Religion-related Mnemonics

I’m a Christian and I actually enjoy these mnemonics about Jesus because they’re IMO quite helpful.


And what about poor Mrs Chou?

I mean seriously, this is the definition of snowflake. Sorry.

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I agree with you. Part of the attraction of the Wanikani mnemonic system is that it’s pretty off the wall. Outrageous stories are more likely to stick in your memory is the theory, and it seems to work for me.

On the other hand, many times when people hear words like “Jesus” and “Jew” outside of this site, they may be offended by the context, and with good reason. Obviously many people are sensitive about religious issues especially when it seems to mock what they perceive as the core of their identities, so of course these people may be hypervigilant when they see these words here on this site (with some wondering if the makers are anti-Jesus and others wondering if the makers are pushing Jesus). The intent with Wanikani has never been to mock (or push) belief systems, only to create memorable stories that use approximations of Japanese sounds (Ji, Jyuu) but it’s a fact of life that some people are quite sensitive and take offence easily.

So can Wanikani make outrageously memorable mnemonic stories without offending anyone? Doubtful, but they could probably get closer (use Judo instead of Jew/ Jeep instead of Jesus?). Personally I’m more offended by certain mnemonics that don’t hold together as stories or make any sense, such as @acm2010’s example above. Also, I find religious stories kind of annoying in general, so I’d be just as happy if that category of mnemonics went away.


maybe that’s the point. Personally I don’t really care, but maybe if you feel that way, you may remember it more easily.

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