Reb's Study Log

back when I initially tried to learn Japanese by reading in 2018 headaches were really common for me. I think they can sometimes be a good sign that you’re learning and similarly a healthy way of knowing when to take breaks (as in don’t push it once one comes on— you’re already taking in so much).

Hopefully you don’t have to study with the screen so close to your face for much longer. Do take breaks if it ends up hurting your eyes or head though!! Healthy studies are ultimately, in the long run, stronger studies. :muscle::muscle:

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I know the headache means to stop, it’s just frustrating when I want to keep going and can’t.

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I feel that all too well. at least it’s only temporary. a day comes eventually where it gets so seamless you forget it even used to be that straining. If you do want to push through the headaches, as long as you’re having fun, y’know? that’s what I did myself admittedly. You know your own limits better than anyone.

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New week, new ticky boxes. I shall receive shiny unbroken glasses on Wednesday. I will be patient until I get them. (This is easier said than done)


I’m finally burning all those easy おはよう and such vocab I had to learn after I stopped my hiatus. Unfortunately I made some rather stupid mistakes with the kanji vocab that came back today. Silly stuff like mistking them for one I learned more recently or not remembering the reading. 幸い (not 辛い) caught me on both counts.

Started off with reading 老女的少女ひなたちゃん more thoroughly. It took longer than I expected, I didn’t realise I was missing that much yesterday. I mean, nothing really changes the meaning of what I did understand, so it’s fine. Which is also strange.

I finished チョコとちょこちゃん. It was alright. Not really the kind of thing I enjoy, but it was free and it was easy and by the end I realised I didn’t need to say the words outloud to be pronouncing them in my head.

Intensive Reading:

It’s been so long I forgot how I takes notes for this XD

歌うの turns 歌う the verb into the noun of singing. の does a lot of nouning which I am aware of but feel the need to point out whenever I see it still.

俳優 is a level 23 vocab, so I’ll learn it soon. I started learning 優 recently though did not recognise it in the book. 俳 seems to be in my lessons pile. It means Haiku and is said はい though I believe from looking at its vocab that 俳句 is haiku and therefore 俳 on its own is not. Jisho gives it meanings of both haiku and actor so I guess it just has that kind of vibe.

Both 歌うの and 俳優 got immediately reinforced in the next section.

I can translate this loosely as “That teacher is bad at explanations and, what they are saying, I don’t understand.” In this sentence, the で particle is acting like a connection between the sentences. I’m not 100% sure what the か is doing and googling was not much help. I think it’s because that clause had the 何 in there. So the か is question of “what are they saying” Using ない and です together is weird to me. I understand that adding です to the casual form just adds politeness, politeness isn’t just the ます form of verbs.

おやつ = snack. Also, it has kanji as お八つ. The origin of this kanji usage is interesting. I attempted to read the wiki article linked, and while I understood a little bit and knew most of the kanji, most of it is going over my head. Good practice at reading without furigana though.

教科書 is a Level 16 vocab I have burned. Whoops XD

Tickey List for Systems?

Using both this week to see what makes more sense to me.

easy reading
book club reading
intensive reading
2nd reviews
Weekly Goal
grammar reading
grammar video
comprehensible japanese
anime halves
N5 practice listening

Look! So many more boxes for me to fail to tick!

I really do need to practice actual N5 stuff but how about comprehensible videos instead?

いくつ?①人や動物の数え方: it was longer than I realised when I clicked on the bideo. While I understood everything, I did turn on the subtitles to check what the kanji for the new counters were. I didn’t expect 頭(とう) to be the same as 頭(あたま), though 羽(わ) being 羽(はね) makes sense.

間違い探し③: before going into this I expect this may be a challenge. I paused to look for the differences myself, then really jad to pay attention. Times I turned on the subtiltes:

  1. 犬の散歩をしているのは really confused me despite all the context making it really clear what she meant.
  2. She was using 走る to talk about a car moving, I thought I misheard so checked.
  3. After I finished the video, checked 横断歩道’s kanji.
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Still just plugging away at my reviews.
I get お手洗い’s meaning right, only to fuck up my typing the reading as お手洗う. Didn’t they do an update to help with silly typos like that? Oh well, back into apprentice it goes. sigh

I got a bunch of children’s folk tales yesterday, taking full advantage of the coin system. Though I messed up by getting a couple manga that weren’t part of the huge coin back thing, and then I had no coins left to get more free books. Anyway, these are temporarily level 11, so I’ll save one to read intensively and read the rest now-ish.

