I like lists
So this morning I tried to get Natively and Bookwalker to cooperate. However, I have 71 Bookwalker books that are not on Natively. These consist of either weird stuff I bought when I first made my bookwalker account and weird free stuff I picked up because why not.
Anyway, the point of this was for planning out what my intensive reading challenge thingy I said I was going to do looks like in actuality. However, the actuality is that finding low level books that I would be interesting in reading is easier said than done. Also, I’m reading フリーレン pretty intensively just to understand what’s going on, and that’s way higher than my current goals.
At this point I’ll be able to read 薬屋のひとりごと which I have been wanting to read since I saw the awesome anime. However it is N1 level and I’m still working through N5 stuff. So the series and anime will probably be over by the time I get there.
Also, I will collect more manga (and potentially books) as times passes, which may fill in some of those gaps, or I may change my mind about reading a certain series intensively because there were a lot of choices.
Also, since there are so few lower level books, I will be reading higher level stuff while the lower level stuff is intensive, at least until Lv24 where I catch up to a range of choices.
Also, book clubs. There are many! And I even if I read them kind of intensively I don’t think the schedule will mean I can read them completely intensively? I dunno I’ll have to think about it.
And I can’t choose anything I’ve seen the anime of or read in English, else I’ll think I understand when actually I’m remembering.
And I’d rather not choose anything where the level is in ??s as it’s not very reliable.
So, based on my tickey boxes I have several things I’m working on. SRS, Reading, Grammar, Listening, and 空の軌跡 (yes that deserves its own catergory)
I could set May Goals that I won’t get to because life insists on happening. OR I could give myself a mountain of things I should be doing for each one every day. So let’s do that.
SRS System: (daily)
Do wanikani reviews at the start of the day, then recent mistakes. Do 3-9 lessons depending on how today went, then reinforce those with recent lessons. Check for leeches that need fixing.
Then jpdb reviews can be done while I’m watching something on youtube or catching up on pokemon or something (must not include Japanese words). And anki follows up afterwards. These two get timers to make sure that I stop.
When I’m reaching the end of study time, I can do a second lot of wanikani reviews (and maybe jpdb/anki if I feel like it)
Reading System: (daily)
First I shall read a chapter of “easy” manga. This is to get me into the swing of reading. (Currently this is チョコとちょこちゃん)
Then, for each book club, read until I have a question to ask in this week’s thread. If I’m falling behind, I’ll need to read more. If I’m caught up on all book clubs, I can read a previous book club pick.
Then I can do some intensive reading for a bit. At least one page, stop when I feel like it.
Grammar System (weekly):
7 grammar points on JLPT先生 per week, which means 7 per day except I don’t actually have to study grammar every day if I do extra on some days. Also, this will mean I should finish N5 grammar in just over two weeks.
Also, I like the Japanese Ammo with Misa videos so watching one or two of those a week sounds good.
Listening System: (weekly)
7 comprehensible Japanese videos per week, same logic as grammar.
Since anime club is starting soon, that’ll be two not-english-sub anime episodes per week, which I may split up into four half-episodes on different days.
I’d also like to watch an “episode” of a 実況 each week.
If I ever get around to enough coverage on any of the jpdb anime, I’ll consider adding them to my system as and when.
空の軌跡 System: (weekly)
I’d like to spend an hour or two on this each week. Dialogue that is part of the main plot is being read thoroughly so I can add all the vocab to my vocab sheet. Dialogue that is optional is being read more vaguely except when I get distracted by recognising something and looking into it more.
I think my lack of being able to see enough to study properly has lead to all this sidetrack of planning. I like planning, so this is fine.
System will need to adapt slightly as life happens. Until the 20th, I’m just focussing on wanikani, reading, and the occasional listening.
Anyway, now to actually start studying…
129 reviews this is fine
I can’t even blame my mistakes on not being able to see because I’m getting enough right that I really just have forgotten all the kanji and words I got wrong.
How can this be the amount of reviews I’m supposed to be getting wrong on average? I’d rather get more reviews right than progress quickly.
Also, I made the mistake of letting curiosity get the better of me and had a peak at the IMC votes. I CANNOT join that when I’m so far behind in grammar. I also cannot wait to get that good. Why can’t I just be that good already? What do you mean I have to put in the work first. UGH.
Vague Goals
Yes yes, systems > goals and all that. However I do also have things I want to do.
Read a majority of good looking manga
I’ve a lot of stuff around Natively Lv24. Stuff on my wishlist I do have some stuff a little lower. Anyway, that’s about N3 grammar. Therefore, to get to this goalI have these steps:
- Finish N5 Grammar
- Take N5 exam (this July)
- Study N4 grammar (+exam)
- Study N3 grammar (+exam?)
- Keep reading ABBC books
- Keep disecting BBC books
- Become able to read BBC books
Potential Timeline
If I really knuckle down, and do grammar exams each time they come up, and read all the book clubs, this could be achieveable in just over a year. I don’t think that’s super realistic, so let’s say it’ll be more like 2/3 years.
Watch anime (without subtitles?)
This is a tricky goal. I specify without subtitles because I’d rather not rely on them too much. However, I tend to need subtitles for English stuff. Steps for this goal:
- Grammar as above
- Keep practising listening via youtube
- Start practising with anime club
- Attempt watching English things without subtitles (and if I just can’t that’s a me problem I’ll have to live with)
- If 4 succeeds, slowly start removing subtitles from easier anime
- Don’t stop watching anime with english subs, no
Read 薬屋のひとりごと
This is an N1 light novel. I really want to know what happens next. Steps:
- Grammar as above
- Study N2 grammar (+exam?)
- Study N1 grammar (no exam)
- Join higher level book and manga clubs
空の軌跡 “book” club
- Maintain consistency in book clubs I have joined (if I drop out of any I am not allowed to start this, this is more motivation to not over commit myself)
- Finish playing through the tutorial
- Vocab sheet (in progress)
- Decide how to word posts
- Schedule? No schedule? How schedule?
- Get a job already
Convince Nibling Anime/Manga are awesome
- Wait for nibling to learn to talk
- I am actually just procrastinating, let me go eat something.
And back to putting the effort in…
With my new Reading System TM I intend to get a lot of reading done today.
1 chapter of ちょこちゃん, which based on page counts I think I only have one or two chapters left.
The rest of フリーレン chapter 1. I’m really happy with my progress in how much of this I’ve been able to read. Week 1 I had to work on deciphering stuff practically every day, and now I’ve finished the reading on day 2 of week 3? YAY! PROGRESS!
Three pages 老女的少女ひなたちゃん, and then I could feel the headache return! I will need to reread that third page as I think I stopped understanding words after the first panel.
The headache is good because it means I am filling the head with knowledge and bad because it is not yet ready for more knowledge. Alternatively it is my brain’s way of telling me to stop trying to read when you have you hold your phone mere inches away from your face. XD