Reb's Study Log

Day 1 of no internet

Woke up this morning feeling a bit ill, which explains why my brain refused to cooperate yesterday. Today I shall attempt to balance getting all the shit down with not pushing myself too hard.

Got through all my wanikani reviews. It was mostly just a wave of returning stuff I did too much at once of earlier. I burned some, and some will come back to nag at me another day.
Did my Anki reviews while the internet was down.

Started with クリスマスプレゼント because something short to get me into the swing of things sounds achieveable.

Read 老女的少女ひなたちゃん chapter 6 while on the bus and while waiting for my 無職 appointment. No internet so I didn’t look anything up, though considering the content of this chapter I don’t particularly care about the vocab I didn’t know. The gist has been understood.

Got back from my appointment, attempt to watch one (1) video on youtube before continuing study, and the internet goes down because my landlord’s fucking with the electrics.

Update, three hours later. Engineer might be coming tomorrow to fix the internet.

Day 2 of no internet

Things I can do while I wait: anki, bookwalker on phone, ringotan on phone, back pages of grammar textbook, physical books.

Things I need to be able to do: wanikani, looking up unknown vocab, LISTENING PRACTICE!!!

Speaking of ringotan, who the eff decided that 右 and 左 start differently?

Unfortunately I have stressed myself out enough that I don’t think I’m getting much of anything done today even if the wifi does come back on.

Hiding this because dog is not well

Part of the stress was dog being annoying. After I drank a couple cups of tea, I realised the food in her breakfast bowl was her last night’s dinner. So I took her to the vet. On the way to the vet, she pooped blood. Barely any poop. Mostly just blood. So, the vet thinks there’s a decent possibility it’s something simple, and given some meds for that, but if she’s not doing better by tomorrow I need to take her back and she’ll have to stay with the vets, but they’re not open 24/7 so I’ll have to pick her up when they close and take her to the overnight vets so they can keep supervising her.

Anyway, got back and went to cafe to chill the fuck out. They have wifi that works if you stand in one particular spot by the side of their building. So I was able to get my wanikani reviews done.

I should read. I can’t be arsed. Maybe tomorrow on bus to therapy appointment. I’m not even going to be able to get through everything that happened the past two weeks in that hour and I know I don’t have many sessions left.

I added a load of anki cards from my textbook. Couple grammar sentences, mostly counters. They’ve got lots of random vocab as well. 15 food words, 15 vegetable words, 15 fruit words and so on and so on. Do I need to know that なす is an aubergine? Do I even know what an aubergine is? Nope :slight_smile: I will read them all anyways. (This totally counts as todays reading practice.)



Read another chapter of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん so that should mean I’m caught up for this week. This chapter, while I was able to follow what was happening, there was a bit in the middle I’d like to go back over when I can access the vocab sheet again. Or maybe it was talked about in the discussion?

I also read two pages of フリーレン but I feel like I only processed the first panel. Will definitely need the vocab sheet and to disect whatever that was. About the story: When I read that it was 20 years later, and then saw Heiter alive on the next page, I was surprised. I think Frieren is also surprised? I’m not 100% on that.

sad dog thoughts

Silver lining of having no internet, I can’t google “dog won’t eat” and panic over the many many things Betty could be dying of. Instead I just get to imagine them. I have to give her her second medicine in 20 minutes and then go to bed so I can get up on time to give her the first again. And my housemate is having a loud conversation, and I don’t have access to youtube to drown him out, so I’m not going to be able to sleep. I can’t miss giving her the medicine. I’ll set some extra alarms. If he decides to have a midnight party or an “I don’t care if I’m keeping you awake because I have to get up early” karaoke, I’m actually going to cry. Again. Tomorrow is going to be fun.

Day 3 of no internet


Dog ate a little bit at the vet. I now have fancy vet food to give her. I hope she can go back to her normal food soon.

It’s been a lot easier to keep on top of anki now that it’s one of the only things I can do. Wanikani I’ve just about been able to keep pace with. jpdb I have not touched. All my effort into getting through that while I was away is being cancelled out. Oh well.

On the plus side, I realised google sheets works on my phone without internet, and this includes vocab sheets for book clubs! It’ll be a little fiddly flipping back and forth between the two, but it’s better than not reading them. Sentence parsing help is still waiting on

Using the vocab sheet, I was able to reread the two pages of フリーレン and get through some more. I read on the bus to and from therapy, and got through three pages each way. The bus journey is about 20 minutes. I used to take about 20 minutes to decipher just one page of フリーレン. This improvement pleases me.

Got home to the glorious news that the internet is fixed. Hooray! That means I can study properly… tomorrow. Trying to force my brain tonight is not going to go well. I am going to do 10 wanikani just to maintain streak.


Dear internet, please do not break today. Dear life, please also do not break. Dear brain, cooperation would be appreciated. Thanks, Reb.


Everytime I see 挙げる in my reviews I have to stop myself from answering “to raise THE DEAD” but it works for remembering that something has to be raised and it makes me smile so yay!

Finally, I can do lessons! I still have so much Lv23 stuff to get through before I even start thinking about Lv24.


I can hear sawing. If my housemate or my landlord break another internet wire, I will NOT be pleased.

準備:preparing for lack of internet is not 準備, that’s 用意. 準備 is needing to go to the shop to buy food for dinner.

So, apparently 予想 has a leech score of 48. I have a feeling that is rather… bad. Looking closely at the meaning explanation, I think the “prediction” version makes more sense to me. I installed the anime context sentences script, and listening to a few of those feels helpful. 予想以上に警備が多いな

(My leech levels at the moment are 48, 40, a few 15ish, and then over a hundred under 10)


I read three more pages of 花さかじいさん. I didn’t expect the dog to die! I had to reread a couple times to check that was actually what happened. I thought the bad old man was just planning to kill the dog and would be stopped.

I also read 8 pages of フリーレン, which means I’ve caught up with last week’s reading. The thread was useful (sneaky N1 grammar in my beginner manga).

Tangent: While scrolling through Natively, I noticed 点と線. The first sentence of the description reads “If you like mysteries, this is a masterpiece whose name is not unknown to you.” So, I read the title. I don’t know this book. But I realised it translates to “Points and Lines” and I have seen that before, in the OST for Trails from Zero. I really enjoyed that track while it was playing, and now I want to read the book it was potentially named after.

Intensive Reading

It’s been ages since I studied the grammar needed for this next section. Whoops.

予定 is similar to つもり, but refers to a more scheduled plan.

出かける is a level 4 word I burned and forgot about. Apparently it can also be wrote like 出掛ける, that 掛 is a level 25 kanji that means hang.

Then looked up the difference between 散歩する and 散歩に行く, which seems to be irrelevant. Oh, and apparently I don’t know 散歩 yet, as it’s a level 31 word. This first kanji 散 is scatter, and I feel like I looked this up already.

Found out that たり grammar can also be used with nouns and adjectives, makes me wonder what other grammar is more general than I learnt it…

This book has an error, and it gives an English sentence “At the library, a lot of people do things like read books or study.” and the Japanese sentence is given as 「図書館で、私は、本を読んだり、勉強したりします。」 Either the English sentence should be about I, or the Japanese sentence would be… 人達?人々?多い人? Maybe a combination of those…

I remember watching a Japanese Ammo with Misa video about たくさん and that it would be 人がたくさんあります。(Not たくさんひとがあります。) There’s no あります in this sentence though.

Jisho has this sentence 「遊園地のアトラクションに乗るために、多くの人が並んでいる。」Which uses 多くの人 instead of 多い人. Looking at HiNative is difficult because most the answers are in Japanese, but I gather that 多くの人 would be the one I want to use here.

ひらく is the exact same kanji as く, and they’re both opening meanings but jisho has a lot more listed under the former. Thankfully, there’s a tofugo article on these and their transitive (I think) friends.

Reading through, neither ひらく nor ひらける are strictly transitive, which is annoying.

So, the sentence which prompted this was 「あの店は、朝6時から夜7時までひらいています。」However, just over halfway down the article, it says “However, while ける means to open a shop at the start of a business day, ひらく means to start a new business.” By this logic, it does not make any sense to use ひらく in this sentence. Either way, that’s quite enough for today.


I do actually need to finish getting through these sooner rather than later.
ないといけない is another “have to” meaning. I do find it interesting that all the “have to” grammar I’ve come across so far (unless I’m forgetting any) are actually “if not this, bad” kind of literal meanings.


Comprehensible Japanese video 時差.
It was interesting since I never considered how timezones work from someone else’s point of view. It’s a little weird to me that Canada is 17 hours behind Japan instead of 7 hours ahead.

I’m watching the first half of the first episode of ロマンティック・キラー. I have my Japanese subtitles on, and I’ve got the vocab sheet and transcript with translations at the ready when I need them.

Was thrown at first by the name of the speaker being in brackets. Ended up being easier to follow than expected, and I watched the whole episode. Everything was so fast I didn’t actually have time to even think to look up anything.

Perhaps it would be worth watching each episode twice, once to see how much I get from just watching and then the second time to actually pause a lot and dissect the language? Though I’m so far behind I’d rather not, maybe next anime.


Woke up in a foul mood so I played some sims before starting my studying.


Things have been done. Slowly trying to get jpdb reviews down to zero.

Just doing three lessons.
現:I saw 現れる in the vocab examples and was trying to remember if this was 訪れる (it is not) and found out if I hover over it it gives the reading.


I finished 花さかじいさん. The lack of kanji meant I was looking up a lot of words, and not always able to get what they meant. For example, はい I only got from the pictures and vague rememories of learning the word 灰皿 previously. Figuring out verbs was a lot more difficult too.

I really wanted to read a lot of フリーレン, and I did read 11 pages which is awesome, but I turned the page, saw all the words, and turned back because my brain just went nope. I am invested in this story though XD

フリーレン things to get back to / ask about when brain functioning

側 is side, so I’m guessing 側に is something like besides. Not sure on いってやってくれ

Heiter on 61, bottom left

Page 62 top left, is that first bit something like “If I had died and he had lived, he would have saved many things (people?)”

The gist of pages 62/63 is that if you die, the memories of the people you knew die too?

Page 64, top left
“That person did the right things. I don’t want to have regrets that he saved me.”

“I want to think things like ‘I’m glad he saved me’ ‘it’s alright now’”


Started with this Japanese Ammo with Misa test video. Embarassingly, I kept having to pause the video to answer, because I couldn’t mentally conjugate the adjectives quick enough.

I also practiced putting the emphasis on the right sounds by copying her talking. Like, I say the らりるれろ sounds with too much emphasis because of the effort it takes to say them right. Or pronouncing し more than it would be. Hopefully as I practice more it will become more natural.