This morning I started with reading 花さかじいさん. It’s mostly kana, but there are spacebars so it is easy enough to type individual words into However, reading like this is rather tiring. So I only read a little bit. And then did not do anything else.

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Eyesight, oh how I have missed thee.

I got a load wrong. Even repeating the one’s I just got wrong, I kept getting them wrong. I only burned one of the returning enlightened. So that’s not great. Still, It’s been a week without doing anything so lessons will be done.
俳:Since I looked at this Monday, let’s put it in my queue.
In terms of leeches, let’s look at these three
統合:not 総合, pay attention
合計:合 is not つう. Why do I keep thinking it’s つう? Because 都合 probably confused me.
案外:not 案内, they just sound similar

jpdb & anki:
I did not touch these at all in the last week and the review counts are not pretty. 720 altogether. Ugh. I’m gonna need to use timers to get through 15 minutes a day until they’re gone. Maybe just 5 minutes today since it’s late.

I read a couple more pages of 花さかじいさん.
Since there aren’t chapters, and since it’s a book-book not a manga-book, a couple pages seems a good amount to read at a time. Even if the pace is really slow.

Since I’m all caught up on book clubs, I decided to read some レンタルおにいちゃん. On page 55 (SPOILER TAG THIS) after Kanami just finished reading out her speech, her teacher uses kanji and I mentally yelled at her that it’s not お兄さん, it’s おにいさん! Still in familiar territory but it really is great to be gettting back to this.

I swear reading the thread afterwards takes more time than reading the manga. XD But it does help me understand things more thoroughly so it’s all good.

The next section of my intensive reading is focussed on the grammar point ので so I decided to stop reading for today, study that, and I’ll continue this later.

ので is another because word (at some point I would like to look up the nuance between these)
すぎる is a grammar disguised as a verb.

(As a side note, putting my system ticky boxes inside a hide details was a mistake. It collapses in on itself everytime I click something.)

Since my goals for listening are now weekly, I think at the start of the week I can have some comprehensible Japanese, then I can keep up with anime club, then I can do some N5 practice.

Okay, the first half of this video was painful. But the second half I am learning a word. She said かんごし and the input defautls that to 看護師. I know those three kanji, watch over defence master sounds much cooler than nurse. (And checking the subtitles I did guess right! Hooray for progress!).

For the heck of it, here’s mine:

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In theory I can get a lot of studying done today? I did a lot of typing as I studied so to keep this from being too long I’ll hide the majority of it.


I’m starting to find that sometimes I look at a word and I can’t immediately start typing what it means, but then because I say it out loud, all of a sudden my brain is like “Oh, that sound is this!” and it’s very satisfying.

I’m gonna do 6 lessons today. I like being able to use the lesson picker to choose things that either I recognise or can guess just from looking.
呼:よ is a sound you call out when you see a friend.

For leeches, I drew 案外 in my notebook.

Also, I put ringotan on my phone so I can practice drawing kanji. I don’t intend to put too much focus on it but it’s there if I feel like it. It will probably take a while for me to get to my leeches anyway.

For my other SRS, I put a dent in of 200 total reviews. While theoretically I could keep going, I’m going to move on.


なくちゃ seems to be a more casual version of なければなりません I learned. Also much shorter. Why do polite things need so many kana? I digress.

なくてはならない seems to be basically the same? Also, I think this ちゃ is an abbreviation of ては like I’ve seen before. Like how じゃ can be for では.

I decided to take a break and watch a grammar video, expecting the content to be easy (which it is) but also Misa explained that では is how things are wrote formally and じゃ can be used with speaking and now I know the difference better. So all that time I spent saying ではありません I sounded far too formal.

