Reb's Study Log

Starting off with another super easy grammar video to get me into the swing of things. I always forget the nuance between 冷たい and 寒い so it’s good to have a reminder that they are not the same even though the English word is the same.

Just going to do the three lessons today as I’ve got 40 reviews returning this afternoon.
看:kanji is kanji

Going over the grammar points on the JLPT先生 site.. There is a lot I already know on here, and a fair bit I don’t. The layout of each section I’ve read so far is good and there are plenty of example sentences. I like I can turn off all the “hints” (kana version, romaji version, and translation) and can choose to turn on just the translation to check AFTER I did it myself.

Did a couple more of these practice questions.

The first one I did, #2, I knew enough to pick out the answers, but they were saying lots of verbs I do not know. So I checked the script. The only word that was actually new was 渡す. The rest I should have known, though I’ll give myself a pass on 取る as I did not know it could be used in the meaning “to pass; to give”.

The second, #3, was VERY DIFFICULT. Each question has two parts, and I misheard the first part, and misunderstood the second part. After the first one though, I understood the pattern enough to make a decent attempt at the rest.

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Got distracted so didn’t get through anywhere near as much reading as I’d like. But I did have 45 minutes to dissect one of the フリーレン pages and think of how to word my questions for the many things I did not understand. (In my defence I’m only asking about 6 of the 16 sentences on that page so I understand basically two thirds! Hooray!)

Realised it was less than an hour before midnight so quickly getting SRS done. (did wanikani and anki, procrastinating on jpbd by writing this. Tomorrow will be busy too

My computer crashed this morning and firefox lost all my tabs so I had to fix that before I could get to studying. Most annoyingly, I don’t remember them all, and I know I’ve lost Japanese related stuff. I’m also rather busy this afternoon, so I need to be as focused as possible this morning, and depending on how that goes, try and make some more time this evening.

don’t wanna do lessons. doing them anyways.

Instead of continuing N5 stuff, I studied ないと and ほど because they came up in フリーレン.

ないと is a little similar to てはいけません. Though it does have a second meaning that is not the same, I think I’ll understand more as I read more.

I’m still very shaky on ほど but looking at example sentences has helped give me some idea of how it’s used. The translations weren’t as literal as I’m used to, so I made anki cards for the sentences and typed in notes for how to get to the super literal meaning.

For example

Sentence: 君ほど美しい人はいません。

Translation: There is no one that rivals your beauty.

My notes:
[美しい人はいません。] There are no beautiful people.
[君ほど] Your extent, your degree
There are no people that match the extent of your beauty.

One thing I think I’ve figured out doing that is that if the thing the ほど is attached to is variable, then the meaning is also. It becomes more a bit comparative? (Not sure I’m using english grammar words correctly XD)

Dissected four more pages of Frieren. I think I’m getting the hang of reading like this.

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Scaling back a bit for this week because I need to plan a mini campaign and also learn all the rules for Fate Core before Sunday.


Today I do not have much motivation. I procrastinated the entire morning. So this afternoon, I will just do reviews.

After my reviews, I read a chapter of スーと鯛ちゃん. They are so cute. I decided to read 老女的少女ひなたちゃん and read the next two pages and if I continue that would be great. But once I read two pages I decided that was enough.

While scrolling through here, I realised that anime being on Natively means those anime have difficulty levels, and I can use those to rearrange all my jpdb decks. Which was a good call, as jpdb sevearly knocks how difficult it considers and anime to be based on it’s length.

That One Room anime I watched is Lv21 which is a higher difficulty than everything I’m reading (except フリーレン) and I know my reading is better than my listening. I think I’m definitely choosing an easier anime for the next one.

I did get back around to looking at the rest of this week’s 老女的少女ひなたちゃん pages, but I still need to read them more carefully with the vocab sheet.

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Still kinda feel like shit, but I’m going to try to get back into my schedule today.

Very few reviews this morning, but I’m sticking with the 3 lessons.

則:no leader to take the side of, just rules

That 済ます looks like it’s already in ます form but it is a trick and I must not be deceived. That’s why I purposefully put my sentence in ます form that time.