Thing to get back to:
お父さん is informal and 父 is formal?
Difference between 書けます and 書くことが出来ます?
暇 has weird nuance to it

Right, that took a lot more out of me that I was expecting so I’m going back to bed. goodnight.


hahahaha no

I suppose technically the grammar video was also listening practice (and also speaking practice) if I’m feeling generous. Which, not particularly.


I did fuck all yesterday. And I’m not doing any studying today either. I think I pushed myself too hard the past couple weeks and I need to reset a bit. (My mindset, not wanikani)

While the idea of having a system of things to do is nice, I gave myself far too much to do each day. And the weekly stuff ending up being every day stuff which was not helping at all. And trying to interleave it put too much stress into choosing which piece I was doing next.

I am going to give myself “easy” days and “normal” days, based on how much other stuff I have going on. And if a day I decided was going to be normal isn’t working, it can just become an easy day.

On easy days, my tasks are:

  • Wanikani reviews
  • jpdb reviews
  • Anki reviews
  • Read one page of any material

Now, I can feel those reviews piling up as I type this, so I may want to put a timer on that so I don’t do anymore than like 15 minutes SRS total on those days.

On normal days, my tasks are:

  • All SRS reviews
  • SRS lessons
  • Read book club material
  • Grammar (JLPT先生 & Japanese Ammo with Misa)
  • Listening (Anime Club, Comprehensible Japanese, & N5 Listening Practice)
  • Other reading material because reading is actually awesome

On these days I should study until I need to cook dinner, or feel the headache of knowledge approaching, whichever happens first. At that point I am done and it doesn’t matter if I didn’t get through everything.

I think part of the reason I shut down on Saturday was I spent too much of Friday evening trying to convince myself to get more done, even though I already had the headache.

Sundays will almost always be easy days because I’m busy being social, but I can update my log before or after that if I keep note of what I did throughout the week. Hopefully looking at what I’ve done each week instead of each day makes me not too stressed about not doing much on the easy days.

Also, having less ticky boxes makes it easier to tick them. I’ve got book club tracker addon on wanikani to see what club stuff needs doing. Which is most of it. Doing any amount of effort on the catergory means I’m allowed to tick the box.

Anyway, next week will be like this.


Love how you phrased it as the headache of knowledge, haha, it’s so true. I’ve done this once or twice and it’s killer, really have to listen to the signs to stop. The last time I went overboard on Japanese it took 2-3 days before I wanted to touch it again.


Didn’t quite realise how much I was writing everyday until it came time to organise it all for this :sweat_smile: This is your warning that those hide details open up into a lot of text.

Also, May ended. I realised I never actually set goals for this month… Therefore, I have not failed any. Hooray.

May Summary

What I’ve been doing this week, which has been working pretty decently, is I’ve taken the four sections of my study and interleaved them using a timer for when to switch to the next thing. Though on the easy days I just did reviews and a little bit of reading. Anyway, it makes sense to me to talk about things in those four contexts.

I reached level 24 on wanikani. I’ve been keeping up pretty decently, though I’ve had days where I just did 10 reviews. I’ve not started any of my level 24 lessons, though one of the kanji is gurued already thanks to stuff moving.

Anki has been pretty hit and miss. Sometimes I pay attention to it and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I only review the cards I tagged for book clubs. I keep adding new cards for grammar, though they’re not much good for revision if I never study them. Making the cards in itself I think feels helpful though.

jpdb, I’ve got less than 100 reviews at the moment. Overall I’ve got like 50% coverage. I was using this to prelearn vocab for anime and books, but the anime I was watching was pretty bad so I stopped it. And the two books I have, neither has high enough coverage because unless I’m feeling super motivated for deciphering sentence by sentence I don’t really want to be looking up every other word.

I think this is going very well. I fell behind on book clubs because I went on holiday, but I’ve managed to catch up.

Looking at my history on bookwalker, I finished four things this month.

スーと鯛ちゃん1 is a cute cat manga that I like to read for an excuse to say all the cat noises.
チョコっとちょこちゃん was free and rated Lv14, so I can’t complain to much. I won’t be continuing the series.
One Tadoku book. Now that I’ve found my way into native material, I’m not interested in finishing the rest of the Tadoku books.
花さかじいさん was a children’s story. I grabbed a load of them using coins so I will read them. They’re level got increased, probably due to it being almost entirely in kana.

As for the things I'm currently reading:

老女的少女ひなたちゃん is finishing soon. Soon I’ll be able to say I finished a manga alongside bookclub. I’m going to say finishing this is one of my goals, because that sounds very achieveable.

フリーレン especially I’ve noticed how well I’ve improved. When I started reading this, just one page was taking me about 20 minutes on average. Yesterday, I read the 15 pages for the week in less than an hour. For the sake of maths let’s pretend it was an actual hour. 15 pages at 20 minutes each would be 300 minutes, or 5 hours. My reading speed has increased 5 times what it was!

しろくまカフェ I just started, but I read the pages without any difficulty (other than what the heck are these words) so that’s nice.

レンタルおにいちゃん and にゃんにゃん探偵団 I haven’t read either in a bit. I intend to continue them if I have a day where I’m caught up on reading book club stuff. So, probably the week ABBC has as a break before the next book starts.

Japanese Sentence Patterns is what I’m using for my intensive reading. The level +1 thing feels a bit silly atm, and I haven’t even finished this one book so I don’t know why I’m worrying about it. I can deal with that later.

Short Stories for Beginners is a book for when I don’t have access to my computer, so I’ll finish it eventually but not anytime soon.

スーと鯛ちゃん2 I was saving for when I have slow days. But because I’ve been pushing myself to keep up with book clubs, I haven’t touched this in a while. I’d like to read more, I’m just not feeling any particular need to.

F落第生 and 薬屋のひとりごと are way above my level. I’ve read a few sentences of each. But I do have to take each sentence, look up basically every word, and decipher every bit of grammar. So these are small dose books if I’m feeling particularly motivated.

If you’re actually reading all of this, I’m not sure why you’re putting yourself through this but here’s a cookie :cookie:

I studied all of the N5 grammar points on JLPT先生, but I have the N5 exam in July so I don’t really want to focus on N4 just yet. I want to make sure I’ve really got this N5 sorted.

My main area of weakness. I’ve been doing three things here.

Comprehensible Japanese. The complete beginner videos are good for something I know I’ll probably understand, and the beginner videos are good for listening to grammar.

N5 Listening Practice with Penguin has been very helpful. Especially since they are in the style that the exam will be in. I’ve done 10 of the 95 practices.

ロマンティック・キラー I am watching with anime club. I’m watching rather passively to be honest. Natively says it N3 level, and I was too far behind to want to spend a lot of time on each episode, and other excuses. I’m happy with being able to follow along with a mix of Japanese subtitles, animation, and hearing what I can.

Then, I wanted to write a summary just for this week, which is next.

I kept up with my reviews fairly well. On my study days I did 6 wanikani lessons. I also got jpdb down to 0 reviews yesterday.


幹:I noticed in the anime sentences, it picks up 新幹線 and other compound words. 幹を登る栗鼠がいる。(wanikani doesn’t teach 栗鼠 I had to look it up.)
秀:Only excellent people are allowed to read this, so if you are not excellent, shoo!
乳首:i am a prude who would rather not know this word
批判する:Verb version of 批判

These anime sentences are helpful when they make enough sense I can remember them even if I can’t think of my own sentence.

感想 I wrote in my book.
識 I started getting wrong because I confuse it with 職 so, when you are discerning things you say what you are discerning about and when you want a job you need to keep an ear out for opportunities.
仏教:I need to remember this is referring to buddhism as a whole, not just buddhist teachings.

I rather like reading. I can feel that I am making progress. Though for some reason, I rambled a lot more while reading this week.


I read most of this week’s 老女的少女ひなたちゃん chapter, but page 144 really confused me, so I worked out as much as I could, worded the question to ask in the thread, and then realised headache has returned.

I did finish that 老女的少女ひなたちゃん chapter. But I’m not sure when. I read another page on Tuesday, and moved onto Frieren on Wednesday.

フリーレン notes:

I just noticed the title has furigana inside of the kanji. That’s weird.

Page 80 (a page number! finally!)
The magic Frieren got is for making tea? They also found magic for cleaning the rust off of bronze statues and for turning sweet grapes sour.

Page 81
Why does Fern think it’s a bit different? Maybe it’s that Frieren spends so much time on this hobby, that to Frieren it’s just a bit of a hobby but to Fern this is taking up so much time Frieren must be a lot more invested than she says she is.
If I understand the old lady correctly, she’s saying that the medicinal herbs she deals in aren’t really magic, and Frieren says she doesn’t mind because this region has different vegetation and she wants to know about it?

Page 82
Why is the statue of Himmel in the middle of a forest?
I think the old lady is saying she’s is the only person who looks after the statue nowadays as the other villagers don’t care, and she’s old now so she can’t do as good a job as she used to.

Page 83
Aw, the reason she cares is that he saved her as a child. If he hadn’t, perhaps this statue would be in an even worse condition than its already in…

Page 84
Did Himmel actually spend 18 whole hours trying to choose his pose? XD No wonder Frieren doesn’t particularly care for this statue.

Page 85
! The magic for cleaning rust off of bronze statues!

Page 86
She looks so smug! I love her.

Page 87
I looked at the flower picture, they’re pretty. I saw some similar looking flowers growing near me several weeks ago. I don’t know flowers enough to know whether they were the same or not.
Though, I am curious as to how Frieren can grow a flower she’s never seen before, even if she is using magic.

Page 88
Fern shares my confusion.

Page 89
I think the old lady is saying that they are extinct and there hasn’t been one seen on this continent in decades. The での confuses me though.

Page 90
Because of not being angry, not showing? What?
見せなさい is in imperative form, according to, which I had to look up what that is. It’s a command. Which made me realise Frieren is still talking. This is kind of “You hid something, right? I’m not angry, so show me.”

Page 91
So, Frieren can’t cast this magic without first seeing this flower. Which means they’re going to look for this extinct flower. Fern’s reactions “Seriously? (polite)” and “You mean decades ago” are very valid. She’s probably wondering how many years her and Frieren will spend in this forest just looking for one flower.

Anyway, I read all of this weeks pages in less than an hour (technically) so I’m feeling rather chuffed with myself. Three cheers to progress!

Intensive Reading:

Nothing new in this sentence, but I misread it as それは、何かわかりませんか? and thought it meant “Is there something you don’t understand?” Literally, this is “That, is it something you understand?” but the given definition of “Do you know what that is?” sounds a lot more natural.