んです is explanatory nuance that doesn’t really translate into any particular thing but gives the vibe of the sentence. I actually really like this concept even though it is tricky. To me it feels kinda like putting /s at the end of a sarcastic sentence to make clear you are being sarcastic. But for explaining. It’s great!

のです was on the previous page as being a more formal version of んです but の has so many uses I’m going to struggle to tell if a wild sentence is using this version or not.


I’ve decided that since I’m already a bit late for the anime club and I don’t want to try and rush four episodes in the next couple days, I’ll leave it until after I get back from visiting my sister. For now, more comprehensible Japanese:

The vocab and theme of this video was really simple so I was able to focus on listening to the grammar used.

Lots of place names I’m too worried about right now, but I had to pay attention to make sure I didn’t get lost.


Starting with a little bit more 花さかじいさん. It decided this was my “easy” book, and it’s actually quite a bit more difficult than expected. I understand now the difference between material designed for Japanese children and for Japanese beginners. There’s furigana for シロ’s name! かせ has no kanji so I have to guess which meaning it has. This is good practice in its own way though.

After that I planned to start the second story of にゃんにゃん探偵団. Turns out I already started it at some point and forgot about it XD. As a side note, I am really quite glad to be able to look through the old threads when I’m stuck on a sentence.

An example from page 55:


Using the vocab sheet, I got along the lines of "While [she] was absent from home, from the inside of the house that had the key taken, it disappeared." At first I thought they were saying the key was taken from inside the house, but that didn’t make sense with いる. And they were just talking about a missing cat, but then how is the key being taken factoring into this?

Someone in the thread explained that かぎのかかった comes from かぎがかかった (the が turned into a の because… reasons) but anyway that phrase is referring to something being locked. So かぎのかかった家 means “the house that was locked” or more naturally “the locked house” and that makes it more clear that [it]=[the cat they were just talking about] is what disappeared from inside the locked house.

Also, while reading, I practiced explaining to myself what was happening in Japanese as much as I could, while pointing at the pictures. Just silly stuff like 「いっぽんまつ。。。さんは。。。一本松?あ、一本松さんはこの人のなまえですね」and「キャサリンは何?この人、一本松さんの猫の名前ですか。多分」and 「あ、ながらはwhileですね?やった!」 also attempting to look things up, and the whole thing just feels really interactive and fun.

intensive reading:

散らかってきた is a combination of 散らかる and くる.

The word 散らかる is not taught in wanikani, but the kanji 散 shows up at level 31 and there are some similar verbs like 散る and 散らかす that will be taught. This verb means “to be in disorder” or “to lie scattered around” with the latter making more sense with wanikani’s scattering definitions.

くる being used here doesn’t make sense to mean “to come” in the usual sense. Instead it seems to mean “to come to be”.

Putting these together, we have “came to be in disorder” or “came to lie scattered around” with the sense that it wasn’t originally such a mess. The book translates this as “became messy” which is much more natural sounding.

すいた is the kana form of 空いた, which is past tense of 空く. While wanikani teaches this as “to become empty,” here it is referring to being hungry. Which makes sense as if your stomach is empty you are then hungry.

かわいた is the kana form of 乾く in past tense, and means “to get dry.” Alternatively, the kanji could be 渇く which means “to be thirsty.” From context, the second makes more sense. It is interesting that this concept gets two kanji but the concept of being hungry has to share with being empty. In terms of wanikani, 乾く is a level 29 vocab and 渇く is level 30.


Next section is on the ~つもりです pattern so I know which grammar I’m studying tomorrow.


I decided to go back to listening so my log is going to be all out of order. But I don’t want to not while I’m feeling all motivated. I’m using this N5 practice playlist still. I watched videos 4 and 5, the 5th had words instead of pictures which threw me for a moment.

Also, I noticed there are new Tadoku books? I read the Lv0 one. かんたん!日本のカレーライス. I am so fussy about food. I once got an adrenaline rush from being brave enough to try a new type of curry XD.

Didn’t feel like doing much else, so I did some afternoon wanikani. 100%. I feel awesome. Then I did a bunch more jpdb reviews. And now I’ve had enough.

TLDR: Today was very productive.:slight_smile:


Tired. I really should have stayed out of the discussion on that other thread last night. I took it far too personally.