Guess who came back? 放れる and 繋ぐ came back! I have decided to look at them in and see if that helps at all, but the font here is not great. I copy-pasted to a doc so I could change it, but still so many words in the definition I don’t know. So I put the words into to find sentences for them.

放れる:no sentences found, but before the “to be released” definition wanikani gives, it has “to get free (from)” which makes more sense to my brain so I’ve added that as a synonym.

繋ぐ:Lots of sentences about tying dogs to things. Lots of sentences in て and た form. These are some where I know the other vocab.

Went over 4 more grammar points from JLPT先生.

I technically know どうして. But it is confusing when a sentence can fit both meanings and I don’t know which one it should be. The example sentences did not help when they were like “How/Why” like how am I meant to know which one?

どうやって is new but pretty straightforward.

I watched a couple more comprehensible Japanese videos.

赤ずきん - Not quite the version I’m used to, but I understood it.

お風呂 - I got far too upset by her undressing the stick figure in the “wrong” order XD

Read 老女的少女ひなたちゃん more thoroughly today. It took longer than I thought it would.

I also dissected three more pages of フリーレン so I should be able to get through the last two on Thursday (I will not have time tomorrow) just in time for the book club.

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3 new lessons

2 chapters of スーと鯛ちゃん

slept most of today. but. yay. progress. :mask::zzz:

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I keep getting 改正 and 正解 mixed up :frowning: very sad. One has 改 and the other has 解. This should not be as much of a confusion as it is turning out being.

Some more comprehensible Japanese. I watched 私の家 and 好きなもの、嫌いなもの.

Back to JLPT先生 for more. Nothing new for today. (I know I should probably skip the stuff I already know, but I don’t wanna)

Today I have to finish the last two pages of フリーレン. Unfortunately, having to anything makes my brain sulk at me :sweat_smile:

Two pages successfully complete! I think I’m averaging about 20 minutes per page depending on wordiness and grammariness. Now to prepare for putting this much effort into next week as well!


I did very well in that both 正解 and 改正 came up and I didn’t mix them up, but then I hit “z” instead of “x” when answering 税… Oh well.
Another three lessons is another day of keeping a steady pace.
幹:This is the かん in 新幹線? That’ll help with remembering the reading.
In terms of leeches, today I’m tackling three.
統合:not 総合. look at the individual bleeping kanji for once.
得:not 提, that doesn’t even appear as a single vocab. So if it’s on its own and the background is purple it must be 得
案外:not 案内, they sound a little similar so focus on the 外 verus the 内.

I watched 文房具 and 音楽 while eating lunch. 私は昼ご飯を食べながら日本語でビデオを二つ見ました。

Mostly reinforcing ほうがいい.

I was going to read Frieren pages. The second had no text, so of course I can’t count it. And then since I turned the page I have to read both of these. And all of a sudden the half hour I was going to spend on this became over an hour XD

I intent to play this tonight. If I can get through the cutscene, I can talk to ALL the NPCs.


There were just a couple lines to get through before heading in town and talking to everyone. I’m not reading all the NPC dialogue as intensively as I am the cutscene dialogue as I do not have a death wish, but there are some lines that are both “Here’s some kanji you already know” and “Here’s some kanji you’re in the process of knowing.” It’s great.

Like this one 「発注を受けた分の材木を準備しなきゃ」I can understand pretty well and I can type the 準備 just from having learnt those kanji very very recently.

If 手洗い is handwashing but お手洗い is bathroom, is お顔洗い different from 顔洗い? (google says no)

My leech! I found you! I think a general goods shop being an “overall” shop makes sense.

I think I’m learning 頃 just because it’s shown up like four times just talking to people.

The shops are full of just so much kanji and katakana that my brain is starting to refuse to process them are words. It’s also kinda strange what is kana and what isn’t. This game is kanji enough that I’d expect 人参 to be a kanji, but it’s listed as 「泥付きニンジン」which seems to be Carrot (includes mud) kind of meaning XD

For now I’m having the low-res version of the game play catch up to my nice clean copy so I can compare menus and stuff.