Also, を isn’t used with 何か in these sentences. Looking it up, it seems that を (and に and へ) aren’t used after the ~か and ~も words.

I thought this would be “Is that person over there someone you know?” similarly to the previous example with 何か but the definition given is “Does someone know that person?” So now I’m not sure if I got it wrong or if it’s just that context is hard and both could be right.

The textbook uses “anyone” even though this is the section on “someone” which, I’m aware this is a small nuance but I’m trying to pay attention to all the nuance here!
I think that looks like:
私と一緒に行く人 - a person who will go with me
だれか私と一緒に行く人 - someone who is a person who will go with me
だれか私と一緒に行く人はいませんか? - Is there no someone who will go with me?
Or, a bit more naturally, “Is there no one who will go with me?”
This negative can be a polite form of asking someone if they want to do something.
So, “Would anyone like to go with me?” makes sense as the given translation after all.

だれかに even though my googling said the に would be omitted? Maybe it’s that it can be omitted and not that it has to be.

There is no furigana on the 開けました。However, from what I remember last time I looked this up, either could work in this situation, depending on whether the nuance of the sentence is about the door now being open or more about that the door was moved to be open. As it is just one sentence, I do not have this context and therefore it can be whatever I like.

どこか seems to require either a で or a に to specifiy whether the action is happening at some unknown where or whether there is movement happening.

Of course, the second example sentence has neither.
Negative being polite as earlier.
かくれる means to be hidden. It is a level 27 wanikani word, though the kanji is level 25 and uses on’yomi いん.
隠れるところ means a place where [context] can be hidden.
So, “Is there somewhere where [context] can hide?”

The かくして here is kana form of 隠す (same kanji as previous sentence). This lv25 word is to hide something else, in this case the treasure.
The らしい means “seeming”
So, “[Someone] hid treasure somewhere in this mountain, it seems.” or maybe more “There exists a treasure that someone hid somewhere in this mountain, it seems.”
The translation given is “It seems that there is treasure hidden somewhere in this mountain” which is mostly the same, but the verbs for to be hidden and to hide something else are different and this translation uses the other one.
Also, どこか uses に here, because whoever hid the treasure must have taken it to the mountain to hide in there, hence movement.

Weird nuance?
“Where is the teacher?” would just be 先生はどこですか。“Do you know where the teacher is?” is 先生はどこか知りませんか? which feels like, the teacher is somewhere, do you know where that somewhere is?
(I’m probably reading too much into this.)

Struggled to get back into things after lunch, but I’m attempting to read しろくまカフェ today.

しろくま Notes:

Page 7 前はいっぱい入れてた
Previously, full, to insert
Previously you put them all in. Previously you used at lot. You used a lot last time. You used to use a lot. Many different way to phrase.

I struggle with puns already in English, so this will be interesting.

Well, I read both chapters. This is pretty boring. Looking at the thread, the other people reading seem to like it. Not really my style of humour I guess. I’d feel like a bit of a buzzkill if I commented in there so I’ll just comment in here.

On the plus side, all caught up with bookclubs. Hooray.

フリーレン Notes:

Page 92
At least Frieren admits that she’s doing this for herself.

Page 93
… Is there a mimic in that bush?

Page 94
Fern: We’ve been looking for half a year.
Frieren: Yeah, we should probably widen our search radius soon.
Fern: … (That is not what I meant)

Page 95
That first bit is simple enough. You guys come to the village. The second is confusing. To become very? 随分 can also be an adjective that means terrible or remarkable. So, “to become remarkable” I think makes more sense given the context. “You guys coming to the village was remarkable.” They came to the village half a year ago, but this sentence isn’t past tense so not that. They’re already here so it’s not that they will become remarkable. So, it is remarkable (present tense because while it was, it also still is) that they came to the village. (should came not be in past tense? It read better like that I think.)

見つかった = was found
の makes that into a noun
かしら it like an “i wonder” type thingy or maybe a “somehow; somewhere” type feel.
“Did you happen to find a Blue Moonflower?” I think matches the tone.

Putting in the speech marks for clarity (that と confused the heck out of me until I remembered it quotes stuff).
So, this is something like “Do you think we found it?” And even though Fern is as polite as ever, I sense as “what, are you delusional?” behind her words.

Next panel
Regarding Frieren’s magic, obsession is strangeness. At this rate, how many years or how many decades shall we continue to search. (not a question though)
More naturally:
When it comes to magic, Frieren is abnormally obsessed. At this rate, she’ll continue to search for years or even decades.

Granny seems like she’ll understand, maybe?

Page 96
Frieren is a mage who has the power to save many people. (I love how effortless this sentence was for me.)
For the sake of this thing that doesn’t exist, using time, something like, not permitted thing
She shouldn’t be wasting all this time on this thing that doesn’t even exist.

It’s weird to hear the old lady say that Frieren has been an adult for much longer than them, even though that is true.

Deciphering that was a lot, so going to stop there for today.

I think I did a decent amount of grammar. I finished N5 on JLPT先生 so now I’m gonna do it all over again with a different resource :upside_down_face:


まだ~ていません seems pretty straight forward as I’m already fairly familiar with まだ.

AないでB looks to be rather important.

Does anyone else comment on the example sentences?

I do that in my head quite often. I will attempt to judge them in Japanese.
I had to look it up because I can never quite remember how to conjugate the verb to ければ form. First it has to be in ない form, and then because ない conjugates like an いadjective, it gets the ければ conditional.
寝ないといけない would also work, and is easier to remember. I just get stuck on ければ because that was the first one I was taught.

ないでください is just the negative version of てください and I think I studied it before, but a refresher on it doesn’t hurt. Thinking about it, both ないでください and てください can lose the ください and be casual ways to tell people ot do stuff.

なくてもいい feels familiar but I don’t remember studying it. I like how this one is “if you don’t, it’s okay” compared to must being “if you don’t, it’s bad.”

にする all the examples don’t include the word “decide” so I think this is another nuance grammar, like んです is? It’s also similar to ことになる that showed up in this week’s 老女的少女ひなたちゃん reading, but the page for にする mentions the verb form of it is ことにする so I’ll have to investigate the differences between those two.

Another Japanese Ammo with Misa video. I was taught verbs as group 1 verbs and group 2 verbs. It is IMMENSLY upsetting that group 1 is not ichidan. What みさ先生 is calling iru/eru verbs are ichidan and other are godan.

Even though this video was about verbs, it was also helpful for explaining the nuance between は and が. Also, she briefly discusses the にする that I just learned! Very convenient.

てある has a confusing nuance. “It places emphasis on the action being done intentionally and the end result still being visible.” It was explained well in the examples, but I’ll need to see in actual practice before I get used it I think.

なあ calling a sentence ending particle a grammar seems a little odd to me. This is very much a context thing like ね.

So that’s (semi)officially all the N5 grammar points studied, hooray!

So, like, I could say that’s good enough and do my practice exam. OR I could run through all the N5 grammar on bunpro as well, just in case… (I had a look at the first and last lesson, and I do like the way this is laid out. Voiced sentences I can listen to is also good… Maybe I’ll use bunpro for the N4 grammar… Or restart Tae Kim’s guide… Hmm… choices choices.)

Misa #8 New things: 緑茶、描く

For grammar, I’m jumping straight into Japanese Ammo with Misa. I got a minute into the first video in the playlist and had to check if the whole video is going to be like this.

It is.

New words: 化石、泊まる、自主隔離、寮、専攻、床屋、髭、剃る、口座、保育園、預ける、幼稚園、植物園、キリン、おみくじ、葬儀、教会、薬局、駐車場、申請、消防署
New kanji for known words: 髪、郵便局、桜、居酒屋、掃除、停める、大使館
I also practiced speaking with her even though I shall not speak in the exam.
The quiz at the end was so fast I had to pause to have chance to think of the words.

Feels a little silly to go from that to #9 Verb Masu (Polite) form ます形, but here goes. I was taught ます forms as default so learning them as not default should be interesting. Well, I finally learned why する is technically an irregular verb.

I’m not doing too badly with listening. Behind on anime club still. But I have been listening to other stuff as well.


Watching another episode of Romantic Killer. I felt like I understood a lot more this episode. I am definitely more reading the subtitles than hearing the words, but I’m okay with that for now.

I also watched a comprehensible Japanese video, なぜ日本語を勉強するの?, to practice listening without subtitles.

Some writing practice for the above question


Watching episode 3 of ロマンティック・キラー and speaking of that, I’m just removing these decks from my jpdb. My review queue got too big to even think of studying the vocab before watching each episode, and the vocab it did give me was mostly katakana stuff. And モモヒキ is apparently the word for close-fitting trousers which, before I watched any I was thinking “how often does this anime talk about the guys’ trousers anyway” and after watching the first couple episodes realised it’s actually just the name of the cat.

Also, as I was doing jpdb, I realised the next One Room episode was at 85%. I’ve decided to just drop that. I didn’t enjoy the two episodes I did watch, and now I have anime club.

More N5 listening practice. I did #8 and #9 and I got all the questions right for both of them.

Speaking of things I don’t really like but am using to practice anyway, I should watch a ロマンティック・キラー episode.


JLPT #10 I’m getting better. I can spend the second listening trying to decipher the rest of the conversation aside from the bit relevant to the answer.

Another ロマンティック・キラー episode. Happily getting by on context and subtitles.

N5 Listening #11.

Today’s was #12. I kinda zoned out after I heard the answer and while they were repeating, but I got them all right so that’s nice.

To be clear, that 5/12 ロマンティック・キラー episodes. I should have been on 8/12.

So that I didn’t forget anything to put into this study log, I had a notepad open while I was studying to take notes. When I have a notepad open, I will alttab to type into it constantly. Hence why there is so much rambling that didn’t fit in the “condensed” version above.

Miscellaneous Rambling

I don’t need this bleeping headache to start 15 wanikani reviews in… I got my wanikani reviews and mistakes done and some of my anki, including the 5 new ones I made for Tamamo no Koi. It’s terrifying to think 老女的少女ひなたちゃん is ending soon and a new book starting.

I figured out I can set bookmarks to ping me about stuff later. Since the Fullmetal Alchemist thread went live today, and I want to read it but am nowhere near ready, I’ve set it to ping me next year.

I’ve found that since listening to anime with Japanese subs, I’ve started being more able to pick out what is being said with the English subs as well.


Today is my first designated easy day. Despite that, my brain keeps telling that even though I said I don’t have to do much, I should absolutely try to get more done than I said I would.

I installed the daily vocab planner (out of curiosity) and found that if I stick to 6 lessons each time I do lessons, and 5 of them vocab, I could 0/0 this level. Of course then there’s a shitton of things moving around in the next couple months so we’ll see if that sticks. (I uninstalled this later in the week, it didn’t count my lessons and I couldn’t be arsed to fix it.)