Why is “products” not a valid answer for 品物? Am I missing something?

Another 6 lessons. I will get through all this vocab alongside the kanji. Eventually.

Sometimes trying to remember the right particle for a sentence I want to write is hard XD で?に?が?助けて!

Put another sizeable dent into jpdb and cleared out anki. The next ABBC book should be decided in 8 hours, so I can check Manga Kotoba for top unknown vocab to add to my anki deck.

つもり is simple enough and also rather useful. I’m not sure why I never learnt this before.

より~ほうが I think I only learned this with nouns, so it’s good to expand that to other parts of speech. Though I wish the example sentences showed how that works.

は~より~です This is the version that only is used with nouns so probably this is the one I was taught, but I got confused with the other one because they are similar. Both are clearer to me now, which is good.

Watched another Japanese Ammo with Misa video. 易しいより簡単な方がいい言葉です。

Yes I am absolutely procrastinating on watching anime club.

I don’t expect the vocab learnt here to be too useful, but it doesn’t hurt.


I also did more N5 practice. The narrator person at the start changed :frowning: Luckily the normal person came back for the rest. Anyway, I’m getting better at not worrying too much at not being able to understand everything and picking out the information to answer the questions.

Anyway, I may have accidentally spent all my energy this morning. And I haven’t read anything yet. Whoops. I might just call it here for today and try not to stress about it.


Hey @RebBlue
Sorry you had to go through this triggering discussion. The internet can sometimes feel like my dad yelling at me so I try to engage as little as possible… but sometimes I can’t be a bystander anymore even if it’s really scary for me. And even though I don’t know you, I wanted you to know that I read and I understand.
When I write the things I write is less about the person I reply to in those cases because the chance they’ll understand and change is slim and more about letting the marginalized party know their not a lone voice in the crowd.
It’s good practice for irl situation but it can also be an energy sucker that I can’t afford, and you should always put yourself first in this kind of situations - does a stranger on the internet deserves my energy? Is it really about them or am I so triggered I’m in a fight mode, and I’m gonna crush when it’s over. It takes time to get there, but it’s important to remember yourself in the midst of it all.
Oh, and I’m glad you got your glasses back, not sure if you can afford it, cause when you need special prescription it can be really pricy and all, but if you can at some point manage to have a spare pair of glasses that can prevent this situation from reoccurring, you might want to do so.


Thanks. I feel the same, as in it’s like dad and his girlfriend getting on my case about stuff. I think I’ve explained where I’m coming from as best I can and responding further will not be helping. I’m just going to mute the thread.

Yeah, I think that’s a good move for you. Hope you’ll get some rest decompress and feel better.

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Spent the rest of yesterday and most of today attempting to relax (and occasionally succeeding). Did half my wanikani reviews. Which is more than none. So I’m calling that a win.


Got through my wanikani and put another dent into jpdb, not bothering with anki. Read a chapter of the second スート鯛ちゃん volume.

I’m on holiday next week so I’m leaving book club stuff to the week after rather than stress trying to complete it now. I’m bringing my short stories for beginners book with me as well as one of the books my sister got me. We’ll see if I even open them. I’m a little worried that falling behind the book clubs now means I won’t be motivated to catch. But I do really like フリーレン. And I’d feel like a hypocrite if I joined Tamamo no Koi without having finished ひなたちゃん.

Mentally I’m not doing too great. Yesterday I cried because if anything happens to my dog while I’m away this could be the last time I ever see her and I haven’t given her enough hugs, and I haven’t given her enough treats and I haven’t taken her on enough walks, and then today she (accidentally) scratched me and I yelled at her and she was upset and I tried to reassure her I still love her and I was just annoyed because of the pain but tomorrow I’m leaving and what if she thinks I’ve left her for good? I need to hug her again.


The bad news is I got woken up by the fire alarm and can’t go back to sleep. The good news is I now have extra study time.

100% feels a lot less impressive when I only had 7 reviews but I’ll happily take the credit for it anyways.