Englightened items returning dropped by lovely accuracy down to 85%. Even with me successfully remembering like 10 of them. One was 着 which I confused with my new 看, I actually put in the wrong answer for that a few times because I just assumed I was right and hit enter too fast and wasn’t able to check where I went wrong :sweat_smile:

張::bird: she’s back! Haven’t seen weird birdy streety lady in forever (I must ignore the reading I know from the vocab examples)

Leeches 着, I know I’ve got it mixed up with 養 before, and now 看. So I’m writing it out.

Not a lot of new stuff again, but putting some focus into the differences between じゃ・では and ない・ありません kinda stuff. Did not really have much motivation for this shit. Wanna read. Wanna watch anime.

Intention: Read half a chapter of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん and then a page (hopefully more) of フリーレン.

Actuality: Decide to research what this らず ending on 変わらず is, struggle because you’re searching for the wrong thing, go into an explanation for N2 grammar に関わらず because at least it has the same ending and maybe it will explain why, “the heck is a literary auxiliary verb?”, discover an article on this kobun thing. I should probably focus on actually used grammar first, for now ず is just an old fancy ない.

Anyway, I ended up reading all of chapter 4 of 老女的少女ひなたちゃん. While I didn’t get everything, my brain is starting to ache that I don’t want to think of how to even form questions. And I think I understood enough for the plot bit.

Also, with this week I’ve noticed that when I was giving myself the goal of doing more SRS and reading of the evenings, I wasn’t able to properly leave study mode as I knew I’d be returning. So even though doing those multiple times a day is technically more efficient, it isn’t for me so I won’t.


Busy day so I didn’t add any lessons.

Now that the newly starting anime club has chosen its first anime, I’ve added its vocab to my decks. This should give me enough of a head start to not be completely lost with that. Y’know, if I actually do any of its lessons.

Started off with a chapter of ちょこちゃん, and then four pages of フリーレン (though one had no dialogue). I feel like starting with something easier meant I read more than I would have just deciphering a page and then calling it a night.

April Review

Reach Level 24 Wanikani
I really slowed down with wanikani, which means I didn’t level up this month. Still, I don’t think this was a mistake.

Finish the Lv2 Tadoku Books
Finished these and got started on the Lv3 Books. Also, I noticed there’s a new Start Level even easier than Lv0.

Finish ちょこちゃん
Get halfway through レンタルおにいちゃん
Both of these kinda went on hold when Frieren ended up being so much more difficult than I was expecting. They are on 77% and 26% respectively. Yesterday was the first time I touched ちょこちゃん in almost two weeks, and I had been reading one chapter each day so I’m sure it would have been finished if I’d continued that pace.

Finish the extra units of the Colloquial Japanese Textbook
I’m not entirely sure this was the best textbook for a beginner, but it’s what I used and I don’t really have any comparision. At the very least it’s given me a decent baseline for continuing to study grammar.

Complete the tutorial quest in 空の軌跡
Tutorial quest has not been started XD I got distracted with fiddling with the vocab sheet and also I have to talk to all the NPCs and there are item descriptions to read.

Watch another anime episode with no subtitles
I watched a second episode of One Room. It is not my favourite thing.

When I went to do my wanikani reviews this morning, I had a measly 5 reviews available. So I did my other SRS first, spent a lot of time adding new jpdb vocab for ロマンティック・キラー, wrote my April review, and now I have a whole 10 reviews ready and waiting XD So I think maybe I should do double lessons today.

優:When I think of a youth, I think of people less than a decade younger than I am. So this reading mnemonic is more than a bit cringy.
宅:Considering all the construction equipment my housemate leaves lying around the garden, I absolutely would land on a tack or something sharp.

I kinda wish that it would randomise the order of the lessons I’ve chosen, even if just a little bit. Also I got a little sidetracked trying to get the right grammar point for one of my sentences as I realised as I was writing that I’d accidentally typed the opposite of what I meant. Also also, since kanji aren’t good for sentences I’ve decided to just comment on the reading mnemonics. Because I found there’s some words where I’m like “what the heck is that” and then I sound it out and then I know what it is.