I will not join the FMA book club. I will not join the FMA book club. I will not join the FMA book club. (What’s the likelihood I can spend the next two months really knuckling down to the point where I can sucessfully attempt to join, bearing in mind I’m already struggling to keep up with all the clubs I joined and have literally just needed to slow down for almost burning out again?)

I have take a moment yet to gush over how pretty some of the fonts are? I think they’re called mincho. They’re PRETTY!

Anyway, on to studying. I did my SRS for a bit. Now I know I said I only have to read one page, but I kinda would like to finish 老女的少女ひなたちゃん which has 6 pages left for the week.

I ended up working on the problems I came across yesterday to the point that I read one new page and took a break. (So FMA definitely needs to wait, very sad.) I did however just about finish the pages. It’s a good thing today is already an easy day because I am done.


10 wanikanis and some Frieren. I had zero motivation for wanikani, but I finished chatper 2.


Main thing that is helping with my longer days is I’ve been setting a timer for half an hour and then switching what I’m focusing on. This is really helpful for stuff like grammar. When I tried to interleave previously, it was like “study one grammar point, do something else, never come back to do another” and there were just too many decisions. Having four choices of SRS, reading, grammar, and listening (3 since I won’t be doing the same thing twice) I can interleave a little bit, but also get some focus on various things as I do them.

On the one hand, headache of knowledge has returned. On the other hand, this is actually the time I need to stop to cook dinner anyways. So, perfect timing! It means I put as much knowledge as I could into my head today, and I don’t have to feel bad about stopping early! Hooray!

My kanji practice writing books arrived today, as did the JLPT N5 practice test I got.


Now, I got almost no sleep last night, so we’ll see how long I can keep at this before I need to stop.

For some reason, playback speed for the anime sentences was doubled. Which meant I couldn’t pick out any words. But I fixed it so we’re all good.

I’m really not in the mood to read, so I’m gonna spend the rest of the afternoon switching between Japanese Ammo with Misa and Comprehensible Japanese videos. Maybe some N5 listening practice…

That’s enough actual studying. Gonna make a plan for June.


So I spent a not insignificant amount of time just admiring the covers of the intermediate club’s manga, lamenting that I cannot yet read them. That said, the first one is the same level as Frieren. So it’s not completely impossible. Probably. I’ll get to them eventually.

With SRS, I finally got through all my jpdb reviews. Barely any wanikani, and keeping on top of anki.

Got distracted with prepping curry. I intend to actually study while I wait for it to be ready.

I was today years old when I found out I can have a bunpro account without paying anything, so I’me giving it a try. I set the pace to be intense as I already know most the N5 stuff, I hope. And I can change it later.

I messed around with the settings, and I can turn off the Japanese (and translation) for the example sentences. This means I can listen to them and try to understand what I’m hearing. Very basic sentences at the moment, but they’ll get more complicated. Never mind, I’m already struggling!

Well, I think I’ve accidentally added another thing to my pile of SRS. This is fine. I have all of the lesson 1 grammar in my new SRS queue.

Almost forgot to do wanikani lessons, though I had to do some afternoon reviews first:


I’ve decided that the bunpro reviews can be included in the SRS I do everyday, but the grammar lessons are for studying grammar.

I decided my daily listening thing will be the Penguin N5 practice videos. Since I don’t know how I’ll feel on exam day, I should practice this on easy days even when I don’t really wanna.

My June plan is mostly making sure I’m prepared for this exam I’m doing. If it wasn’t for that, I’d probably be happier moving on to new N4 grammar and more reading. And neglecting my listening.

June Now Exists

I’m going to keep durtling along with wanikani at my current pace. So my level up should be in July. I’ll keep chipping away at the other two and either it’ll amount to something or it won’t.

So, uh, there’s a lot that I’m in the process of reading, but only a few I’m reading regularly. I’ll have three book clubs to keep on top of, as well as trying to read two books from previously, as well as the informal club for くまクマ熊ベア. Priority wise, finish 老女的少女ひなたちゃん, maintain フリーレン, maintain 玉藻の恋, maintain しろくまカフェ, then the other three if I have time.

I think I will do some combination of bunpro and youtube. Misa has 23 N5 videos on her channel so I will attempt to watch all of those this month. Bunpro has 10 lessons, that also seems like a reasonable goal to set for myself. Since it’s just revising and getting new context/clarification on stuff I already know, this should be achieveable.

There are 22 more complete beginner videos and a lot more beginner videos. I think I could watch all 22 in June, though I don’t think that’s a good goal to set myself as I should focus on the exam.

Obviously I won’t be able to complete the other 85 penguin videos within a month (unless I don’t do anything else) but if I did one a day that would be 30. Some days I’ll do none and other days I’ll double up, but I’d like to do at least 30 more.

Even though I am still behind, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think I could finish ロマンティック・キラー in June.

Now that I’ve wrote that all out, it feels a bit overly optimistic, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. Perhaps, since next month there is no more daily reading challenge, on my easy days instead of reading one page of a book, I can watch one grammar video. I should already know the concepts so that doesn’t seem like it’d be too difficult.

So, summary:
Things are mostly going well.
I want to focus on preparing for N5 exam.
I want to read more things than I am able to.

Goals for June:
Finish reading 老女的少女ひなたちゃん
Study all 10 N5 grammar lessons on Bunpro
Watch Japanese Ammo with Misa’s N5 playlist
Watch at least 30 more N5 Listening with Penguin videos
Finish watching ロマンティック・キラー

Dear heck this took my an hour and I copy-pasted over 90% of the words XD


Forgot my ticky boxes for this week…

Reading :sparkles:

I think this week went pretty decent.


現れる:this is hard to say
規:keys were standard before card scanning thingies got invented.
祝:good thing I don’t have a brother
優秀:You shure are excellent.
疲れ:not verb form of 疲れる
衣服:the heck is the difference between this and normal 服?
突:more of a stabbing motion whereas 刺 seems to be more of a stabbing injury
台詞:わたしもそんな風に、すらすらと台詞を言えるようになりたいです (so like lines in a play?)

For flips sake! I see 下がる. I think, I just figured out the difference between 挙げる and 挙がる (one is raising THE DEAD and the other is the dead being raised) so I input a downwards version of 挙がる and it’s flipping wrong because it’s not about something being lowered, it’s about something lowering all on its own. Frustrating.

予想 and 保証 are nasty little leeches. 保証 is especially annoying as I finally got the meaning right just to type on the reading.

Leeches 在外 there are too many words with this meaning, I always think this one has to be one of the exceptions because there’s too many. It’s not.


Second Japanese Ammo with Misa N5 video. This is reading/listening practice, so I should try to focus on the listening portion. I realised a couple minutes in that they’re at the same time, so I turned my screen off any tried to just listen.

I’m glad the story was only a few minutes long because I understood barely anything, except と言いました。Unfortunately, I think she’s speaking really slowly on purpose. Since she went over the whole thing again, I was able to figure out I got lost about the fourth sentence.

Even listening to it the third time, without looking at the writing, it was very hard to follow along with what I knew she was saying.

These videos I learn little things like だから vs から and other useful nuance.

Watched episode 6 of ロマンティック・キラー and things are getting interesting.

I did a few Penguin Listening videos, from #13 to #16.

#13 was rather diffcult. It took all my concentration to try and find the right answer, never mind the superfluous stuff. I had to check the transcript afterwards for what I got wrong.

From #14 they moved to a new format of questions. The type where you have to figure out what the arrow person is saying. They feel very fast paced.

Watching another episode of ロマンティック・キラー and for some reason I’ve only just noticed the rating having content warnings. I didn’t know netflix did that. Is that new or am I just blind?

Watched the 8th episode of ロマンティック・キラー. I double checked what いとこ means because I thought I had it but this episode made me question it. Turns out I was right originally, so this episode was particuarly painful to watch. Even though I know they’re not at all family.

Penguin videos: #18 started off alright but ended with what felt like a trick question but when I read the transcript for it throughly made sense.
#19 back to four picture questions? Felt like I was on easy mode.

Penguin N5 #20. Simple enough. Got distracted in the final question but was able to guess the right answer despite not hearing everything.

Watch episode 9 of ロマンティック・キラー. This episode was a lot harder as there were more conversations without as much animated context to rely on. I reckon I’ll finish this next week, just in time for the club to finish.

I watched three penguin videos 21 - 23.

Also watched some Comprehensible Japanese videos. This one. I was gonna watch a different one but youtube decided to give me unskippable adverts. It’s getting REALLY annoying. I’m not sitting through adverts as long as the video I want to watch.

Penguin listening #24. I’m feeling a lot more confident in my listening when it comes to these style of questions, though less so if anything is at all different.

フリーレン Notes:

Page 97
Difficult speech so I’m paraphrasing:
In the bag is the seed of a flower that is related to the Blue Moonflower. The old lady was storing it for use in medicines. Fern is suggesting they plant this around Himmel’s statue as a substitute because there is no Blue Moonflower.

The というのは is not Fern quoting that the old lady said this. It is an expression with lots of difficult example sentences on jisho. It is also in bunpro. Reading through that, I think that this means Fern was about to explain why she was suggesting that, and then the trails off and doesn’t finish her sentence.

Page 98
I, one person’s time, quote, reason, but, not.
Uh… what?

The bit previous is “I understand, I didn’t mean to make you worry” and the bit after is “It’s the right time”
So, maybe something like “(you think that) I alone chose this time and that’s the reason (that you said what you said), but no. This is the right time (not just something I arbitrarily chose).”

Then Frieren is saying soon they’ll reach a good stopping point, and Fern is understandably concerned by Frieren’s definition of “soon.”

Page 99
栗鼠泥棒!Did Frieren see it approaching and that why she said what she said or is this an interruption?

While I want to keep reading, my brain tells me I need to stop there for today.

Read the rest of this week’s フリーレン over lunch. Reading for studying is difficult, but reading because I like to is easier. So I didn’t stress over all the weird grammar, because I would just not have the motivation to open the damned thing and then I’d fall behind again.

Read two more chapters of しろくまカフェ. Probably a bad sign that I read the pages and then thought “at least it was short.” Lookng at the schedule, I’ll give the next two weeks a go, but if this longer chapter 7 doesn’t get me interested then I’ll just drop it.


Did the second bunpro lesson. Reading through each one this resource is more teachy than JLPT先生 was.