Now, I am not sure how I able I will or won’t be to do lessons next week so I’m doing 9 today, and if I choose 3 of them to be kanji, I could potentially level up? Though I do have many vocab to get through still. I’ll deal with that later.
沢:宅 that got squashed due to the I don’t actually know how to type that radical on its own.
贅:use fancy person accent for the fancy kanji (is this only used in 贅沢? I’ll just try to think of that)
I will not regret this.

交渉 and 利く are annoying meaning leeches. I’m ignoring them.

贅沢(ぜいたく) is by far the most common; though I have seen 贅肉(ぜいにく).

Also as a lone Kanji (ぜい)()くす.

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I did my wanikani reviews, of which I have many coming back later today. Then I read the tofugu article on interleaving that was linked to in the forums. So why not give it a try?

I started with reading the second chapter of Short Stories for beginners. I was able to understand 救急車 just from the context and knowing the second two kanji so I’m feeling pretty smug.

Made another dent into jpdb. I had a look at my stats and while it’s slow going my accuracy is a decent 80%ish.

Then I started one of the books my sister got me. It’s title is F 落第生らくだいせい which means “F, a student who failed” I think. There is no natively page for the book. I read the about the author section on the inside of the cover. Her name is 鷺沢 萠. I also read the 目次. There is no furigana so that felt like enough for today. Though I did just remember there will be a blurb on the back.

Anyway, another 30 wanikani reviews have appeared so I’m doing those and then I will make Zelda Japanese for a bit to keep up the distraction. What am I distracting myself from, you ask?



Today I read the blurb of F 落第生. I figured out how to input drawing kanji on my phone which drastically sped up the process.


From what I can tell, it’s a collection of short stories with the theme being failure. And it’s meant to communicate that even if you failed at an aspect of life, it’s alright. You don’t have to live a positive only life. Not sure on that last sentence. I think I got “The solution is eternity warehouse Meiji era” so I effed up somewhere.

On the plus side, short stories will be easier to work through. On the minus side, “short” here is still like 10-30 pages of dense, furigana less text.

I did all of the wanikani reviews scheduled for today (I’m finally rearranging the night time ones by ignoring them so they stop showing up). Though my sister got upset at me for doing them in front of baby because she won’t be happy if she can’t understand her child because it speaks another language.

I also switched the Danganronpa Summer Camp to Japanese because it lost my save anyway. Just skipping stuff I don’t know, but that’s surprising little which is motivating.

Also I read another chapter of short stories for beginners. This log is not in the chronological order of which things happened.

Studying While on Holiday

Day 3 of holiday

Wanikani and another chapter of Short Stories for Beginners. This one included the word 人工知能 which I wasn’t able to guess but makes sense once I read the definition.

Moving onto F, opening the first page of actual story is very intimidating. So my goal is to read the first sentence.

Not the first sentence

If I was in Shu-chan’s situation, I would probably also become to feel like saying sorry to other people in the same way.

“You’re p-p-p-p-p-pregnant!?”

It was at this point I realised I accidentally turned two pages at once and this is not the start of the story…

Jpdb is still redenting the stuff I did earlier. I’ll get through it eventually.

Day 4 of holiday

Reviews have been less today, because I did them too late yesterday. I think if I grab the 20 coming up later I could level up, we’ll see if I have time then.

Also, this feels like a good moment to explain why I’ve been able to do so much studying while on bleeping holiday. The room in sleeping in has a sunlight waking me at 06:30 every morning, and so I have 2-3 hours to myself before my sister and her family get up. Sometimes followed by me being left with baby while she takes a nap.

Read another chapter of short stories for beginners. Reading this book feels super easy, especially with the English translation afterwards. Also I did some jpdb, again more dealing with what I got wrong yesterday than denting further into the pile…

Starting F from the actual start this time. Also, the second page ends with a comma and not a full stop so that long sentence I worked on yesterday was actually only part of a sentence :smiling_face_with_tear:

F 落第生

Before long / countryside に / verb 1 / verb 2 / perhaps / this has explanation nuance.
帰る to return home
帰らない not return home
帰らなくては about not return home
帰らなくちゃ same as above, but contracted
The notes of suggest ならない could mean “must/have to/ ought to” since it’s after ては.
Put this together:
“Perhaps I ought to return home to the countryside before long.”