Oh, also new week means new ticky boxes… I will potentially need to remove some as there is one unscheduled appointment I should have some point this week.


More comprehensible Japanese.
誰の帽子? I was expecting a quiz type thing, and this was not the way I was expecting.
ホワイトデー is what I was going to watch. Without subtitles, I was able to understand her saying this is a sequel to her earlier video, 日本のバレンタイン. So I paused and went to watch that first and came back. I started to zone out on the White Day video so I reckon that’s enough.

I think I’ve spent enough time going over what I already know. So I’m making a list of the things I either don’t know, or only vaguely know. Then I can tick them off when I’ve studied them.
ないでください (I think I went over this once)
んです (just to check I have it right)
すぎる (came across during 空の軌跡)
より~ほうが (and compare with は~より~です)

That is 18 N5 grammar points I either don’t immediately recognise or want to double check. Focusing on just those will be more efficent than going through all 84 grammar points on the JLPT先生 site.

That said, they can join the textbook’s grammar summary in my list of things to study when I don’t want to study.

か~か was simple enough.
けれども is fancy けど but it also has be questioning the difference in nuance between “but” and “although” in English.

Because today I have both managed to start studying early enough and stay focused during that study, I have a whole two hours for reading! In theory, I have time to read some ちょこちゃん AND decipher some フリーレン AND maybe look back over 老女的少女ひなたちゃん and see if my brain’s behaving better now.

I was successfully able to do all that with time to spare, but フリーレン is so emotional I wanna cry (I’m glad I saved that for last). I actually read all the remaining six pages (in terms of words it only counts as like four, but still).

New grammar point that came up in reading:
なりに・なりの N1
I can keep track of these too and also study them because they are new and the fact they came up in something I’m reading means they are something I want to know.

Anyway, I’m gonna call it a day early because I feel like I did good today. Also, I’ve got a whole half a week to read random stuff again! I can read some レンタルおにいちゃん and some にゃんにゃん探偵団 and some Tadoku books I reckon.


Did wanikani and reading on bus to appointment. When I got home dog was bleeding so took her to vet. She is fine for the record but I have to take her again tomorrow morning. So the ticky boxes are being ignored.


Today has been a day.

[Hide details]
En route to the vet my glasses broken and now I can barely see well enough to type. Was lucky in that the opticians had a free slot today but still going to be a week until I get functioning sight.

Had a meltdown during therapy because stress. Because I had to report my dad for abusing my sister and I’m struggling to understand finances and eating properly and I need to move because the house I’m currently in doesn’t legally exist and I got a phonecall about that last one during my appointment but I was already stressed and told the guy on the phone to shut up because he was talking at me while I tried to read the email he said je sent me that said my current illegal landlord was kicking me out and then the potential new landlord didn’t answer his phone so I threw mine across the room and just cried.

I contacted my social worker, I’m not getting kicked out yet. Hooray.
[/Hide details]

So I’ve done fuck all in terms of studying. But I don’t want to do nothing, so I have tiny baby step goals for tonight.

ten wanikani reviews
スート鯛ちゃん chapter (I got bookwalker working on my phone the other day so I could read without WiFi and I also will be able to zoom in )
sleep until all my problems magically solve themselves


sorry to hear about ur situations :frowning:

i am loving watching you read on natively!

whats bookwalker? :thinking: is it like amazon?

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Bookwalker is buying ebooks online. Sometimes when you buy things you get coins which you can use to buy more things. There’s always free stuff available in the Bookwalker Freebies thread so I have a million (~150) manga on there. There’s sales and stuff right now too because golden week.


That’s a lot to deal with, I hope you get the support youo need to go through this phase and also that your sister is Ok.

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Zoom level, 400%. It’s still b;urry XD Also, I can’t read what I’m typing into the answer box. I’m really hlad I can type without looking at the keyboard XD As such, I believe it’s best to leave lessons until I can see again.