For example, I finally have an explanation of the nuance between ないです and ません which I would have missed if I didn’t redo stuff. As I did the next section, the nuance for these two swapped and I realised they meant both could have either nuance to it. So the nuance between them is just politeness. I’ll just let みさ先生 explain nuance to me. Otherwise I’ll get confused.

Got through two shorter Misa videos, #4 and #5. I realised need to watch more than four a week to get through them all this month. I really like how she explains things and explains why the grammar is the way that it is.

Another Absolute Beginner Grammar video, #10.

I watched the 6th Japanese Ammo with Misa video. It was good to reinforce the new つもり grammar, and I also think it will help me finally burn 予定. The stuff about the volitional is tricker as I only learnt ましょう version, I’ll need to study the casual versions as well.
New words: 免許、取得する、ごろごろする、

I did some more bunpro lessons. I finished up the second lesson and did all of the third. I was reading in another thread that some people think bunpro is alright for revising known grammar but not for learning new grammar. I can see where they’re coming from. I’ll see how it goes.

みさ先生 #7. This whole よ particle is very different from how I first learnt it, like opposite nuance, hooray. New verb conjugation with えば. And explanation of のに. I love how explainy she is.

Absolute Beginners #11. I shouldn’t be surprised that the お仕事は何ですか I learnt as the normal way to ask someone their job is far too formal.

Daily Rambling

火曜日:My brain is actually melting :frowning:

Could not be arsed to do anything this morning, but I read the end of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん while on the bus. I don’t want to anything this afternoon either, but I’m putting on a fifteen minute timer for SRS and then I’ll watch one penguin video and then I don’t have to spend my evening being guilty about not doing stuff.

Also, rather than stress over the intensive reading anymore when I’m not even reading that book this month, I’m not worrying about the level +1 thing. I’ll finish this book. I’ll something harder than it. I won’t stress if I don’t own anything that is one higher.

木曜日:Slept in again, but I do intend to be productive today. Took advantage of productivity to do a bit of 求職 this morning, because I kinda have to before tomorrow :sweat_smile: But that was exhausting so I took a little nap.

Also, more things have been moved down in wanikani, so none of today’s lessons are at lv24.

土曜日:Got all my SRS done in one half hour session so that means I’m getting more on top of it.

It’s always weird learning slightly different grammar in each resource.

In Summary
24 wanikani lessons
5 Japanese Ammo with Misa N5 grammar playlist
2 Japanese Ammo with Misa absolute beginner playlist
4 ロマンティック・キラー episodes
12 penguin N5 listening playlist
1 comprehensible japanese video
50 pages of manga (approx)
35 bunpro grammar points

Typing it out like that, I feel like I’ve done a lot. Especially with Reading, considering that’s a lot of pages and I felt like I barely read anything this week. Which was on purpose because listening. But still I was feeling a little sad about it.

Next week I intend to do a practice exam. Maybe on Wednesday?

Reading :sparkles:

My Brain Hates Me :smile:


This morning got kinda effed between not wanting to get up and sorting some personal stuff and this sense of existential dread. However, I did my SRS reviews and lessons and one listening practice so I’m gonna eat lunch and then consider whether I’m doing anything this afternoon or just writing today off.

SRS complete.

Penguin 25.

更衣室:self explanatory
韋:try to remember it’s part of 韓


I am awake on time for once. Not super motivated, doing it anyways.

Misa N5 #9 and #8. Trying to maintain focus is effort. Videos in wrong order because messing about trying to get rid of adds and it skipped a video without me realising. However, it did mean I watched 2. However, the second was very dry and I zoned out so it wasn’t all that helpful.

刺す:Learnt the phrase とどめを刺す via context sentences.
届:Any relation to とどめ? If you deliver a stab to a person, they are probably defeated.

Did some more bunpro grammar points as well. Trying to figure out what the example sentences are saying just through listening is proving a lot harder than expected, so these are taking longer than I thought they would.

Okay, sometimes these explanations are ridiculous. “conjunctive form just means ‘agglutinative’, or ‘conjunctive’ in Japanese.” The fuck is that? “just means ‘agglutinative’” ??? I was happy enough with conjuctive having something to do with conjugations and then you throw some weird word at me? Googling it is giving me a headache, I think it’s just the type of conjugation that happens with Japanese verbs and stuff. But seriously, is that a word I was expected to know?

I finished up the fourth lesson and am taking an early lunch, because eff this.

Penguin #26. It was half as long as normal, so I’m gonna try to get through a few of them. (Also, I figured out the new adblock I installed blocked the skip button, which is why I couldn’t skip adds. Since it’s not blocking adds, I got rid of it.) Anyway, I watched 5. Since they got so much shorter, I probably could increase my goal. Instead, I’m just going to be happy that I will reach it.

Frieren Notes:

Page 113
this sort of time, satisfactory thing not occured.

Page 114
Fern saying she HAS TO keep an eye on Frieren to make sure she doens’t make another superfluous purchase.

very being worried (herself or Frieren?)

Page 115
I think she meant Frieren, considering she next says that she’s never seen Frieren make surch a worried face.

Page 116
Just as I’d expect (of Frieren), she’s extremely too sly.
I think this is kind of tongue in cheek? Like, of course she gets up to something just as I was about to leave.

Ah, Fern hasn’t eaten anything sweet in months, makes a bit of sense then. Though now that I think of it, perhaps Frieren is buying something sweet and going to surprise Fern with it? The accessory too, perhaps, is a secret gift.

Page 118
If I’m understanding correctly, these guys look like thugs, and the context looks bad, but the actual words they are saying are helpful and about the sweets.

I think Frieren says, “Violent mannerisms, (but) knowledgable”

Read up to page 119, I think that’s good progress for today. Halfway through.

Absolute Beginner video #12.

Watched episode 10 of ロマンティック・キラー and now I understand the reason for the content warning.


I realised I’ve having a bit of trouble switching between things where I can play background study music (srs, reading, grammar) and things where I can’t (listening, youtube grammar stuff). So I’ve decided to separate them. I’ll listen to music in the morning when the housemates are awake and doing their morning routine (and currently mowing the lawn), and then listen to Japanese in the afternoon when I’m more awake and they’re out of the house and I can focus better.

Not today though! Today I’m doing both this morning and an exam this after noon.

Did SRS, but no time for new lessons. However, did do lesson 5 of bunpro grammar.

Frieren Notes:

Page 120
translating でも as “but” made no sense, I think this is the “or something” meaning.
Let’s go eat sweets or something for a change?

Not that much of a surprise asking like that, but there’s still the possiblity the accessory (necklace?) is a gift.

This grammar was confusing me. From looking around, I found this on HiNative, and while I don’t fully understand it, it feels kinda like Xなだけはある is ___ is not only X / has not only X. However, I’m not sure how to apply that to お勧め, “[this restaurant] has not only recommendations [for their food???], but also a good view” perhaps?

… I see this has already been discussed and it’s actually an abbrieviated だけのことはある…

Page 124
It’s Fern’s birthday and her first thought wasn’t that Frieren was getting her a birthday present? :disappointed_relieved:

Page 125
Fern’s saying a lot of kana here. I think the gist is that she appreciates that Frieren put in the effort for her because she knows how hard it is for Frieren to consider other people.

Page 127
It’s really sweet that Frieren wants to go fix all Himmel’s statues before they fade away.

Page 128
Frieren’s reaction to Fern calling herself お姉さん is intriguing, I’m guessing she has/had a sister of her own? Or is the sister to a younger sibling? Reads conversation about this in the thread. Oh. It’s just boobs.

Watched another penguin video

Episode 11 of ロマンティック・キラー. Things got a lot more serious than I was expecting. This is completely different from the premise of the show, which for me is a good thing because I was really not enjoying that. I’ll see how it ends and then try to think on the show as a whole.

Well, I’m all Japanesed out for Today after that test, and probably tomorrow too. I might just do wk reviews and 1 penguin.

Me: I’m all Japanesed out
Also Me: What if kiseki club?

So, uh, I made a thread for gathering interest on that. Pretty nervous about it. Especially as I’m typing it out and it’s all “it’s really slow, and hard to find, and it’s only the first one, and there are so many words, and there’s [trigger warnings], BUT IT’S REALLY GOOD I PROMISE!!!” I’ve got a habit of pointing out all the flaws in the things that I like.

N5 Practice Exam & Rant

So, preparing for this test I check my email. I want to follow exam conditions as exactly as possible. I’m not waiting 40 minutes for the instructions though. I see that there are three tests, and the timing is like this:
Test 1: 20 minutes
Break 1: 25 minutes
Test 2: 40 minutes
Break 2: 25 minutes
Test 3: 30 minutes

Just need to open the fancy plastic wrapping and then I can check if it has more instructions to read inside it. And I’m very nervous despite this not being the real exam. Starting to feel a bit nauseous… But I am actually just procrastinating starting this. So, uh, yeah I need to stop typing XD

Somehow it’s over. My head hurts. Now, two of the sections in the practice listed longer times. I set my timer for what the book asked for. I don’t know if the actual exam will have less questions or if I have less time to do the same amount of questions. Either way, I finished early enough for the shorter time, but didn’t have enough time to double check every answer.

Trying to figure out my score is difficult. I got two questions wrong on each test, but I’m not sure how each question is weighted. There’s a lot of information at the back of the book, but it’s all in Japanese. I know my reading score is 60/60 as I got them all right. The others, I can’t tell.

Either way, it went well enough that I don’t need to worry about the exam next month. Other than I’m going to be even more anxious due to it being a real test and on the anniversary of my grandfather’s death and in a city I’ve never been to before, and last I heard my mother lives in that city and I have not spoken to her since I was 11 and she was never allowed to know where we live because safe guarding concerns and I know I’m not likely to run into her but panic brain doesn’t listen to how likely something. So, y’know, I’m fine. :slight_smile:


I do not like how bunpro SRSs grammar.

Today’s penguin felt… off somehow.


I have decided I like my SRS to be quick, quick, quick, whereas bunpro wants me to actually sit and consider stuff. I’m continuing with it for the free month, because there’s no reason not to, but not much liking it.

Today I did all points of the 6th grammar lesson on Bunpro.

More things being moved around means my lessons are on many levels.
お疲れ様:already know it
勇:for some reason, I thought I already learnt this

Read しろくまカフェ.

Intensive Reading:

隠す is hiding something else. Pretty sure I already looked this up last time I did this.

正体 is not on wanikani. Jisho lists it as meaning “true character” so it is a good word for when someone is only pretending to be nice.

どこにも I’m assuming is the equivalent of どこへも in that it has a nowhere meaning. Checking Jisho, this is true.

渇く is a level 30 word meaning “to become thirsty” and 渇 is a level 30 kanji meaning “to dry up”

Spent some time on leeches.