Shu-chan が / suddenly / like that / because of (previous stuff), / I / to be surprised / unintentionally / Shu-chan’s face / to examine someone’s expression / either ending pieces, or verb こむ second definition.
Because Shu-chan suddenly said that, I was surprised and unintentionally examined her complex expression.

Huh, / holiday / to begin て / from / meaning/called/said / meaning
There is no question word. Potentially a “did you mean X” clarifying question with the っていう quoting the paraphrase and the 意味?asking if that’s the meaning.
“Huh, did you mean from the start of the holiday?”

“Nope, before that”

Before the start of the holiday / that is to say, / before experience / it appears as if gave different phrases for each ということ, which quotes the stuff before it, declared it is said, and the the thing about it.
About the said thing of “Before the start of the holiday,” there’s the said thing of “before experience.”
I’ll go with:
Before the start of the holidays means before experiencing it.

Don’t tell me / Shu-chan が / experience を / to leave undone / something like / to do / there is no way that
I’m now more confident that this “experience” refers to the experience of having a holiday?
Don’t tell me, there’s no way that Shu-chan would do something like leave that experience undone.


So, I started writing that out with the intention of translating it, but the sentence just. Kept. Going. So I’m leaving that one for another time. Also, I kept getting lost with getting to the end of a line and trying to start at the right next line. On the plus side, there’s that and two more sentences, and I’ll have finished the first page!

The 20 wanikani this afternoon were not including what I need to level up.

Played some more Danganronpa and looked up the word 獲得 as it was coming up constantly and while I gathered the meaning I couldn’t pronounce it.

Day 5 of holiday

I read the Elevator chapter of Short Stories for Beginners. I’m glad I read this after I almost had a lift related anxiety attack on Wednesday and not before. But that aspect distracted me enough that it took me a bit to realise the twist ending didn’t come out of nowhere.

F 落第生

Let’s try this one clause at a time.


Before experience の / essential time に / homecoming / something like の / for the sake of / lessons/classes に / not exit / ということ が
Not leave classes before essential time of experience for the sake of something like homecoming.
The quoted thing of this phrase is the subject.

Especially / myself / from the standpoint of は / fatal thing exists / conditional? と
This end is probably a grammar I don’t know.
Especially from my standpoint, that (the stuff from the previous clause) would be fatal.

Who / comparative grammar / Shu-chan / the person themselves が / most / properly / to be knowing / should be / past tense.
Shu-chan herself should have known that better than anyone.

Altogether we have the Narrator-san saying that
A. Leaving during this important time when there are still lessons is a bad idea
B. If narrator-san did that they would feel like their life is over, and
C. Shu-chan should already know this.

That seems to be what’s important, so I’m moving on.

I’m a tad confused.

Shu-chan said “return to the country side” but,
Temporary / homecoming / ではなくて (て form of ではない) / Tokyo flat を / to move out / does that mean (previous) / ではないか (so, more of a doesn’t that mean?) / と / jumping to a wrong conclusion / to exist.
So this is tricky because I’m not sure on the grammar but I think we have something like:
Shu-chan said “return to the countryside,” but if that is not a temporary homecoming, does that mean she is moving out of her flat in Tokyo or am I jumping to the wrong conclusion?

First page completed!

It starts on page 8, and there are 204 pages, I will not remember to adjust that later and technically I did read the covers and page of contents so it absolutely counts to say I am almost 4% of the way through this book.

Levelled up while doing my reviews. Three cheers to level 24? I’m still planning to take it nice and slow.

Now, the real question is can I study enough grammar by the 3rd of August to join the Fullmetal Alchemist book club without being a complete fraud? Let’s find out.

Anyway, my holiday is over now

While this was an interesting break from my usual study schedule, I do need to consider that. The interleaving between reading and reviews was an interesting experience. It made the whole time I was studying feel like I was studying Japanese rather than just I have done my reviews and now I will read and then I am done. I would like to continue that, though my study log will still be blocked by catergory because otherwise it’s a rambling mess.

