Review Madness

what about こんにちは? i did not mean to say こんにちは at all lol x:

Lol! thats what I get for replying before coffee, the brain registered the K… and went from there on its own.

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@Cairus, that’s a fantastic effort to get your apprentice queue down from 979 to 132. Congratulations! I am surprised that you chose to unlock 48 lessons at the same time. In about a week’s time, you’re going to be hit by a massive queue (700+) of guru items. If you get any of them wrong, they will revert to apprentice.

If you want to unlock more items, I suggest unlocking the vocab items first and learning the lowest level vocab items first. This will give you revision of the kanji / radicals you already have in your guru (or higher) queue. Hopefully, this will help you get them right in the next guru review.

rfindley has a self quiz userscript which allows you to review items you have learnt so far in between reviews.

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You are a hero and an inspiration.

I’m graduating from University this month and I’ve been struggling to find the time for WK. I decided I’d rather build up a cue of vocab than slow my leveling. Currently I have almost 300 vocab lessons backlogged. Finals are this upcoming week for me, so I won’t really be able to start beating the lessons back for another week.

Your trials have inspired me!

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UPDATE: So yeah, way more manageable. To think I actually thought about keeping leveling up…
I think @Kyuui13 gif did it for me.
I should be leveling up again in the morning so the Apprentice pile will go up again, but really, anything below 300 to me it’s a peachy-fluff sugary dream. And just in time for my trip to Japan next week :smiley:

Thanks everyone for your inputs, and to you guys in a similar situation, GANBARE! Leveling up isn’t everything (still it got me to level 48 lol, so in a way I don’t regret my decision), but if you ever set a goal to smash them lessons/review pile down, a few weeks will do.

@SwiftElk @wunderbunny arigatou gozaimashita


Your struggle makes mine look easy, but I’m going to shamelessly the thread I’m using to hold myself accountable for my similar mess anyways:

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