I feel like studying this way is more efficient. I had time left over for intensive reading, and probably could have done more reading if I wasn’t procrastinating.

ロマンティック・キラー has been finished. While there was some good stuff in there, on the whole I did not enjoy this anime. However, for listening purposes I think it went quite well. I checked the subtitle pdfs after watching the last episode, and I’m glad that I understood as much as I did.

Misa N5 #10, now contains listening practice alongside grammar!

Misa - Absolute Beginners #13. I am finding that these are basic enough that I just keep zoning out. I have to talk to myself to stay focused, but it’s rather tiring.

Penguins: #33, #34, #35, #36, #37. If anyone else is watching these, #34 is the first for practice the type where there is only the listening. As in, no pictures or anything.

And I’ve still somehow got more time, so… Misa N5 #11, which form some reason has #42 in the title, and this one was easier to pay attention to. I also learn new grammar in AはBほど~ない form.

Finished today with ペット. It was not the happy video I thought it was going to be.


Another day of waking up late. I’m sure this won’t impact my studying at all…

Didn’t even finish SRSing before headache came on. This is not a headache of knowledge. This is just a stupid headache.

Finished SRS reviews then let myself have the rest of the morning off. My headache went away, but the moment I’ve sat back down to continue this afternoon, it returned.

So, my goals for this afternoon are:
one penguin #38
one grammar video N5#12
one page of Tamamo no Koi
three wanikani lessons


What’s with the め after the 天気予報?

I can finally type 玉藻の恋. I kept typing たまののこい and that was not suggesting the right kanji. I feel very silly. Anyway, I read up to the 目次.


Did my SRS and some penguins #39 to 42. Which, I’ve been keeping track, means I completed my goal of watching the penguin videos!

I decided to do a bit of reading as well, and finished up this week’s 玉藻の恋. Wasn’t in the mood for notes. These pages felt a lot more text heavy than I was expecting for some reason.

In Summary:
21 Wanikani Lessons :arrow_down_small:
45 Pages of Reading (approx) :arrow_down_small:
5 Japanese Ammo with Misa N5 Playlist :arrows_counterclockwise:
2 Japanese Ammo with Misa Absolute Beginner Playlist :arrows_counterclockwise:
28 Bunpro Grammar Points :arrow_down_small:
14 Penguin Videos :arrow_up_small:
3 ロマンティック・キラー episodes :arrow_down_small:
1 Comprehensible Japanese Video :arrows_counterclockwise:
1 N5 Practice Exam :arrow_up_small:

(Why is there no = emoji? I used the spiny one instead)

Anyway, while stats are down, I am still maintaining enough progress to reach my goals and to not fall behind clubs.

Reading :sparkles:

I can’t tell if I’m burning out or just going through a low period. Read a lot yesterday = good, spent 3 hours not getting out of bed this morning = bad. I need to buy more food but the thought of walking to the shop (which is literally at the end of my street) fills me with dread. I’ve only walked my dog twice this week and the thought of having to take her today is also not appealing.

I constantly get the feeling that anything I post on here is cringy or pathetic or that I’m annoying people. Even in this thread where the only people reading this message are the people who chose to read this far down. I hide almost everything behind a hide details so that people can easily skip my nonsense.

I want to watch anime, but thinking “I need to watch the next episode of this next” makes me not even load up the episode. I want to play games, but just clicking on the shortcut feels like a gargantuan effort.

I don’t want to bother irl friends with this petty shit. I don’t want to bother my aunt because she’s always super busy. My therapist is trying to see if I can qualify for more sessions and might phone me next week or I might never hear from her again. My support worker is out for a few weeks for personal reasons. I want to talk to my sisters but whenever I do I annoy them because I talk about Japanese too much. And my one sister can’t talk freely due to our dad’s eavesdropping and the other is dealing with so much of her own shit, both mentally and physically, that I don’t really want to phone her up to complain about how pathetic I feel.

I feel like a lazy piece of shit because I’m not working, and I’m meant to be studying because I have time because I’m not working, and instead I keep oversleeping and it’s already reached the afternoon and I haven’t even started my reviews and I’m not studying grammar properly and I barely do any listening and I haven’t posted my questions in the book club threads because I’m paranoid about coming across weird or that I didn’t try hard enough to figure out the answer on my own, because most the time I probably could have found it if I googled.

I tried putting an end time on my studying, which works but then I feel bad whenever I oversleep and don’t start on time, which is pretty much everyday at this point. I’ve tried having easier days where I don’t do much, but even when they’re just a couple times a week I feel pressured to try to feel well enough to do more on those days, while also on my actual study days wanting to just say eff this and turn it into an easier day.

And instead of just getting on with it like I’m supposed to any just getting through the mere 45 wk reviews I have this morning, I’m typing a giant vent post which my brain is telling me is stupid because why the fuck am I putting this online? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? How pathetic are you posting about your problems online just to get people to feel sorry for you. Grow the fuck up already you selfish bitch. Lazy good-for-nothing know-it-all prick.

tw You know full well things would be better if you just died and stopped taking advantage of other people’s generosity but you’re too fucking selfish to follow through on it. You haven’t even tried once, how can you claim to be going through a rough time when you haven’t even tried once. There’s people who have tried to kill themselves that your therapist could be helping but instead she’s stuck dealing with your petty shit because you’re too much of a crybaby to deal with your own problems

I am sorry for this being very off topic I just need to get these stupid lying thoughts out of my head.


We all are trying to be these perfect self of ourselves in future.
More productive, More better at something or at everything.
Insteading of being in the moment we are trying to chase the future or worry about the past actions or things.
I have days where I do the bare minimum and read manhwa for 18 hours and don’t go to school the next day.
Messing up my sleep schedule, Creating backlog notes and just not doing anything.
What I hate about this is the guilt that eats me away inside and I fight that guilt by not dealing with and becoming a shut in.
There are days where I do good too.
But I still don’t know what am i supposed to do
Should I be more productive or should i be do what makes me happy for the moment or is there another way.
The only thing I’m sure of is I don’t want to live a life full of regrets.
I want to live my ONE life doing what allows me to be me.
I don’t want to regret not giving it my all, not trying something.
Reading your post is a breath of fresh air.
There are many things I’m able to relate with.
To be honest I genuinly don’t know what you are going through or how difficult it is for you. But I know that It is not the answer to your problems and you know it too.
I genuinly hope things are going well for you and it becomes better as time passes on.
PS:I also use my study log to vent


Im sending you a virtual big hug.


@Rehanmalik @HeyYeah thank you both, I was just having one of those days where every negative thought is amplified. I’m doing much better than I was when I believed my brain’s lies.


Weekly update:
Been pretty down this week, in general not just yesterday. And today my chair collapsed while I was sat on it, so that’s fun.


WK Lessons:
床:wooden floors makes sense
井:looks like it
過ぎ:was just going over its grammar role

I chucked 感想 and 取れる into anki, hoping that my adjusted SRS timings make their meanings stick better.


Penguins #43 & #44.

So, とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ isn’t on netflix in my region. So I’ve got to get a bit creative with that. Which means I do not have access to subtitles like I thought I would. This is going to be difficult. Well, it’s definitely going to test my listening abilities.

So, I could make out some words, and sometimes some grammar, and occasionally part of a sentence. I have only the vaguest idea of what’s going on here.

Penguins #45 - 49.

Watching second episode of とんでもスキルで異世界放浪メシ for my listening practice, I forgot how difficult it is to hear words. Somehow I’m not completely lost, hooray!

Penguins #50 - #52.

penguins #53 - #56.

Frieren Notes:

It felt really cringy just copy pasting these into the Frieren thread so I’ll ask questions separately.

Page 129
With a chapter title like “magic that kills people” I’m sure this will be a very cheery chapter.

Page 130
慣れる = to get used to
きた from 来る
together → you’ve came get used to
→ you’re getting used to

Frieren has to be pretty confident in Fern’s abilities to just blast that much magic at her though. Little ominous what she means by “practical use,” who are they going to protect themselves from?

Page 131
I aimed at the gap in your defence. If this wasn’t a practice battle, you’d be dead. How, how will you deal with that?

Frieren sounds so teachery :slight_smile:

Page 132
looks weird but I think it’s actually just “I’ll do this”

Page 133
So much text. Imma make tea first. XD

Frieren: Defence magic is powerful, however, consumption of magic power is very big.
Frieren: if continuing deployment of vast range, in several 10 seconds magic power will become running out of.

These bad english translations look bad, because they are bad, but they’re helpful because I can break down the sentence one bit at a time and then mentally autocorrect what’s going on. Rewording also helps, hooray.

For that panel, Frieren is warning Fern that although the defence magic they were just using is powerful, it also uses a lot of her magical power. So, if she tries to use it over a large area, like the bubble around herself, she’ll be out of magic in about a minute.

Fern: [at the moment of impact, partial to make development do] correct answer to say conclusion from reasoning.
Frieren: yes

Here, I think Fern is saying she has concluded the correct answer (to Frieren’s earlier question of how will you deal with me aiming for the gap in your shield) is to only create the shield at the moment it is needed. I’m not sure if Frieren is saying that is the right or encouraging her to continue.

Fern: just practice of denfence magic, right?
Frieren: survival rate, to directly link, because

So, they only practiced defence magic (today? up to now?), and the reason why is because it is directly linked to not dying.

Fern: Certainly. Using one defence magic, mostly attack magic, defend against, because.
Fern: too much powerful is strange (???)

So the first bit is Fern saying that what Frieren said makes sense, because you can defence against most attack magic with one defence magic. Perhaps in this context in would make more sense to be calling them attack spells and denfence spells. The second bit is trickier, though it’s not the “too much” definition of 過ぎる as 強力 isn’t a verb. Perhaps she’s saying it’s wonderful to surpass powerful attack spells with a single defence spell? ASK ABOUT THIS ONE.

Frieren: Fern, book of magic history that was handed over, you haven’t read, have you?
Frieren: magic is just putting into practice, not important reason

I think the first bit is “Fern, you’re not reading that magic history book I gave you.” Then the second is more difficult, I think it’s something like, the bit of magic that gets put into the practice isn’t the only important bit, so don’t come to that conclusion, but I’m not sure how the grammar works. ASK ABOUT THIS TOO

Frieren: I knew it, reading aloud to each other before going to bed, not doing for someone, something is bad.
Fern: I read by myself.
Some handwriting I can’t decipher.

Is this Frieren saying it was bad of herself that she didn’t read Fern a bedtime story, where that bedtime story would have been this book of magic history, and Fern’s all, I know how to read, don’t treat me like a kid. Actually, now that I have that in mind the start of the handwriting looks like 子供じゃないんだから。(That’s the whole thing, I can decipher it, hooray). So, I read by myself, because I am not a child. (Could put this in thread even though I did decipher it to get clarificaiton on Frieren’s bubble though.)