I dom’t need to see to hear! I watched more comprehensive japanese videos.

However lack of sight is now leading to headache so I guess I’m done for today. Will read more スーと鯛ちゃん on phone later though once eyes have rested.


All my enlightened are coming up for burn attempts and I did not realise there were going to be so many reviews today. (On the other hand I am at a snail’s pace so “so many” for me is still not quite 100.
how many flipping time am I going to gail 代? It’s level slipping 5!
Anyway, I look at my accuracy being high (88%) even with my current handicap and just, I should really pick up the pace. But also, don’t wanna, but also I should be doing more. Anyway, I’ve got random surges of 50+ reviews returning another 4 times this week so let’s leave upping my lessons until I can see.

I decided to read one page of book club stuff a day until I get my new glasses. Of course, I’m reading フリーレン so goimg this slow is torture. On the plus side, there were few words and easy grammar so I immediately broke my plan and read 5 pages.

I decided to watch another episode of 空の軌跡 実況.

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I like lists

So this morning I tried to get Natively and Bookwalker to cooperate. However, I have 71 Bookwalker books that are not on Natively. These consist of either weird stuff I bought when I first made my bookwalker account and weird free stuff I picked up because why not.

Anyway, the point of this was for planning out what my intensive reading challenge thingy I said I was going to do looks like in actuality. However, the actuality is that finding low level books that I would be interesting in reading is easier said than done. Also, I’m reading フリーレン pretty intensively just to understand what’s going on, and that’s way higher than my current goals.

At this point I’ll be able to read 薬屋のひとりごと which I have been wanting to read since I saw the awesome anime. However it is N1 level and I’m still working through N5 stuff. So the series and anime will probably be over by the time I get there.

Also, I will collect more manga (and potentially books) as times passes, which may fill in some of those gaps, or I may change my mind about reading a certain series intensively because there were a lot of choices.

Also, since there are so few lower level books, I will be reading higher level stuff while the lower level stuff is intensive, at least until Lv24 where I catch up to a range of choices.

Also, book clubs. There are many! And I even if I read them kind of intensively I don’t think the schedule will mean I can read them completely intensively? I dunno I’ll have to think about it.

And I can’t choose anything I’ve seen the anime of or read in English, else I’ll think I understand when actually I’m remembering.

And I’d rather not choose anything where the level is in ??s as it’s not very reliable.


So, based on my tickey boxes I have several things I’m working on. SRS, Reading, Grammar, Listening, and 空の軌跡 (yes that deserves its own catergory)

I could set May Goals that I won’t get to because life insists on happening. OR I could give myself a mountain of things I should be doing for each one every day. So let’s do that.

SRS System: (daily)
Do wanikani reviews at the start of the day, then recent mistakes. Do 3-9 lessons depending on how today went, then reinforce those with recent lessons. Check for leeches that need fixing.
Then jpdb reviews can be done while I’m watching something on youtube or catching up on pokemon or something (must not include Japanese words). And anki follows up afterwards. These two get timers to make sure that I stop.
When I’m reaching the end of study time, I can do a second lot of wanikani reviews (and maybe jpdb/anki if I feel like it)

Reading System: (daily)
First I shall read a chapter of “easy” manga. This is to get me into the swing of reading. (Currently this is チョコとちょこちゃん)
Then, for each book club, read until I have a question to ask in this week’s thread. If I’m falling behind, I’ll need to read more. If I’m caught up on all book clubs, I can read a previous book club pick.
Then I can do some intensive reading for a bit. At least one page, stop when I feel like it.

Grammar System (weekly):
7 grammar points on JLPT先生 per week, which means 7 per day except I don’t actually have to study grammar every day if I do extra on some days. Also, this will mean I should finish N5 grammar in just over two weeks.
Also, I like the Japanese Ammo with Misa videos so watching one or two of those a week sounds good.