Wanikani is Level 24 now. I have a load of reviews that I’m deliberately leaving until the morning, so that they come back in the morning. I also have a load of lessons I will slowly get through. I spent almost 55 days on level 23, so I’ll aim to get to level 25 by the end of July. JPDB is down to 171 reviews remaining, so significant progress there. Anki has not been touched and is sat at 250 waiting. I need to make some more cards for vocab for Shirokuma Cafe and the next BBC manga because I’ve decided I’m joining those.

I enjoyed deciphering F 落第生 even if it was plugging almost every sentence into and then trying to make it fit together in a way that makes sense. I’d like to continue it more regularly, though first I do need to catch up on book club stuff. Meaning, next week I need to do two weeks worth of both フリーレン and 老女的少女ひなたちゃん. But if I stress over it it won’t get done, so I’m going to keep steady with them. As in, still read that children’s book as my easy-but-not-actually thing and still do intensive reading, and if they are done they are done and if they are not I can also catch up next week. Once I’m caught up on all book clubs, I can try to fit F 落第生 back into the mix.

I did none of this :slight_smile: I intend to keep working through JLPT先生 as I have been.

I also did none of this. Which is understandable because holiday but also I am well aware this is my weakest area and I need to not neglect it. I have the Comprehensible Japanese videos and the JLPT practice videos. I’m also going to jump into the anime club. I’m not sure how that’s going to go, so I’m just expecting to be behind for the whole thing. If I do manage to catch up, it will be a happy surprise.

Also nothing. I’m sure once I actually open the game I’ll happily talk to people, but until then I’m not super looking forward to it.

Umm, this got long. Yay?


Instead of doing wanikani reviews, I made a manga kotoba account. And made new anki cards for some words. This is fine.

Honestly I’m a little overwhelmed by wanikani at the moment, so I’m just gonna do ten reviews for now so I can say I did something. And I shall take credit for the every percent of accuracy I achieve.

Turns out closing the Level Up banner makes the dashboard a lot less intimidating. But my accuracy was shit so I just did another 40ish and hopefully I’ll be in a better mindset tomorrow.

I read a chapter of スーと鯛ちゃん, that’s a whole six pages of meows.

I think it will be helpful for me to spell out, with tickey boxes, what I need to do to catch up with everything.

老女的少女ひなたちゃん, Chapters 6 & 7, Pages 95-132

Goal Done?
Pages 95-103
Pages 104-112
Pages 113-122
Pages 123-132

葬送のフリーレン, Chapter 2, Pages 41-76

Goal Done?
Pages 41-45
Pages 46-50
Pages 51-55
Pages 56-60
Pages 61-65
Pages 66-70
Pages 71-76

ロマンティック・キラー, 6 episodes

Goal Done?
Episode 1, First Half
Episode 1, Second Half
Episode 2, First Half
Episode 2, Second Half
Episode 3, First Half
Episode 3, Second Half
Episode 4, First Half
Episode 4, Second Half
Episode 5, First Half
Episode 5, Second Half
Episode 6, First Half
Episode 6, Second Half

I think I can catch up to 老女的少女ひなたちゃん in time for next week’s pages. フリーレン I think I can catch up to last week, but I might need to read this week next week. ロマンティック・キラー would already going to take most the week to keep pace but hopefully I catch up before the club ends. If I can watch three episodes a week instead of two, I will finish at the same time. This is totally achieveable. Probably. Maybe.

I can practice the interleaving thing with doing bits of these inbetween other bits of grammar and SRS and stuff.

Also, Tickey Boxes for this coming week

easy reading
book club
intensive reading
2nd reviews
book club (again)
Weekly Goal
Japanese Ammo with Misa
Comprehensible Japanese
N5 Listening Practice

Now, I do realise I completely forgot to take in account I have several life things going on next week. I’m sure this will be 100% FINE. NOTHING is going to go badly :slight_smile:


I really shouldn’t tempt fate even if I am being sarcastic. My internet is dead because my landlord was messing about with stuff and broke something. No clue when he’ll get around to fixing it. In the meantime, I’m borrowing cafe WiFi to get wanikani reviews done. I’ll read if I feel like it and listening, the thing I need to most work on, is basically just fucked. Hooray.