(The next couple pages also had loads of text and this was a lot of deciphering so I’ll leave that for another day.)

Read a little bit of スーと鯛ちゃん because フリーレン feels like too much effort.

Summer Solstice Reading Challenge Start:

フリーレン notes:

Page 135
Bit of confusion over whose speaking in the first couple panels.
grammar of 知らせていないよ?
I think those two bubbles are along the lines of “really, how do you know this? No one is supposed to know about this thing.”

Then the old guy is like, about 30 years ago Himmel started coming here every year or so to check on the seal. (Or maybe until 30 years ago he was visiting every year? Since that’s pretty close to his death)

I think the old guy is saying how Himmel was kind of an inconsiderate person when he visited (it looks like he’s complaining about being bored) but not so inconsiderate that he’d abandon the town when that seal fails.

Page 136
Just to clarify, is Friren in the top bubble saying that tomorrow she’s going to unseal this demon and then defeat him? Perhaps because that is more permanent than putting another seal on.

Fern asks Frieren if she was the one who put the seal on in the first place. Then asking, even though [you’re the one who did that] what’s your reason for this [unsealing the demon to defeat it once and for all, not that Fern’s figured that out yet.]

Seems like this demon was too strong to be killed at the time, so all Frieren could do was seal it, but now she is stronger and can properly defeat it.

Page 137
人を殺す魔法 is magic that kills people.
ゾルトラーク is a mystery. Maybe the name of the spell? A spell that kills people, named in katakana. (perhaps german-based word, check thread later)

So, this fellow (what an odd thing to call a demon, ask about this) was the first mage to create a spell that puts holes in people.
Specifically, through their defensive magic and their magic resistance equipment, and then directly destroys the person.

I think the next bit is that this thing killed 40% of the adventures and 70% of the magic users in this area.
that’s the quoting と
So, 殺された - were killed
いわれている - it is being said (???)
so, more of a “they say that 40% of the adventures and 70% of the magic users in this area were killed by this spell.”

Did Frieren use a sneaky seal that used the demon’s power against it?

Page 138
What even is this book Fern hasn’t read? Do your homework Fern. Frieren-sensei will read you a bedtime story if you don’t.

Page 139
This scene is actually rather amusing. :joy:

Page 140
This sentence では敵討ちといこうかのう has difficult grammar to ask about.

Why is it surprising that Fern can cast a defensive spell at this altitude? Is it more difficult to do magic when you’re high?

Page 141
It’s a good thing Fern was able to defend even though she’s clearly rather shocked at WTF even was that. The dots instead of furigana are for emphasis like italics, right?

So this demon being sealed means that all the magic users across the continent were able to develop a better defence magic. I actually really like this use of sealing magic. Not, I’ll seal you away and then it’s someone else’s problem when the seal weakens and you get out, but I’ll seal you away and then spend a significant chunk of that time figuring out how to better handle you next time.

Page 142
大人しくしていれば - the base is 大人しい and the れば at the end is a conditional, but the middle confuses me.

So, if he’s figured out the defence probably takes a lot of magical power, which it does, what’s stopping him from just blasting them repeatedly until Fern gets tired?

Page 143
Yes Frieren, of course he noticed, you just spend ages exopositioning him instead of killing him.

Page 144
Ah, Fern is just that good. Good to know.

Page 145
Did Frieren just figure out how to cast his spell just via watching him??? If she already knew it, she would have cast it at the beginning. So she must have been figuring it out during the battle.

Page 146
I see that Fern is doing her homework.

Page 147
Surely lots of people wear this hat?

Page 148
sweet :slight_smile:

Well, I finished the chapter, hooray!
time: 1hr 5m
pages: 14

しろくまカフェ notes:

This week is the long chapter and I decide whether or not this is worth continuing.

It’s still just really not my kinda thing. However, it will annoy me to have an unfinished book so I don’t really want to completely drop it. But I’m not gonna stress about the week to week reading.

time: 18m
pages: 12

レンタルおにいちゃん notes:

Another week complete. I remembered what happened from last time again, so the whole my brain was just “Sae you conniving bitch.”

Next chapter has Kanami and お兄ちゃん on the cover, and I don’t remember reading anything about them being happy, so I think next time I read there will be new stuff.

time: 15m
pages: 16

Just reading a chapter, I wanna save this for days where I need the easy reading.
time: 4m
pages: 8


If I recall correctly, we have a case about a missing cat from a locked house.

Pages 60-61
I think Hanae is asking whether there is just one person who has a duplicate key. The daughter, Lily, also has one, so she could also be the culprit. She lives in a boarding house, which may or may not be relevant. She’s not been home in some time, despite wanting to return. (Who is wanting, Lily or her mother?)

Pages 62-63
I shall assume Gonjirou was the exhusband. Since mother immediately dismissing the daughter as a possibility, the rules of story says she’s probably more involved than is immediately obvious.

Perhaps, since the cat likes Lily, this is what happened: Lily came home during a break from studying, but her parents weren’t there, so she left. The cat followed her, but she didn’t notice. She locked the door behind her, with the cat stuck outside.

I think this next bit is (I really wish I could remember this lady’s name) is saying that whenever her ex approached the cat, the cat would run away from him. That would make it very difficult for him to catnap her.

Pages 64-65
I think they are suggesting that perhaps the cat thief could have picked the lock (and locked it again behind them? not likely).

I believe this lady is saying the room is exactly as she left it when she went out three days ago, she hasn’t cleaned it yet. (Great for clues!) Next sentence is about how the cat was inside at the time the Lady filled her bowl with cat food.

Page 66-67
Something along the lines of how a thief would have taken the valuables in the chest of drawers, and the narration seems to be agreeing that this wouldn’t be a normal thief.

Hanae checks the window, which is also locked from the inside. She opened it to take a look and a butterfly flies in. Which Capone then looks at, and the colour of his face changes? 顔色 can also be expression, which makes more sense here.

Pages 68-69
Capone chasing this butterfly sure is making a mess. Lady’s name is 一本松!Which I read on the nameplate outside their door so I don’t know why I didn’t make that connection.

Page 70
Somehow, Capone knocking over that vase has helped Hanae figure out what’s going on here.

time: 32m
pages: 12


Started another of those children’s books I got. つる is crane, but I’m not sure what おんがえし is. (Paying back a favour, very to the point)

I was able to understand ささっています because I did the 刺さる lesson earlier, hooray for making those brain connections.

Turns page This is the story of the crane bride, right? I know of it, I think I read a version of it, let’s see how similar or not this version is.

はたをおっている must be making of the fabric, I didn’t make sense of it at first, hooray for context. Then はたおりべや should be fabric making room with rendaku.

心配でなりません would be “not become worried” but that doesn’t make sense given the context. I put it into deepl to check, and that translates as “besides myself with worry” so the で must be doing a lot of work there.

This sentence 「わかものは、いても たっても いられなくなりました。」I can’t make sense of. I’ve moving past it for now, but I might wanna come back to this another time.

Moral of this story, if your wife looks tired, ASK her what’s up.

Little different from the version I heard, where she didn’t start loosing energy until the first time he peeked at her, and then she left when she caught him in the act.

time: 40m
pages: 28 (14 if I only count pages with text)

Summer Solstice 24hr Readathon half-way review (halfway compared to when I woke up, not the entire day)

So, I reached the point where I’d normally stop and go eat dinner (which I am about to do), so I figured this would be a good summary point.
time: 2hr 54m
pages: 76
sources: 6

Mostly I’ve read/finished a chapter of things I have in progress. But this is more than I’ve ever read in a single day ever. Theoretically I could (and perhaps should) stop now, but I like the idea of reading even more this evening. I said I’d join くまクマ熊ベア club, and this is a good opportunity to start that.


chapter 1, there are no page numbers, but this chapter is supposed to be 8 pages.

Is the ゲットだぜ a pokemon reference? It sounds like a pokemon reference. There is no furigana, so this will really test my kanji reading abilities.

Friends are not tasty. Do not eat your friends.

That went smoother than expected, though I was having to look up a lot of words, the grammar was simple enough I could just move on.

time: 31m
pages: 8ish


thread came up this evening, if I can get next week’s book club stuff read today, I will have time for whatever reading I like :slight_smile:

The vocab sheet is empty so I get to be helpful and look up all the words and put them in. So reading this might take a bit more time than normal.

Need to ask what the ずぶ is on page 15. (also, I’m sure I had questions earlier that I forgot about, I’ll run back through this and post in thread tomorrow.) Nevermind I found it.

time: 14m
pages: 8


Starting something entirely new, because why not? It’s supposedly at the same level as other stuff I’m comfortable with in book club form, and just realised it was in an ABBC as well so there goes my plan of attempting something of that difficulty without being able to rely on a vocab sheet.

Why is there korean in the vocab sheet? Anyway, I read the first week’s worth.

time: 21m
pages: 6


This book doesn’t have a book club, so this one will be an attempt at reading a higher level book without a vocab sheet.

There is no furigana, so this will be more difficult than expected.

Page 5
祐希 is Yuuki, a character’s name. I think it’s the guy, and the girl is telling him that they’re breaking up.

Page 8
I think the どゆこと is like a “what do you mean?” based on hearing it in anime.
幼なじみ = childhood friend

Were they not actually going out, but there was a rumour so she told Yuuki they should stop hanging out? That makes the previous bit where he asks her if they’re dating make more sense, they weren’t and she broke up with him anyways.

否定 = denial
否定する = to deny
否定しない = not deny
否定しなかった = did not deny
So, somebody did not deny the rumour, and so that somebody is to blame?

Struggling to make sense of this next bit. I think she is saying that, from other people’s point of view, it’s already been decided that they are each other’s partner and will get together after graduation. 3rd or 4th defintion of 迎える I think.

That turned out to be a lot more difficult than I was expecting, so I’m calling it there for today.

time: 23m
pages: 2 (if I only count pages with text)

second half subtotals
time: 1hr 29m
pages: 24
sources: 4

actual total: 263m / 4hr 23m / 100 pages / 10 sources challenge is complete, goonight


Did lesson 7 bunpro grammar. Not that I was really able to focus on them. This resource doesn’t work for me.

The next four N5 videos are #19-#22 from the absolute beginner playlist, and my next absolute beginner video is #14, so I’m going to watch a few of those until I get through them. Which will be painful because all of the godan verbs are being handled separately and not only can I already make them into て form, but I learnt them all at once to the tune of Frere Jacques.