Listening System: (weekly)
7 comprehensible Japanese videos per week, same logic as grammar.
Since anime club is starting soon, that’ll be two not-english-sub anime episodes per week, which I may split up into four half-episodes on different days.
I’d also like to watch an “episode” of a 実況 each week.
If I ever get around to enough coverage on any of the jpdb anime, I’ll consider adding them to my system as and when.

空の軌跡 System: (weekly)
I’d like to spend an hour or two on this each week. Dialogue that is part of the main plot is being read thoroughly so I can add all the vocab to my vocab sheet. Dialogue that is optional is being read more vaguely except when I get distracted by recognising something and looking into it more.

I think my lack of being able to see enough to study properly has lead to all this sidetrack of planning. I like planning, so this is fine.

System will need to adapt slightly as life happens. Until the 20th, I’m just focussing on wanikani, reading, and the occasional listening.

Anyway, now to actually start studying…

129 reviews :persevere: this is fine
I can’t even blame my mistakes on not being able to see because I’m getting enough right that I really just have forgotten all the kanji and words I got wrong.
How can this be the amount of reviews I’m supposed to be getting wrong on average? I’d rather get more reviews right than progress quickly.

Also, I made the mistake of letting curiosity get the better of me and had a peak at the IMC votes. I CANNOT join that when I’m so far behind in grammar. I also cannot wait to get that good. Why can’t I just be that good already? What do you mean I have to put in the work first. UGH.

Vague Goals

Yes yes, systems > goals and all that. However I do also have things I want to do.

Read a majority of good looking manga
I’ve a lot of stuff around Natively Lv24. Stuff on my wishlist I do have some stuff a little lower. Anyway, that’s about N3 grammar. Therefore, to get to this goalI have these steps:

  1. Finish N5 Grammar
  2. Take N5 exam (this July)
  3. Study N4 grammar (+exam)
  4. Study N3 grammar (+exam?)
  5. Keep reading ABBC books
  6. Keep disecting BBC books
  7. Become able to read BBC books
    Potential Timeline
    If I really knuckle down, and do grammar exams each time they come up, and read all the book clubs, this could be achieveable in just over a year. I don’t think that’s super realistic, so let’s say it’ll be more like 2/3 years.

Watch anime (without subtitles?)
This is a tricky goal. I specify without subtitles because I’d rather not rely on them too much. However, I tend to need subtitles for English stuff. Steps for this goal:

  1. Grammar as above
  2. Keep practising listening via youtube
  3. Start practising with anime club
  4. Attempt watching English things without subtitles (and if I just can’t that’s a me problem I’ll have to live with)
  5. If 4 succeeds, slowly start removing subtitles from easier anime
  6. Don’t stop watching anime with english subs, no

Read 薬屋のひとりごと
This is an N1 light novel. I really want to know what happens next. Steps:

  1. Grammar as above
  2. Study N2 grammar (+exam?)
  3. Study N1 grammar (no exam)
  4. Join higher level book and manga clubs

空の軌跡 “book” club

  1. Maintain consistency in book clubs I have joined (if I drop out of any I am not allowed to start this, this is more motivation to not over commit myself)
  2. Finish playing through the tutorial
  3. Vocab sheet (in progress)
  4. Decide how to word posts
  5. Schedule? No schedule? How schedule?
  6. Get a job already

Convince Nibling Anime/Manga are awesome

  1. Wait for nibling to learn to talk
  2. I am actually just procrastinating, let me go eat something.

And back to putting the effort in…

With my new Reading System TM I intend to get a lot of reading done today.

1 chapter of ちょこちゃん, which based on page counts I think I only have one or two chapters left.

The rest of フリーレン chapter 1. I’m really happy with my progress in how much of this I’ve been able to read. Week 1 I had to work on deciphering stuff practically every day, and now I’ve finished the reading on day 2 of week 3? YAY! PROGRESS!

Three pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん, and then I could feel the headache return! I will need to reread that third page as I think I stopped understanding words after the first panel.

The headache is good because it means I am filling the head with knowledge and bad because it is not yet ready for more knowledge. Alternatively it is my brain’s way of telling me to stop trying to read when you have you hold your phone mere inches away from your face. XD