL in the post (on it’s own line) and it usually appears. If the URL is too long and you’re on mobile, you’re better off using HTML.

<IMG SRC="">

for example.

Ooh, I like that idea!

tumblr_mm5rq604ub1r3rdh2o5_500 showing up in your WaniKani shirt like


What’s the last Kanji on that shirt?

It’s fun but also traumatizing on the fingers when you have to scroll like crazy to read five words :joy: that’s an adventure I may not be ready for

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I’m so confused about these gifs

Literally translated, the kanji say ‘Fourth fire shadow’ but they actually mean ‘fourth hokage.’ If you’re asking what that specific kanji is called, I have to admit my ignorance on that point. I tried to google it to find out myself but to no avail. You might have better luck than me though!

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Game looks cool.