Having an ad at the start of a video is one thing, but three within a 12 minute video is too much for me to deal with. They infuriate me an unreasonable amount and then focusing on the actual video is even more difficult.

I watched up to #17 though I can’t claim I was focussed for the full time.

Japanese Ammo with Misa - Absolute Beginners #18 sound cut out which was annoying. But I did the parts of the conjugation test I could hear so it counts as grammar study.

Was surprised to find new grammar in my next set of bunpro lessons:
(lessons 8)

Daily Rambling

I’m glad to be making such good progress on Frieren. I think this means I should be able to read a lot of the easier books I have outside of book club time, but I’m still ready easy stuff, when I actually get around to it.

I was thinking about this, because it feels like I’m only reading book club stuff. It’s literally because I reduced how much reading I’m doing from every day to four days per week. It has to stay that way until the exam, because I really do need to have the listening be my daily thing, but afterwards I’d like to get back to reading more.

Also, I had a thought that time would be a good stat to keep track of time on my weekly threads. I’ve already been tracking the time, might as well include it. Like, last week I spent 20.7 hours studying and the week before was 17.1. I would have thought last week was less because all my other stats were down. Also, it would probably make more sense for it to be a table.

Did some reviews, did not do a penguin.

I feel ill and don’t wanna do anything. I got through the majority of my reviews but I kept spacing out.

Did a bit of wanikani and 1 frieren page.

So I decided on a whim yesterday that I was joining the 24hr reading challenge today. I’ve already spent 10hrs of the day sleeping, so we’re off to a great start!

That said, I do want to do my other studying pieces as well, so probably I’ll alternate between reading things and my usual studying and later tonight I might alternate between reading and anime or a game or something.

First break, did some SRS. (I only did wk yesterday so there’s a lot)

did some wk this evening but that’s it

I’m taking today easy as well, but on purpose so I’m not allowed to feel bad about it.

Second thought, I found my old daily planner. I’ve got two hours this morning before stuff, so I can do the minimum of my SRS and a penguin, and write up my study log, and then that feels more scheduled than just saying at somepoint today I will do things.

I did almost all of my SRS, but bunpro kinda piled up so I used my handy dandy 10 minute timer, planning to leave the rest for tomorrow, but then there were just 2 reviews left so I did actually do them all. Hooray.

Anime Rambling

For motivation purposes, I’ve looked at the anime coming out next month. I don’t usually watch anime as it comes out, with a few exceptions, but those exceptions were easy to watch because I couldn’t watch the next episode immediately. So if I can choose a few I want to watch, I can pair each one up with an older show I’ve been trying to watch, and watch both as each episode come out, I’ll eventually get through my anime backlog.

Oshi no Ko s2 - super hype about this, and I recently convinced my sisters to watch s1 with me so timing is perfect

Fairy Tail 100 years quest & Fairy Tail 2018 - I love this anime, it was the anime that introduced me to manga when I caught up and needed to know what happens next. However, I never came back to it after the second hiatus and stopped reading the 100 year quest manga when I was in a really low point. So this is the perfect time to catch up.

A Journey Through Another World:Raising Kids While Adventuring - isekai & found family? yes please

Kimi ni Todoke - supposedly very good so I’ll start the 1st season and eventually catch up to the 3rd.

My Deer Friend Nokotan - looks cute

Tensui no Sakuna-hime - maybe

Then for older stuff, there’s a LOT on my to watch list.

Dungeon Meshi - stumbled across this via youtube reactors, I’ve been watching an episode weekly as they watch it

Jellyfish Can’t Swim in the Night - I’ve seen 2 episodes and want to watch the rest

Re:Zero - On the second season, which hasn’t yet grabbed my attention the same way the first season did

Black Clover - recommended to me by my sister

My Next Life as a Villainess - recommended to me by my other sister, who has questionable taste

Inuyasha - it’s fun

Cowboy Bebop - haven’t watched any episodes yet but have heard many good things

Pokemon - I decided I was going to watch all of it from the beginning the same I year I decided to teach myself Japanese. Currently on Advanced Challenge.

there’s more, but I’ll get overwhelmed if I try to watch too many

This is specifically about anime WITH english subs btw. Which reminds me, now that I’m reading manga in Japanese, I’m not buying them in English. I went shopping with my sister and while normally I’d buy loads of stuff, I didn’t because either I couldn’t remember how many I already own in English or I knew I had it in Japanese. Didn’t help my mental state. My sister pointed out Apothecary Diaries manga, which I let myself buy by rationalising that if I’m gonna read the light novels in Japanese, someday when I get to that level, then it’s okay to read the manga in English.

In Summary
12 Wanikani Lessons :arrow_double_down:
14 Penguin Videos :arrows_counterclockwise:
2 Anime Episodes (w/o eng sub) :arrow_down_small:
112 Pages of Reading :arrow_double_up:
26 Bunpro Grammar Points :arrow_down_small:
5 Japanese Ammo with Misa Absolute Beginner Playlist :arrow_up_small:
Time: 15.8 hrs :arrow_double_down:

Nothing from the N5 Playlist nor any comprehensible japanese videos. About 5 hours less than last week, which makes sense considering the nothing I did yesterday :slight_smile:

The thing I did on Friday where I focused on Reading and did other bits of studying inbetween worked really well. SO. I’m gonna try and do something similar for next week, with I focus on one thing for a day and study the other stuff inbetween bits of that. I’ll see how it goes.

Listening +
Reading +
Grammar +

Sorry to hear that things have been rough! Unfortunately I’ve been in a similar boat lately :weary:.

For what it’s worth, I also put my mental health struggles in my own study log because I feel like that’s a major factor in my studies, and it’s the biggest obstacle by far that I have to overcome if I want to learn any language. So I feel like it’s important to talk about it!

Even though it might look like you’re not getting much done to your own eyes, you’re still managing to do quite a lot! To me it looks like an incredible amount, really!

I’m sure this current period of feeling bad will eventually pass, and you’ll be able to do more again. Future you will be very glad that past you managed to keep going. So as long as you keep getting through each day, that’s enough, and whatever study you manage to do in that time is plenty. There will be better times ahead, and you’ll be able to do more when you’re feeling better :heart:


I just want to insert a reminder that Japanese is a long term goal. As long as you’re making steady progress and don’t give up then it’s okay to have slow days. Honestly sometimes my brain will almost reshuffle itself if I can step away from Japanese, go do something totally different, and come back later and suddenly the words I was struggling with are obvious.

TW for suicide

You don’t have to attempt suicide to need help. If you stopped therapy right now, there’s no guarantee that timeslot would be instantly filled or that the new patient would be instantly helped. It’s okay to need help, and to vent. And you’re also important, so you’re also deserving of your therapist’s time as much as anyone else. There’s no competition for “line up in order of who has the most addictions/illnesses.”

I get really frustrated sometimes because I want to complain about how XYZ isn’t fair or how I’m feeling an emotion too much when I should be compassionate and patient and understanding instead. Like I’m doing the therapy bit where they tell you that “it’s actually not the end of the world if the grocery store is out of your favorite snack” or “it’s normal to spill things sometimes, that’s why there’s a whole phrase for “don’t cry over spilled milk,”” but it’s also important to feel emotions. It’s healthy to be angry and complain for 5 or 10 minutes about the small things and then let them go, rather than hold on to them forever or never let yourself feel frustrated (or in my case, get frustrated that I don’t let myself feel frustrated…)

In my experience with suicide, it’s usually a sign that something is overwhelming, and my friends have told me that it’s better to try drastic changes to attempt to fix things rather than die. So maybe if you have the energy you could try making a list of problems, and then a list of ways that they could be fixed, and then try some of those options (note: the intention is to put things that aren’t suicide on the potential solution list, and then not attempt suicide). Or find someone to talk to.

Also +1 that I’m much more efficient at getting things done on better mental health days. But real life has ups and downs. One thing I like about study logs is that I can read about other people’s ups and downs and remind myself that life isn’t a Youtube Short where someone shows how they went from romaji to N1 in 60 seconds.


Last week I was starting to feel burnt out (again) so I decided to take five days off studying and just do whatever. I decided I’d rather do a planned break there than break mid exam. So, no wanikani, falling behind on all the book clubs, ect ect

Yesterday evening, I was half thinking that’d maybe I’d study today after all. Woke up this morning feeling rather unwell. I suspect due to something I ate. Spent the majority of today either in bed or on the toilet. The idea of food I’d normally enjoy makes me feel ill. So that’s not fun. I ate a soup this evening. Honestly I’m trying to figure out how to look after myself better than I was taught growing up. (Like, don’t drink too much water because that will make you puke. You can only eat one slice of dry toast and only if you think you can keep it down.) I took an ibuprofen a couple hours ago because headache but my head still hurts. I got the bleeping hiccups earlier and it made my head throb. I’m glad I’ve partially moved past having to time my headache for an hour to see if I’m allowed a painkiller or not.

I hope I feel better when I wake up, but I basically did nothing all day and now can’t go to sleep. Despite being tired. And I’ve a lot to do tomorrow. I have to go to therapy. I have to print off the JLPT thingy. I need to find or get a photo to stick on it. I have to return the overdue library book that got too dubcon for my liking. I should do the dishes, and go to the knitting group because my support worker wants me to be sociable, and walk my dog better, and buy food, and ease back into studying. But in order to do any of that I need to 1. Not be ill and 2. SLEEP


Things I got done today

  • Knitting group to be sociable
  • Print JLPT ticket
  • Therapy appointment
  • Get photo for JLPT ticket
  • Rush dog to vet (forgot to empty bin, she ate onions)
  • Phone election people in panic that I wasn’t registered (I am)
  • Arrange moving in date for new legal house
  • 25 wanikani reviews

Things to do tomorrow

  • Vote
  • Potentially take dog to vet again
  • Revise for exam


  • Go to Leicester (trains! New place! Aaaah!)
  • Exam
  • Get home somehow
  • Make sure 空の軌跡 stuff is ready


  • Move house

I also get older next week. Busy busy busy. I should probably start packing Friday.

Edit: complicated stuff means move in day got moved to next Friday, so I don’t have to worry about packing until after the exam.

  • You knit!? What do you like to knit? What have you made recently?
  • Good luck on the JLPT!
  • Hope your doggo is okay :cry:
  • Happy early birthday :partying_face:
  • I started knitting on a whim in January. I have knitted a scarf, partial body for a teddy bear, a third of a baby blanket, and some scraps of randomness.
  • JLPT was terrifying, I’ll ramble in more detail once I’m home and I get my weekly update typed up.
  • Dog has recovered, but has been lonely all of today and I need to get home to confirm she is okay.
  • Thank you! :slight_smile: